Austrian e-Health Terminology Browser
2.8.0+20240725 - TerminoloGit

CodeSystem: MDC_MedicalDeviceCommunications


Defining URL:
Status:Active as of 2021-02-03

Description: HL7-Austria and ELGA GmbH would like to thank IEEE SA for providing their CodeSystem to the Austrian eHealth Terminology Server. The information mapped in this code system is provided free of charge to all eHealth Terminology Server users via the IEEE SA and HL7-Austria / ELGA GmbH Royalty Free Agreement. Any other information, whether from the designated standards or any other standard, shall require separate permission from IEEE. Medical Device Communications (MDC) codes are from ISO/IEEE 11073-10101 Nomenclature standard and amendments. This is a detailed system of codes used in personal health devices and and acute-care (point-of-care) medical devices for identification of physiological measurements and also for alerts, alarms, and numerous technical conditions such as calibration state and battery state.

Beschreibung: HL7-Austria und die ELGA GmbH danken der IEEE SA für die Bereitstellung ihres CodesSystems am österreichischen eHealth Terminologie Server. Die in diesem CodeSystem abgebildeten Informationen werden allen eHealth Termnologie Server-Benutzern über das IEEE-SA und HL7-Austria / ELGA GmbH Royalty Free Agreement kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. Jede andere Informationen, ob aus den bezeichneten Normen oder aus anderen Normen, bedürfen einer gesonderten Genehmigung durch IEEE. Die MDC-Codes (Medical Device Communications) stammen aus der ISO/IEEE-Nomenklaturnorm 11073-10101 und deren Ergänzungen. Dabei handelt es sich um ein detailliertes System von Codes, die in persönlichen Gesundheitsgeräten und medizinischen Geräten für die Akutversorgung (Point-of-Care) zur Identifizierung von physiologischen Messungen und auch für Warnungen, Alarme und zahlreiche technische Zustände wie Kalibrierungszustand und Batteriezustand verwendet werden.


Copyright © 2021 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated Three Park Avenue New York, New York 10016-5997, USA All rights reserved.

Content:Complete: All the concepts defined by the code system are included in the code system resource
OID:2.16.840.1.113883.6.24 ({0} (for OID based terminology systems))

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

  • This CodeSystem is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem mdc-medicaldevicecommunications


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

child child code
parent parent code
hints hints string


This code system defines the following codes:

CodeDisplayDefinitionchildparenthintsDeutsch (Österreich) (German (Austria), de)
_mdc MDC 131840, 131841, 131842, 131843, 131844, 131845, 131846, 131847, 131848, 131873, 131874, 131875, 131876, 131877, 131878, 131901, 131902, 131903, 131904, 131927, 131931, 131932, 131937, 131971, 131972, 131973, 147232, 147236, 147240, 147626, 147842, 147850, 148065, 148066, 148496, 149514, 149522, 149530, 149546, 149554, 149562, 149760, 149764, 149772, 150016, 150017, 150018, 150019, 150020, 150021, 150022, 150023, 150025, 150026, 150027, 150028, 150029, 150030, 150031, 150032, 150033, 150034, 150035, 150036, 150037, 150038, 150039, 150044, 150045, 150046, 150047, 150052, 150056, 150057, 150058, 150059, 150064, 150065, 150066, 150067, 150068, 150069, 150070, 150071, 150076, 150077, 150078, 150079, 150084, 150085, 150086, 150087, 150088, 150089, 150090, 150091, 150101, 150102, 150103, 150105, 150106, 150107, 150272, 150276, 150300, 150301, 150302, 150303, 150304, 150308, 150312, 150320, 150324, 150332, 150336, 150344, 150348, 150352, 150356, 150364, 150368, 150372, 150376, 150380, 150388, 150392, 150396, 150404, 150416, 150420, 150428, 150448, 150452, 150456, 150468, 150472, 150476, 150484, 150488, 150492, 150496, 150520, 150528, 150532, 150565, 150568, 150572, 150576, 150580, 150584, 150588, 150604, 150605, 150612, 150616, 150620, 150624, 150628, 150632, 150636, 150640, 150644, 150648, 150649, 150650, 150651, 150652, 150656, 150660, 150664, 150668, 150672, 150676, 150680, 151562, 151570, 151578, 151586, 151594, 151602, 151610, 151618, 151626, 151634, 151642, 151650, 151658, 151666, 151674, 151680, 151684, 151688, 151692, 151696, 151700, 151708, 151712, 151716, 151718, 151744, 151756, 151760, 151764, 151768, 151769, 151772, 151773, 151776, 151780, 151784, 151788, 151792, 151793, 151794, 151795, 151796, 151801, 151804, 151808, 151812, 151813, 151814, 151816, 151817, 151818, 151819, 151820, 151824, 151828, 151832, 151836, 151840, 151844, 151848, 151852, 151856, 151860, 151864, 151868, 151872, 151876, 151880, 151884, 151888, 151908, 151912, 151940, 151944, 151945, 151948, 151949, 151952, 151956, 151957, 151958, 151964, 151972, 151973, 151974, 151975, 151976, 151980, 151984, 151988, 151992, 151996, 152000, 152004, 152008, 152012, 152016, 152020, 152024, 152028, 152032, 152036, 152040, 152044, 152048, 152052, 152056, 152060, 152064, 152068, 152072, 152076, 152080, 152084, 152088, 152092, 152096, 152100, 152104, 152108, 152112, 152116, 152120, 152124, 152128, 152132, 152136, 152140, 152144, 152148, 152152, 152156, 152160, 152164, 152168, 152172, 152176, 152180, 152184, 152188, 152192, 152196, 152200, 152204, 152208, 152212, 152216, 152220, 152224, 152416, 152420, 152424, 152428, 152432, 152436, 152440, 152444, 152448, 152452, 152456, 152460, 152464, 152482, 152490, 152498, 152506, 152514, 152522, 152530, 152538, 152546, 152554, 152562, 152584, 152585, 152586, 152587, 152596, 152600, 152604, 152608, 152612, 152616, 152621, 152624, 152628, 152632, 152636, 152640, 152644, 152648, 152652, 152656, 152660, 152664, 152668, 152672, 152676, 152679, 152680, 152684, 152688, 152692, 152696, 152700, 152704, 152708, 152712, 152716, 152720, 152724, 152728, 152732, 152736, 152740, 152744, 152748, 152752, 152756, 152760, 152764, 152768, 152772, 152776, 152780, 152784, 152788, 152792, 152796, 152800, 152804, 152808, 152812, 152816, 152820, 152824, 152828, 152832, 152836, 152840, 152844, 152848, 152852, 152856, 152860, 152864, 152868, 152872, 152876, 152880, 152884, 152888, 152892, 152896, 152900, 152904, 152908, 152912, 152916, 152920, 152924, 152928, 152932, 152936, 152940, 152944, 152948, 152952, 152956, 152960, 152964, 152968, 152972, 152976, 152980, 152984, 152988, 152992, 152996, 153000, 153004, 153008, 153012, 153016, 153020, 153024, 153028, 153032, 153036, 153040, 153044, 153048, 153052, 153056, 153060, 153064, 153068, 153072, 153076, 153080, 153084, 153088, 153092, 153096, 153100, 153104, 153108, 153112, 153116, 153120, 153124, 153128, 153132, 153136, 153140, 153144, 153148, 153152, 153156, 153160, 153164, 153168, 153172, 153176, 153180, 153184, 153188, 153192, 153196, 153200, 153204, 153208, 153212, 153216, 153220, 153224, 153228, 153236, 153240, 153244, 153248, 153252, 153256, 153260, 153264, 153272, 153276, 153280, 153284, 153288, 153292, 153296, 153300, 153304, 153308, 153312, 153316, 153320, 153324, 153328, 153332, 153336, 153360, 153364, 153368, 153372, 153376, 153380, 153384, 153388, 153392, 153396, 153604, 153608, 153609, 153610, 153611, 153636, 153640, 153644, 153648, 153652, 153656, 153660, 153728, 153730, 153731, 153732, 153856, 153892, 153896, 153900, 153980, 153984, 153988, 153992, 154028, 154032, 154036, 154040, 154068, 154072, 154076, 154080, 154977, 155024, 156241, 156242, 157744, 157760, 157784, 157816, 157864, 157872, 157880, 157884, 157904, 157908, 157916, 157924, 157984, 157985, 157987, 157988, 157990, 157991, 157992, 157993, 157994, 157995, 157996, 157997, 157999, 158000, 158002, 158003, 158004, 158005, 158006, 158007, 158008, 158009, 158010, 158011, 158012, 158013, 158014, 158015, 158016, 158017, 158018, 158019, 159748, 159752, 159756, 159760, 159764, 159768, 159792, 159796, 159800, 159804, 159816, 159852, 159960, 160004, 160008, 160012, 160016, 160020, 160024, 160064, 160068, 160080, 160104, 160116, 160132, 160184, 160188, 160192, 160196, 160200, 160204, 160208, 160212, 160216, 160220, 160252, 160256, 160260, 160264, 160268, 160272, 160276, 160280, 160284, 160288, 160292, 160296, 160300, 160304, 160308, 160312, 160316, 160320, 160324, 160364, 160368, 160372, 160376, 160380, 160384, 16927604, 16928802, 16928804, 16928805, 16929020, 16929048, 16929072, 16929164, 16929188, 16929192, 16929196, 16929224, 16929228, 16929300, 16929304, 16929308, 16929312, 16929316, 16929416, 16929420, 16929424, 16929428, 16929432, 16929632, 16929633, 16929644, 16929656, 16929698, 16929820, 16929832, 16929837, 16929840, 16929844, 16929848, 16929852, 16929860, 16929864, 16929868, 16929872, 16929932, 16929936, 16929940, 16929944, 16929948, 16929952, 16929956, 16929960, 16929964, 16929968, 16929972, 16929976, 16929980, 16929984, 16929988, 16930020, 16930024, 16930092, 16930308, 16930360, 16930372, 16930432, 16930436, 16930438, 16930448, 16930476, 16930484, 16930488, 16930560, 16930564, 16930568, 16930572, 16930604, 16961504, 16961508, 16961512, 16961620, 16961621, 16961626, 184288, 184292, 184296, 184300, 184304, 184308, 184326, 184327, 184331, 184336, 184337, 184338, 184339, 184340, 184341, 184352, 184353, 184400, 184404, 184405, 184408, 184409, 184476, 184488, 184513, 184514, 184515, 184516, 184517, 184518, 184519, 188420, 188424, 188428, 188432, 188436, 188440, 188448, 188452, 188456, 188480, 188488, 188492, 188496, 188500, 188504, 188508, 188736, 188740, 188744, 188748, 188752, 188756, 188760, 188764, 188772, 188792, 188796, 188800, 196886, 67926, 68012, 68060, 68063, 68137, 68167, 68185, 68320, 68321, 68322, 68323, 68324, 68325, 68326, 68327, 68328, 68480, 68481, 68482, 68483, 68484, 68485, 68487, 68488, 68512, 68513, 68514, 68515, 68517, 68518, 68519, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68525, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68530, 68531, 68532, 68533, 68534, 68535, 68536, 68537, 68538, 68539, 68540, 68541, 68542, 69120, 69121, 69122, 69984, 69985, 69986, 70048, 70049, 70050, 70052, 70053, 70054, 70055, 70056, 70057, 70058, 70060, 70061, 70062, 70067, 70071, 70075, 70079, 70083, 70087, 70091, 70095, 8417752, 8417760, 8417764, 8417765, 8417766, 8417767, 8417768, 8417769, 8417772, 8417776, 8417780, 8417784, 8417788, 8417792, 8417796, 8417800, 8417804, 8417808, 8417812, 8417816, 8417820, 8417844, 8417864, 8417884, 8417908, 8417909, 8417912, 8417916, 8417920, 8417924
131840 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST ElectricalPotential | ECG <lead>; ST | Heart | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 768 STTxx Amplitude
131841 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_I _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 769
131842 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_II _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 770
131843 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V1 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 771
131844 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V2 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 772
131845 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V3 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 773
131846 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V4 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 774
131847 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V5 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 775
131848 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V6 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 776
131873 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV1 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 801
131874 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV2 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 802
131875 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV3 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 803
131876 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV4 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 804
131877 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV5 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 805
131878 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV6 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 806
131901 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_III _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 829
131902 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AVR _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 830
131903 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AVL _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 831
131904 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AVF _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 832
131927 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 855
131931 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_MCL _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 859
131932 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_MCL1 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 860
131937 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_MCL6 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 865
131971 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_ES _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 899
131972 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 900
131973 MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AI _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 901
147232 MDC_ECG_TIME_PD_QT_GL Duration | ECG; QT | Heart | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16160 Q-T interval
147236 MDC_ECG_TIME_PD_QTc Duration | ECG; QTc | Heart | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16164 Q-T c
147240 MDC_ECG_TIME_PD_RR_GL Duration | ECG; RR | Heart | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16168 R-R interval
147626 MDC_ECG_PACED_BEAT_RATE _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16554
147842 MDC_ECG_HEART_RATE Rate | beats | Heart | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16770 heart rate
147850 MDC_ECG_CARD_BEAT_RATE_BTB _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16778
148065 MDC_ECG_V_P_C_CNT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16993
148066 MDC_ECG_V_P_C_RATE _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16994
148496 MDC_ECG_ARRHY Pattern | Arrhythmia | ECG; Heart | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 17424
149514 MDC_PULS_RATE Rate | | Pulse | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18442 Pulse rate
149522 MDC_BLD_PULS_RATE_INV Rate | Invasive | Pulse | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18450 Invasive pulse rate
149530 MDC_PULS_OXIM_PULS_RATE _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18458
149546 MDC_PULS_RATE_NON_INV Rate | Noninvasive | Pulse | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18474 Noninvasive pulse rate
149554 MDC_TTHOR_HEART_RATE Rate | Beats | Heart | CVS; transthoracic impedance _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18482 Heart rate by transthoracic impedance
149562 MDC_PALPATION_HEART_RATE Rate | Beats | Heart | CVS; manual palpation _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18490 Heart rate by palpation
149760 MDC_RES_VASC_SYS_INDEX Resistance | Difference(SystemicAndPulmonary) | Flow | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18688 Systemic vascular resistance indexed
149764 MDC_WK_LV_STROKE_INDEX Index | | Work; PerStroke; PerSurfaceArea | LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18692 Left Ventricular Stroke Work Index
149772 MDC_OUTPUT_CARD_INDEX Index | PerMinute | Volume | Blood; LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18700 Cardiac index
150016 MDC_PRESS_BLD Pressure | | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18944 Blood pressure
150017 MDC_PRESS_BLD_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18945 Systolic blood pressure
150018 MDC_PRESS_BLD_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18946 Diastolic blood pressure
150019 MDC_PRESS_BLD_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18947 Mean blood pressure
150020 MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18948
150021 MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_SYS Pressure | Noninvasive; Systolic | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18949 Noninvasive systolic blood pressure
150022 MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_DIA Pressure | Noninvasive; Diastolic | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18950 Noninvasive diastolic blood pressure
150023 MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_MEAN Pressure | Noninvasive; Mean | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18951 Noninvasive mean blood pressure
150025 MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_SYS_CTS Pressure | Noninvasive; Continuous; Systolic | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18953 Continuous; noninvasive systolic blood pressure
150026 MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_DIA_CTS Pressure | Noninvasive; Continuous; Diastolic | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18954 Continuous; noninvasive diastolic blood pressure
150027 MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_MEAN_CTS Pressure | Noninvasive; Continuous; Mean | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18955 Continuous; noninvasive mean blood pressure
150028 MDC_PRESS_BLD_AORT Pressure | | Blood | Aorta; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18956 Aortic pressure
150029 MDC_PRESS_BLD_AORT_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | Aorta; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18957 Systolic aortic pressure
150030 MDC_PRESS_BLD_AORT_DIA _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18958
150031 MDC_PRESS_BLD_AORT_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | Artery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18959 Mean aortic pressure
150032 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART Pressure | | Blood | Artery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18960 Arterial pressure
150033 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | Artery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18961 Systolic arterial pressure
150034 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_DIA Pressure | | Blood | CentralVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18962 Diastolic arterial pressure
150035 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | Aorta; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18963 Mean arterial pressure
150036 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_ABP _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18964
150037 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_ABP_SYS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18965
150038 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_ABP_DIA _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18966
150039 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_ABP_MEAN _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18967
150044 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM Pressure | | Blood | PulmonaryArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18972 Pulmonary arterial pressure
150045 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | PulmonaryArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18973 Systolic pulmonary arterial pressure
150046 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | PulmonaryArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18974 Diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure
150047 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | PulmonaryArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18975 Mean pulmonary arterial pressure
150052 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM_WEDGE Pressure | | Blood | MarginalBranch; RightCoronaryArtery; Heart; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18980 Pulmonary artery wedge pressure
150056 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_UMB Pressure | | Blood | UmbilicalArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18984 Umbilical pressure
150057 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_UMB_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | UmbilicalArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18985 Systolic umbilical arterial pressure
150058 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_UMB_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | UmbilicalArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18986 Diastolic umbilical arterial pressure
150059 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_UMB_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | UmbilicalArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18987 Mean umbilical arterial pressure
150064 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_LEFT Pressure | | Blood | LeftAtrium; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18992 Left atrial pressure
150065 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_LEFT_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | LeftAtrium; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18993 Systolic left atrial pressure
150066 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_LEFT_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | LeftAtrium; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18994 Diastolic left atrial pressure
150067 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_LEFT_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | LeftAtrium; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18995 Mean left atrial pressure
150068 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_RIGHT Pressure | | Blood | RightAtrium; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18996 Right atrial pressure
150069 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_RIGHT_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | RightAtrium; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18997 Systolic right atrial pressure
150070 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_RIGHT_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | RightAtrium; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18998 Diastolic right atrial pressure
150071 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_RIGHT_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | RightAtrium; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18999 Mean right atrial pressure
150076 MDC_PRESS_BLD_PULM_CAP Pressure | | Blood | PulmonaryCapillary; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19004 Pulmonary capillary blood pressure
150077 MDC_PRESS_BLD_PULM_CAP_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | PulmonaryCapillary; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19005 Systolic pulmonary capillary pressure
150078 MDC_PRESS_BLD_PULM_CAP_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | PulmonaryCapillary; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19006 Diastolic pulmonary capillary pressure
150079 MDC_PRESS_BLD_PULM_CAP_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | PulmonaryCapillary; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19007 Mean pulmonary capillary pressure
150084 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_CENT Pressure | | Blood | CentralVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19012 Central venous pressure
150085 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_CENT_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | CentralVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19013 Systolic central venous pressure
150086 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_CENT_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | CentralVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19014 Diastolic central venous pressure
150087 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_CENT_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | CentralVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19015 Mean central venous pressure
150088 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_UMB Pressure | | Blood | UmbilicalVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19016 Umbilical venous blood pressure
150089 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_UMB_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | UmbilicalVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19017 Systolic umbilical venous pressure
150090 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_UMB_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | UmbilicalVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19018 Diastolic umbilical venous pressure
150091 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_UMB_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | UmbilicalVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19019 Mean umbilical venous pressure
150101 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_LEFT_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19029 Systolic left ventricular pressure
150102 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_LEFT_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19030 Diastolic left ventricular pressure
150103 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_LEFT_MEAN Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | RightVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19031 Mean left ventricular pressure
150105 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_RIGHT_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | RightVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19033 Systolic right ventricular pressure
150106 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_RIGHT_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | RightVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19034 Diastolic right ventricular pressure
150107 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_RIGHT_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | RightVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19035 Mean right ventricular pressure
150272 MDC_SAT_O2_CONSUMP Volume | PerMinute | ConsumedOxygen | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19200 Oxygen consumption
150276 MDC_OUTPUT_CARD Volume | PerMinute | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19204 Cardiac output
150300 MDC_PRESS_CUFF _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19228
150301 MDC_PRESS_CUFF_SYS Pressure | Noninvasive; Discontinuous; Systolic | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19229 Discontinuous; noninvasive systolic blood pressure
150302 MDC_PRESS_CUFF_DIA Pressure | Noninvasive; Discontinuous; Diastolic | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19230 Discontinuous; noninvasive diastolic blood pressure
150303 MDC_PRESS_CUFF_MEAN Pressure | Noninvasive; Discontinuous; Mean | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19231 Discontinuous; noninvasive mean blood pressure
150304 MDC_RES_VASC Resistance | | Flow | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19232 Vascular resistance
150308 MDC_RES_VASC_PULM Resistance | | Flow | PulmonaryBlood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19236 Pulmonary vascular resistance
150312 MDC_RES_VASC_SYS Resistance | | Flow | SystemicBlood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19240 Systemic vascular resistance
150320 MDC_SAT_O2_QUAL _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19248
150324 MDC_SAT_O2_ART Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | ArterialBlood | BloodChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19252 Arterial oxygen saturation
150332 MDC_SAT_O2_VEN Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | VenousBlood | BloodChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19260 Venous oxygen saturation
150336 MDC_SAT_DIFF_O2_ART_ALV _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19264
150344 MDC_TEMP _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19272
150348 MDC_TEMP_FOLEY _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19276
150352 MDC_TEMP_ART _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19280
150356 MDC_TEMP_AWAY _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19284
150364 MDC_TEMP_BODY _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19292
150368 MDC_TEMP_CORE _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19296
150372 MDC_TEMP_ESOPH _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19300
150376 MDC_TEMP_INJ Temperature | | Injectate | Heart; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19304 Temperature of injectate
150380 MDC_TEMP_NASOPH _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19308
150388 MDC_TEMP_SKIN _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19316
150392 MDC_TEMP_TYMP _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19320
150396 MDC_TEMP_VEN _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19324
150404 MDC_VOL_BLD_STROKE Volume | OneBeat | Blood | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19332 Stroke volume
150416 MDC_WK_CARD_LEFT Work | OneBeat | Heart | LeftSide; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19344 Left side ventricular stroke
150420 MDC_WK_CARD_RIGHT Work | OneBeat | Heart | RightSide; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19348 Right side ventricular stroke
150428 MDC_WK_LV_STROKE Work | OneBeat | Heart | LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19356 Ventricular stroke
150448 MDC_PULS_OXIM_PERF_REL _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19376
150452 MDC_PULS_OXIM_PLETH _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19380
150456 MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2 _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19384
150468 MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_DIFF _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19396
150472 MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_LEFT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19400
150476 MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_RIGHT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19404
150484 MDC_DESAT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19412
150488 MDC_BLD_PERF_INDEX Index | PerMinute | Perfusion | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19416 Perfusion index
150492 MDC_OUTPUT_CARD_CTS Volume | PerMinute; Continuous | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19420 Continuous cardiac output
150496 MDC_OUTPUT_CARD_NONCTS Volume | PerMinute; Discontinuous | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19424 Discontinuous cardiac output
150520 MDC_TIME_PD_VENT_L_AORT_VALV Duration | SystolicEjection | Blood | AorticValve; LeftVentricle; Heart; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19448 Systolic ejection period
150528 MDC_VOL_VENT_L_END_DIA Volume | End-diastolic | Blood | LeftVentricle; Heart; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19456 Left ventricular enddiastolic volume
150532 MDC_VOL_VENT_L_END_SYS Volume | End-systolic | Blood | LeftVentricle; Heart; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19460 Left ventricular end systolic volume
150565 MDC_GRAD_PRESS_BLD_AORT_POS_MAX Gradient | BloodPressure; MaxPositive | AorticValve | Heart; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19493 Maximum aortic valve pressure gradient
150568 MDC_TRANSMISSION _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19496
150572 MDC_TRANSMISSION_RED _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19500
150580 MDC_MODALITY_FAST ModalityEnumeration | Measurement response time; fast | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19508 SpO2 fast response
150584 MDC_MODALITY_SLOW ModalityEnumeration | Measurement response time; slow | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19512 SpO2 slow response
150588 MDC_MODALITY_SPOT ModalityEnumeration | Measurement response time; spot check | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19516 SpO2 spot check
150604 MDC_PULS_OXIM_DEV_STATUS Status | value | FunctionalStatus | Device _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19532 Pulse Oximeter Device Status
150605 MDC_PULS_OXIM_PULS_CHAR PatternEvent | Rhythm | Artifact | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19533 Pulse characteristic status
150612 MDC_ACCELERATION_INDEX Acceleration; initial | BloodFlow | Flow | Aorta; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19540 Acceleration Index
150616 MDC_SYSTOLIC_TIME_RATIO Ratio; Duration | electrical pre-ejection; mechanical systole | Flow | Aorta; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19544 Systolic Time Ratio
150620 MDC_THORACIC_FLUID_CONTENT Fluid Content; Thoracic | | Conductivity | ChestCavity; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19548 Thoracic Fluid Content
150624 MDC_TIME_PD_VENT_L_AORT_EJCT Duration | AorticValve; Opening to Closing | Flow | Aorta; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19552 Left Ventricular Ejection Time
150628 MDC_TIME_PD_VENT_L_AORT_PRE_EJCT Duration | Pre-Ejection | Flow | Aorta; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19556 Pre-Ejection Period
150632 MDC_VELOCITY_INDEX Index; Velocity | BloodFlow; Peak | Flow | Aorta; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19560 Velocity Index
150636 MDC_VOL_BLD_STROKE_INDEX Index | PerSurfaceArea | StrokeVolume | LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19564 Stroke Volume Index
150640 MDC_WK_LV_WORK_INDEX Index | | Work; PerMinute; PerSurfaceArea | LeftVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19568 (per minute)
150644 MDC_WK_RV_STROKE_INDEX Index | | Work; PerStroke; PerSurfaceArea | RightVentricle; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19572 Right Ventricular Stroke Work Index
150648 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_FEMORAL Pressure | | Blood | FemoralArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19576 Femoral Artery Pressure
150649 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_FEMORAL_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Blood | FemoralArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19577 Systolic Femoral Arterial Catheter Pressure
150650 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_FEMORAL_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | FemoralArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19578 Diastolic Femoral Arterial Catheter Pressure
150651 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_FEMORAL_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Blood | FemoralArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19579 Mean Femoral Arterial Catheter Pressure
150652 MDC_FLOW_BLD_PULM_CAP Flow | | Blood; PulmonaryCapillary | CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19580 Pulmonary Capillary Blood Flow
150656 MDC_O2_OXYGENATION_RATIO Ratio; Concentration | arterial oxygen; inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) | ArterialOxygen | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19584 Oxygenation Ratio
150660 MDC_OUTPUT_CARDIAC_FICK Volume | PerMinute | Blood | Left Ventricle; CVS; by Fick method _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19588 Cardiac Output
150664 MDC_SAT_O2_CONSUMP_INDEX Volume | Per Minute Per Body Surface Area | ConsumedOxygen | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19592 (Estimated) O2 Consumption Index
150668 MDC_SAT_O2_DELIV_INDEX Volume | Per Minute Per Body Surface Area | DeliveredOxygen | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19596 (Estimated) O2 Delivery Index
150672 MDC_SPO2_OXYGENATION_RATIO Ratio; Concentration | arterial oxygen; inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) | ArterialOxygen | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19600 SPO2 Oxygenation Ratio
150676 MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_FEMORAL Pressure | | Blood | FemoralVein; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19604 Femoral Venous Pressure
150680 MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_BRACHIAL Pressure | | Blood | BrachialArtery; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19608 Brachial Arterial Pressure
151562 MDC_RESP_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20490 Respiration rate
151570 MDC_AWAY_RESP_RATE Rate | Airway | Breath | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20498 Respiration rate
151578 MDC_TTHOR_RESP_RATE Rate | Transthoracic | Breath | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20506 Respiration rate
151586 MDC_VENT_RESP_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20514 Ventilation rate
151594 MDC_CO2_RESP_RATE Rate | CO2 | Breath | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20522 Respiration rate
151602 MDC_PRESS_RESP_RATE Rate | Pressure | Breath | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20530 Respiration rate
151610 MDC_VENT_CO2_RESP_RATE Rate | CO2 | Breath | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20538 Ventilation rate
151618 MDC_VENT_PRESS_RESP_RATE Rate | Pressure | Breath | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20546 Ventilation rate
151626 MDC_VENT_FLOW_RESP_RATE Rate | Volume/Flow | Breath | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20554 Ventilation rate
151634 MDC_VENT_SIGH_RATE Rate | | Sigh | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20562 Ventilation sigh number
151642 MDC_VENT_SIGH_MULT_RATE Rate | | SighMultiple | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20570 Ventilation multiple sigh number
151650 MDC_ACOUSTIC_RESP_RATE Rate | Acoustic | Breath | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20578 Acoustic Respiration Rate
151658 MDC_PULS_OXIM_PLETH_RESP_RATE Rate | Plethysmographic | Breath | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20586 Plethysmographic Respiration Rate
151666 MDC_RESP_SPONT_RATE Rate | | Breath | Patient; Spontaneous _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20594 Spontaneous respiration rate (legacy devices and systems)
151674 MDC_RESP_BTSD_PS_RATE Rate | | Breath | Patient; Spontaneous _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20602 Spontaneous respiration rate (preferred)
151680 MDC_CAPAC_VITAL Volume | | Lung; VitalCapacity | LungStructure _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20608 Vital capacity
151684 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_PAUSE Duration | Expiratory pause | end expiratory flow to start inspiratory flow | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20612
151688 MDC_COMPL_LUNG Compliance | | Alveoli | LungStructure _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20616 Compliance of respiratory system
151692 MDC_COMPL_LUNG_DYN Compliance | Dynamic | Alveoli; Pleura | LungStructure _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20620 Thoracic compliance
151696 MDC_COMPL_LUNG_STATIC Compliance | Static | Alveoli; Pleura | LungStructure _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20624 Lung compliance; static
151700 MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2 Concentration | PartialPressure | CO2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20628 Concentration (or partial pressure) of carbon dioxide in airway gas
151708 MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | CO2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20636 End tidal carbon dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
151712 MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | CO2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20640 Expired carbon dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
151716 MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | CO2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20644 Inspiratory carbon dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
151718 MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_INSP_MIN _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20646
151744 MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_DELTA Concentration | Difference (PartialPressureInspiration; PartialPressureExpiration) | O2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20672 O2 pressure difference
151756 MDC_CO2_TCUT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20684
151760 MDC_O2_TCUT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20688
151764 MDC_FLOW_AWAY Flow | | Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20692 Airway flow
151768 MDC_FLOW_AWAY_EXP Flow | Expiration | Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20696 Expiratory airway flow
151769 MDC_FLOW_AWAY_EXP_MAX Flow | Expiration; Maximum | Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20697 Expiratory maximum airway flow
151772 MDC_FLOW_AWAY_INSP Flow | Gas | Airway | Inspiratory _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20700 Inspiratory airway flow
151773 MDC_FLOW_AWAY_INSP_MAX Flow | Inspiratory; Maximum | Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20701 Inspiratory maximum airway flow
151776 MDC_FLOW_CO2_PROD_RESP Flow | Production | CO2; Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20704 CO2 Production
151780 MDC_IMPED_TTHOR ElectricalImpedance | Transthoracic | Respiration | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20708 Transthoracic Impedance
151784 MDC_PRESS_RESP_PLAT Pressure | Plateau | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20712 Plateau pressure
151788 MDC_PRESS_RESP_PAUSE Pressure | Pause | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20716 Respiratory Pause pressure
151792 MDC_PRESS_AWAY Pressure | | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20720 Airway pressure
151793 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_MAX Pressure | Maximum | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20721 Maximum airway pressure
151794 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_MIN _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20722
151795 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20723 Mean airway pressure
151796 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_CTS_POS Pressure | Continuous; Positive | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20724 CPAP pressure
151801 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_NEG_MAX _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20729
151804 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS Pressure | End-expiratory; Extrinsic | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20732 Extrinsic PEEP (positive end expiratory pressure); applied
151808 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_INTRINSIC Pressure | End-expiratory; Intrinsic | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20736 Intrinsic PEEP (aka Auto PEEP)
151812 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_EXP Pressure | Expiration | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20740 Expiratory airway pressure
151813 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_EXP_MAX Pressure | Expiration; Maximum | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20741 Maximum expiratory airway pressure
151814 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_EXP_MIN Pressure | Expiration; Minimum | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20742 Minimum expiratory airway pressure
151816 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP Pressure | Inspiration | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20744 Inspiratory airway pressure
151817 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_MAX Pressure | Inspiration; Maximum | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20745 Maximum inspiratory airway pressure (peak inspiratory pressure)
151818 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_MIN Pressure | Inspiration; Minimum | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20746 Minimum inspiratory airway pressure
151819 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_MEAN Pressure | Inspiration; Mean | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20747 Mean inspiratory airway pressure
151820 MDC_PRESS_ESOPH Pressure | Esophageal | Respiration | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20748 Esophageal pressure
151824 MDC_PRESS_INTRAPL Pressure | Intrapleural | Respiration | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20752 Intrapleural Respiratory Pressure
151828 MDC_QUO_RESP Ratio | Flow(ExpiredCO2); Flow(O2used) | Gas | RespiratoryProcess _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20756 Respiratory quotient
151832 MDC_RATIO_IE Ratio | Duration(InspiratoryPhase); Duration(ExpiratoryPhase) | Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20760 Ratio inspiration expiration time
151836 MDC_RATIO_AWAY_DEADSP_TIDAL Ratio | DeadspaceVolume; TidalVolume | RespiratoryTract | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20764 Dead space tidal volume ratio
151840 MDC_RES_AWAY Resistance | | Airway | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20768 Airway Resistance
151844 MDC_RES_AWAY_EXP Resistance | Expiration | Airway | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20772 Expiratory Airway Resistance
151848 MDC_RES_AWAY_INSP Resistance | Inspiration | Airway | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20776 Inspiratory Airway Resistance
151852 MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA_OBSTRUC Duration | | Apnea; Obstructive | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20780 Obstructive Apnea Duration
151856 MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA Duration | | Apnea | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20784 Apnea Duration
151860 MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA_CENT Duration | | Apnea; Central | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20788 Central Apnea Duration
151864 MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA_MIX Duration | | Apnea; Mixed | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20792 Mixed Apnea Duration
151868 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL Volume gas | | Lung; Tidal | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20796 Respiratory tidal volume
151872 MDC_VOL_AWAY_DEADSP Volume | | Lung; DeadSpace | RespiratoryTract _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20800 Airway dead space
151876 MDC_VOL_GAS_INSP_SINCE_START Volume | SinceStartInspiration | Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20804 Volume since start inspiration
151880 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY Flow | OneMinute | Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20808 Minute volume
151884 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP Flow | OneMinute; Expired | Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20812 Expired Minute volume
151888 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_INSP Flow | OneMinute; Inspiratory | Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20816 Inspiratory Minute volume
151908 MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2 Concentration | PartialPressure | Oxygen; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20836 Concentration (or partial pressure) of oxygen in airway gas
151912 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2_DELTA Concentration | Difference(Inspiration; Expiration) | O2; Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20840 Diff. inspired and expired oxygen conc. (ventilator)
151940 MDC_VENT_FLOW Flow | | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20868 Ventilator airway flow
151944 MDC_VENT_FLOW_EXP Flow | Expiration | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20872 Ventilation expiratory flow
151945 MDC_VENT_FLOW_EXP_MAX Flow | Expiration; Maximum | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20873 Ventilation expiratory maximum flow
151948 MDC_VENT_FLOW_INSP Flow | Inspiration | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20876 Ventilation inspiratory flow
151949 MDC_VENT_FLOW_INSP_MAX Flow | Inspiration; Maximum | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20877 Ventilation inspiratory maximum flow
151952 MDC_VENT_FLOW_RATIO_PERF_ALV_INDEX Ratio | Flow(AlveolarVentilation); Flow(Perfusion) | LungStructure | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20880 Ventilation-perfusion index
151956 MDC_VENT_PRESS Pressure | | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20884 Ventilator pressure
151957 MDC_VENT_PRESS_MAX Pressure | Maximum | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20885 Maximum ventilation pressure
151958 MDC_VENT_PRESS_MIN Pressure | Minimum | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20886 Minimum ventilation pressure
151964 MDC_VENT_PRESS_OCCL Pressure | Occlusion; Airway | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20892 Ventilation occlusion pressure
151972 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY Pressure | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20900 Inspiratory airway pressure
151973 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_MAX Pressure; maximum | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20901
151974 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_MIN Pressure; minimum | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20902
151975 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_MEAN Pressure; mean | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20903
151976 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS Pressure | End-expiratory; Applied | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20904 Applied PEEP
151980 MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL Volume | | Lung; Tidal | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20908 Ventilation tidal volume
151984 MDC_VENT_VOL_AWAY_DEADSP Volume | | DeadSpace | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20912 Ventilation dead space
151988 MDC_VENT_VOL_AWAY_DEADSP_REL Ratio | DeadspaceVolume; TidalVolume | RespiratoryTract | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20916 Ventilation relative dead space
151992 MDC_VENT_VOL_LUNG_TRAPD Volume | | Lung; Trapped | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20920 Trapped volume
151996 MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE Flow | OneMinute; Inspiration and Expiration | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20924 Inspiratory or expiratory minute volume.
152000 MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_EXP Flow | OneMinute; Expiration | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20928 Expired minute volume
152004 MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_INSP Flow | OneMinute; Inspiration | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20932 Ventilation inspiratory minute volume
152008 MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY Flow | OneMinute | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20936 Ventilation minute volume
152012 MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_MAND Flow | OneMinute; Mandatory | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20940 Mandatory . Minute volume
152016 MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_INSP Flow | OneMinute; Inspiration | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20944 Inspiratory minute volume
152020 MDC_COEF_GAS_TRAN Index | Ratio (FlowDifference; PressureDifference) | GasTransport | LungStructure _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20948 Gas transport coefficient
152024 MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL Concentration | PartialPressure | Desflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20952 Concentration (or partial pressure) of desflurane in airway gas
152028 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL Concentration | PartialPressure | Enflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20956 Concentration (or partial pressure) of enflurane in airway gas
152032 MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH Concentration | PartialPressure | Halothane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20960 Concentration (or partial pressure) of halothane in airway gas
152036 MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL Concentration | PartialPressure | Sevoflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20964 Concentration (or partial pressure) of sevoflurane in airway gas
152040 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL Concentration | PartialPressure | Isoflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20968 Concentration (or partial pressure) of isoflurane in airway gas
152044 MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO2 Concentration | PartialPressure | NO2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20972 Concentration (or partial pressure) of nitrogen dioxide in airway gas
152048 MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2O Concentration | PartialPressure | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20976 Concentration (or partial pressure) of nitrous oxide in airway gas
152052 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_DESFL Concentration | Partial Pressure | Desflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20980 Concentration desflurane (gas delivery system or circuit)
152056 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ENFL Concentration | Partial Pressure | Enflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20984 Concentration enflurane (gas delivery system or circuit)
152060 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HALOTH Concentration | Partial Pressure | Halothane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20988 Concentration halothane (gas delivery system or circuit)
152064 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_SEVOFL Concentration | Partial Pressure | Sevoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20992 Concentration sevoflurane (gas delivery system or circuit)
152068 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ISOFL Concentration | Partial Pressure | Isoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20996 Concentration Isoflurane (gas delivery system or circuit)
152072 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO2 Concentration | Partial Pressure | NO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21000 Concentration NO2 (gas delivery system)
152076 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2O Concentration | Partial Pressure | N2O; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21004 Concentration N2O (gas delivery system)
152080 MDC_VENT_CONC_SUBST_DELTA Concentration | Difference(Inspiration;Expiration) | Substance; Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21008 Diff. inspired and expired substance conc. (ventilator)
152084 MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Desflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21012 End tidal desflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152088 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Enflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21016 End tidal enflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152092 MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Halothane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21020 End tidal halothane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152096 MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Sevoflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21024 End tidal sevoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152100 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Isoflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21028 End tidal isoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152104 MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO2_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | NO2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21032 End tidal nitrogen dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152108 MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2O_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21036 End tidal nitrous oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152112 MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Desflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21040 Expired desflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152116 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Enflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21044 Expired enflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152120 MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Halothane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21048 Expired halothane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152124 MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Sevoflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21052 Expired sevoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152128 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Isoflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21056 Expired isoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152132 MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO2_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | NO2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21060 Expired nitrogen dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152136 MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2O_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21064 Expired nitrous oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152140 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_DESFL_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Desflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21068 Concentration airway desflurane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152144 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ENFL_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Enflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21072 Concentration airway enflurane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152148 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HALOTH_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Halothane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21076 Concentration airway halothane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152152 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_SEVOFL_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Sevoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21080 Concentration airway sevoflurane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152156 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ISOFL_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Isoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21084 Concentration airway isoflurane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152160 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO2_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | NO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21088 Concentration airway nitrogen dioxide expiratory (gas delivery system)
152164 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2O_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | N2O; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21092 Concentration airway nitrous oxide expiratory (gas delivery system)
152168 MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Desflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21096 Inspiratory desflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152172 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Enflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21100 Inspiratory enflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152176 MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Halothane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21104 Inspiratory halothane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152180 MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Sevoflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21108 Inspiratory sevoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152184 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Isoflurane; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21112 Inspiratory isoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152188 MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO2_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | NO2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21116 Inspiratory nitrogen dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152192 MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2O_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21120 Inspiratory nitrous oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152196 MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Oxygen; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21124 Inspiratory oxygen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152200 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_DESFL_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Desflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21128 Concentration airway desflurane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152204 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ENFL_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Enflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21132 Concentration airway enflurane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152208 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HALOTH_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Halothane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21136 Concentration airway halothane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152212 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_SEVOFL_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Sevoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21140 Concentration airway sevoflurane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152216 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ISOFL_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Isoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21144 Concentration airway isoflurane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
152220 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO2_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | NO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21148 Concentration airway nitrogen dioxide inspiratory (gas delivery system)
152224 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2O_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | N2O; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21152 Concentration airway nitrous oxide inspiratory (gas delivery system)
152416 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP Duration | Inspiratory phase | Inflation | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21344 Inspiratory time
152420 MDC_FLOW_O2_CONSUMP Flow | Consumption | O2; Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21348 O2 Consumption
152424 MDC_VENT_PRESS_RESP_PLAT Pressure | Plateau | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21352 Ventilation plateau pressure
152428 MDC_VENT_PRESS_TRIG_SENS Pressure | | TriggerSensitivity; start inspiration | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21356 Ventilator pressure trigger sensitivity
152432 MDC_VENT_VOL_LEAK Volume | Leakage | Ventilation | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21360 Leakage volume
152436 MDC_VENT_VOL_LUNG_ALV Volume | | Lung; Alveolar | RespiratoryTract _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21364 Alveolar ventilation
152440 MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Oxygen; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21368 End tidal oxygen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152444 MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2 Concentration | PartialPressure | N2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21372 Concentration (or partial pressure) of nitrogen in airway gas
152448 MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | N2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21376 End tidal nitrogen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152452 MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | N2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21380 Inspiratory nitrogen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
152456 MDC_CONC_AWAY_AGENT Concentration | | Agent; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21384 Concentration airway agent
152460 MDC_CONC_AWAY_AGENT_ET Concentration | EndTidal | Agent; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21388 Concentration airway agent end tidal
152464 MDC_CONC_AWAY_AGENT_INSP Concentration | Inspiration | Agent; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21392 Concentration airway agent inspiration
152482 MDC_VENT_RESP_BACKUP_RATE Rate | Backup | Breath | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21410 Backup ventilation rate
152490 MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_PSAZC_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; total breath rate; all breath types _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21418 Total respiratory rate, total breath rate
152498 MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_P_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated breaths; unassisted by ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21426 Unassisted spontaneous breath rate, respiration rate
152506 MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_S_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated breaths; delivered as supported breaths _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21434 Supported breath rate
152514 MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_A_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated primary inflations at a rate greater than set rate; delivered as assisted breaths _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21442 Assisted breath rate
152522 MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_Z_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated primary inflations within a time synchronization widow; delivered as synchronized assisted breaths _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21450 Synchronized assisted breath rate
152530 MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_C_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; primary inflations initiated by the ventilator at the set rate; delivered as controlled breaths _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21458 Controlled breath rate
152538 MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_PS_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; unassisted and supported breaths _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21466 Spontaneous respiration rate (traditional)
152546 MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_AZC_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; delivered as assisted; synchronized assisted or controlled breaths by ventilator. _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21474 Mandatory respiration rate (traditional)
152554 MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_PSAZ_RATE Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated breaths; unassisted or delivered as supported; assisted or synchronized assisted breaths. _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21482 Patient-initiated breath rate
152562 MDC_VENT_RESP_TARGET_AUTO_RATE Rate | Target; Calculated | Breath | Ventilator; all breath and inflation types _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21490 Target respiratory rate
152584 MDC_FLOW_AWAY_EXP_FORCED_PEAK Flow | Expiration; Maximum | Gas | Maximal Forced Expiration _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21512 peak expiratory flow
152585 MDC_FLOW_AWAY_EXP_FORCED_PEAK_PB Flow | Expiration; Maximum of Maximum | Gas | Maximal Forced Expiration _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21513 Personal best
152586 MDC_VOL_AWAY_EXP_FORCED_1S Flow | Expiration; Maximum; 1s | Gas | Maximal Forced Expiration _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21514 forced expiratory volume at 1s
152587 MDC_VOL_AWAY_EXP_FORCED_EXP_6S Flow | Expiration; Maximum; 6s | Gas | Maximal Forced Expiration _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21515 forced expiratory volume at 6s
152596 MDC_RES_AWAY_DYNAMIC Resistance | Dynamic; Least Squares | Airway | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21524 Dynamic airway resistance
152600 MDC_COMPL_LUNG_DYNAMIC Compliance | Dynamic; Least Squares | Alveoli | LungStructure _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21528 Dynamic compliance
152604 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PERCENT Duration; ratio | Inspiratory phase; total respiratory period | Inflation | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21532 Inspiratory time percent
152608 MDC_TIME_PD_INSP Duration | Inspiratory Phase | Gas | Breath _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21536 Inspiratory time
152612 MDC_TIME_PD_EXP Duration | Expiratory Phase | Gas | Breath _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21540 Expiratory time
152616 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_BACKUP Duration | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21544 Backup inspiratory time
152621 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_SUPP_MAX Duration; maximum | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21549 Maximum pressure support time
152624 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PAUSE Duration | Inspiratory pause | end inspiratory flow to start expiratory flow | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21552
152628 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PAUSE_PERCENT Duration; ratio | Inspiratory pause; inspiratory phase | end inspiratory flow to start expiratory flow | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21556
152632 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_HOLD Duration | Inspiratory hold | temporarily maintain constant lung volume (zero flow) at end inspiratory or inflation phase | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21560
152636 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_HOLD Duration | Expiratory hold | temporarily maintain constant lung volume (zero flow) at set extension of the expiratory phase | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21564
152640 MDC_RATIO_INSP Ratio; Duration | InspiratoryTime; TotalRespiratoryCycleTime | Flow | Gas; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21568 Inspiratory Percent
152644 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_THIGH Duration | High baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21572 Thigh
152648 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_TLOW Duration | Low baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21576 Tlow
152652 MDC_VENT_FLOW_BIAS Flow | Bias | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21580 Bias flow
152656 MDC_VENT_FLOW_CONTINUOUS Flow | Continuous | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21584 Continuous flow
152660 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_INSP Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inspiratory Phase | airway; per breath (breath type not specified, default = any) _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21588 Inspired Tidal Volume
152664 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per breath (breath type not specified, default = any) _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21592 Expired Tidal Volume
152668 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_PSAZC_PER_IBW Volume per BodyMass | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per breath; all breath and inflation types. _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21596 (for all breath types)
152672 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_PSAZC Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per breath; all breath and inflation types. _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21600 (for all breath types)
152676 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_PS Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per unassisted or supported breath _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21604 Expired Tidal Volume for unassisted or supported (aka spontaneous) breaths
152680 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_AZC Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per assisted; synchronized assisted or controlled inflation _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21608 Expired Tidal Volume for assisted; synchronized assisted or controlled (aka mandatory) breaths
152684 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_PS_PER_IBW Volume per BodyMass | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per unassisted or supported breath _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21612 Expired Tidal Volume for unassisted or supported (aka spontaneous) breaths per body mass
152688 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_PSAZC_PER_IBW Flow per BodyMass | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; total for all breath and inflation types. _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21616 Expired minute volume per body mass
152692 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_PSAZC Flow | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; total for all breath and inflation types _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21620 Expired minute volume (total for all breath types)
152696 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_PS Flow | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; for unassisted or supported breaths _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21624 Expired Minute volume for unassisted or supported (aka spontaneous) breaths
152700 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_AZC Flow | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per assisted; synchronized assisted or controlled inflations _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21628 Expired Minute volume for assisted or controlled (aka mandatory) inflations
152704 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_PS_PER_IBW Flow per BodyMass | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; for unassisted or supported breaths _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21632 Expired Minute volume for unassisted or supported (aka spontaneous) breaths per body mass
152708 MDC_VOL_AWAY Flow; integral | | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21636
152712 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_END Pressure | Inspiration; End | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21640 End inspiratory pressure
152716 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_BASELINE Pressure; baseline | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21644 Baseline airway pressure
152720 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA Pressure; delta relative to baseline | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21648 Inspiratory airway pressure relative to PEEP or BAP
152724 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_BACKUP Pressure | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21652 Backup inspiratory airway pressure
152728 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_BACKUP Pressure; delta relative to baseline | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21656 Backup inspiratory airway pressure relative to PEEP or BAP
152732 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_SUPP Pressure | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21660 Pressure for support inflations
152736 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_SUPP Pressure; delta relative to baseline | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21664 Delta pressure for support inflations
152740 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_PHIGH Pressure | High baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21668 High pressure
152744 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_EXP_PLOW Pressure | Low baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21672 Low pressure
152748 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT Pressure; limit | without cycling | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21676 Pressure limit
152752 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_PMAX Pressure; maximum limit | with cycling | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21680 High pressure limit
152756 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_RELIEF Pressure; protective relief limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21684 High pressure relief limit
152760 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_PMIN Pressure; minimum limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21688 Minimum pressure
152764 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_LIMIT_PMIN Pressure; delta relative to baseline; minimum limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21692 Minimum delta pressure
152768 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_CTLD Duration; pressure; risetime | controlled inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21696 Rise time
152772 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_SUPP Duration; pressure; risetime | support inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21700 Pressure support rise time
152776 MDC_PRESS_RESP_PLAT_DYNAMIC Pressure | Plateau | Gas | Airway; Dynamic _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21704 Dynamic Plateau Pressure
152780 MDC_VENT_PRESS_OCCL_P100MS Pressure | Occlusion; 100 ms; Airway | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21708 Ventilation occlusion pressure; P0.1 (100 ms)
152784 MDC_VENT_PRESS_OCCL_NIF Pressure | Occlusion; NIF maneuver; Airway | Gas | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21712 Negative Inspiratory Force (NIF)
152788 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_TOTAL Pressure | End-expiratory; Total | Gas | Lungs _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21716 Total PEEP
152792 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_EXTRINSIC_DYNAMIC Pressure | End-expiratory; Extrinsic; Dynamic | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21720 Dynamic extrinsic PEEP
152796 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_INTRINSIC_DYNAMIC Pressure | End-expiratory; Intrinsic; Dynamic | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21724 Dynamic intrinsic PEEP
152800 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_TOTAL_DYNAMIC Pressure | End-expiratory; Total; Dynamic | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21728 Dynamic total PEEP
152804 MDC_VENT_FLOW_TRIG_SENS Flow | | TriggerSensitivity; start inspiration | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21732 Ventilator flow trigger sensitivity
152808 MDC_VENT_FLOW_THRESH_END_INSP Flow; ratio; percent | | TriggerThreshold; end inspiration | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21736 Ventilator end-inspiratory flow threshold
152812 MDC_RESP_EXPENDED_ENERGY Energy; expended | per unit time | Metabolic; Indirect Calorimetry based on gas exchange | Patient _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21740 Expended Energy
152816 MDC_FLOW_O2_CONSUMP_PER_IBW Flow per BodyMass | Consumption | O2; Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21744 O2 Consumption per body mass (typ kg)
152820 MDC_FLOW_O2_CONSUMP_PER_BSA Flow per BodySurfaceArea | Consumption | O2; Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21748 O2 Consumption per body surface area (typ m&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>)
152824 MDC_FLOW_CO2_PROD_RESP_PER_IBW Flow per BodyMass | Production | CO2; Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21752 CO2 Production per body mass (typ kg)
152828 MDC_FLOW_CO2_PROD_RESP_PER_BSA Flow per BodySurfaceArea | Production | CO2; Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21756 CO2 Production per body surface area (typ m&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>)
152832 MDC_PRESS_BAROMETRIC Barometric Pressure | | Atmospheric _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21760 Barometric Pressure
152836 MDC_PRESS_AIR_AMBIENT Barometric Pressure | | Ambient; immediate patient environment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21764 Ambient Pressure
152840 MDC_BLD_SHUNT_FRACTION Fraction | Cardiac output not exposed to ventilated alveoli relative to total cardiac output | | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21768 (Estimated) Blood Shunt Fraction
152844 MDC_CONC_PO2_ART_VEN_DIFF Difference; Oxygen Content | Arterial - Venous | Blood | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21772 (Estimated) Arterial-Venous O2 Content Difference
152848 MDC_CONC_PCO2_ART_PULM Concentration | Partial Pressure; pCO2 | Blood; Pulmonary Artery | Fluid Chemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21776 Pulmonary Arterial pCO2
152852 MDC_RES_VASC_PULM_INDEX Index; Resistance | PerSurfaceArea | Flow | PulmonaryBlood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21780 Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Index
152856 MDC_O2_EXTRACTION_RATIO Ratio; Oxygen Quantity | ConsumedOxygen; DeliveredOxygen | Blood; CVS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21784 (Estimated) Oxygen Extraction Ratio
152860 MDC_RESP_RAPID_SHALLOW_BREATHING_INDEX Index | Ratio (SpontBreathRate; TidalVolume) OneMinute | Gas | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21788 Rapid Shallow Breathing Index
152864 MDC_CONC_MAC_SUM Concentration; sum of ratios | Minimum Alveolar Concentration | anesthetic gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21792 MAC sum
152868 MDC_CONC_MAC_SUM_AGE_CORR Concentration; sum of ratios | Minimum Alveolar Concentration; Age Corrected | anesthetic gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21796 MAC age-corrected sum
152872 MDC_CONC_MAC Ratio; Concentration | Relative to anesthetic needed to prevent movement in 50% patients | Volatile Anesthetic Agent | Alveolar _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21800 Mean Aveolar Concentration
152876 MDC_FLOW_AIR_FG Flow | | Air; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21804 Fresh air flow
152880 MDC_VOL_DELIV_AIR_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Air; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21808 Air delivered during a case
152884 MDC_VOL_DELIV_AIR_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Air; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21812 Total air delivered
152888 MDC_PRESS_AIR_SUPPLY Pressure | Supply; pipeline | Air; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21816 Air supply (pipeline) pressure
152892 MDC_PRESS_AIR_CYL Pressure | Cylinder | Air; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21820 Air cylinder pressure
152896 MDC_VOL_DELIV_DESFL_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Desflurane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21824 Desflurane gas delivered during a case
152900 MDC_VOL_DELIV_DESFL_LIQUID_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Desflurane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21828 Desflurane liquid delivered during a case
152904 MDC_VOL_DELIV_DESFL_LIQUID_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Desflurane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21832 Total desflurane liquid delivered
152908 MDC_VOL_DELIV_DESFL_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Desflurane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21836 Total desflurane gas delivered
152912 MDC_VOL_DELIV_ENFL_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Enflurane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21840 Enflurane gas delivered during a case
152916 MDC_VOL_DELIV_ENFL_LIQUID_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Enflurane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21844 Enflurane liquid delivered during a case
152920 MDC_VOL_DELIV_ENFL_LIQUID_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Enflurane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21848 Total enflurane liquid delivered
152924 MDC_VOL_DELIV_ENFL_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Enflurane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21852 Total enflurane gas delivered
152928 MDC_VOL_DELIV_HALOTH_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Halothane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21856 Halothane gas delivered during a case
152932 MDC_VOL_DELIV_HALOTH_LIQUID_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Halothane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21860 Halothane liquid delivered during a case
152936 MDC_VOL_DELIV_HALOTH_LIQUID_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Halothane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21864 Total halothane liquid delivered
152940 MDC_VOL_DELIV_HALOTH_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Halothane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21868 Total halothane gas delivered
152944 MDC_VOL_DELIV_ISOFL_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Isoflurane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21872 Isoflurane gas delivered during a case
152948 MDC_VOL_DELIV_ISOFL_LIQUID_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Isoflurane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21876 Isoflurane liquid delivered during a case
152952 MDC_VOL_DELIV_ISOFL_LIQUID_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Isoflurane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21880 Total isoflurane liquid delivered
152956 MDC_VOL_DELIV_ISOFL_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Isoflurane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21884 Total isoflurane gas delivered
152960 MDC_VOL_DELIV_N2O_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Nitrous Oxide; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21888 Nitrous oxide gas delivered during a case
152964 MDC_VOL_DELIV_N2O_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Nitrous Oxide; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21892 Total nitrous oxide gas delivered
152968 MDC_PRESS_N2O_SUPPLY Pressure | Supply; pipeline | N2O; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21896 N2O supply (pipeline) pressure
152972 MDC_PRESS_N2O_CYL Pressure | Cylinder | N2O; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21900 N2O cylinder pressure
152976 MDC_VOL_DELIV_SEVOFL_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Sevoflurane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21904 Sevoflurane gas delivered during a case
152980 MDC_VOL_DELIV_SEVOFL_LIQUID_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Sevoflurane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21908 Sevoflurane liquid delivered during a case
152984 MDC_VOL_DELIV_SEVOFL_LIQUID_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Sevoflurane; Liquid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21912 Total sevoflurane liquid delivered
152988 MDC_VOL_DELIV_SEVOFL_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Sevoflurane; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21916 Total sevoflurane gas delivered
152992 MDC_CONC_AWAY_AR Concentration | PartialPressure | Ar; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21920 Concentration (or partial pressure) of argon in airway gas
152996 MDC_CONC_AWAY_AR_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Ar; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21924 End tidal argon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153000 MDC_CONC_AWAY_AR_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Ar; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21928 Expired argon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153004 MDC_CONC_AWAY_AR_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Ar; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21932 Inspiratory argon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153008 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_AR Concentration | Partial Pressure | Ar; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21936 Concentration argon (gas delivery system)
153012 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_AR_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Ar; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21940 Concentration airway argon expiratory (gas delivery system)
153016 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_AR_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Ar; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21944 Concentration airway argon inspiratory (gas delivery system)
153020 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_CO2 Concentration | Partial Pressure | CO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21948 Concentration carbon dioxide (gas delivery system)
153024 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_CO2_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | CO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21952 Concentration airway carbon dioxide expiratory (gas delivery system)
153028 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_CO2_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | CO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21956 Concentration airway carbon dioxide inspiratory (gas delivery system)
153032 MDC_VOL_DELIV_CO2_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | CO2; gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21960 Carbon dioxide gas delivered during a case
153036 MDC_VOL_DELIV_CO2_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | CO2; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21964 Total carbon dioxide gas delivered
153040 MDC_CONC_AWAY_HE Concentration | PartialPressure | He; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21968 Concentration (or partial pressure) of helium in airway gas
153044 MDC_CONC_AWAY_HE_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | He; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21972 End tidal helium concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153048 MDC_CONC_AWAY_HE_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | He; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21976 Expired helium concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153052 MDC_CONC_AWAY_HE_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | He; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21980 Inspiratory helium concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153056 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HE Concentration | Partial Pressure | He; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21984 Concentration helium (gas delivery system)
153060 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HE_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | He; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21988 Concentration airway helium expiratory (gas delivery system)
153064 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HE_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | He; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21992 Concentration airway helium inspiratory (gas delivery system)
153068 MDC_VOL_DELIV_HE_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | He; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21996 Helium gas delivered during a case
153072 MDC_VOL_DELIV_HE_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | He; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22000 Total helium gas delivered
153076 MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | N2; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22004 Expired nitrogen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153080 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2 Concentration | Partial Pressure | N2; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22008 Concentration nitrogen (gas delivery system)
153084 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | N2; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22012 Concentration airway nitrogen expiratory (gas delivery system)
153088 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | N2; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22016 Concentration airway nitrogen inspiratory (gas delivery system)
153092 MDC_FLOW_N2O_FG Flow | | N2O; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22020 Fresh gas nitrous oxide flow
153096 MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO Concentration | PartialPressure | NO; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22024 Concentration (or partial pressure) of nitric oxide in airway gas
153100 MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | NO; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22028 End tidal nitric oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153104 MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | NO; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22032 Expired nitric oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153108 MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | NO; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22036 Inspiratory nitric oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153112 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO Concentration | Partial Pressure | NO; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22040 Concentration nitric oxide (gas delivery system)
153116 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | NO; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22044 Concentration airway nitric oxide expiratory (gas delivery system)
153120 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | NO; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22048 Concentration airway nitric oxide inspiratory (gas delivery system)
153124 MDC_VOL_DELIV_NO_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | NO; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22052 Nitric oxide gas delivered during a case
153128 MDC_VOL_DELIV_NO_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | NO; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22056 Total nitric oxide gas delivered
153132 MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Oxygen; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22060 Expired oxygen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153136 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2 Concentration | Partial Pressure | O2; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22064 Concentration oxygen (gas delivery system or circuit)
153140 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | O2; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22068 Concentration airway oxygen expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
153144 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | O2; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22072 Concentration airway oxygen inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit)
153148 MDC_VOL_DELIV_O2_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | O2; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22076 Oxygen gas delivered during a case
153152 MDC_VOL_DELIV_O2_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | O2; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22080 Total oxygen gas delivered
153156 MDC_FLOW_O2_FG Flow | | O2; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22084 Fresh gas oxygen flow
153160 MDC_PRESS_O2_SUPPLY Pressure | Supply; pipeline | O2; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22088 O2 supply (pipeline) pressure
153164 MDC_PRESS_O2_CYL Pressure | Cylinder | O2; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22092 O2 cylinder pressure
153168 MDC_PRESS_O2_CYL_2 Pressure | Cylinder; 2nd | O2; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22096 O2 cylinder #2 pressure
153172 MDC_CONC_AWAY_XE Concentration | PartialPressure | Xe; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22100 Concentration (or partial pressure) of xenon in airway gas
153176 MDC_CONC_AWAY_XE_ET Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Xe; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22104 End tidal xenon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153180 MDC_CONC_AWAY_XE_EXP Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Xe; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22108 Expired xenon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153184 MDC_CONC_AWAY_XE_INSP Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Xe; Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22112 Inspiratory xenon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas
153188 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_XE Concentration | Partial Pressure | Xe; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22116 Concentration xenon (gas delivery system)
153192 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_XE_EXP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Xe; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22120 Concentration airway xenon expiratory (gas delivery system)
153196 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_XE_INSP Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Xe; Gas | Gas Delivery System _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22124 Concentration airway xenon inspiratory (gas delivery system)
153200 MDC_VOL_DELIV_XE_CASE Volume | Case; Delivered | Xe; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22128 Xenon gas delivered during a case
153204 MDC_VOL_DELIV_XE_TOTAL Volume | Total; Delivered | Xe; Gas _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22132 Total xenon gas delivered
153208 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_PER_IBW Volume gas per body mass | | Lung; Tidal | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22136 Tidal volume per body mass
153212 MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_TARGET_AUTO Volume | Target; Calculated | Lung; Tidal | Ventilator; all breath and inflation types _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22140 Target tidal volume
153216 MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_BACKUP Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inflation; Backup | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22144 Backup tidal volume
153220 MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_INSP Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inspiratory Phase | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22148 Inspired tidal volume (vent)
153224 MDC_VENT_VOL_LEAK_PERCENT Ratio | Leakage (inspired-expired; inspired) | Ventilation | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22152 Leakage volume; percent
153228 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_IBW_REF Flow | MinuteVolume; reference value based on ideal body mass | Lung; Tidal | airway; total for all breath and inflation types _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22156 Reference minute volume calculated for the patient?s ideal body mass
153236 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_IBW_TARGET Flow | MinuteVolume; target value | Lung; Tidal | airway; total for all breath and inflation types _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22164 Target Minute Volume
153240 MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_LUNG_ALV Flow; OneMinute | | Lung; Alveolar | RespiratoryTract _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22168 Alveolar minute ventilation
153244 MDC_PRESS_GASTRIC Pressure | Gastric | Respiration | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22172 Gastric pressure
153248 MDC_PRESS_TRANSPULM Pressure difference | Transpulmonary | Respiration | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22176 Transpulmonary pressure (difference)
153252 MDC_PRESS_ETT_CUFF Pressure | Cuff; Endotracheal | Respiration | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22180 Endotracheal cuff pressure
153256 MDC_PRESS_ETT_CUFF_END_EXH Pressure | Cuff; Endotracheal | End-exhalation | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22184 Endotracheal cuff pressure at the end of exhalation
153260 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_CTLD_PERCENT Duration; ratio; pressure; risetime | controlled inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22188 Rise time percent
153264 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_SUPP_PERCENT Duration; ratio; pressure; risetime | support inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22192 Pressure support rise time percent
153272 MDC_VENT_FLOW_THRESH_END_INSP_PERCENT Flow; ratio; percent | | TriggerThreshold; end inspiration | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22200 % Ventilator end-inspiratory flow threshold
153276 MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_PATIENT Work of breathing; expended by patient (intrinsic) | per breath; volume or time | Resistive and Elastic | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22204 Work of breathing (intrinsic)
153280 MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_PATIENT_RESISTIVE Work of breathing; expended by patient | per breath; volume or time | Resistive | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22208 Work of breathing - resistive
153284 MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_PATIENT_ELASTIC Work of breathing; expended by patient | per breath; volume or time | Elastic | Breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22212 Work of breathing - elastic
153288 MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_VENTILATOR Work of breathing; expended by ventilator and applied to patient | per breath; volume or time | Resistive and Elastic | Inflations and breathing _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22216 Work of breathing - ventilator
153292 MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_IMPOSED Work of breathing; expended by ventilator or patient and lost to breathing apparatus (extrinsic) | per breath; volume or time | Resistive _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22220 Imposed work of breathing (extrinsic)
153296 MDC_PRESS_TIME_PRODUCT_INSP Pressure · time product | per breath or per unit time for multiple breaths | Exertion by patient | Breathing; inspiratory phase _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22224 Inspiratory pressure-time product
153300 MDC_VENT_TUBE_COMPENSATION_LEVEL Level; reduction of patient work of breathing | Percent of full tube compensation | Endotracheal or tracheal | Breathing; patient _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22228 Tube compensation; Automatic tube compensation
153304 MDC_VENT_TUBE_TYPE Type; tube | | Endotracheal or tracheal _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22232 Tube type
153308 MDC_VENT_TUBE_SIZE Size; tube | | Endotracheal or tracheal | diameter; inside _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22236 Tube size
153312 MDC_RESP_TIME_CONSTANT_INSP Duration | TimeConstant | Inspiratory phase | Breath; Calculation _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22240 Inspiratory time constant
153316 MDC_RESP_TIME_CONSTANT_EXP Duration | TimeConstant | Expiratory phase | Breath; passive deflation _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22244 Expiratory time constant
153320 MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_EXP_PLATEAU_ALV_SLOPE Concentration | PartialPressure; CO2; Alveolar Plateau; slope with respect to expired gas volume | Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22248 Slope of the alveolar plateau CO2 concentration with respect to expired volume
153324 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_CO2_EXP Volume | Expiratory Phase | CO2; Gas | per breath (breath type not specified) _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22252 Expired CO2 volume
153328 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_CO2_INSP Volume | Inspiratory Phase | CO2; Gas | per breath (breath type not specified) _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22256 Inspired CO2 volume
153332 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_O2_EXP Volume | Expiratory Phase | O2; Gas | per breath (breath type not specified) _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22260 Expired O2 volume
153336 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_O2_INSP Volume | Inspiratory Phase | O2; Gas | per breath (breath type not specified) _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22264 Inspired O2 volume
153360 MDC_NEB_CYCLES_REMAIN Count; cycles | Remaining | Nebulization | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22288 Remaining number of cycles
153364 MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_REMAIN_CURR_CYCLE Duration | Delivery | Remaining nebulization time; current cycle | Nebulization | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22292 Remaining nebulization time for current cycle
153368 MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_REMAIN_TOTAL Duration | Delivery | Remaining nebulization time; total | Nebulization | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22296 Total remaining nebulization time for current set of delivery cycles
153372 MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_ELAPSED_CURR_CYCLE Duration | Elapsed nebulization time; current cycle | Nebulization | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22300 Elapsed nebulization time for current cycle
153376 MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_ELAPSED_TOTAL Volume | Elapsed nebulization time; total | Nebulization | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22304 Total elapsed nebulization time for current set of delivery cycles
153380 MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_REMAIN_CURR_CYCLE Volume | Remaining fluid to be nebulized; current cycle | Nebulization | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22308 Remaining fluid to be nebulized for current cycle
153384 MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_REMAIN_TOTAL Volume | Remaining fluid to be nebulized; total | Nebulization | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22312 Total remaining fluid to be nebulized for current set of delivery cycles
153388 MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_DELIV_CURR_CYCLE Volume | Fluid nebulized; current cycle | Nebulization | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22316 Volume of fluid that has been nebulized for current cycle
153392 MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_DELIV_TOTAL Volume | Fluid nebulized; total | Nebulization | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22320 Total volume of fluid that has been nebulized for current set of delivery cycles
153396 MDC_VENT_FLOW_NEBULIZER Flow; additional | Inspiratory airway | Gas | Nebulizer; pneumatic _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22324 Nebulizer Flow
153604 MDC_PRESS_CEREB_PERF Pressure | Difference(MeanArterial; MeanIntracranial) | Head; Intracranial | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22532 Cerebral perfusion pressure
153608 MDC_PRESS_INTRA_CRAN Pressure | | Head; Intracranial | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22536 Intracranial pressure
153609 MDC_PRESS_INTRA_CRAN_SYS Pressure | Systolic | Head; Intracranial | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22537 Systolic intracranial pressure
153610 MDC_PRESS_INTRA_CRAN_DIA Pressure | Diastolic | Head; Intracranial | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22538 Diastolic intracranial pressure
153611 MDC_PRESS_INTRA_CRAN_MEAN Pressure | Mean | Head; Intracranial | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22539 Mean intracranial pressure
153636 MDC_EEG_SIGNAL_QUALITY_INDEX Index | SignalQuality; BIS | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22564 Signal Quality Index
153640 MDC_EMG_ELEC_POTL_MUSCL Power | Electromyographic | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22568 Electromyography
153644 MDC_EEG_BISPECTRAL_INDEX Index | Bispectral Index | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22572 Bispectral Index
153648 MDC_EEG_ENTROPY_RESPONSE Index | Response Entropy | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22576 Response Entropy
153652 MDC_EEG_ENTROPY_STATE Index | State Entropy | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22580 State Entropy
153656 MDC_EEG_SNAP_INDEX Index | SNAP Index | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22584 SNAP Index
153660 MDC_EEG_PATIENT_STATE_INDEX Index | Patient State Index | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22588 Patient State Index
153728 MDC_SCORE_GLAS_COMA Score | GlasgowComaScore | CNS State | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22656 Glasgow coma score
153730 MDC_SCORE_EYE_SUBSC_GLAS_COMA Score | GlasgowComaScore; SubscoreEye | CNS State | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22658 Glasgow coma score; eye
153731 MDC_SCORE_MOTOR_SUBSC_GLAS_COMA Score | GlasgowComaScore; SubscoreMotoric | CNS State | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22659 Glasgow coma score; motoric
153732 MDC_SCORE_SUBSC_VERBAL_GLAS_COMA Score | GlasgowComaScore; SubscoreVerbal | CNS State | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22660 Glasgow coma score; verbal
153856 MDC_CIRCUM_HEAD Circumference | | Head | Body; CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22784 Circum head
153892 MDC_TIME_PD_PUPIL_REACT_LEFT Duration | ReactionTime | Pupil; LeftEye | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22820
153896 MDC_TIME_PD_PUPIL_REACT_RIGHT Duration | ReactionTime | Pupil; RightEye | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22824
153900 MDC_EEG_ELEC_POTL_CRTX ElectricalPotential | | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22828 Electroencephalogram
153980 MDC_EEG_FREQ_PWR_SPEC_CRTX_DOM_MEAN Frequency | EEG; PowerSpectrum; MeanDominantFrequency | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22908 Mean dominant frequency of electroencephalogram
153984 MDC_EEG_FREQ_PWR_SPEC_CRTX_MEDIAN Frequency | EEG; PowerSpectrum; MedianPowerFrequency | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22912 Median power frequency of electroencephalogram
153988 MDC_EEG_FREQ_PWR_SPEC_CRTX_PEAK Frequency | EEG; PowerSpectrum; PeakPowerFrequency | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22916 Peak power frequency of electroencephalogram
153992 MDC_EEG_FREQ_PWR_SPEC_CRTX_SPECTRAL_EDGE Frequency | EEG; PowerSpectrum; SpectralEdgeFrequency | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22920 Spectral edge frequency of electroencephalogram
154028 MDC_EEG_NUM_SPK Number | EEG | Spikes | Neurology; CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22956 Spikes
154032 MDC_EEG_NUM_SEIZ Number | EEG | Seizures | Neurology; CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22960 Seizures
154036 MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_CSA Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22964 Compressed spectral array of electroencephalogram
154040 MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_TOT Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; TotalPower | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22968 Total power of electroencephalogram
154068 MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_ALPHA_REL Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; AlphaBand; RelativePower | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22996 Relative power of alpha band of electroencephalogram
154072 MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_BETA_REL Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; BetaBand; RelativePower | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23000 Relative power of beta band of electroencephalogram
154076 MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_DELTA_REL Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; DeltaBand; RelativePower | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23004 Relative power of delta band of electroencephalogram
154080 MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_THETA_REL Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; ThetaBand; RelativePower | Cortex | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23008 Relative power of theta band of electroencephalogram
154977 MDC_EEG_PAROX_CRTX_SPK_CNT Count; Pattern | ParoxysmalActivity; Spike | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23905 Spike Count
155024 MDC_EEG_PAROX_CRTX_BURST_SUPPRN Pattern | ParoxismalActivity; BurstSuppression | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23952 Burst suppression
156241 MDC_EEG_PAROX_CRTX_BURST_CNT Count; Pattern | ParoxysmalActivity; Burst | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 25169 Burst Count
156242 MDC_EEG_PAROX_CRTX_BURST_RATE Rate; Pattern | ParoxysmalActivity; Burst | Cortex; EEG | CNS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 25170 Burst Rate
157744 MDC_VOL_URINE_COL Volume | Collected | Urine | Fluid _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26672 Urine volume in bag
157760 MDC_CONC_DRUG Concentration | | Drug; Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26688 Drug concentration
157784 MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP Flow | Delivery | Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26712 Fluid delivery rate
157816 MDC_DOSE_DRUG_BOLUS Mass | Bolus | Drug; Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26744 Bolus dose; PCA dose
157864 MDC_VOL_FLUID_DELIV Volume | Delivered | Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26792 Infused volume
157872 MDC_VOL_FLUID_TBI_REMAIN Volume | Remaining | Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26800 Volume remaining to be infused
157880 MDC_VOL_SYRINGE Volume | Size | Syringe | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26808 Syringe volume
157884 MDC_VOL_FLUID_TBI Volume | TBI | Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26812 Volume to be infused
157904 MDC_TIME_PD_DELAY Duration | Delay | Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26832 Time delay programmed
157908 MDC_TIME_PD_DELAY_REMAIN Duration | Delay; Remaining | Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26836 Time delay programmed remaining
157916 MDC_TIME_PD_REMAIN Duration | Remaining | Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26844 Infusion time remaining
157924 MDC_RATE_DOSE Flow | Mass; Delivery; Normalized; BodyMass | Drug; Fluid | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26852 Dose rate
157984 MDC_VOL_SYRINGE_ACTUAL _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26912
157985 MDC_DOSE_PCA_LIMIT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26913 Dose Limit Amount
157987 MDC_TIME_PD_PCA_DOSE_LIMIT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26915
157988 MDC_RATE_PCA_MAX_DOSES_PER_HOUR _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26916
157992 MDC_VOL_FLUID_DELIV_SEGMENT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26920
157993 MDC_VOL_FLUID_DELIV_TOTAL _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26921
157995 MDC_VOL_REMAIN_CONTAINER _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26923
157996 MDC_TIME_PD_PROG _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26924
157997 MDC_TIME_PD_REMAIN_CONTAINER _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26925
157999 MDC_DOSE_DRUG_TBI _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26927
158000 MDC_DOSE_DRUG_TBI_REMAIN _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26928
158002 MDC_DOSE_DRUG_DELIV _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26930
158003 MDC_DOSE_DRUG_DELIV_SEGMENT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26931
158009 MDC_DEV_PUMP_PROGRAM_STATUS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26937
158010 MDC_DEV_PUMP_FLUSH_ENABLED _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26938
158011 MDC_NUM_DOSE_PROG _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26939
158014 MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP_CURRENT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26942
158015 MDC_DEV_PUMP_ENABLED_SOURCES _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26943
158016 MDC_DEV_PUMP_ACTIVE_SOURCES _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26944
158017 MDC_DOSE_PCA_PATIENT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26945
158018 MDC_DOSE_LOADING _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26946
158019 MDC_DOSE_CLINICIAN _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26947
159748 MDC_CONC_PH_ART Concentration | Total; H+; Logarithmic | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28676 Arterial blood fluid pH
159752 MDC_CONC_PCO2_ART Concentration | Total; pCO2 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28680 Arterial blood pCO2
159756 MDC_CONC_PO2_ART Concentration | Total; pO2 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28684 Arterial blood pO2
159760 MDC_CONC_HCO3_ART Concentration | Total; hCO3 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28688 Arterial blood bicarbonate ion concentration
159764 MDC_CONC_HB_ART Concentration | Total; Hb | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28692 Arterial blood haemoglobin concentration
159768 MDC_CONC_HB_O2_ART Concentration | Total; O2Hb | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28696 Arterial blood oxy-haemoglobin concentration
159792 MDC_CONC_CA_ART Concentration | Total; Ca | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28720 Arterial blood calcium ion concentration
159796 MDC_CONC_PH_VEN Concentration | Total; H+; Logarithmic | VenousBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28724 Venous blood fluid pH
159800 MDC_CONC_PCO2_VEN Concentration | Total; pCO2 | VenousBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28728 Venous blood pCO2
159804 MDC_CONC_PO2_VEN Concentration | Total; pO2 | VenousBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28732 Venous blood pO2
159816 MDC_CONC_HB_O2_VEN Concentration | Total; O2Hb | VenousBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28744 Venous blood oxy-haemoglobin concentration
159852 MDC_CONC_NA_URINE Concentration | Total; Na | Urine | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28780 Urine sodium ion concentration
159960 MDC_CONC_NA_SERUM Concentration | Total; Na | Serum | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28888 Serum sodium ion concentration
160004 MDC_CONC_PH_GEN Concentration | Total; H+; Logarithmic | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28932 General fluid pH
160008 MDC_CONC_HCO3_GEN Concentration | Total; hCO3 | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28936 General bicarbonate ion concentration
160012 MDC_CONC_NA_GEN Concentration | Total; Na | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28940 General sodium ion concentration
160016 MDC_CONC_K_GEN Concentration | Total; K | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28944 General potassium ion concentration
160020 MDC_CONC_GLU_GEN Concentration | Total; Glucose | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28948 General glucose concentration
160024 MDC_CONC_CA_GEN Concentration | Total; Ca | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28952 General calcium ion concentration
160064 MDC_CONC_PCO2_GEN Concentration | Total; pCO2 | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28992 General fluid pCO2
160068 MDC_CONC_HCT_ART Concentration | Total; HCT | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28996 Arterial blood haematocrit concentration
160080 MDC_CONC_UREA_ART Concentration | Total; Urea | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29008 Arterial blood urea concentration
160104 MDC_CONC_CHLOR_GEN Concentration | Total; Chloride | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29032 General chloride ion concentration
160116 MDC_CONC_PO2_GEN Concentration | Total; pO2 | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29044 General fluid pO2
160132 MDC_CONC_HCT_GEN Concentration | Total; HCT | General | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29060 General fluid HCT
160184 MDC_CONC_GLU_CAPILLARY_WHOLEBLOOD Concentration | Total; Glucose | CapillaryWholeBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29112 Capillary whole blood glucose
160188 MDC_CONC_GLU_CAPILLARY_PLASMA Concentration | Total; Glucose | CapillaryPlasma | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29116 Capillary plasma glucose
160192 MDC_CONC_GLU_VENOUS_WHOLEBLOOD Concentration | Total; Glucose | VenousWholeBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29120 Venous whole blood glucose
160196 MDC_CONC_GLU_VENOUS_PLASMA Concentration | Total; Glucose | VenousPlasma | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29124 Venous plasma glucose
160200 MDC_CONC_GLU_ARTERIAL_WHOLEBLOOD Concentration | Total; Glucose | ArterialWholeBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29128 Arterial whole blood glucose
160204 MDC_CONC_GLU_ARTERIAL_PLASMA Concentration | Total; Glucose | ArterialPlasma | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29132 Arterial plasma glucose
160208 MDC_CONC_GLU_CONTROL Concentration | Glucose | ControlSolution | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29136 Control Result
160212 MDC_CONC_GLU_ISF Concentration | Glucose | InterstitialFluid | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29140 Interstitia Fluid Glucose
160216 MDC_BASE_EXCESS_FLUID_EXTRACELLULAR Concentration | BaseExcess | ExtracellularFluid | BloodChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29144 Base Excess of Extracellular Fluid
160220 MDC_CONC_HBA1C Concentration | HbA1c _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29148 HbA1c
160252 MDC_BASE_EXCESS_BLD_ART Concentration | BaseExcess | ArterialBlood | BloodChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29180 Base Excess of Arterial Blood
160256 MDC_CONC_CA_PH_NORMALIZED_ART Concentration | Total; Ca; Logarithmic; Normalized to pH 7.4 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29184 Ionized Calcium; Normalized to pH 7.4
160260 MDC_RATIO_INR_COAG Ratio | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29188 Coagulation ratio ? INR
160264 MDC_TIME_PD_COAG Duration | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29192 Coagulation time ? prothrombin time
160268 MDC_QUICK_VALUE_COAG Quick value | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29196 Coagulation quick value
160272 MDC_ISI_COAG ISI | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29200 International Sensitivity Index
160276 MDC_COAG_CONTROL Control | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29204 Control calibration of INR
160280 MDC_PULS_OXIM_CONC_HB_O2_ART_CALC Concentration | Oxygen content; total; bound and unbound to hemoglobin | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29208 (Estimated) Arterial Oxygen Content
160284 MDC_PULS_OXIM_HB_CO_ART Concentration | Carboxyhemoglobin | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29212 Arterial blood carboxyhemoglobin concentration
160288 MDC_PULS_OXIM_HB_MET_ART Concentration | Methemoglobin | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29216 Arterial blood methemoglobin concentration
160292 MDC_PULS_OXIM_HB_TOTAL_ART Concentration | Hb; total | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29220 Arterial blood hemoglobin concentration
160296 MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_PREDUCTAL Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | ArterialBlood; Preductal | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29224 Preductal SpO2
160300 MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_POSTDUCTAL Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | ArterialBlood; Postductal | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29228 Postductal SpO2
160304 MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_PRE_POST_DIFF Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | ArterialBlood; (Preductal; Postductal) difference | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29232 Pre-postductal SpO2 difference
160308 MDC_CONC_PCO2_GASTRIC_ART_DIFF Concentration; PartialPressure | Difference; CO2 (gastric;arterial) | Gastric; mucosal | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29236 Gastric-arterial CO2 Gap
160312 MDC_CONC_PCO2_GASTRIC_ET_DIFF Concentration; PartialPressure | Difference; CO2 (gastric;endtidal) | Gastric; mucosal | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29240 Gastric-endtidal CO2 Gap
160316 MDC_CONC_PCO2_GASTRIC_MUCOSAL Concentration; PartialPressure | Total; CO2 | Gastric; mucosal | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29244 Gastric Mucosal PCO2
160320 MDC_CONC_PH_INTRAMUCOSAL Concentration | Total; H+; Logarithmic | Gastric; Intramucosal | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29248 Intramucosal pH
160324 MDC_SPO2_SIGNAL_QUALITY_INDEX Index | SignalQuality; SpO2 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29252 SPO2 Signal Quality Index
160364 MDC_CONC_GLU_UNDETERMINED_WHOLEBLOOD Concentration | Total; Glucose | UndeterminedWholeBlood | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29292 Undetermined whole blood glucose
160368 MDC_CONC_GLU_UNDETERMINED_PLASMA Concentration | Total; Glucose | UndeterminedPlasma | FluidChemistry _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29296 Undetermined arterial plasma glucose
160372 MDC_CONC_GLU_CONTROL_LEVEL_LOW _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29300
16927604 MDC_TEMP_SKIN_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 19316
16928802 MDC_VENT_RESP_RATE_SETTING Rate | Displayed or Actual | Breath | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20514 Set inflation rate
16928804 MDC_VENT_RESP_RATE_MIN_SETTING Rate | Minimum assured | Breath | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20516 Minimum assured ventilation inflation rate setting
16928805 MDC_VENT_RESP_RATE_AVG_SETTING Rate | Average | Breath | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20517 Average ventilation rate setting
16929020 MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_SETTING Pressure | End-expiratory; Extrinsic | Gas | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20732
16929048 MDC_RATIO_IE_SETTING Ratio | Duration(InspiratoryPhase); Duration(ExpiratoryPhase) | Gas | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20760
16929072 MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20784 Apnea alarm duration setting
16929164 MDC_VENT_FLOW_INSP_SETTING Flow | Inspiration | Gas | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20876 Inspiratory flow setting
16929188 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_SETTING Pressure | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20900
16929192 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_SETTING Pressure | End-expiratory; Applied | Gas | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20904 Set PEEP
16929196 MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_SETTING Volume | | Lung; Tidal | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20908 Tidal volume setting
16929224 MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_SETTING Flow | OneMinute | Gas | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20936
16929228 MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_MAND_SETTING Flow | OneMinute; Mandatory | Gas | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20940
16929300 MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL_ET_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21012
16929304 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL_ET_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21016
16929308 MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH_ET_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21020
16929312 MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL_ET_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21024
16929316 MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL_ET_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21028
16929416 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_DESFL_INSP_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21128
16929420 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ENFL_INSP_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21132
16929432 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ISOFL_INSP_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21144
16929632 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_SETTING Duration | Inspiratory phase | Inflation | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21344 Inspiratory time setting
16929633 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_MAX_SETTING Duration; maximum | Inspiratory phase | Inflation | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21345 Maximum inspiratory time setting
16929644 MDC_VENT_PRESS_TRIG_SENS_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21356
16929656 MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_ET_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21368
16929698 MDC_VENT_RESP_BACKUP_RATE_SETTING Rate | Backup | Breath | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21410 Backup ventilation rate setting
16929820 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PERCENT_SETTING Duration; ratio | Inspiratory phase; total respiratory period | Inflation | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21532 Inspiratory time percent setting
16929832 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_BACKUP_SETTING Duration | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21544 Backup inspiratory time setting
16929837 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_SUPP_MAX_SETTING Duration; maximum | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21549
16929840 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PAUSE_SETTING Duration | Inspiratory pause | end inspiratory flow to start expiratory flow | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21552
16929844 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PAUSE_PERCENT_SETTING Duration; ratio | Inspiratory pause; inspiratory phase | end inspiratory flow to start expiratory flow | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21556
16929848 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_HOLD_SETTING Duration | Inspiratory hold | temporarily maintain constant lung volume (zero flow) at end inspiratory or inflation phase | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21560
16929852 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_HOLD_SETTING Duration | Expiratory hold | temporarily maintain constant lung volume (zero flow) at set extension of the expiratory phase | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21564
16929860 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_THIGH_SETTING Duration | High baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21572
16929864 MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_TLOW_SETTING Duration | Low baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21576
16929868 MDC_VENT_FLOW_BIAS_SETTING Flow | Bias | Gas | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21580
16929872 MDC_VENT_FLOW_CONTINUOUS_SETTING Flow | Continuous | Gas | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21584
16929932 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_BASELINE_SETTING Pressure; baseline | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21644
16929936 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_SETTING Pressure; delta relative to baseline | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21648
16929940 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_BACKUP_SETTING Pressure | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21652
16929944 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_BACKUP_SETTING Pressure; delta relative to baseline | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21656
16929948 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_SUPP_SETTING Pressure | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21660
16929952 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_SUPP_SETTING Pressure; delta relative to baseline | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21664
16929956 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_PHIGH_SETTING Pressure | High baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21668
16929960 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_EXP_PLOW_SETTING Pressure | Low baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21672
16929964 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_SETTING Pressure; limit | without cycling | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21676
16929968 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_PMAX_SETTING Pressure; maximum limit | with cycling | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21680
16929972 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_RELIEF_SETTING Pressure; protective relief limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21684
16929976 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_PMIN_SETTING Pressure; minimum limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21688
16929980 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_LIMIT_PMIN_SETTING Pressure; delta relative to baseline; minimum limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21692
16929984 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_CTLD_SETTING Duration; pressure; risetime | controlled inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21696
16929988 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_SUPP_SETTING Duration; pressure; risetime | support inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21700
16930020 MDC_VENT_FLOW_TRIG_SENS_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21732
16930092 MDC_FLOW_AIR_FG_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21804
16930308 MDC_FLOW_N2O_FG_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22020
16930360 MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2_INSP_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22072
16930372 MDC_FLOW_O2_FG_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22084
16930432 MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_BACKUP_SETTING Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22144 Backup tidal volume setting
16930436 MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_INSP_SETTING Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inspiratory Phase | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22148 Inspired tidal volume setting
16930438 MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_INSP_MIN_SETTING Volume; minimum | | Lung; Tidal; Inspiratory Phase | Ventilator; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22150 Minimum inspired tidal volume setting
16930448 MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_IBW_PCTOF_REF_SETTING Percent | MinuteVolume; desired percentage value relative to reference value based on ideal body mass | Lung; Tidal | airway; total for all breath and inflation types _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22160 Percentage of the reference minute volume calculated for the patient's ideal body mass
16930476 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_CTLD_PERCENT_SETTING Duration; ratio; pressure; risetime | controlled inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22188
16930484 MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_SUPP_PERCENT_SETTING Duration; ratio; pressure; risetime | support inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22196
16930560 MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_PER_CYCLE_SETTING Duration | Delivery | Nebulization of fluid; per cycle | Nebulizer; setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22272 (set) nebulizer run time
16930564 MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_PER_CYCLE_SETTING Volume | Delivery | Fluid to be nebulized; per cycle | Nebulizer; setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22276 (set) nebulizer volume
16930568 MDC_NEB_CYCLES_SETTING Count; cycles | Nebulization delivery cycles | Nebulization of fluid | Nebulizer; setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22280 (set) nebulizer cycles
16930572 MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_PAUSE_SETTING Duration | Inter-delivery | Pause between nebulization deliveries | Nebulizer; setting _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22284 (set) nebulizer pause time
16930604 MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_PER_IBW_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22316
16961504 MDC_CONC_O2_MICROENV_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53216
16961512 MDC_TEMP_MICROENV_SETTING _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53224
16961620 MDC_GASDLV_AGENT_SETTING Identity | | Agent(s); Gas | Airway; Setting or selection _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53332
16961621 MDC_GASDLV_BALANCE_GAS_SETTING Identity | | Balance Gas(es); Gas | Airway; Setting or selection _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53333
16961626 MDC_NEB_DEV_MODE_SETTING Mode | | Nebulization Mode | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53338 (set) nebulizer mode
184288 MDC_CONC_O2_MICROENV Concentration | PartialPressure | Oxygen; Gas | Incubator; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53216 Oxygen Reading
184292 MDC_REL_HUMIDITY_MICROENV Humidity; Relative | | Compartment | Incubator; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53220 Measured Relative Humidity
184296 MDC_TEMP_MICROENV Temperature | | Compartment | Incubator; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53224 Compartment Probe Temperature
184300 MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_APPLIED_PWR Power; Relative | Heater | | Incubator or Warmer; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53228 Heater Power
184304 MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_HEAT_SINK_RESIST Resistance | Temperature-related | Heat Sink; Heater | Incubator; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53232 Incubator heater heat sink temperature sensor resistance
184308 MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_HEAT_SINK_TEMP Temperature | | Heat Sink; Heater | Incubator; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53236 Incubator heater heat sink temperature
184326 MDC_ECG_STAT_ECT _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53254
184327 MDC_ECG_STAT_RHY _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53255
184331 MDC_TRIG_BEAT_MAX_INRUSH _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53259 SpO2 precise pulse
184336 MDC_MICROENV_TYPE Type | Bed | | Incubator or Warmer; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53264 Microenvironment Bed Type
184337 MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_TYPE Type | Heater | | Incubator or Warmer; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53265 Incubator heater type
184338 MDC_MICROENV_BED_STATE State; Bed | | State; open or closed | Incubator; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53266 Bed State
184339 MDC_MICROENV_AIR_CURTAIN_STATE Status; Operational | Air curtain | Airflow | Incubator; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53267 Air Curtain Status
184340 MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_CNTRL_MODE Mode | Temperature Control | | Incubator or Warmer; Microenvironment _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53268 Temperature Control Mode
184341 MDC_MICROENV_FAN_SPEED Fan speed | Air curtain | Airflow | Incubator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53269 Fan Speed
184352 MDC_VENT_MODE Mode | | VentilationMode | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53280 Ventilation mode
184353 MDC_VENT_MODE_RESP_SPONT Mode | | BreathingMode | Respiration _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53281 Respiration mode
184400 MDC_VENT_MODE_BACKUP Mode | | VentilationMode; Backup | Ventilator _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53328 Backup ventilation mode
184404 MDC_GASDLV_AGENT Identity | | Agent(s); Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53332 Anesthetic agent(s)
184405 MDC_GASDLV_BALANCE_GAS Identity | | Balance Gas(es); Gas | Airway _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53333 Balance Gas
184408 MDC_NEB_DEV_TYPE Type | | Device | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53336 Nebulizer type
184409 MDC_NEB_DEV_STATUS Status | Operational | Device | Nebulizer _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53337 Nebulizer status
184476 MDC_SYRINGE_TYPE Type | | Syringe | Pump _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53404 Syringe type
184488 MDC_SYRINGE_MANUFACTURER _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53416
184513 MDC_PUMP_NOT_INFUSING_REASON _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53441
184514 MDC_DRUG_NAME_LABEL _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53442
184515 MDC_DRUG_ID _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53443
184519 MDC_PUMP_INFUSING_STATUS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53447
188420 MDC_TEMP_RECT Temperature | | Rectal | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57348 Rectal temperature
188424 MDC_TEMP_ORAL Temperature | | Oral | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57352 Oral temperature
188428 MDC_TEMP_EAR Temperature | | Ear | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57356 Ear temperature
188432 MDC_TEMP_FINGER Temperature | | Finger | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57360 Finger temperature
188436 MDC_TEMP_BLD Temperature | | Blood | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57364 Blood temperature
188440 MDC_TEMP_DIFF Temperature | Difference | Core; Surface | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57368 Temperature difference
188448 MDC_TEMP_TOE Temperature | | Toe | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57376 Toe surface temperature
188452 MDC_TEMP_AXILLA Temperature | | Axillary | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57380 Axillary (armpit) temperature
188456 MDC_TEMP_GIT Temperature | | GIT | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57384 Gastro-intestinal tract temperature
188480 MDC_PRESS_GI Pressure | | Gastric | GastrointestinalSystem _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57408 Gastric pressure
188488 MDC_POWER_TCUT Power | | Trancutaneous probe | Heater _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57416 Transcutaneous probe heater power
188492 MDC_TEMP_TCUT Temperature | | Transcutaneous probe | Sensor _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57420 Transcutaneous probe temperature
188496 MDC_TEMP_AXIL Temperature | | Axillary | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57424 Axillary temperature
188500 MDC_TEMP_MYO Temperature | | Myocardial | Heart; CVS; Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57428 Myocardial temperature
188504 MDC_TEMP_NASAL Temperature | | Nasal | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57432 Nasal temperature
188508 MDC_TEMP_ROOM Temperature | | Room | Ambient _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57436 Room temperature
188736 MDC_MASS_BODY_ACTUAL Mass | Actual | | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57664 Patient actual weight
188740 MDC_LEN_BODY_ACTUAL Length | Actual | | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57668 Patient actual height
188744 MDC_AREA_BODY_SURF_ACTUAL Area | Actual | BodySurface | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57672 Patient body surface area
188748 MDC_BODY_FAT Ratio | Computation | Body fat; Body weight | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57676 body fat
188752 MDC_RATIO_MASS_BODY_LEN_SQ Ratio | Computation | Body mass; Body length | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57680 body mass index
188756 MDC_MASS_BODY_FAT_FREE Mass | Actual | fat free mass | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57684 fat free mass
188760 MDC_MASS_BODY_SOFT_LEAN Mass | Actual | Soft lean mass | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57688 soft lean mass
188764 MDC_BODY_WATER Ratio | Computation | Body water; Body weight | Body _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57692 body water
188772 MDC_COMM_STATUS _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57700
188792 MDC_ATTR_PT_WEIGHT_LAST Mass | Actual | | Body; last taken _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57720 Last Taken Weight
188796 MDC_MASS_BODY_EST_IBW Mass | Estimated | | Body; Ideal _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57724 Predicted Body Weight
188800 MDC_MASS_BODY_EST_ABW Mass | Estimated | | Body; Adjusted _mdc PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57728 Adjusted Body Weight
196886 MDC_EVT_LIGHT_INTERF ErrorEvent | Measurement; Light; Interference | FunctionalDisturbance | Device _mdc PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 278 Light interference with measurement
67926 MDC_ATTR_PT_BSA _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2390
68012 MDC_ATTR_AL_COND _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2476
68060 MDC_ATTR_PT_HEIGHT _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2524
68063 MDC_ATTR_PT_WEIGHT _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2527
68137 MDC_ATTR_PT_LBM _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2601
68167 MDC_ATTR_SOURCE_HANDLE_REF _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2631
68185 MDC_ATTR_TIME_PD_MSMT_ACTIVE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2649
68320 MDC_ATTR_SAMPLE_RATE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2784
68321 MDC_ATTR_SAMPLE_COUNT _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2785
68322 MDC_ATTR_WAV_ENCODING _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2786
68323 MDC_ATTR_DATA_RANGE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2787
68324 MDC_ATTR_GRID_VIS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2788
68325 MDC_ATTR_VIS_COLOR _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2789
68326 MDC_ATTR_SCALE_RANGE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2790
68327 MDC_ATTR_SCALE_RANGE_SIZE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2791
68328 MDC_ATTR_PHYS_RANGE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2792
68480 MDC_ATTR_ALERT_SOURCE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2944
68481 MDC_ATTR_EVENT_PHASE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2945
68482 MDC_ATTR_ALARM_STATE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2946
68484 MDC_ATTR_ALARM_PRIORITY _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2948
68485 MDC_ATTR_ALERT_TYPE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2949
68487 MDC_ATTR_EVT_COND _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2951
68488 MDC_ATTR_EVT_SOURCE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2952
68512 MDC_ATTR_LS_NAME _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2976
68513 MDC_ATTR_LS_LOCATION _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2977
68514 MDC_ATTR_LS_ADDRESS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2978
68515 MDC_ATTR_LS_PHASE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2979
68517 MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_NAME _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2981
68518 MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2982
68519 MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS_LAT _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2983
68520 MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS_LON _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2984
68521 MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS_ALT _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2985
68522 MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS_BEARING _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2986
68523 MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_LIMITS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2987
68524 MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_XYZ _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2988
68525 MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_X _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2989
68526 MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_Y _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2990
68527 MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_Z _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2991
68528 MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_XYZ_ACCY _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2992
68529 MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_X_ACCY _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2993
68530 MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_Y_ACCY _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2994
68531 MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_Z_ACCY _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2995
68532 MDC_ATTR_GPS_COORDINATES _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2996
68533 MDC_ATTR_GPS_LAT _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2997
68534 MDC_ATTR_GPS_LON _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2998
68535 MDC_ATTR_GPS_COORD_ACCY _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2999
68536 MDC_ATTR_GPS_LAT_ACCY _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3000
68537 MDC_ATTR_GPS_LON_ACCY _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3001
68538 MDC_ATTR_GPS_ALT _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3002
68539 MDC_ATTR_GPS_ALT_ACCY _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3003
68540 MDC_ATTR_GPS_HEADING _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3004
68541 MDC_ATTR_GPS_PITCH _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3005
68542 MDC_ATTR_GPS_SPEED _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3006
69120 MDC_OBS_NOS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3584
69121 MDC_OBS_WAVE_CTS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3585
69122 MDC_OBS_WAVE_NONCTS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3586
69984 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS Pump | Volume | Blood [Infusion] | <type> _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4448 Infusor
69985 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_MDS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4449
69986 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_VMD _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4450
70048 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_LVP _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4512
70049 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_LVP_MDS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4513
70050 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_LVP_VMD _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4514
70052 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_SYRINGE _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4516
70056 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_PCA _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4520
70057 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_PCA_MDS _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4521
70058 MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_PCA_VMD _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4522
70067 MDC_DEV_PUMP_DELIVERY_INFO _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4531
70091 MDC_DEV_PUMP_SYRINGE_INFO _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4555
70095 MDC_DEV_PUMP_PCA_INFO _mdc PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4559
8417752 MDC_GLU_METER_DEV_STATUS _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29144
8417760 MDC_CTXT_GLU_EXERCISE _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29152
8417764 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29156
8417765 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_UNDETERMINED _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29157
8417766 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_OTHER _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29158
8417767 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_NO_ENTRY _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29159
8417768 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_BREAKFAST _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29160
8417769 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_NO_INGESTION _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29161
8417772 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_LUNCH _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29164
8417776 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_DINNER _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29168
8417780 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_SNACK _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29172
8417784 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_DRINK _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29176
8417788 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_SUPPER _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29180
8417792 MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_BRUNCH _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29184
8417796 MDC_CTXT_MEDICATION _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29188
8417816 MDC_CTXT_MEDICATION_PREMIX _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29208
8417820 MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29212
8417844 MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29236
8417864 MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29256
8417884 MDC_CTXT_GLU_TESTER _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29276
8417908 MDC_BATCHCODE_COAG _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29300
8417909 MDC_INR_METER_DEV_STATUS _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29301
8417912 MDC_TARGET_LEVEL_COAG _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29304
8417916 MDC_MED_CURRENT_COAG _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29308
8417920 MDC_MED_NEW_COAG _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29312
8417924 MDC_CTXT_INR_TESTER _mdc PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29316
_mdcenums MDC enums 157989, 157998, 196634, 196678, 196768, 196802, 196940, 196950, 197084, 197200, 197212, 197214, 197216, 197218, 197220, 197222, 197224, 197226, 197228, 197230, 197232, 197234, 197236, 197258, 197260, 197262, 197264, 197288, 197290, 197292, 197294, 197296, 197298, 197300, 197302, 197304, 197306, 197308, 197328, 197330, 197332, 197334, 197336, 197338, 197340, 197342, 197346, 197348, 197350, 197352, 197354, 197356, 197358, 197360, 197362, 197364, 197376, 197378, 203276, 203341, 203776, 203778, 203780, 203782, 203784, 203786, 203788, 203790, 203792, 203794, 203796, 203798, 258048, 459748, 459752, 459756, 459760, 459764, 459768, 459772, 459776, 459780, 459784, 459788, 459793, 459794, 459801, 459806, 459809, 459814, 459817, 459822, 459825, 459830, 459833, 459838, 459841, 459846, 459849, 459854, 459857, 459862, 459865, 459870, 459873, 459878, 459881, 459886, 459889, 459894, 459897, 459902, 459905, 459910, 459913, 459918, 459921, 459926, 459929, 459934, 459937, 459942, 459945, 459950, 459953, 459958, 459961, 459966, 459969, 459974, 459977, 459982, 459985, 459990, 459993, 459998, 460001, 460006, 460009, 460014, 460017, 460022, 460025, 460030, 460033, 460038, 460041, 460042, 460049, 460050, 460057, 460058, 460065, 460066, 460272, 460280, 460281, 460282, 460292, 460296, 460297, 460298, 460304, 460340, 460341, 460342, 460357, 460358, 460365, 460366, 460368, 460369, 460370, 460372, 460373, 460374, 460420, 460492, 460500, 460501, 460502, 460521, 460522, 460524, 460525, 460526, 460533, 460534, 460536, 460537, 460538, 460597, 460598, 460601, 460602, 460605, 460606, 460609, 460610, 460613, 460614, 460616, 460633, 460634, 460635, 460636, 460637, 460638, 460800, 460801, 460802, 460803, 460804, 460805, 460806, 460807, 460809, 460810, 460812, 460813, 460824, 460825, 466946, 466948, 8417824, 8417828, 8417832, 8417836, 8417840, 8417845, 8417846, 8417848, 8417852, 8417856, 8417860, 8417868, 8417869, 8417872, 8417876, 8417880, 8417888, 8417892, 8417896, 8417925, 8417926, 8417927
157989 MDC_TIME_PCA_LOCKOUT _mdcenums PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26917
157998 MDC_TIME_PD_DOSE_START_INTERVAL _mdcenums PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26926
196634 MDC_EVT_EMPTY _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 26
196678 MDC_EVT_MALF _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 70
196768 MDC_EVT_POSN_PROB _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 160
196802 MDC_EVT_BATT_LO _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 194
196940 MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_OCCL _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 332
196950 MDC_EVT_FLOW_LO _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 342
197084 MDC_EVT_DOOR_POSN_ERR _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 476
197200 MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_AIR _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 592
197216 MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_FLANGE_POSITION _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 608
197218 MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_BARREL_CAPTURE _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 610
197222 MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_NUT_ENGAGED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 614
197224 MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_END_OF_TRAVEL _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 616
197226 MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_EMPTY _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 618
197230 MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_PLUNGER _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 622
197232 MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_FLANGE _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 624
197234 MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_LEVER _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 626
197236 MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_PRESSURE_DISC _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 628
197258 MDC_EVT_PCA_DOOR_UNLOCKED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 650
197260 MDC_EVT_PCA_HANDSET_DETACHED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 652
197262 MDC_EVT_PCA_MAX_LIMIT _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 654
197264 MDC_EVT_PCA_PAUSED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 656
197288 MDC_EVT_PUMP_DELIV_START _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 680
197290 MDC_EVT_PUMP_DELIV_STOP _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 682
197292 MDC_EVT_PUMP_DELIV_COMP _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 684
197294 MDC_EVT_COMM_STATUS_CHANGE _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 686
197296 MDC_EVT_PUMP_PROG_CLEARED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 688
197298 MDC_EVT_PUMP_AUTO_PROG_CLEARED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 690
197300 MDC_EVT_PATIENT_CHANGE _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 692
197302 MDC_EVT_PATIENT_ID_CHANGE _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 694
197304 MDC_EVT_PATIENT_WEIGHT_CHANGE _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 696
197306 MDC_EVT_PUMP_VOL_COUNTERS_CLEARED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 698
197308 MDC_EVT_DEVICE_TIME_CHANGED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 700
197328 MDC_EVT_IDLE _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 720
197330 MDC_EVT_CALLBACK _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 722
197332 MDC_EVT_VOL_INFUS_COMP _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 724
197334 MDC_EVT_VOL_INFUS_NEAR_COMP _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 726
197336 MDC_EVT_BATT_DEPL _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 728
197338 MDC_EVT_BATT_SERV _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 730
197340 MDC_EVT_EMER_STOP _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 732
197342 MDC_EVT_PWR_LOSS _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 734
197346 MDC_EVT_CHECK_IV_SET _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 738
197348 MDC_EVT_UNKNOWN _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 740
197350 MDC_EVT_DELAY_IMPOSSIBLE _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 742
197352 MDC_EVT_PUMP_CHAMBER_BLOCKED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 744
197354 MDC_EVT_HANDSET_DETACHED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 746
197358 MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_OCCL_PROXIMAL _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 750
197360 MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_OCCL_DISTAL _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 752
197362 MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_AIR_PROXIMAL _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 754
197364 MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_AIR_DISTAL _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 756
197376 MDC_EVT_DATA_INVALID _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 768
197378 MDC_EVT_DATA_MISSING _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 770
203276 MDC_EVT_ADVIS_SETTINGS_CHK _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 6668
203341 MDC_EVT_ADVIS_MAINT_NEEDED _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 6733
203776 MDC_EVT_LS_DEVICE _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7168
203778 MDC_EVT_LS_PERSON _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7170
203780 MDC_EVT_LS_MOVEMENT _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7172
203782 MDC_EVT_LS_BOUNDARY _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7174
203784 MDC_EVT_LS_COLOCATION _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7176
203786 MDC_EVT_LS_DWELL _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7178
203788 MDC_EVT_LS_ACCELEROMETER _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7180
203790 MDC_EVT_LS_TAMPER _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7182
203792 MDC_EVT_LS_INTERACTION _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7184
203794 MDC_EVT_LS_MISSING _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7186
203796 MDC_EVT_LS_ENVIRONMENT _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7188
203798 MDC_EVT_LS_BATTERY _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7190
258048 MDC_EVT_STANDBY_WARN _mdcenums PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 61440
459748 MDC_HEAD_NASION_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 996
459752 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_POLAR_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1000
459756 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1004
459760 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1008
459764 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1012
459768 MDC_HEAD_CENT_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1016
459772 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_MEDIA _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1020
459776 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1024
459780 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1028
459784 MDC_HEAD_OCCIP_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1032
459788 MDC_HEAD_INION_MID _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1036
459793 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_POLAR_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1041
459794 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_POLAR_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1042
459801 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_1 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1049
459806 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_2 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1054
459809 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_3 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1057
459814 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_4 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1062
459817 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_5 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1065
459822 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_6 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1070
459825 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_7 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1073
459830 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_8 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1078
459833 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_9 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1081
459838 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_10 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1086
459841 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_L_1 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1089
459846 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_R_2 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1094
459849 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_L_3 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1097
459854 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_R_4 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1102
459857 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_L_5 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1105
459862 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_R_6 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1110
459865 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_TEMPOR_L_7 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1113
459870 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_TEMPOR_R_8 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1118
459873 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_TEMPOR_L_9 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1121
459878 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_TEMPOR_R_10 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1126
459881 MDC_HEAD_CENT_L_1 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1129
459886 MDC_HEAD_CENT_R_2 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1134
459889 MDC_HEAD_CENT_L_3 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1137
459894 MDC_HEAD_CENT_R_4 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1142
459897 MDC_HEAD_CENT_L_5 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1145
459902 MDC_HEAD_CENT_R_6 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1150
459905 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_L_1 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1153
459910 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_R_2 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1158
459913 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_L_3 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1161
459918 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_R_4 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1166
459921 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_L_5 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1169
459926 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_R_6 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1174
459929 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_L_1 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1177
459934 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_R_2 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1182
459937 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_L_3 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1185
459942 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_R_4 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1190
459945 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_L_5 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1193
459950 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_R_6 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1198
459953 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_L_9 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1201
459958 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_R_10 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1206
459961 MDC_HEAD_OCCIP_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1209
459966 MDC_HEAD_OCCIP_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1214
459969 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_L_3 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1217
459974 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_R_4 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1222
459977 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_L_7 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1225
459982 MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_R_8 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1230
459985 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_L_3 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1233
459990 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_R_4 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1238
459993 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_L_7 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1241
459998 MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_R_8 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1246
460001 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_L_3 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1249
460006 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_R_4 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1254
460009 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_L_5 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1257
460014 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_R_6 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1262
460017 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_L_9 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1265
460022 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_R_10 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1270
460025 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_PARIET_L_7 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1273
460030 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_PARIET_R_8 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1278
460033 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_PARIET_L_9 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1281
460038 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_PARIET_R_10 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1286
460041 MDC_HEAD_AURIC_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1289
460042 MDC_HEAD_AURIC_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1290
460049 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_ANT_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1297
460050 MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_ANT_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1298
460057 MDC_HEAD_PHARYNGEAL_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1305
460058 MDC_HEAD_PHARYNGEAL_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1306
460065 MDC_HEAD_SPHENOIDAL_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1313
460066 MDC_HEAD_SPHENOIDAL_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1314
460272 MDC_HEAD_EAR _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1520
460280 MDC_HEAD_FORE _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1528
460281 MDC_HEAD_FORE_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1529
460282 MDC_HEAD_FORE_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1530
460292 MDC_HEAD_MOUTH _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1540
460296 MDC_HEAD_NARIS _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1544
460297 MDC_HEAD_NARIS_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1545
460298 MDC_HEAD_NARIS_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1546
460304 MDC_HEAD_NOSE _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1552
460340 MDC_LOEXT_FOOT _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1588
460341 MDC_LOEXT_FOOT_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1589
460342 MDC_LOEXT_FOOT_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1590
460357 MDC_LOEXT_LEG_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1605
460358 MDC_LOEXT_LEG_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1606
460365 MDC_LOEXT_THIGH_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1613
460366 MDC_LOEXT_THIGH_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1614
460368 MDC_LOEXT_TOE _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1616
460369 MDC_LOEXT_TOE_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1617
460370 MDC_LOEXT_TOE_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1618
460372 MDC_LOEXT_TOE_GREAT _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1620
460373 MDC_LOEXT_TOE_GREAT_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1621
460374 MDC_LOEXT_TOE_GREAT_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1622
460420 MDC_TRUNK_BUTTOCK _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1668
460492 MDC_UPEXT_AXILLA _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1740
460500 MDC_UPEXT_FINGER _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1748
460501 MDC_UPEXT_FINGER_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1749
460502 MDC_UPEXT_FINGER_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1750
460521 MDC_UPEXT_FOREARM_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1769
460522 MDC_UPEXT_FOREARM_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1770
460524 MDC_UPEXT_HAND _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1772
460525 MDC_UPEXT_HAND_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1773
460526 MDC_UPEXT_HAND_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1774
460533 MDC_UPEXT_ARM_UPPER_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1781
460534 MDC_UPEXT_ARM_UPPER_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1782
460536 MDC_UPEXT_WRIST _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1784
460537 MDC_UPEXT_WRIST_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1785
460538 MDC_UPEXT_WRIST_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1786
460597 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_OCCIPITAL_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1845
460598 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_OCCIPITAL_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1846
460601 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_PARIETAL_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1849
460602 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_PARIETAL_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1850
460605 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_TEMPORAL_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1853
460606 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_TEMPORAL_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1854
460609 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_FRONTAL_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1857
460610 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_FRONTAL_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1858
460613 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_FRONTAL_POLAR_L _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1861
460614 MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_FRONTAL_POLAR_R _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1862
460616 MDC_NERV_SPIN_CERVIC_5 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1864
460633 MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_1 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1881
460634 MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_2 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1882
460635 MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_3 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1883
460636 MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_4 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1884
460637 MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_5 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1885
460638 MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_6 _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1886
460800 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_NOS _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2048
460801 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_AWAY _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2049
460802 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_YPI _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2050
460803 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_ETT _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2051
460804 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_FGF _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2052
460805 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_EXH _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2053
460806 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_IL _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2054
460807 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_EL _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2055
460809 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_LB _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2057
460810 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_RB _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2058
460812 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_PI _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2060
460813 MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_ETTC _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2061
460824 MDC_GAS_CIRC_SITE_ABSe _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2072
460825 MDC_GAS_CIRC_SITE_ABSi _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2073
466946 MDC_BS_QUAL_LEFT _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 8194
466948 MDC_BS_QUAL_RIGHT _mdcenums PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 8196
8417824 MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_MINOR _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29216
8417828 MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_MAJOR _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29220
8417832 MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_MENSES _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29224
8417836 MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_STRESS _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29228
8417840 MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_NONE _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29232
8417846 MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_OTHER _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29238
8417848 MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_FINGER _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29240
8417852 MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_AST _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29244
8417856 MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_EARLOBE _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29248
8417868 MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_PREPRANDIAL _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29260
8417869 MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_BEDTIME _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29261
8417872 MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_POSTPRANDIAL _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29264
8417876 MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_FASTING _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29268
8417880 MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_CASUAL _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29272
8417888 MDC_CTXT_GLU_TESTER_SELF _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29280
8417892 MDC_CTXT_GLU_TESTER_HCP _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29284
8417896 MDC_CTXT_GLU_TESTER_LAB _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29288
8417925 MDC_CTXT_INR_TESTER_SELF _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29317
8417926 MDC_CTXT_INR_TESTER_HCP _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29318
8417927 MDC_CTXT_INR_TESTER_LAB _mdcenums PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29319
_mdcunits MDC units 262144, 262656, 262688, 262720, 262752, 262784, 262816, 262880, 262912, 262944, 262976, 262994, 262995, 262996, 263008, 263026, 263040, 263072, 263104, 263136, 263168, 263200, 263232, 263264, 263296, 263328, 263360, 263392, 263424, 263441, 263442, 263443, 263520, 263552, 263570, 263584, 263616, 263680, 263712, 263744, 263762, 263763, 263776, 263794, 263808, 263840, 263872, 263875, 263890, 263891, 263892, 263904, 263936, 263968, 264000, 264032, 264064, 264128, 264160, 264192, 264224, 264256, 264274, 264288, 264306, 264307, 264308, 264320, 264338, 264339, 264340, 264352, 264384, 264416, 264448, 264480, 264512, 264544, 264576, 264608, 264672, 264704, 264736, 264768, 264800, 264832, 264864, 264896, 264928, 264960, 264963, 264978, 264992, 265010, 265024, 265056, 265088, 265120, 265152, 265184, 265202, 265216, 265234, 265235, 265248, 265266, 265280, 265312, 265330, 265344, 265376, 265408, 265440, 265472, 265490, 265491, 265492, 265504, 265522, 265523, 265524, 265536, 265554, 265555, 265556, 265568, 265600, 265618, 265619, 265620, 265632, 265650, 265651, 265652, 265664, 265682, 265683, 265684, 265696, 265728, 265760, 265792, 265824, 265856, 265888, 265920, 265952, 265984, 265986, 265987, 266016, 266048, 266080, 266098, 266112, 266144, 266176, 266194, 266195, 266196, 266197, 266208, 266240, 266242, 266304, 266336, 266368, 266400, 266418, 266419, 266420, 266432, 266450, 266464, 266496, 266528, 266560, 266592, 266624, 266656, 266688, 266706, 266720, 266738, 266752, 266784, 266816, 266848, 266866, 266880, 266898, 266912, 266944, 266976, 266994, 267008, 267026, 267040, 267072, 267090, 267104, 267136, 267154, 267168, 267186, 267200, 267218, 267232, 267264, 267282, 267296, 267314, 267328, 267346, 267360, 267392, 267410, 267424, 267442, 267456, 267474, 267488, 267520, 267538, 267552, 267570, 267584, 267602, 267616, 267619, 267620, 267634, 267648, 267680, 267712, 267744, 267747, 267748, 267762, 267776, 267780, 267808, 267812, 267826, 267840, 267843, 267844, 267858, 267872, 267875, 267876, 267890, 267904, 267908, 267922, 267936, 267940, 267954, 267968, 267971, 267972, 267986, 268000, 268003, 268004, 268018, 268032, 268050, 268064, 268096, 268128, 268160, 268192, 268224, 268256, 268274, 268288, 268320, 268352, 268384, 268416, 268448, 268480, 268512, 268544, 268562, 268576, 268608, 268640, 268672, 268704, 268736, 268832, 268864, 268896, 268914, 268915, 268916, 268928, 268946, 268947, 268948, 268960, 268978, 268979, 268980, 268992, 269010, 269011, 269012, 269024, 269042, 269056, 269074, 269088, 269092, 269106, 269120, 269124, 269138, 269152, 269170, 269184, 269202, 269216, 269234, 269248, 269266, 269280, 269298, 269312, 269330, 269331, 269332, 269344, 269348, 269362, 269376, 269394, 269408, 269426, 269440, 269458, 269472, 269490, 269504, 269522, 269536, 269554, 269568, 269586, 269600, 269618, 269632, 269650, 269664, 269682, 269696, 269714, 269728, 269746, 269760, 269778, 269792, 269796, 269810, 269824, 269827, 269828, 269842, 269843, 269844, 269856, 269860, 269874, 269875, 269876, 269888, 269891, 269906, 269907, 269908, 269920, 269952, 269984, 270004, 270016, 270048, 270080, 270112, 270144, 270160, 270176, 270208, 270210, 270240, 270272, 270304, 270322, 270336, 270368, 270388, 270400, 270419, 270432, 270435, 270464, 270496, 270499, 270528, 270560, 270563, 270592, 270624, 270656, 270688, 270720, 270752, 270784, 270816, 270834, 270866, 270880, 270912, 270930, 270944, 270976, 271008, 271011, 271040, 271043, 271072, 271075, 271200, 271203, 271204, 271218, 271232, 271264, 271296, 271328, 271331, 271332, 271346, 271360, 271364, 271392, 271396, 271410, 271424, 271427, 271428, 271442, 271456, 271459, 271460, 271474, 271488, 271491, 271492, 271506, 271520, 271524, 271538, 271552, 271556, 271584, 271588, 271602, 271616, 271619, 271620, 271634, 271648, 271651, 271652, 271666, 271680, 271698, 271712, 271744, 271748, 271762, 271776, 271780, 271794, 271808, 271812, 271826, 271840, 271844, 271858, 272544, 272562, 272576, 272594, 272640, 272672, 272704, 272739, 272914, 272978, 272992, 273024, 273042, 273056, 273376, 273408, 273458, 273475, 273525, 273536, 273568, 273600
262144 MDC_DIM_NOS {unknown} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 0 Unspecified
262656 MDC_DIM_DIMLESS 1 {unitless} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 512 Dimension- less
262688 MDC_DIM_PERCENT % _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 544 - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')'
262720 MDC_DIM_PARTS_PER_10_TO_MINUS_3 [ppth] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 576 - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')'
262752 MDC_DIM_PARTS_PER_10_TO_MINUS_6 [ppm] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 608 - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')'
262784 MDC_DIM_PARTS_PER_10_TO_MINUS_9 10*-9 10^-9 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 640 - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')'
262816 MDC_DIM_PARTS_PER_10_TO_MINUS_12 10*-12 10^-12 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 672 - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')'
262880 MDC_DIM_ANG_DEG deg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 736 - angles
262912 MDC_DIM_ANG_RAD rad _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 768 - angles
262944 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_G g/g _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 800 - mass fraction
262976 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG g/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 832 - mass fraction
262994 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_KG mg/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 850 - mass fraction
262995 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_KG ug/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 851 - mass fraction
262996 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_KG ng/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 852 - mass fraction
263008 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_MOLE mol/mol _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 864 - relative quantity
263026 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_MOLE mmol/mol _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 882
263040 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_L L/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 896 - volume fraction
263072 MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_M_CUBE DO_NOT_USE _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 928 - volume fraction
263104 MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_CM_CUBE DO_NOT_USE _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 960 - volume fraction
263136 MDC_DIM_PH [pH] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 992 - special vital signs counts
263168 MDC_DIM_DROP [drp] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1024 - special vital signs counts
263200 MDC_DIM_RBC {rbc} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1056 - special vital signs counts
263232 MDC_DIM_BEAT {beat} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1088 - special vital signs counts
263264 MDC_DIM_BREATH {breath} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1120 - special vital signs counts
263296 MDC_DIM_CELL {cell} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1152 - special vital signs counts
263328 MDC_DIM_COUGH {cough} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1184 - special vital signs counts
263360 MDC_DIM_SIGH {sigh} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1216 - special vital signs counts
263392 MDC_DIM_PCT_PCV %{pcv} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1248 - special vital signs counts
263424 MDC_DIM_M m _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1280 L (length)
263441 MDC_DIM_CENTI_M cm _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1297 L (length)
263442 MDC_DIM_MILLI_M mm _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1298 L (length)
263443 MDC_DIM_MICRO_M um _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1299 L (length)
263520 MDC_DIM_INCH [in_i] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1376
263552 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_M_SQ L/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1408 L (areic volume)
263570 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_M_SQ mL/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1426 L (areic volume)
263584 MDC_DIM_PER_X_M /m _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1440 L-1
263616 MDC_DIM_SQ_M m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1472 L2 (area)
263680 MDC_DIM_PER_SQ_X_M /m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1536 L-2
263712 MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M m3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1568 L3 (volume)
263744 MDC_DIM_L L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1600
263762 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1618 L3 (volume)
263763 MDC_DIM_MICRO_L uL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1619 L3 (volume)
263776 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_BREATH L/{breath} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1632 L3 (volume)
263794 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_BREATH mL/{breath} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1650 L3 (volume)
263808 MDC_DIM_PER_CUBIC_X_M /m3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1664 L-3
263840 MDC_DIM_PER_X_L /L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1696 L-3
263872 MDC_DIM_G g _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1728
263875 MDC_DIM_KILO_G kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1731 M (mass)
263890 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G mg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1746 M (mass)
263891 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G ug _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1747 M (mass)
263892 MDC_DIM_NANO_G ng _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1748 M (mass)
263904 MDC_DIM_LB [lb_av] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1760
263936 MDC_DIM_OZ [oz_av] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1792
263968 MDC_DIM_PER_X_G /g _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1824 M-1
264000 MDC_DIM_G_M g.m _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1856
264032 MDC_DIM_X_G_M_PER_M_SQ g.m/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1888 ML-1
264064 MDC_DIM_X_G_M_SQ g.m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1920 ML2 (moment of inertia)
264128 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_CUBE g/m3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1984 ML-3 (concentration of mass)
264160 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_CM_CUBE g/cm3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2016 ML-3 (concentration of mass)
264192 MDC_DIM_G_PER_L g/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2048
264224 MDC_DIM_G_PER_CL g/cL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2080 ML-3 (concentration of mass)
264256 MDC_DIM_G_PER_DL g/dL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2112
264274 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_DL mg/dL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2130 ML-3 (concentration of mass)
264288 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_ML g/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2144 ML-3 (concentration of mass)
264306 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_ML mg/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2162 ML-3 (concentration of mass)
264307 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_ML ug/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2163 ML-3 (concentration of mass)
264308 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_ML ng/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2164 ML-3 (concentration of mass)
264320 MDC_DIM_SEC s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2176
264338 MDC_DIM_MILLI_SEC ms _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2194 T (time)
264339 MDC_DIM_MICRO_SEC us _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2195 T (time)
264340 MDC_DIM_NANO_SEC ns _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2196 T (time)
264352 MDC_DIM_MIN min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2208 T (time)
264384 MDC_DIM_HR h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2240 T (time)
264416 MDC_DIM_DAY d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2272 T (time)
264448 MDC_DIM_WEEKS wk _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2304 T (time)
264480 MDC_DIM_MON mo _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2336 T (time)
264512 MDC_DIM_YR a _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2368 T (time)
264544 MDC_DIM_TOD _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2400 T (time)
264576 MDC_DIM_DATE _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2432 T (time)
264608 MDC_DIM_PER_X_SEC /s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2464 T-1 (rate, frequency)
264672 MDC_DIM_PER_MIN /min 1/min {count}/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2528 T-1 (rate, frequency)
264704 MDC_DIM_PER_HR /h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2560 T-1 (rate, frequency)
264736 MDC_DIM_PER_DAY /d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2592 T-1 (rate, frequency)
264768 MDC_DIM_PER_WK /wk _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2624 T-1 (rate, frequency)
264800 MDC_DIM_PER_MO /mo _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2656 T-1 (rate, frequency)
264832 MDC_DIM_PER_YR /a _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2688 T-1 (rate, frequency)
264864 MDC_DIM_BEAT_PER_MIN /min 1/min {beats}/min {beat}/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2720 - special vital signs rates
264896 MDC_DIM_PULS_PER_MIN /min 1/min {pulses}/min {pulse}/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2752 - special vital signs rates
264928 MDC_DIM_RESP_PER_MIN /min 1/min {breaths}/min {breath}/min {resp}/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2784 - special vital signs rates
264960 MDC_DIM_X_M_PER_SEC m/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2816 LT-1 (velocity)
264963 MDC_DIM_KILO_M_PER_SEC km/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2819 LT-1 (velocity)
264978 MDC_DIM_MILLI_M_PER_SEC mm/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2834 LT-1 (velocity)
264992 MDC_DIM_L_PER_MIN_PER_M_SQ L/min/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2848
265010 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_MIN_PER_M_SQ mL/min/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2866 Volume per minute per body surface area
265024 MDC_DIM_SQ_X_M_PER_SEC m2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2880 Volume per minute per body surface area
265056 MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_SEC m3/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2912 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265088 MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_MIN m3/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2944 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265120 MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_HR m3/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2976 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265152 MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_DAY m3/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3008 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265184 MDC_DIM_L_PER_SEC L/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3040 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265202 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_SEC mL/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3058 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265216 MDC_DIM_L_PER_MIN L/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3072 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265234 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_MIN mL/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3090 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265235 MDC_DIM_MICRO_L_PER_MIN uL/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3091 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265248 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_HR L/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3104 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265266 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_HR mL/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3122 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265280 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_DAY L/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3136 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
265312 MDC_DIM_L_PER_KG L/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3168
265330 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_KG mL/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3186 L3M-1 (volume content)
265344 MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_L_PER_KG m3/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3200 L3M-1 (volume content)
265376 MDC_DIM_X_M_PER_PASCAL_SEC m/Pa/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3232 L2M-1T (permeability)
265408 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_MIN_PER_ML_HG L/min/mm[Hg] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3264 L2M-1T (permeability)
265440 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_SEC g/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3296 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265472 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_MIN g/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3328 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265490 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_MIN mg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3346 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265491 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_MIN ug/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3347 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265492 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_MIN ng/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3348 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265504 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_HR g/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3360 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265522 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_HR mg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3378 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265523 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_HR ug/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3379 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265524 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_HR ng/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3380 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265536 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_DAY g/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3392 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265554 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_DAY mg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3410 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265555 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_DAY ug/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3411 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265556 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_DAY ng/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3412 MT-1 (mass flow rate)
265568 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG_PER_SEC g/kg/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3424 - mass dose rate per body weight
265600 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG_PER_MIN g/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3456 - mass dose rate per body weight
265618 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_KG_PER_MIN mg/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3474 - mass dose rate per body weight
265619 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_KG_PER_MIN ug/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3475 - mass dose rate per body weight
265620 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_KG_PER_MIN ng/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3476 - mass dose rate per body weight
265632 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG_PER_HR g/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3488 - mass dose rate per body weight
265650 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_KG_PER_HR mg/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3506 - mass dose rate per body weight
265651 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_KG_PER_HR ug/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3507 - mass dose rate per body weight
265652 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_KG_PER_HR ng/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3508 - mass dose rate per body weight
265664 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG_PER_DAY g/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3520 - mass dose rate per body weight
265682 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_KG_PER_DAY mg/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3538 - mass dose rate per body weight
265683 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_KG_PER_DAY ug/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3539 - mass dose rate per body weight
265684 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_KG_PER_DAY ng/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3540 - mass dose rate per body weight
265696 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_L_PER_SEC g/L/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3552 L-3MT-1 (mass concentration rate)
265728 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_L_PER_MIN g/L/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3584 L-3MT-1 (mass concentration rate)
265760 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_L_PER_HR g/L/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3616 L-3MT-1 (mass concentration rate)
265792 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_L_PER_DAY g/L/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3648 L-3MT-1 (mass concentration rate)
265824 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_PER_SEC g/m/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3680 L-1MT-1 (dynamic viscosity)
265856 MDC_DIM_X_G_M_PER_SEC g.m/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3712 LMT-1 (momentum, impulse)
265888 MDC_DIM_X_NEWTON_SEC N.s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3744 LMT-1 (momentum, impulse)
265920 MDC_DIM_X_NEWTON N _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3776 LMT-2 (force)
265952 MDC_DIM_X_DYNE dyn _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3808 LMT-2 (force)
265984 MDC_DIM_X_PASCAL Pa _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3840 L-1MT-2 (pressure)
265986 MDC_DIM_HECTO_PASCAL hPa _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3842 L-1MT-2 (pressure)
265987 MDC_DIM_KILO_PASCAL kPa _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3843 L-1MT-2 (pressure)
266016 MDC_DIM_MMHG mm[Hg] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3872 L-1MT-2 (pressure)
266048 MDC_DIM_CM_H2O cm[H2O] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3904 L-1MT-2 (pressure)
266080 MDC_DIM_X_BAR bar _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3936 L-1MT-2 (pressure)
266098 MDC_DIM_MILLI_BAR mbar _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3954
266112 MDC_DIM_X_JOULES J _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3968 L2MT-2 (energy; work)
266144 MDC_DIM_EVOLT eV _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4000 L2MT-2 (energy; work)
266176 MDC_DIM_WATT W _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4032 L2MT-3 (power)
266194 MDC_DIM_MILLI_WATT mW _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4050 L2MT-3 (power)
266195 MDC_DIM_MICRO_WATT uW _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4051 L2MT-3 (power)
266196 MDC_DIM_NANO_WATT nW _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4052 L2MT-3 (power)
266197 MDC_DIM_PICO_WATT pW _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4053
266208 MDC_DIM_X_PASCAL_SEC_PER_M_CUBE Pa.s/m3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4064 L-4MT-1 (hydraulic impedance)
266240 MDC_DIM_X_PASCAL_SEC_PER_L Pa.s/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4096 L-4MT-1 (hydraulic impedance)
266242 MDC_DIM_HECTO_PASCAL_SEC_PER_L hPa.s/L hPa/(L/s) _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4098
266304 MDC_DIM_X_AMPS a _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4160 I (electrical current)
266336 MDC_DIM_X_COULOMB C _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4192 IT (electrical charge)
266368 MDC_DIM_X_AMPS_PER_M A/m _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4224 IL-1 (magnetic field strength)
266400 MDC_DIM_X_VOLT V _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4256 ML2I-1T-3 (electric potential)
266418 MDC_DIM_MILLI_VOLT mV _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4274 ML2I-1T-3 (electric potential)
266419 MDC_DIM_MICRO_VOLT uV _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4275 ML2I-1T-3 (electric potential)
266420 MDC_DIM_NANO_VOLT nV _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4276 ML2I-1T-3 (electric potential)
266432 MDC_DIM_X_OHM Ohm _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4288 ML2I-2T-3 (electric resistance)
266450 MDC_DIM_MILLI_OHM mOhm _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4306 ML2I-2T-3 (electric resistance)
266464 MDC_DIM_X_OHM_M Ohm.m _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4320 ML3I-2T-3 (electrical resistivity)
266496 MDC_DIM_X_FARAD F _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4352 I2T4M-1L-2 (electrical capacitance)
266528 MDC_DIM_KELVIN K _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4384 Q (temperature)
266560 MDC_DIM_FAHR [degF] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4416 Q (temperature)
266592 MDC_DIM_KELVIN_PER_X_WATT K/W _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4448 QT3M-1L-2 (thermal resistance)
266624 MDC_DIM_X_CANDELA cd _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4480 J (luminous intensity)
266656 MDC_DIM_X_OSM osm _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4512 N (amount of substance)
266688 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE mol _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4544 N (amount of substance)
266706 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE mmol _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4562 N (amount of substance)
266720 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV eq _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4576 N (amount of substance)
266738 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV meq _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4594 N (amount of substance)
266752 MDC_DIM_X_OSM_PER_L osm/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4608 NL-3 (concentration)
266784 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_CM_CUBE mol/cm3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4640 NL-3 (concentration)
266816 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_CUBE mol/m3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4672 NL-3 (concentration)
266848 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_L mol/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4704 NL-3 (concentration)
266866 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_L mmol/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4722 NL-3 (concentration)
266880 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_ML mol/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4736 NL-3 (concentration)
266898 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_ML mmol/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4754 NL-3 (concentration)
266912 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_CM_CUBE mol/cm3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4768 NL-3 (concentration)
266944 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_CUBE eq/m3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4800 NL-3 (concentration)
266976 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_L eq/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4832 NL-3 (concentration)
266994 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_L meq/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4850 NL-3 (concentration)
267008 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_ML eq/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4864 NL-3 (concentration)
267026 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_ML meq/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4882 NL-3 (concentration)
267040 MDC_DIM_X_OSM_PER_KG osm/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4896 NM-1 (substance content)
267072 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG mol/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4928 NM-1 (substance content)
267090 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_KG mmol/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4946 NM-1 (substance content)
267104 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_SEC mol/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4960 - mol dose rate
267136 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_MIN mol/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4992 - mol dose rate
267154 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_MIN mmol/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5010 - mol dose rate
267168 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_HR mol/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5024 - mol dose rate
267186 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_HR mmol/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5042 - mol dose rate
267200 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_DAY mol/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5056 - mol dose rate
267218 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_DAY mmol/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5074 - mol dose rate
267232 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_SEC eq/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5088 - eq dose rate
267264 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_MIN eq/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5120 - eq dose rate
267282 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_MIN meq/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5138 - eq dose rate
267296 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_HR eq/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5152 - eq dose rate
267314 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_HR meq/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5170 - eq dose rate
267328 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_DAY eq/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5184 - eq dose rate
267346 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_DAY meq/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5202 - eq dose rate
267360 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_SEC mol/kg/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5216 - mol dose rate per body weight
267392 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_MIN mol/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5248 - mol dose rate per body weight
267410 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_MIN mmol/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5266 - mol dose rate per body weight
267424 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_HR mol/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5280 - mol dose rate per body weight
267442 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_HR mmol/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5298 - mol dose rate per body weight
267456 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_DAY mol/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5312 - mol dose rate per body weight
267474 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_DAY mmol/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5330 - mol dose rate per body weight
267488 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_SEC eq/kg/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5344 - eq dose rate per body weight
267520 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_MIN eq/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5376 - eq dose rate per body weight
267538 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_MIN meq/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5394 - eq dose rate per body weight
267552 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_HR eq/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5408 - eq dose rate per body weight
267570 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_HR meq/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5426 - eq dose rate per body weight
267584 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_DAY eq/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5440 - eq dose rate per body weight
267602 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_DAY meq/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5458 - eq dose rate per body weight
267616 MDC_DIM_INTL_UNIT [iU] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5472 International Unit
267619 MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT k[iU] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5475  International Unit
267620 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT M[iU] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5476 International Unit
267634 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT m[iU] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5490 International Unit
267648 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_CM_CUBE [iU]/cm3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5504 - IU concentration
267680 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_CUBE [iU]/m3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5536 - IU concentration
267712 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_L [iU]/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5568 - IU concentration
267744 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_ML [iU]/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5600 - IU concentration
267747 MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_ML k[iU]/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5603 - IU concentration
267748 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_ML M[iU]/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5604 - IU concentration
267762 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_ML m[iU]/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5618 - IU concentration
267776 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_SEC [iU]/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5632 - IU mass flow rate
267780 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_SEC M[iU]/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5636 - IU mass flow rate
267808 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_MIN [iU]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5664 - IU mass flow rate
267812 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_MIN M[iU]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5668 - IU mass flow rate
267826 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_MIN m[iU]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5682 - IU mass flow rate
267840 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_HR [iU]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5696 - IU mass flow rate
267843 MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_HR k[iU]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5699 - IU mass flow rate
267844 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_HR M[iU]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5700 - IU mass flow rate
267858 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_HR m[iU]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5714 - IU mass flow rate
267872 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_DAY [iU]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5728 - IU mass flow rate
267875 MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_DAY k[iU]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5731 - IU mass flow rate
267876 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_DAY M[iU]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5732 - IU mass flow rate
267890 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_DAY m[iU]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5746 - IU mass flow rate
267904 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC [iU]/kg/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5760 - IU dose rate per body weight
267908 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC M[iU]/kg/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5764 - IU dose rate per body weight
267922 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC m[iU]/kg/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5778 - IU dose rate per body weight
267936 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN [iU]/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5792 - IU dose rate per body weight
267940 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN M[iU]/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5796 - IU dose rate per body weight
267954 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN m[iU]/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5810 - IU dose rate per body weight
267968 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR [iU]/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5824 - IU dose rate per body weight
267971 MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR k[iU]/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5827 - IU mass flow rate
267972 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR M[iU]/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5828 - IU dose rate per body weight
267986 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR m[iU]/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5842 - IU dose rate per body weight
268000 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY [iU]/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5856 - IU dose rate per body weight
268003 MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY k[iU]/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5859 - IU mass flow rate
268004 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY M[iU]/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5860 - IU dose rate per body weight
268018 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY m[iU]/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5874 - IU dose rate per body weight
268032 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_CM_H2O L/cm[H2O] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5888 compliance
268050 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_CM_H2O mL/cm[H2O] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5906 compliance
268064 MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_PER_L_PER_SEC cm[H2O].s/L cm[H2O]/(L/s) _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5920 - Lung Resistance
268096 MDC_DIM_X_L_SQ_PER_SEC L2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5952 - HF Transport Coefficient
268128 MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_PER_PERCENT cm[H2O]/% _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5984 - ratio of paO2 to FIO2
268160 MDC_DIM_DYNE_SEC_PER_M_SQ_PER_CM_5 dyn.s.m2/cm5 dyn.s/cm5/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6016 - Pulmonary/ Systemic Vascular Resistance Index
268192 MDC_DIM_DEGC Cel _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6048 Q (temperature)
268224 MDC_DIM_X_AMP_HR A.h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6080 IT (electrical charge)
268256 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_BEAT L/{beat} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6112 L3 (volume)
268274 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_BEAT mL/{beat} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6130 L3 (volume)
268288 MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_PER_L cm[H2O]/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6144 L-4M1T-2 (elastance)
268320 MDC_DIM_MM_HG_PER_PERCENT mm[Hg]/% _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6176 - ratio of paO2 to FIO2
268352 MDC_DIM_X_PA_PER_PERCENT Pa/% _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6208 - ratio of paO2 to FIO2
268384 MDC_DIM_VOL_PERCENT %{vol} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6240 - volume fraction
268416 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_MM_HG L/mm[Hg] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6272 compliance
268448 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_MM_PA L/Pa _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6304 compliance
268480 MDC_DIM_MM_HG_PER_L mm[Hg]/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6336
268512 MDC_DIM_PA_PER_X_L Pa/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6368 L-4MT-2 (elastance)
268544 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_DL L/dL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6400 - volume fraction
268562 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_DL mL/dL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6418 - volume fraction
268576 MDC_DIM_DECIBEL dB dB[10.nV] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6432 - decibel (existing 11073 definition)
268608 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_MG g/mg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6464 - mass fraction
268640 MDC_DIM_BEAT_PER_MIN_PER_X_L /min/L 1/min/L {beats}/min/L {beat}/min/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6496 - special vital signs rates
268672 MDC_DIM_PER_X_L_PER_MIN /L/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6528 L-4M1T-2 (elastance)
268704 MDC_DIM_X_M_PER_MIN m/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6560 LT-1
268736 MDC_DIM_PSI [psi] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6592 L-1MT-2 (pressure)
268832 MDC_DIM_X_RAD_PER_SEC rad/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6688 LT-1 (velocity)
268864 MDC_DIM_X_LUMEN_PER_M_SQ lm/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6720 Luminance
268896 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_LB_PER_HR g/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6752 - mass dose rate per body weight
268914 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_LB_PER_HR mg/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6770 - mass dose rate per body weight
268915 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_LB_PER_HR ug/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6771 - mass dose rate per body weight
268916 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_LB_PER_HR ng/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6772 - mass dose rate per body weight
268928 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_LB_PER_MIN g/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6784 - mass dose rate per body weight
268946 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_LB_PER_MIN mg/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6802 - mass dose rate per body weight
268947 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_LB_PER_MIN ug/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6803 - mass dose rate per body weight
268948 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_LB_PER_MIN ng/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6804 - mass dose rate per body weight
268960 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR g/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6816 - mass dose rate per body surface area
268978 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR mg/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6834 - mass dose rate per body surface area
268979 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR ug/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6835 - mass dose rate per body surface area
268980 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR ng/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6836 - mass dose rate per body surface area
268992 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN g/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6848 - mass dose rate per body surface area
269010 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN mg/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6866 - mass dose rate per body surface area
269011 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN ug/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6867 - mass dose rate per body surface area
269012 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN ng/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6868 - mass dose rate per body surface area
269024 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_DAY [iU]/[lb_av]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6880 - IU mass flow rate
269042 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_DAY m[iU]/[lb_av]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6898 - IU mass flow rate
269056 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_MIN [iU]/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6912 - IU dose rate per body weight
269074 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_MIN m[iU]/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6930 - IU dose rate per body weight
269088 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR [iU]/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6944 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269092 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR M[iU]/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6948 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269106 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR m[iU]/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6962 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269120 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN [iU]/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6976 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269124 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN M[iU]/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6980 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269138 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN m[iU]/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6994 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269152 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_LB_PER_HR eq/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7008 - eq dose rate per body weight
269170 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_LB_PER_HR meq/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7026 - eq dose rate per body weight
269184 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_LB_PER_MIN eq/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7040 - eq dose rate per body weight
269202 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_LB_PER_MIN meq/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7058 - eq dose rate per body weight
269216 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR eq/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7072 - eq dose rate per body surface area
269234 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR meq/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7090 - eq dose rate per body surface area
269248 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN eq/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7104 - eq dose rate per body surface area
269266 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN meq/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7122 - eq dose rate per body surface area
269280 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY eq/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7136 - eq dose rate per body surface area
269298 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY meq/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7154 - eq dose rate per body surface area
269312 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY g/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7168 - mass dose rate per body surface area
269330 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY mg/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7186 - mass dose rate per body surface area
269331 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY ug/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7187 - mass dose rate per body surface area
269332 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY ng/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7188 - mass dose rate per body surface area
269344 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY [iU]/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7200 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269348 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY M[iU]/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7204 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269362 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY m[iU]/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7218 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269376 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_KG_PER_HR L/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7232 Flow rate per body weight
269394 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_KG_PER_HR mL/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7250 Flow rate per body weight
269408 MDCX_DIM_X_L_PER_KG_PER_MIN L/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7264 Flow rate per body weight
269426 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_KG_PER_MIN mL/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7282 Flow rate per body weight
269440 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_KG_PER_DAY L/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7296 Flow rate per body weight
269458 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_KG_PER_DAY mL/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7314 Flow rate per body weight
269472 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN L/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7328 Volume per minute per body surface area
269490 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN mL/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7346 Flow rate per body surface area
269504 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR L/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7360 Flow rate per body surface area
269522 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR mL/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7378 Flow rate per body surface area
269536 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY L/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7392 Flow rate per body surface area
269554 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY mL/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7410 Flow rate per body surface area
269568 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC mol/m2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7424 - mol dose rate per body surface area
269586 MDCX_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC mmol/m2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7442 - mol dose rate per body surface area
269600 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN mol/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7456 - mol dose rate per body surface area
269618 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN mmol/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7474 - mol dose rate per body surface area
269632 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR mol/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7488 - mol dose rate per body surface area
269650 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR mmol/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7506 - mol dose rate per body surface area
269664 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY mol/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7520 - mol dose rate per body surface area
269682 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY mmol/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7538 - mol dose rate per body surface area
269696 MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ mol/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7552 NM-1 (substance content)
269714 MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ mmol/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7570 NM-1 (substance content)
269728 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG eq/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7584 NM-1 (substance content)
269746 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_KG meq/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7602 NM-1 (substance content)
269760 MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ eq/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7616 NM-1 (substance content)
269778 MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ meq/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7634 NM-1 (substance content)
269792 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC [iU]/m2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7648 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269796 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC M[iU]/m2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7652 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269810 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC m[iU]/m2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7666 - IU dose rate per body surface area
269824 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG [iU]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7680 - IU dose quantity per body weight
269827 MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG k[iU]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7683 - IU dose quantity per body weight
269828 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG M[iU]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7684 - IU dose quantity per body weight
269842 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG m[iU]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7698 - IU dose quantity per body weight
269843 MDC_DIM_MICRO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG u[iU]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7699 - IU dose quantity per body weight
269844 MDC_DIM_NANO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG n[iU]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7700 - IU dose quantity per body weight
269856 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ [iU]/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7712 - IU dose quantity per body surface area
269860 MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ M[iU]/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7716 - IU dose quantity per body surface area
269874 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ m[iU]/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7730 - IU dose quantity per body surface area
269875 MDC_DIM_MICRO_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ u[iU]/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7731 - IU dose quantity per body surface area
269876 MDC_DIM_NANO_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ n[iU]/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7732 - IU dose quantity per body surface area
269888 MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_SQ g/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7744 ML-2
269891 MDC_DIM_KILO_G_PER_M_SQ kg/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7747 ML-2
269906 MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_M_SQ mg/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7762 ML-2
269907 MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_M_SQ ug/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7763 ML-2
269908 MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_M_SQ ng/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7764 ML-2
269920 MDC_DIM_BOOLEAN 1 {bool} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7776 Dimension- less
269952 MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_X_V dB[V] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7808 - decibel (proposal dB1')'
269984 MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_X_MV dB[mV] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7840 - decibel (proposal dB1')'
270004 MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_10_NANO_VOLT dB[10.nV] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7860
270016 MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_X_UV dB[uV] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7872 - decibel (proposal dB1')'
270048 MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_X_NV dB[nV] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7904 - decibel (proposal dB1')'
270080 MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_DECA_NV dB[10.nV] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7936 - decibel (proposal dB1')'
270112 MDC_DIM_X_BEL_MV B[mV] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7968 - decibel (proposal dB2')'
270144 MDC_DIM_X_BEL B _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8000 - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')'
270160 MDC_DIM_DECI_BEL dB _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8016 - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')'
270176 MDC_DIM_SQ_X_CM cm2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8032 L2 (area)
270208 MDC_DIM_PER_X_SEC_SQ /s2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8064 T-2 (rate, frequency squared)
270210 MDC_DIM_PER_HECTO_SEC_SQ /(100.s2) _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8066 T-2 (rate, frequency squared)
270240 MDC_DIM_X_ROTATIONS_PER_MIN 2.[pi].rad/min 360.deg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8096 LT-1 (velocity)
270272 MDC_DIM_X_DROPS_PER_MIN [drp]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8128 L3T-1 (volume flow rate)
270304 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_CM_H2O_PER_KG L/cm[H2O]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8160 compliance per body weight
270322 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_CM_H2O_PER_KG mL/cm[H2O]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8178 compliance per body weight
270336 MDC_DIM_X_TESLA T _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8192 IL-1 (magnetic field strength)
270368 MDC_DIM_X_VOLT_SEC V.s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8224 ML2I-1T-2 (electric potential time integral)
270388 MDC_DIM_NANO_VOLT_SEC _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8244 ML2I-1T-2 (electric potential time integral)
270400 MDC_DIM_X_VOLT_PER_SEC V/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8256 ML2I-1T-4 (electric potential rate of change)
270419 MDC_DIM_MICRO_VOLT_PER_SEC uV/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8275 ML2I-1T-4 (electric potential rate of change)
270432 MDC_DIM_PER_X_OHM /Ohm 1/Ohm s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8288 M-1L-2I2T3 (electric conductance)
270435 MDC_DIM_PER_KILO_OHM /kOhm 1/kOhm _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8291 M-1L-2I2T3 (electric conductance)
270464 MDC_DIM_DYNE_SEC_M_SQ_PER_CM_5 dyn.s.m2/cm5 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8320 - Pulmonary/ Systemic Vascular Resistance Index
270496 MDC_DIM_X_CAL cal _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8352 thermal calories
270499 MDC_DIM_KILO_CAL kcal _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8355 thermal calories
270528 MDC_DIM_X_NUTR_CAL [Cal] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8384 nutrition label calories
270560 MDC_DIM_X_CAL_PER_DAY cal/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8416 thermal caloric rate
270563 MDC_DIM_KILO_CAL_PER_DAY kcal/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8419 thermal caloric rate
270592 MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_BREATH J/{breath} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8448
270624 MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_L J/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8480
270656 MDC_DIM_DYNE_SEC_PER_CM_5 dyn.s/cm5 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8512 Vascular Resistance
270688 MDC_DIM_MMHG_SEC_PER_ML mm[Hg].s/mL [PRU] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8544 Vascular Resistance (Peripheral Reistance Unit)
270720 MDC_DIM_MMHG_MIN_PER_L mm[Hg].min/L [wood'U] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8576 Vascular Resistance (Wood's unit; pediatric)
270752 MDC_DIM_BIT bit _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8608 Amount of information
270784 MDC_DIM_BYTE By _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8640 Amount of information
270816 MDC_DIM_DROPS_PER_X_L [drp]/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8672 Volume concentration
270834 MDC_DIM_DROPS_PER_MILLI_L [drp]/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8690 Volume concentration
270866 MDC_DIM_BREATHS_PER_MIN_PER_MILLI_L /min/mL {breaths}/min/mL {breath}/min/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8722
270880 MDC_DIM_SQUARE_BREATHS_PER_MIN_PER_L /min/L {breaths-squared}/min/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8736 Shallow Breathing Index (breaths squared)
270912 MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_MIN_PER_KG L/min/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8768 Volume per minute per body weight
270930 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_MIN_PER_KG mL/min/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8786
270944 MDC_DIM_O2_SAT_PERCENT_SEC {sat}.%.s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8800 Oxygen saturation-seconds
270976 MDC_DIM_X_M_PER_VOLT m/V mm/mV _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8832 millimeters per millivolt (display gain)
271008 MDC_DIM_X_G_FORCE_M gf.m _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8864 Cardiac stroke work
271011 MDC_DIM_KILO_G_FORCE_M kgf.m _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8867 Cardiac stroke work
271040 MDC_DIM_X_G_FORCE_M_PER_L gf.m/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8896 Cardiac stroke work per liter of fluid
271043 MDC_DIM_KILO_G_FORCE_M_PER_L kgf.m/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8899 Cardiac stroke work per liter of fluid
271072 MDC_DIM_G_FORCE_M_PER_M_SQ gf.m/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8928 Cardiac Stroke Work per Body Surface Area
271075 MDC_DIM_KILO_G_FORCE_M_PER_M_SQ kgf.m/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8931 Cardiac Stroke Work per Body Surface Area
271200 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT [arb'U] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9056 Arbitrary Unit (arb?U)
271203 MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT k[arb'U] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9059 Arbitrary Unit (arb?U)
271204 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT M[arb'U] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9060 Arbitrary Unit (arb?U)
271218 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT m[arb'U] _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9074 Arbitrary Unit (arb?U)
271232 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_CM_CUBE [arb'U]/cm3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9088 arb'U concentration
271264 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_CUBE [arb'U]/m3 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9120 arb'U concentration
271296 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_L [arb'U]/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9152 arb'U concentration
271328 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_ML [arb'U]/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9184 arb'U concentration
271331 MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_ML k[arb'U]/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9187 arb'U concentration
271332 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_ML M[arb'U]/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9188 arb'U concentration
271346 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_ML m[arb'U]/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9202 arb'U concentration
271360 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_SEC [arb'U]/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9216 arb'U mass flow rate
271364 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_SEC M[arb'U]/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9220 arb'U mass flow rate
271392 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_MIN [arb'U]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9248 arb'U mass flow rate
271396 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_MIN M[arb'U]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9252 arb'U mass flow rate
271410 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_MIN m[arb'U]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9266 arb'U mass flow rate
271424 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_HR [arb'U]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9280 arb'U mass flow rate
271427 MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_HR k[arb'U]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9283 arb'U mass flow rate
271428 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_HR M[arb'U]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9284 arb'U mass flow rate
271442 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_HR m[arb'U]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9298 arb'U mass flow rate
271456 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_DAY [arb'U]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9312 arb'U mass flow rate
271459 MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_DAY k[arb'U]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9315 arb'U mass flow rate
271460 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_DAY M[arb'U]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9316 arb'U mass flow rate
271474 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_DAY m[arb'U]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9330 arb'U mass flow rate
271488 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG [arb'U]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9344 arb'U dose quantity per body weight
271491 MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG k[arb'U]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9347 arb'U dose quantity per body weight
271492 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG M[arb'U]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9348 arb'U dose quantity per body weight
271506 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG m[arb'U]/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9362 arb'U dose quantity per body weight
271520 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ [arb'U]/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9376 arb'U dose quantity per body surface area
271524 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ M[arb'U]/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9380 arb'U dose quantity per body surface area
271538 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ m[arb'U]/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9394 arb'U dose quantity per body surface area
271552 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC [arb'U]/kg/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9408 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271556 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC M[arb'U]/kg/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9412 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271584 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN [arb'U]/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9440 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271588 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN M[arb'U]/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9444 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271602 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN m[arb'U]/kg/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9458 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271616 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR [arb'U]/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9472 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271619 MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR k[arb'U]/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9475 arb'U mass flow rate
271620 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR M[arb'U]/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9476 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271634 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR m[arb'U]/kg/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9490 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271648 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY [arb'U]/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9504 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271651 MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY k[arb'U]/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9507 arb'U mass flow rate
271652 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY M[arb'U]/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9508 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271666 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY m[arb'U]/kg/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9522 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271680 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_MIN [arb'U]/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9536 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271698 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_MIN m[arb'U]/[lb_av]/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9554 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271712 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_DAY [arb'U]/[lb_av]/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9568 arb'U dose rate per body weight
271744 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC [arb'U]/m2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9600 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271748 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC M[arb'U]/m2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9604 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271762 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC m[arb'U]/m2/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9618 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271776 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN [arb'U]/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9632 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271780 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN M[arb'U]/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9636 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271794 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN m[arb'U]/m2/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9650 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271808 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR [arb'U]/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9664 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271812 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR M[arb'U]/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9668 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271826 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR m[arb'U]/m2/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9682 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271840 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY [arb'U]/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9696 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271844 MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY M[arb'U]/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9700 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
271858 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY m[arb'U]/m2/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9714 arb'U dose rate per body surface area
272544 MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_HR [iU]/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10400 - IU dose rate per body weight
272562 MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_HR m[iU]/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10418 - IU dose rate per body weight
272576 MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_HR [arb'U]/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10432 arb'U dose rate per body weight
272594 MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_HR m[arb'U]/[lb_av]/h _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10450 arb'U dose rate per body weight
272640 MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_DAY J/d _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10496
272672 MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_ML J/mL _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10528
272704 MDC_DIM_VOL_PERCENT_PER_L %{vol}/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10560 Slope of component gas concentration per expired total gas volume
272739 MDC_DIM_KILO_PASCAL_PER_L kPa/L _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10595
272914 MDC_DIM_MILLI_BAR_SEC_PER_L mbar.s/L mbar/(L/s) _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10770
272978 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_HPA mL/hPa _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10834
272992 MDC_DIM_L_PER_BAR L/bar _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10848
273024 MDC_DIM_L_PER_MBAR L/mbar _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10880
273042 MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_MBAR mL/mbar _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10898
273056 MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_L_PER_SEC J/L/s _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10912
273376 MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_SEC_PER_BREATH cm[H2O].s/{breath} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11232 Pressure Time Product
273408 MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_SEC_PER_MIN cm[H2O].s/min _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11264
273458 MDC_DIM_MILLI_BAR_SEC_PER_BREATH mbar.s mbar.s/{breath} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11314
273475 MDC_DIM_KILO_G_FORCE_M_PER_MIN_PER_M2 kgf.m/min/m2 _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11331
273525 MDC_DIM_PICO_WATT_PER_HZ pW/Hz _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11381
273536 MDC_DIM_INR {INR} _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11392
273568 MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_L_PER_KG J/L/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11424
273600 MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_ML_PER_KG J/mL/kg _mdcunits PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11456