Defining URL: | |
Version: | 1.0.0+20230131 |
Name: | mdc-medicaldevicecommunications |
Title: | MDC_MedicalDeviceCommunications |
Status: | Active as of 2021-02-03 |
Definition: | Description: HL7-Austria and ELGA GmbH would like to thank IEEE SA for providing their CodeSystem to the Austrian eHealth Terminology Server. The information mapped in this code system is provided free of charge to all eHealth Terminology Server users via the IEEE SA and HL7-Austria / ELGA GmbH Royalty Free Agreement. Any other information, whether from the designated standards or any other standard, shall require separate permission from IEEE. Medical Device Communications (MDC) codes are from ISO/IEEE 11073-10101 Nomenclature standard and amendments. This is a detailed system of codes used in personal health devices and and acute-care (point-of-care) medical devices for identification of physiological measurements and also for alerts, alarms, and numerous technical conditions such as calibration state and battery state. Beschreibung: HL7-Austria und die ELGA GmbH danken der IEEE SA für die Bereitstellung ihres CodesSystems am österreichischen eHealth Terminologie Server. Die in diesem CodeSystem abgebildeten Informationen werden allen eHealth Termnologie Server-Benutzern über das IEEE-SA und HL7-Austria / ELGA GmbH Royalty Free Agreement kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. Jede andere Informationen, ob aus den bezeichneten Normen oder aus anderen Normen, bedürfen einer gesonderten Genehmigung durch IEEE. Die MDC-Codes (Medical Device Communications) stammen aus der ISO/IEEE-Nomenklaturnorm 11073-10101 und deren Ergänzungen. Dabei handelt es sich um ein detailliertes System von Codes, die in persönlichen Gesundheitsgeräten und medizinischen Geräten für die Akutversorgung (Point-of-Care) zur Identifizierung von physiologischen Messungen und auch für Warnungen, Alarme und zahlreiche technische Zustände wie Kalibrierungszustand und Batteriezustand verwendet werden. |
Copyright: | Copyright © 2021 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated Three Park Avenue New York, New York 10016-5997, USA All rights reserved. |
Content: | Complete: All the concepts defined by the code system are included in the code system resource |
OID: | 2.16.840.1.113883.6.24 ({0} (for OID based terminology systems)) |
This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:
Generated Narrative: CodeSystem mdc-medicaldevicecommunications
This code system defines the following properties for its concepts
Name | Code | Type |
child | child | code |
parent | parent | code |
hints | hints | string |
This code system
defines the following codes:
Code | Display | Definition | child | parent | hints | Deutsch (Österreich) (German (Austria), de) |
_mdc | MDC | 131840, 131841, 131842, 131843, 131844, 131845, 131846, 131847, 131848, 131873, 131874, 131875, 131876, 131877, 131878, 131901, 131902, 131903, 131904, 131927, 131931, 131932, 131937, 131971, 131972, 131973, 147232, 147236, 147240, 147626, 147842, 147850, 148065, 148066, 148496, 149514, 149522, 149530, 149546, 149554, 149562, 149760, 149764, 149772, 150016, 150017, 150018, 150019, 150020, 150021, 150022, 150023, 150025, 150026, 150027, 150028, 150029, 150030, 150031, 150032, 150033, 150034, 150035, 150036, 150037, 150038, 150039, 150044, 150045, 150046, 150047, 150052, 150056, 150057, 150058, 150059, 150064, 150065, 150066, 150067, 150068, 150069, 150070, 150071, 150076, 150077, 150078, 150079, 150084, 150085, 150086, 150087, 150088, 150089, 150090, 150091, 150101, 150102, 150103, 150105, 150106, 150107, 150272, 150276, 150300, 150301, 150302, 150303, 150304, 150308, 150312, 150320, 150324, 150332, 150336, 150344, 150348, 150352, 150356, 150364, 150368, 150372, 150376, 150380, 150388, 150392, 150396, 150404, 150416, 150420, 150428, 150448, 150452, 150456, 150468, 150472, 150476, 150484, 150488, 150492, 150496, 150520, 150528, 150532, 150565, 150568, 150572, 150576, 150580, 150584, 150588, 150604, 150605, 150612, 150616, 150620, 150624, 150628, 150632, 150636, 150640, 150644, 150648, 150649, 150650, 150651, 150652, 150656, 150660, 150664, 150668, 150672, 150676, 150680, 151562, 151570, 151578, 151586, 151594, 151602, 151610, 151618, 151626, 151634, 151642, 151650, 151658, 151666, 151674, 151680, 151684, 151688, 151692, 151696, 151700, 151708, 151712, 151716, 151718, 151744, 151756, 151760, 151764, 151768, 151769, 151772, 151773, 151776, 151780, 151784, 151788, 151792, 151793, 151794, 151795, 151796, 151801, 151804, 151808, 151812, 151813, 151814, 151816, 151817, 151818, 151819, 151820, 151824, 151828, 151832, 151836, 151840, 151844, 151848, 151852, 151856, 151860, 151864, 151868, 151872, 151876, 151880, 151884, 151888, 151908, 151912, 151940, 151944, 151945, 151948, 151949, 151952, 151956, 151957, 151958, 151964, 151972, 151973, 151974, 151975, 151976, 151980, 151984, 151988, 151992, 151996, 152000, 152004, 152008, 152012, 152016, 152020, 152024, 152028, 152032, 152036, 152040, 152044, 152048, 152052, 152056, 152060, 152064, 152068, 152072, 152076, 152080, 152084, 152088, 152092, 152096, 152100, 152104, 152108, 152112, 152116, 152120, 152124, 152128, 152132, 152136, 152140, 152144, 152148, 152152, 152156, 152160, 152164, 152168, 152172, 152176, 152180, 152184, 152188, 152192, 152196, 152200, 152204, 152208, 152212, 152216, 152220, 152224, 152416, 152420, 152424, 152428, 152432, 152436, 152440, 152444, 152448, 152452, 152456, 152460, 152464, 152482, 152490, 152498, 152506, 152514, 152522, 152530, 152538, 152546, 152554, 152562, 152584, 152585, 152586, 152587, 152596, 152600, 152604, 152608, 152612, 152616, 152621, 152624, 152628, 152632, 152636, 152640, 152644, 152648, 152652, 152656, 152660, 152664, 152668, 152672, 152676, 152679, 152680, 152684, 152688, 152692, 152696, 152700, 152704, 152708, 152712, 152716, 152720, 152724, 152728, 152732, 152736, 152740, 152744, 152748, 152752, 152756, 152760, 152764, 152768, 152772, 152776, 152780, 152784, 152788, 152792, 152796, 152800, 152804, 152808, 152812, 152816, 152820, 152824, 152828, 152832, 152836, 152840, 152844, 152848, 152852, 152856, 152860, 152864, 152868, 152872, 152876, 152880, 152884, 152888, 152892, 152896, 152900, 152904, 152908, 152912, 152916, 152920, 152924, 152928, 152932, 152936, 152940, 152944, 152948, 152952, 152956, 152960, 152964, 152968, 152972, 152976, 152980, 152984, 152988, 152992, 152996, 153000, 153004, 153008, 153012, 153016, 153020, 153024, 153028, 153032, 153036, 153040, 153044, 153048, 153052, 153056, 153060, 153064, 153068, 153072, 153076, 153080, 153084, 153088, 153092, 153096, 153100, 153104, 153108, 153112, 153116, 153120, 153124, 153128, 153132, 153136, 153140, 153144, 153148, 153152, 153156, 153160, 153164, 153168, 153172, 153176, 153180, 153184, 153188, 153192, 153196, 153200, 153204, 153208, 153212, 153216, 153220, 153224, 153228, 153236, 153240, 153244, 153248, 153252, 153256, 153260, 153264, 153272, 153276, 153280, 153284, 153288, 153292, 153296, 153300, 153304, 153308, 153312, 153316, 153320, 153324, 153328, 153332, 153336, 153360, 153364, 153368, 153372, 153376, 153380, 153384, 153388, 153392, 153396, 153604, 153608, 153609, 153610, 153611, 153636, 153640, 153644, 153648, 153652, 153656, 153660, 153728, 153730, 153731, 153732, 153856, 153892, 153896, 153900, 153980, 153984, 153988, 153992, 154028, 154032, 154036, 154040, 154068, 154072, 154076, 154080, 154977, 155024, 156241, 156242, 157744, 157760, 157784, 157816, 157864, 157872, 157880, 157884, 157904, 157908, 157916, 157924, 157984, 157985, 157987, 157988, 157990, 157991, 157992, 157993, 157994, 157995, 157996, 157997, 157999, 158000, 158002, 158003, 158004, 158005, 158006, 158007, 158008, 158009, 158010, 158011, 158012, 158013, 158014, 158015, 158016, 158017, 158018, 158019, 159748, 159752, 159756, 159760, 159764, 159768, 159792, 159796, 159800, 159804, 159816, 159852, 159960, 160004, 160008, 160012, 160016, 160020, 160024, 160064, 160068, 160080, 160104, 160116, 160132, 160184, 160188, 160192, 160196, 160200, 160204, 160208, 160212, 160216, 160220, 160252, 160256, 160260, 160264, 160268, 160272, 160276, 160280, 160284, 160288, 160292, 160296, 160300, 160304, 160308, 160312, 160316, 160320, 160324, 160364, 160368, 160372, 160376, 160380, 160384, 16927604, 16928802, 16928804, 16928805, 16929020, 16929048, 16929072, 16929164, 16929188, 16929192, 16929196, 16929224, 16929228, 16929300, 16929304, 16929308, 16929312, 16929316, 16929416, 16929420, 16929424, 16929428, 16929432, 16929632, 16929633, 16929644, 16929656, 16929698, 16929820, 16929832, 16929837, 16929840, 16929844, 16929848, 16929852, 16929860, 16929864, 16929868, 16929872, 16929932, 16929936, 16929940, 16929944, 16929948, 16929952, 16929956, 16929960, 16929964, 16929968, 16929972, 16929976, 16929980, 16929984, 16929988, 16930020, 16930024, 16930092, 16930308, 16930360, 16930372, 16930432, 16930436, 16930438, 16930448, 16930476, 16930484, 16930488, 16930560, 16930564, 16930568, 16930572, 16930604, 16961504, 16961508, 16961512, 16961620, 16961621, 16961626, 184288, 184292, 184296, 184300, 184304, 184308, 184326, 184327, 184331, 184336, 184337, 184338, 184339, 184340, 184341, 184352, 184353, 184400, 184404, 184405, 184408, 184409, 184476, 184488, 184513, 184514, 184515, 184516, 184517, 184518, 184519, 188420, 188424, 188428, 188432, 188436, 188440, 188448, 188452, 188456, 188480, 188488, 188492, 188496, 188500, 188504, 188508, 188736, 188740, 188744, 188748, 188752, 188756, 188760, 188764, 188772, 188792, 188796, 188800, 196886, 67926, 68012, 68060, 68063, 68137, 68167, 68185, 68320, 68321, 68322, 68323, 68324, 68325, 68326, 68327, 68328, 68480, 68481, 68482, 68483, 68484, 68485, 68487, 68488, 68512, 68513, 68514, 68515, 68517, 68518, 68519, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68525, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68530, 68531, 68532, 68533, 68534, 68535, 68536, 68537, 68538, 68539, 68540, 68541, 68542, 69120, 69121, 69122, 69984, 69985, 69986, 70048, 70049, 70050, 70052, 70053, 70054, 70055, 70056, 70057, 70058, 70060, 70061, 70062, 70067, 70071, 70075, 70079, 70083, 70087, 70091, 70095, 8417752, 8417760, 8417764, 8417765, 8417766, 8417767, 8417768, 8417769, 8417772, 8417776, 8417780, 8417784, 8417788, 8417792, 8417796, 8417800, 8417804, 8417808, 8417812, 8417816, 8417820, 8417844, 8417864, 8417884, 8417908, 8417909, 8417912, 8417916, 8417920, 8417924 | ||||
131840 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST | ElectricalPotential | ECG <lead>; ST | Heart | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 768 | STTxx Amplitude | |
131841 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_I | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 769 | |||
131842 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_II | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 770 | |||
131843 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V1 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 771 | |||
131844 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V2 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 772 | |||
131845 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V3 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 773 | |||
131846 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V4 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 774 | |||
131847 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V5 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 775 | |||
131848 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V6 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 776 | |||
131873 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV1 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 801 | |||
131874 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV2 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 802 | |||
131875 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV3 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 803 | |||
131876 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV4 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 804 | |||
131877 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV5 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 805 | |||
131878 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_dV6 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 806 | |||
131901 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_III | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 829 | |||
131902 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AVR | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 830 | |||
131903 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AVL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 831 | |||
131904 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AVF | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 832 | |||
131927 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_V | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 855 | |||
131931 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_MCL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 859 | |||
131932 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_MCL1 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 860 | |||
131937 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_MCL6 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 865 | |||
131971 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_ES | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 899 | |||
131972 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 900 | |||
131973 | MDC_ECG_AMPL_ST_AI | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 901 | |||
147232 | MDC_ECG_TIME_PD_QT_GL | Duration | ECG; QT | Heart | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16160 | Q-T interval | |
147236 | MDC_ECG_TIME_PD_QTc | Duration | ECG; QTc | Heart | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16164 | Q-T c | |
147240 | MDC_ECG_TIME_PD_RR_GL | Duration | ECG; RR | Heart | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16168 | R-R interval | |
147626 | MDC_ECG_PACED_BEAT_RATE | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16554 | |||
147842 | MDC_ECG_HEART_RATE | Rate | beats | Heart | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16770 | heart rate | |
147850 | MDC_ECG_CARD_BEAT_RATE_BTB | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16778 | |||
148065 | MDC_ECG_V_P_C_CNT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16993 | |||
148066 | MDC_ECG_V_P_C_RATE | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 16994 | |||
148496 | MDC_ECG_ARRHY | Pattern | Arrhythmia | ECG; Heart | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 17424 | ||
149514 | MDC_PULS_RATE | Rate | | Pulse | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18442 | Pulse rate | |
149522 | MDC_BLD_PULS_RATE_INV | Rate | Invasive | Pulse | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18450 | Invasive pulse rate | |
149530 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_PULS_RATE | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18458 | |||
149546 | MDC_PULS_RATE_NON_INV | Rate | Noninvasive | Pulse | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18474 | Noninvasive pulse rate | |
149554 | MDC_TTHOR_HEART_RATE | Rate | Beats | Heart | CVS; transthoracic impedance | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18482 | Heart rate by transthoracic impedance | |
149562 | MDC_PALPATION_HEART_RATE | Rate | Beats | Heart | CVS; manual palpation | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18490 | Heart rate by palpation | |
149760 | MDC_RES_VASC_SYS_INDEX | Resistance | Difference(SystemicAndPulmonary) | Flow | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18688 | Systemic vascular resistance indexed | |
149764 | MDC_WK_LV_STROKE_INDEX | Index | | Work; PerStroke; PerSurfaceArea | LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18692 | Left Ventricular Stroke Work Index | |
149772 | MDC_OUTPUT_CARD_INDEX | Index | PerMinute | Volume | Blood; LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18700 | Cardiac index | |
150016 | MDC_PRESS_BLD | Pressure | | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18944 | Blood pressure | |
150017 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18945 | Systolic blood pressure | |
150018 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18946 | Diastolic blood pressure | |
150019 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18947 | Mean blood pressure | |
150020 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18948 | |||
150021 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_SYS | Pressure | Noninvasive; Systolic | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18949 | Noninvasive systolic blood pressure | |
150022 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_DIA | Pressure | Noninvasive; Diastolic | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18950 | Noninvasive diastolic blood pressure | |
150023 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_MEAN | Pressure | Noninvasive; Mean | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18951 | Noninvasive mean blood pressure | |
150025 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_SYS_CTS | Pressure | Noninvasive; Continuous; Systolic | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18953 | Continuous; noninvasive systolic blood pressure | |
150026 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_DIA_CTS | Pressure | Noninvasive; Continuous; Diastolic | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18954 | Continuous; noninvasive diastolic blood pressure | |
150027 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_NONINV_MEAN_CTS | Pressure | Noninvasive; Continuous; Mean | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18955 | Continuous; noninvasive mean blood pressure | |
150028 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_AORT | Pressure | | Blood | Aorta; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18956 | Aortic pressure | |
150029 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_AORT_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | Aorta; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18957 | Systolic aortic pressure | |
150030 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_AORT_DIA | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18958 | |||
150031 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_AORT_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | Artery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18959 | Mean aortic pressure | |
150032 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART | Pressure | | Blood | Artery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18960 | Arterial pressure | |
150033 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | Artery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18961 | Systolic arterial pressure | |
150034 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_DIA | Pressure | | Blood | CentralVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18962 | Diastolic arterial pressure | |
150035 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | Aorta; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18963 | Mean arterial pressure | |
150036 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_ABP | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18964 | |||
150037 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_ABP_SYS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18965 | |||
150038 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_ABP_DIA | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18966 | |||
150039 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_ABP_MEAN | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18967 | |||
150044 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM | Pressure | | Blood | PulmonaryArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18972 | Pulmonary arterial pressure | |
150045 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | PulmonaryArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18973 | Systolic pulmonary arterial pressure | |
150046 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | PulmonaryArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18974 | Diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure | |
150047 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | PulmonaryArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18975 | Mean pulmonary arterial pressure | |
150052 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_PULM_WEDGE | Pressure | | Blood | MarginalBranch; RightCoronaryArtery; Heart; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18980 | Pulmonary artery wedge pressure | |
150056 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_UMB | Pressure | | Blood | UmbilicalArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18984 | Umbilical pressure | |
150057 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_UMB_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | UmbilicalArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18985 | Systolic umbilical arterial pressure | |
150058 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_UMB_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | UmbilicalArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18986 | Diastolic umbilical arterial pressure | |
150059 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_UMB_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | UmbilicalArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18987 | Mean umbilical arterial pressure | |
150064 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_LEFT | Pressure | | Blood | LeftAtrium; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18992 | Left atrial pressure | |
150065 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_LEFT_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | LeftAtrium; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18993 | Systolic left atrial pressure | |
150066 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_LEFT_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | LeftAtrium; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18994 | Diastolic left atrial pressure | |
150067 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_LEFT_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | LeftAtrium; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18995 | Mean left atrial pressure | |
150068 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_RIGHT | Pressure | | Blood | RightAtrium; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18996 | Right atrial pressure | |
150069 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_RIGHT_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | RightAtrium; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18997 | Systolic right atrial pressure | |
150070 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_RIGHT_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | RightAtrium; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18998 | Diastolic right atrial pressure | |
150071 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ATR_RIGHT_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | RightAtrium; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 18999 | Mean right atrial pressure | |
150076 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_PULM_CAP | Pressure | | Blood | PulmonaryCapillary; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19004 | Pulmonary capillary blood pressure | |
150077 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_PULM_CAP_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | PulmonaryCapillary; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19005 | Systolic pulmonary capillary pressure | |
150078 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_PULM_CAP_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | PulmonaryCapillary; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19006 | Diastolic pulmonary capillary pressure | |
150079 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_PULM_CAP_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | PulmonaryCapillary; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19007 | Mean pulmonary capillary pressure | |
150084 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_CENT | Pressure | | Blood | CentralVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19012 | Central venous pressure | |
150085 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_CENT_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | CentralVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19013 | Systolic central venous pressure | |
150086 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_CENT_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | CentralVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19014 | Diastolic central venous pressure | |
150087 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_CENT_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | CentralVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19015 | Mean central venous pressure | |
150088 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_UMB | Pressure | | Blood | UmbilicalVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19016 | Umbilical venous blood pressure | |
150089 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_UMB_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | UmbilicalVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19017 | Systolic umbilical venous pressure | |
150090 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_UMB_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | UmbilicalVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19018 | Diastolic umbilical venous pressure | |
150091 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_UMB_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | UmbilicalVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19019 | Mean umbilical venous pressure | |
150101 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_LEFT_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19029 | Systolic left ventricular pressure | |
150102 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_LEFT_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19030 | Diastolic left ventricular pressure | |
150103 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_LEFT_MEAN | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | RightVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19031 | Mean left ventricular pressure | |
150105 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_RIGHT_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | RightVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19033 | Systolic right ventricular pressure | |
150106 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_RIGHT_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | RightVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19034 | Diastolic right ventricular pressure | |
150107 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VENT_RIGHT_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | RightVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19035 | Mean right ventricular pressure | |
150272 | MDC_SAT_O2_CONSUMP | Volume | PerMinute | ConsumedOxygen | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19200 | Oxygen consumption | |
150276 | MDC_OUTPUT_CARD | Volume | PerMinute | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19204 | Cardiac output | |
150300 | MDC_PRESS_CUFF | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19228 | |||
150301 | MDC_PRESS_CUFF_SYS | Pressure | Noninvasive; Discontinuous; Systolic | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19229 | Discontinuous; noninvasive systolic blood pressure | |
150302 | MDC_PRESS_CUFF_DIA | Pressure | Noninvasive; Discontinuous; Diastolic | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19230 | Discontinuous; noninvasive diastolic blood pressure | |
150303 | MDC_PRESS_CUFF_MEAN | Pressure | Noninvasive; Discontinuous; Mean | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19231 | Discontinuous; noninvasive mean blood pressure | |
150304 | MDC_RES_VASC | Resistance | | Flow | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19232 | Vascular resistance | |
150308 | MDC_RES_VASC_PULM | Resistance | | Flow | PulmonaryBlood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19236 | Pulmonary vascular resistance | |
150312 | MDC_RES_VASC_SYS | Resistance | | Flow | SystemicBlood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19240 | Systemic vascular resistance | |
150320 | MDC_SAT_O2_QUAL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19248 | |||
150324 | MDC_SAT_O2_ART | Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | ArterialBlood | BloodChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19252 | Arterial oxygen saturation | |
150332 | MDC_SAT_O2_VEN | Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | VenousBlood | BloodChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19260 | Venous oxygen saturation | |
150336 | MDC_SAT_DIFF_O2_ART_ALV | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19264 | |||
150344 | MDC_TEMP | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19272 | |||
150348 | MDC_TEMP_FOLEY | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19276 | |||
150352 | MDC_TEMP_ART | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19280 | |||
150356 | MDC_TEMP_AWAY | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19284 | |||
150364 | MDC_TEMP_BODY | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19292 | |||
150368 | MDC_TEMP_CORE | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19296 | |||
150372 | MDC_TEMP_ESOPH | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19300 | |||
150376 | MDC_TEMP_INJ | Temperature | | Injectate | Heart; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19304 | Temperature of injectate | |
150380 | MDC_TEMP_NASOPH | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19308 | |||
150388 | MDC_TEMP_SKIN | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19316 | |||
150392 | MDC_TEMP_TYMP | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19320 | |||
150396 | MDC_TEMP_VEN | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19324 | |||
150404 | MDC_VOL_BLD_STROKE | Volume | OneBeat | Blood | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19332 | Stroke volume | |
150416 | MDC_WK_CARD_LEFT | Work | OneBeat | Heart | LeftSide; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19344 | Left side ventricular stroke | |
150420 | MDC_WK_CARD_RIGHT | Work | OneBeat | Heart | RightSide; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19348 | Right side ventricular stroke | |
150428 | MDC_WK_LV_STROKE | Work | OneBeat | Heart | LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19356 | Ventricular stroke | |
150448 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_PERF_REL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19376 | |||
150452 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_PLETH | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19380 | |||
150456 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2 | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19384 | |||
150468 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_DIFF | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19396 | |||
150472 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_LEFT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19400 | |||
150476 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_RIGHT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19404 | |||
150484 | MDC_DESAT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19412 | |||
150488 | MDC_BLD_PERF_INDEX | Index | PerMinute | Perfusion | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19416 | Perfusion index | |
150492 | MDC_OUTPUT_CARD_CTS | Volume | PerMinute; Continuous | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19420 | Continuous cardiac output | |
150496 | MDC_OUTPUT_CARD_NONCTS | Volume | PerMinute; Discontinuous | Blood | LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19424 | Discontinuous cardiac output | |
150520 | MDC_TIME_PD_VENT_L_AORT_VALV | Duration | SystolicEjection | Blood | AorticValve; LeftVentricle; Heart; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19448 | Systolic ejection period | |
150528 | MDC_VOL_VENT_L_END_DIA | Volume | End-diastolic | Blood | LeftVentricle; Heart; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19456 | Left ventricular enddiastolic volume | |
150532 | MDC_VOL_VENT_L_END_SYS | Volume | End-systolic | Blood | LeftVentricle; Heart; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19460 | Left ventricular end systolic volume | |
150565 | MDC_GRAD_PRESS_BLD_AORT_POS_MAX | Gradient | BloodPressure; MaxPositive | AorticValve | Heart; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19493 | Maximum aortic valve pressure gradient | |
150568 | MDC_TRANSMISSION | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19496 | |||
150572 | MDC_TRANSMISSION_RED | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19500 | |||
150576 | MDC_TRANSMISSION_INFRARED | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19504 | |||
150580 | MDC_MODALITY_FAST | ModalityEnumeration | Measurement response time; fast | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19508 | SpO2 fast response | |
150584 | MDC_MODALITY_SLOW | ModalityEnumeration | Measurement response time; slow | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19512 | SpO2 slow response | |
150588 | MDC_MODALITY_SPOT | ModalityEnumeration | Measurement response time; spot check | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19516 | SpO2 spot check | |
150604 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_DEV_STATUS | Status | value | FunctionalStatus | Device | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19532 | Pulse Oximeter Device Status | |
150605 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_PULS_CHAR | PatternEvent | Rhythm | Artifact | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19533 | Pulse characteristic status | |
150612 | MDC_ACCELERATION_INDEX | Acceleration; initial | BloodFlow | Flow | Aorta; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19540 | Acceleration Index | |
150616 | MDC_SYSTOLIC_TIME_RATIO | Ratio; Duration | electrical pre-ejection; mechanical systole | Flow | Aorta; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19544 | Systolic Time Ratio | |
150620 | MDC_THORACIC_FLUID_CONTENT | Fluid Content; Thoracic | | Conductivity | ChestCavity; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19548 | Thoracic Fluid Content | |
150624 | MDC_TIME_PD_VENT_L_AORT_EJCT | Duration | AorticValve; Opening to Closing | Flow | Aorta; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19552 | Left Ventricular Ejection Time | |
150628 | MDC_TIME_PD_VENT_L_AORT_PRE_EJCT | Duration | Pre-Ejection | Flow | Aorta; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19556 | Pre-Ejection Period | |
150632 | MDC_VELOCITY_INDEX | Index; Velocity | BloodFlow; Peak | Flow | Aorta; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19560 | Velocity Index | |
150636 | MDC_VOL_BLD_STROKE_INDEX | Index | PerSurfaceArea | StrokeVolume | LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19564 | Stroke Volume Index | |
150640 | MDC_WK_LV_WORK_INDEX | Index | | Work; PerMinute; PerSurfaceArea | LeftVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19568 | (per minute) | |
150644 | MDC_WK_RV_STROKE_INDEX | Index | | Work; PerStroke; PerSurfaceArea | RightVentricle; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19572 | Right Ventricular Stroke Work Index | |
150648 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_FEMORAL | Pressure | | Blood | FemoralArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19576 | Femoral Artery Pressure | |
150649 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_FEMORAL_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Blood | FemoralArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19577 | Systolic Femoral Arterial Catheter Pressure | |
150650 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_FEMORAL_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Blood | FemoralArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19578 | Diastolic Femoral Arterial Catheter Pressure | |
150651 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_FEMORAL_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Blood | FemoralArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19579 | Mean Femoral Arterial Catheter Pressure | |
150652 | MDC_FLOW_BLD_PULM_CAP | Flow | | Blood; PulmonaryCapillary | CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19580 | Pulmonary Capillary Blood Flow | |
150656 | MDC_O2_OXYGENATION_RATIO | Ratio; Concentration | arterial oxygen; inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) | ArterialOxygen | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19584 | Oxygenation Ratio | |
150660 | MDC_OUTPUT_CARDIAC_FICK | Volume | PerMinute | Blood | Left Ventricle; CVS; by Fick method | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19588 | Cardiac Output | |
150664 | MDC_SAT_O2_CONSUMP_INDEX | Volume | Per Minute Per Body Surface Area | ConsumedOxygen | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19592 | (Estimated) O2 Consumption Index | |
150668 | MDC_SAT_O2_DELIV_INDEX | Volume | Per Minute Per Body Surface Area | DeliveredOxygen | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19596 | (Estimated) O2 Delivery Index | |
150672 | MDC_SPO2_OXYGENATION_RATIO | Ratio; Concentration | arterial oxygen; inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) | ArterialOxygen | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19600 | SPO2 Oxygenation Ratio | |
150676 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_VEN_FEMORAL | Pressure | | Blood | FemoralVein; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19604 | Femoral Venous Pressure | |
150680 | MDC_PRESS_BLD_ART_BRACHIAL | Pressure | | Blood | BrachialArtery; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 19608 | Brachial Arterial Pressure | |
151562 | MDC_RESP_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20490 | Respiration rate | |
151570 | MDC_AWAY_RESP_RATE | Rate | Airway | Breath | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20498 | Respiration rate | |
151578 | MDC_TTHOR_RESP_RATE | Rate | Transthoracic | Breath | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20506 | Respiration rate | |
151586 | MDC_VENT_RESP_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20514 | Ventilation rate | |
151594 | MDC_CO2_RESP_RATE | Rate | CO2 | Breath | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20522 | Respiration rate | |
151602 | MDC_PRESS_RESP_RATE | Rate | Pressure | Breath | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20530 | Respiration rate | |
151610 | MDC_VENT_CO2_RESP_RATE | Rate | CO2 | Breath | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20538 | Ventilation rate | |
151618 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_RESP_RATE | Rate | Pressure | Breath | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20546 | Ventilation rate | |
151626 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_RESP_RATE | Rate | Volume/Flow | Breath | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20554 | Ventilation rate | |
151634 | MDC_VENT_SIGH_RATE | Rate | | Sigh | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20562 | Ventilation sigh number | |
151642 | MDC_VENT_SIGH_MULT_RATE | Rate | | SighMultiple | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20570 | Ventilation multiple sigh number | |
151650 | MDC_ACOUSTIC_RESP_RATE | Rate | Acoustic | Breath | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20578 | Acoustic Respiration Rate | |
151658 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_PLETH_RESP_RATE | Rate | Plethysmographic | Breath | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20586 | Plethysmographic Respiration Rate | |
151666 | MDC_RESP_SPONT_RATE | Rate | | Breath | Patient; Spontaneous | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20594 | Spontaneous respiration rate (legacy devices and systems) | |
151674 | MDC_RESP_BTSD_PS_RATE | Rate | | Breath | Patient; Spontaneous | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20602 | Spontaneous respiration rate (preferred) | |
151680 | MDC_CAPAC_VITAL | Volume | | Lung; VitalCapacity | LungStructure | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20608 | Vital capacity | |
151684 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_PAUSE | Duration | Expiratory pause | end expiratory flow to start inspiratory flow | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20612 | ||
151688 | MDC_COMPL_LUNG | Compliance | | Alveoli | LungStructure | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20616 | Compliance of respiratory system | |
151692 | MDC_COMPL_LUNG_DYN | Compliance | Dynamic | Alveoli; Pleura | LungStructure | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20620 | Thoracic compliance | |
151696 | MDC_COMPL_LUNG_STATIC | Compliance | Static | Alveoli; Pleura | LungStructure | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20624 | Lung compliance; static | |
151700 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2 | Concentration | PartialPressure | CO2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20628 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of carbon dioxide in airway gas | |
151708 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | CO2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20636 | End tidal carbon dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
151712 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | CO2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20640 | Expired carbon dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
151716 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | CO2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20644 | Inspiratory carbon dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
151718 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_INSP_MIN | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20646 | |||
151744 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_DELTA | Concentration | Difference (PartialPressureInspiration; PartialPressureExpiration) | O2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20672 | O2 pressure difference | |
151756 | MDC_CO2_TCUT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20684 | |||
151760 | MDC_O2_TCUT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20688 | |||
151764 | MDC_FLOW_AWAY | Flow | | Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20692 | Airway flow | |
151768 | MDC_FLOW_AWAY_EXP | Flow | Expiration | Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20696 | Expiratory airway flow | |
151769 | MDC_FLOW_AWAY_EXP_MAX | Flow | Expiration; Maximum | Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20697 | Expiratory maximum airway flow | |
151772 | MDC_FLOW_AWAY_INSP | Flow | Gas | Airway | Inspiratory | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20700 | Inspiratory airway flow | |
151773 | MDC_FLOW_AWAY_INSP_MAX | Flow | Inspiratory; Maximum | Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20701 | Inspiratory maximum airway flow | |
151776 | MDC_FLOW_CO2_PROD_RESP | Flow | Production | CO2; Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20704 | CO2 Production | |
151780 | MDC_IMPED_TTHOR | ElectricalImpedance | Transthoracic | Respiration | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20708 | Transthoracic Impedance | |
151784 | MDC_PRESS_RESP_PLAT | Pressure | Plateau | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20712 | Plateau pressure | |
151788 | MDC_PRESS_RESP_PAUSE | Pressure | Pause | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20716 | Respiratory Pause pressure | |
151792 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY | Pressure | | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20720 | Airway pressure | |
151793 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_MAX | Pressure | Maximum | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20721 | Maximum airway pressure | |
151794 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_MIN | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20722 | |||
151795 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20723 | Mean airway pressure | |
151796 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_CTS_POS | Pressure | Continuous; Positive | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20724 | CPAP pressure | |
151801 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_NEG_MAX | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20729 | |||
151804 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS | Pressure | End-expiratory; Extrinsic | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20732 | Extrinsic PEEP (positive end expiratory pressure); applied | |
151808 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_INTRINSIC | Pressure | End-expiratory; Intrinsic | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20736 | Intrinsic PEEP (aka Auto PEEP) | |
151812 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_EXP | Pressure | Expiration | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20740 | Expiratory airway pressure | |
151813 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_EXP_MAX | Pressure | Expiration; Maximum | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20741 | Maximum expiratory airway pressure | |
151814 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_EXP_MIN | Pressure | Expiration; Minimum | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20742 | Minimum expiratory airway pressure | |
151816 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP | Pressure | Inspiration | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20744 | Inspiratory airway pressure | |
151817 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_MAX | Pressure | Inspiration; Maximum | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20745 | Maximum inspiratory airway pressure (peak inspiratory pressure) | |
151818 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_MIN | Pressure | Inspiration; Minimum | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20746 | Minimum inspiratory airway pressure | |
151819 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_MEAN | Pressure | Inspiration; Mean | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20747 | Mean inspiratory airway pressure | |
151820 | MDC_PRESS_ESOPH | Pressure | Esophageal | Respiration | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20748 | Esophageal pressure | |
151824 | MDC_PRESS_INTRAPL | Pressure | Intrapleural | Respiration | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20752 | Intrapleural Respiratory Pressure | |
151828 | MDC_QUO_RESP | Ratio | Flow(ExpiredCO2); Flow(O2used) | Gas | RespiratoryProcess | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20756 | Respiratory quotient | |
151832 | MDC_RATIO_IE | Ratio | Duration(InspiratoryPhase); Duration(ExpiratoryPhase) | Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20760 | Ratio inspiration expiration time | |
151836 | MDC_RATIO_AWAY_DEADSP_TIDAL | Ratio | DeadspaceVolume; TidalVolume | RespiratoryTract | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20764 | Dead space tidal volume ratio | |
151840 | MDC_RES_AWAY | Resistance | | Airway | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20768 | Airway Resistance | |
151844 | MDC_RES_AWAY_EXP | Resistance | Expiration | Airway | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20772 | Expiratory Airway Resistance | |
151848 | MDC_RES_AWAY_INSP | Resistance | Inspiration | Airway | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20776 | Inspiratory Airway Resistance | |
151852 | MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA_OBSTRUC | Duration | | Apnea; Obstructive | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20780 | Obstructive Apnea Duration | |
151856 | MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA | Duration | | Apnea | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20784 | Apnea Duration | |
151860 | MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA_CENT | Duration | | Apnea; Central | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20788 | Central Apnea Duration | |
151864 | MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA_MIX | Duration | | Apnea; Mixed | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20792 | Mixed Apnea Duration | |
151868 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL | Volume gas | | Lung; Tidal | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20796 | Respiratory tidal volume | |
151872 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_DEADSP | Volume | | Lung; DeadSpace | RespiratoryTract | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20800 | Airway dead space | |
151876 | MDC_VOL_GAS_INSP_SINCE_START | Volume | SinceStartInspiration | Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20804 | Volume since start inspiration | |
151880 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY | Flow | OneMinute | Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20808 | Minute volume | |
151884 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP | Flow | OneMinute; Expired | Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20812 | Expired Minute volume | |
151888 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_INSP | Flow | OneMinute; Inspiratory | Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20816 | Inspiratory Minute volume | |
151908 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2 | Concentration | PartialPressure | Oxygen; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20836 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of oxygen in airway gas | |
151912 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2_DELTA | Concentration | Difference(Inspiration; Expiration) | O2; Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20840 | Diff. inspired and expired oxygen conc. (ventilator) | |
151940 | MDC_VENT_FLOW | Flow | | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20868 | Ventilator airway flow | |
151944 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_EXP | Flow | Expiration | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20872 | Ventilation expiratory flow | |
151945 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_EXP_MAX | Flow | Expiration; Maximum | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20873 | Ventilation expiratory maximum flow | |
151948 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_INSP | Flow | Inspiration | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20876 | Ventilation inspiratory flow | |
151949 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_INSP_MAX | Flow | Inspiration; Maximum | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20877 | Ventilation inspiratory maximum flow | |
151952 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_RATIO_PERF_ALV_INDEX | Ratio | Flow(AlveolarVentilation); Flow(Perfusion) | LungStructure | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20880 | Ventilation-perfusion index | |
151956 | MDC_VENT_PRESS | Pressure | | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20884 | Ventilator pressure | |
151957 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_MAX | Pressure | Maximum | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20885 | Maximum ventilation pressure | |
151958 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_MIN | Pressure | Minimum | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20886 | Minimum ventilation pressure | |
151964 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_OCCL | Pressure | Occlusion; Airway | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20892 | Ventilation occlusion pressure | |
151972 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY | Pressure | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20900 | Inspiratory airway pressure | |
151973 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_MAX | Pressure; maximum | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20901 | ||
151974 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_MIN | Pressure; minimum | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20902 | ||
151975 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_MEAN | Pressure; mean | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20903 | ||
151976 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS | Pressure | End-expiratory; Applied | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20904 | Applied PEEP | |
151980 | MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL | Volume | | Lung; Tidal | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20908 | Ventilation tidal volume | |
151984 | MDC_VENT_VOL_AWAY_DEADSP | Volume | | DeadSpace | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20912 | Ventilation dead space | |
151988 | MDC_VENT_VOL_AWAY_DEADSP_REL | Ratio | DeadspaceVolume; TidalVolume | RespiratoryTract | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20916 | Ventilation relative dead space | |
151992 | MDC_VENT_VOL_LUNG_TRAPD | Volume | | Lung; Trapped | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20920 | Trapped volume | |
151996 | MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE | Flow | OneMinute; Inspiration and Expiration | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20924 | Inspiratory or expiratory minute volume. | |
152000 | MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_EXP | Flow | OneMinute; Expiration | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20928 | Expired minute volume | |
152004 | MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_INSP | Flow | OneMinute; Inspiration | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20932 | Ventilation inspiratory minute volume | |
152008 | MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY | Flow | OneMinute | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20936 | Ventilation minute volume | |
152012 | MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_MAND | Flow | OneMinute; Mandatory | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20940 | Mandatory . Minute volume | |
152016 | MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_INSP | Flow | OneMinute; Inspiration | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20944 | Inspiratory minute volume | |
152020 | MDC_COEF_GAS_TRAN | Index | Ratio (FlowDifference; PressureDifference) | GasTransport | LungStructure | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20948 | Gas transport coefficient | |
152024 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL | Concentration | PartialPressure | Desflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20952 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of desflurane in airway gas | |
152028 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL | Concentration | PartialPressure | Enflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20956 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of enflurane in airway gas | |
152032 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH | Concentration | PartialPressure | Halothane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20960 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of halothane in airway gas | |
152036 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL | Concentration | PartialPressure | Sevoflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20964 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of sevoflurane in airway gas | |
152040 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL | Concentration | PartialPressure | Isoflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20968 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of isoflurane in airway gas | |
152044 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO2 | Concentration | PartialPressure | NO2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20972 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of nitrogen dioxide in airway gas | |
152048 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2O | Concentration | PartialPressure | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20976 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of nitrous oxide in airway gas | |
152052 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_DESFL | Concentration | Partial Pressure | Desflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20980 | Concentration desflurane (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152056 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ENFL | Concentration | Partial Pressure | Enflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20984 | Concentration enflurane (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152060 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HALOTH | Concentration | Partial Pressure | Halothane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20988 | Concentration halothane (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152064 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_SEVOFL | Concentration | Partial Pressure | Sevoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20992 | Concentration sevoflurane (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152068 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ISOFL | Concentration | Partial Pressure | Isoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 20996 | Concentration Isoflurane (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152072 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO2 | Concentration | Partial Pressure | NO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21000 | Concentration NO2 (gas delivery system) | |
152076 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2O | Concentration | Partial Pressure | N2O; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21004 | Concentration N2O (gas delivery system) | |
152080 | MDC_VENT_CONC_SUBST_DELTA | Concentration | Difference(Inspiration;Expiration) | Substance; Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21008 | Diff. inspired and expired substance conc. (ventilator) | |
152084 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Desflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21012 | End tidal desflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152088 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Enflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21016 | End tidal enflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152092 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Halothane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21020 | End tidal halothane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152096 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Sevoflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21024 | End tidal sevoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152100 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Isoflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21028 | End tidal isoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152104 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO2_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | NO2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21032 | End tidal nitrogen dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152108 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2O_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21036 | End tidal nitrous oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152112 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Desflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21040 | Expired desflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152116 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Enflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21044 | Expired enflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152120 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Halothane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21048 | Expired halothane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152124 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Sevoflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21052 | Expired sevoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152128 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Isoflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21056 | Expired isoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152132 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO2_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | NO2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21060 | Expired nitrogen dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152136 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2O_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21064 | Expired nitrous oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152140 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_DESFL_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Desflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21068 | Concentration airway desflurane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152144 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ENFL_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Enflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21072 | Concentration airway enflurane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152148 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HALOTH_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Halothane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21076 | Concentration airway halothane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152152 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_SEVOFL_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Sevoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21080 | Concentration airway sevoflurane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152156 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ISOFL_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Isoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21084 | Concentration airway isoflurane expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152160 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO2_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | NO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21088 | Concentration airway nitrogen dioxide expiratory (gas delivery system) | |
152164 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2O_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | N2O; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21092 | Concentration airway nitrous oxide expiratory (gas delivery system) | |
152168 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Desflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21096 | Inspiratory desflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152172 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Enflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21100 | Inspiratory enflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152176 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Halothane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21104 | Inspiratory halothane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152180 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Sevoflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21108 | Inspiratory sevoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152184 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Isoflurane; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21112 | Inspiratory isoflurane concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152188 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO2_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | NO2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21116 | Inspiratory nitrogen dioxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152192 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2O_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21120 | Inspiratory nitrous oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152196 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Oxygen; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21124 | Inspiratory oxygen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152200 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_DESFL_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Desflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21128 | Concentration airway desflurane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152204 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ENFL_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Enflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21132 | Concentration airway enflurane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152208 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HALOTH_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Halothane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21136 | Concentration airway halothane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152212 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_SEVOFL_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Sevoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21140 | Concentration airway sevoflurane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152216 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ISOFL_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Isoflurane; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21144 | Concentration airway isoflurane inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
152220 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO2_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | NO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21148 | Concentration airway nitrogen dioxide inspiratory (gas delivery system) | |
152224 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2O_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | N2O; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21152 | Concentration airway nitrous oxide inspiratory (gas delivery system) | |
152416 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP | Duration | Inspiratory phase | Inflation | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21344 | Inspiratory time | |
152420 | MDC_FLOW_O2_CONSUMP | Flow | Consumption | O2; Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21348 | O2 Consumption | |
152424 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_RESP_PLAT | Pressure | Plateau | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21352 | Ventilation plateau pressure | |
152428 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_TRIG_SENS | Pressure | | TriggerSensitivity; start inspiration | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21356 | Ventilator pressure trigger sensitivity | |
152432 | MDC_VENT_VOL_LEAK | Volume | Leakage | Ventilation | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21360 | Leakage volume | |
152436 | MDC_VENT_VOL_LUNG_ALV | Volume | | Lung; Alveolar | RespiratoryTract | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21364 | Alveolar ventilation | |
152440 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; End Tidal | Oxygen; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21368 | End tidal oxygen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152444 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2 | Concentration | PartialPressure | N2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21372 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of nitrogen in airway gas | |
152448 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | N2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21376 | End tidal nitrogen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152452 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | N2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21380 | Inspiratory nitrogen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
152456 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_AGENT | Concentration | | Agent; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21384 | Concentration airway agent | |
152460 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_AGENT_ET | Concentration | EndTidal | Agent; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21388 | Concentration airway agent end tidal | |
152464 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_AGENT_INSP | Concentration | Inspiration | Agent; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21392 | Concentration airway agent inspiration | |
152482 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BACKUP_RATE | Rate | Backup | Breath | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21410 | Backup ventilation rate | |
152490 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_PSAZC_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; total breath rate; all breath types | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21418 | Total respiratory rate, total breath rate | |
152498 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_P_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated breaths; unassisted by ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21426 | Unassisted spontaneous breath rate, respiration rate | |
152506 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_S_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated breaths; delivered as supported breaths | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21434 | Supported breath rate | |
152514 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_A_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated primary inflations at a rate greater than set rate; delivered as assisted breaths | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21442 | Assisted breath rate | |
152522 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_Z_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated primary inflations within a time synchronization widow; delivered as synchronized assisted breaths | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21450 | Synchronized assisted breath rate | |
152530 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_C_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; primary inflations initiated by the ventilator at the set rate; delivered as controlled breaths | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21458 | Controlled breath rate | |
152538 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_PS_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; unassisted and supported breaths | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21466 | Spontaneous respiration rate (traditional) | |
152546 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_AZC_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; delivered as assisted; synchronized assisted or controlled breaths by ventilator. | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21474 | Mandatory respiration rate (traditional) | |
152554 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BTSD_PSAZ_RATE | Rate | NOS | Breath | Ventilator and Patient; patient-initiated breaths; unassisted or delivered as supported; assisted or synchronized assisted breaths. | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21482 | Patient-initiated breath rate | |
152562 | MDC_VENT_RESP_TARGET_AUTO_RATE | Rate | Target; Calculated | Breath | Ventilator; all breath and inflation types | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21490 | Target respiratory rate | |
152584 | MDC_FLOW_AWAY_EXP_FORCED_PEAK | Flow | Expiration; Maximum | Gas | Maximal Forced Expiration | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21512 | peak expiratory flow | |
152585 | MDC_FLOW_AWAY_EXP_FORCED_PEAK_PB | Flow | Expiration; Maximum of Maximum | Gas | Maximal Forced Expiration | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21513 | Personal best | |
152586 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_EXP_FORCED_1S | Flow | Expiration; Maximum; 1s | Gas | Maximal Forced Expiration | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21514 | forced expiratory volume at 1s | |
152587 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_EXP_FORCED_EXP_6S | Flow | Expiration; Maximum; 6s | Gas | Maximal Forced Expiration | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21515 | forced expiratory volume at 6s | |
152596 | MDC_RES_AWAY_DYNAMIC | Resistance | Dynamic; Least Squares | Airway | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21524 | Dynamic airway resistance | |
152600 | MDC_COMPL_LUNG_DYNAMIC | Compliance | Dynamic; Least Squares | Alveoli | LungStructure | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21528 | Dynamic compliance | |
152604 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PERCENT | Duration; ratio | Inspiratory phase; total respiratory period | Inflation | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21532 | Inspiratory time percent | |
152608 | MDC_TIME_PD_INSP | Duration | Inspiratory Phase | Gas | Breath | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21536 | Inspiratory time | |
152612 | MDC_TIME_PD_EXP | Duration | Expiratory Phase | Gas | Breath | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21540 | Expiratory time | |
152616 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_BACKUP | Duration | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21544 | Backup inspiratory time | |
152621 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_SUPP_MAX | Duration; maximum | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21549 | Maximum pressure support time | |
152624 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PAUSE | Duration | Inspiratory pause | end inspiratory flow to start expiratory flow | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21552 | ||
152628 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PAUSE_PERCENT | Duration; ratio | Inspiratory pause; inspiratory phase | end inspiratory flow to start expiratory flow | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21556 | ||
152632 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_HOLD | Duration | Inspiratory hold | temporarily maintain constant lung volume (zero flow) at end inspiratory or inflation phase | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21560 | ||
152636 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_HOLD | Duration | Expiratory hold | temporarily maintain constant lung volume (zero flow) at set extension of the expiratory phase | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21564 | ||
152640 | MDC_RATIO_INSP | Ratio; Duration | InspiratoryTime; TotalRespiratoryCycleTime | Flow | Gas; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21568 | Inspiratory Percent | |
152644 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_THIGH | Duration | High baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21572 | Thigh | |
152648 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_TLOW | Duration | Low baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21576 | Tlow | |
152652 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_BIAS | Flow | Bias | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21580 | Bias flow | |
152656 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_CONTINUOUS | Flow | Continuous | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21584 | Continuous flow | |
152660 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_INSP | Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inspiratory Phase | airway; per breath (breath type not specified, default = any) | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21588 | Inspired Tidal Volume | |
152664 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP | Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per breath (breath type not specified, default = any) | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21592 | Expired Tidal Volume | |
152668 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_PSAZC_PER_IBW | Volume per BodyMass | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per breath; all breath and inflation types. | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21596 | (for all breath types) | |
152672 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_PSAZC | Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per breath; all breath and inflation types. | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21600 | (for all breath types) | |
152676 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_PS | Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per unassisted or supported breath | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21604 | Expired Tidal Volume for unassisted or supported (aka spontaneous) breaths | |
152679 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_PS_MEAN | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21607 | |||
152680 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_AZC | Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per assisted; synchronized assisted or controlled inflation | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21608 | Expired Tidal Volume for assisted; synchronized assisted or controlled (aka mandatory) breaths | |
152684 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_EXP_BTSD_PS_PER_IBW | Volume per BodyMass | | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per unassisted or supported breath | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21612 | Expired Tidal Volume for unassisted or supported (aka spontaneous) breaths per body mass | |
152688 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_PSAZC_PER_IBW | Flow per BodyMass | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; total for all breath and inflation types. | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21616 | Expired minute volume per body mass | |
152692 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_PSAZC | Flow | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; total for all breath and inflation types | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21620 | Expired minute volume (total for all breath types) | |
152696 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_PS | Flow | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; for unassisted or supported breaths | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21624 | Expired Minute volume for unassisted or supported (aka spontaneous) breaths | |
152700 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_AZC | Flow | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; per assisted; synchronized assisted or controlled inflations | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21628 | Expired Minute volume for assisted or controlled (aka mandatory) inflations | |
152704 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_EXP_BTSD_PS_PER_IBW | Flow per BodyMass | OneMinute | Lung; Tidal; Expiratory Phase | airway; for unassisted or supported breaths | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21632 | Expired Minute volume for unassisted or supported (aka spontaneous) breaths per body mass | |
152708 | MDC_VOL_AWAY | Flow; integral | | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21636 | ||
152712 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_END | Pressure | Inspiration; End | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21640 | End inspiratory pressure | |
152716 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_BASELINE | Pressure; baseline | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21644 | Baseline airway pressure | |
152720 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA | Pressure; delta relative to baseline | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21648 | Inspiratory airway pressure relative to PEEP or BAP | |
152724 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_BACKUP | Pressure | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21652 | Backup inspiratory airway pressure | |
152728 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_BACKUP | Pressure; delta relative to baseline | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21656 | Backup inspiratory airway pressure relative to PEEP or BAP | |
152732 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_SUPP | Pressure | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21660 | Pressure for support inflations | |
152736 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_SUPP | Pressure; delta relative to baseline | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21664 | Delta pressure for support inflations | |
152740 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_PHIGH | Pressure | High baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21668 | High pressure | |
152744 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_EXP_PLOW | Pressure | Low baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21672 | Low pressure | |
152748 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT | Pressure; limit | without cycling | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21676 | Pressure limit | |
152752 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_PMAX | Pressure; maximum limit | with cycling | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21680 | High pressure limit | |
152756 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_RELIEF | Pressure; protective relief limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21684 | High pressure relief limit | |
152760 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_PMIN | Pressure; minimum limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21688 | Minimum pressure | |
152764 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_LIMIT_PMIN | Pressure; delta relative to baseline; minimum limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21692 | Minimum delta pressure | |
152768 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_CTLD | Duration; pressure; risetime | controlled inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21696 | Rise time | |
152772 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_SUPP | Duration; pressure; risetime | support inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21700 | Pressure support rise time | |
152776 | MDC_PRESS_RESP_PLAT_DYNAMIC | Pressure | Plateau | Gas | Airway; Dynamic | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21704 | Dynamic Plateau Pressure | |
152780 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_OCCL_P100MS | Pressure | Occlusion; 100 ms; Airway | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21708 | Ventilation occlusion pressure; P0.1 (100 ms) | |
152784 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_OCCL_NIF | Pressure | Occlusion; NIF maneuver; Airway | Gas | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21712 | Negative Inspiratory Force (NIF) | |
152788 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_TOTAL | Pressure | End-expiratory; Total | Gas | Lungs | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21716 | Total PEEP | |
152792 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_EXTRINSIC_DYNAMIC | Pressure | End-expiratory; Extrinsic; Dynamic | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21720 | Dynamic extrinsic PEEP | |
152796 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_INTRINSIC_DYNAMIC | Pressure | End-expiratory; Intrinsic; Dynamic | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21724 | Dynamic intrinsic PEEP | |
152800 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_TOTAL_DYNAMIC | Pressure | End-expiratory; Total; Dynamic | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21728 | Dynamic total PEEP | |
152804 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_TRIG_SENS | Flow | | TriggerSensitivity; start inspiration | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21732 | Ventilator flow trigger sensitivity | |
152808 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_THRESH_END_INSP | Flow; ratio; percent | | TriggerThreshold; end inspiration | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21736 | Ventilator end-inspiratory flow threshold | |
152812 | MDC_RESP_EXPENDED_ENERGY | Energy; expended | per unit time | Metabolic; Indirect Calorimetry based on gas exchange | Patient | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21740 | Expended Energy | |
152816 | MDC_FLOW_O2_CONSUMP_PER_IBW | Flow per BodyMass | Consumption | O2; Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21744 | O2 Consumption per body mass (typ kg) | |
152820 | MDC_FLOW_O2_CONSUMP_PER_BSA | Flow per BodySurfaceArea | Consumption | O2; Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21748 | O2 Consumption per body surface area (typ m<sup>2</sup>) | |
152824 | MDC_FLOW_CO2_PROD_RESP_PER_IBW | Flow per BodyMass | Production | CO2; Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21752 | CO2 Production per body mass (typ kg) | |
152828 | MDC_FLOW_CO2_PROD_RESP_PER_BSA | Flow per BodySurfaceArea | Production | CO2; Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21756 | CO2 Production per body surface area (typ m<sup>2</sup>) | |
152832 | MDC_PRESS_BAROMETRIC | Barometric Pressure | | Atmospheric | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21760 | Barometric Pressure | |
152836 | MDC_PRESS_AIR_AMBIENT | Barometric Pressure | | Ambient; immediate patient environment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21764 | Ambient Pressure | |
152840 | MDC_BLD_SHUNT_FRACTION | Fraction | Cardiac output not exposed to ventilated alveoli relative to total cardiac output | | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21768 | (Estimated) Blood Shunt Fraction | |
152844 | MDC_CONC_PO2_ART_VEN_DIFF | Difference; Oxygen Content | Arterial - Venous | Blood | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21772 | (Estimated) Arterial-Venous O2 Content Difference | |
152848 | MDC_CONC_PCO2_ART_PULM | Concentration | Partial Pressure; pCO2 | Blood; Pulmonary Artery | Fluid Chemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21776 | Pulmonary Arterial pCO2 | |
152852 | MDC_RES_VASC_PULM_INDEX | Index; Resistance | PerSurfaceArea | Flow | PulmonaryBlood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21780 | Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Index | |
152856 | MDC_O2_EXTRACTION_RATIO | Ratio; Oxygen Quantity | ConsumedOxygen; DeliveredOxygen | Blood; CVS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21784 | (Estimated) Oxygen Extraction Ratio | |
152860 | MDC_RESP_RAPID_SHALLOW_BREATHING_INDEX | Index | Ratio (SpontBreathRate; TidalVolume) OneMinute | Gas | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21788 | Rapid Shallow Breathing Index | |
152864 | MDC_CONC_MAC_SUM | Concentration; sum of ratios | Minimum Alveolar Concentration | anesthetic gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21792 | MAC sum | |
152868 | MDC_CONC_MAC_SUM_AGE_CORR | Concentration; sum of ratios | Minimum Alveolar Concentration; Age Corrected | anesthetic gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21796 | MAC age-corrected sum | |
152872 | MDC_CONC_MAC | Ratio; Concentration | Relative to anesthetic needed to prevent movement in 50% patients | Volatile Anesthetic Agent | Alveolar | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21800 | Mean Aveolar Concentration | |
152876 | MDC_FLOW_AIR_FG | Flow | | Air; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21804 | Fresh air flow | |
152880 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_AIR_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Air; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21808 | Air delivered during a case | |
152884 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_AIR_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Air; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21812 | Total air delivered | |
152888 | MDC_PRESS_AIR_SUPPLY | Pressure | Supply; pipeline | Air; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21816 | Air supply (pipeline) pressure | |
152892 | MDC_PRESS_AIR_CYL | Pressure | Cylinder | Air; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21820 | Air cylinder pressure | |
152896 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_DESFL_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Desflurane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21824 | Desflurane gas delivered during a case | |
152900 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_DESFL_LIQUID_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Desflurane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21828 | Desflurane liquid delivered during a case | |
152904 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_DESFL_LIQUID_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Desflurane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21832 | Total desflurane liquid delivered | |
152908 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_DESFL_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Desflurane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21836 | Total desflurane gas delivered | |
152912 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_ENFL_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Enflurane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21840 | Enflurane gas delivered during a case | |
152916 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_ENFL_LIQUID_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Enflurane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21844 | Enflurane liquid delivered during a case | |
152920 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_ENFL_LIQUID_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Enflurane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21848 | Total enflurane liquid delivered | |
152924 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_ENFL_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Enflurane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21852 | Total enflurane gas delivered | |
152928 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_HALOTH_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Halothane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21856 | Halothane gas delivered during a case | |
152932 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_HALOTH_LIQUID_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Halothane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21860 | Halothane liquid delivered during a case | |
152936 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_HALOTH_LIQUID_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Halothane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21864 | Total halothane liquid delivered | |
152940 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_HALOTH_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Halothane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21868 | Total halothane gas delivered | |
152944 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_ISOFL_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Isoflurane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21872 | Isoflurane gas delivered during a case | |
152948 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_ISOFL_LIQUID_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Isoflurane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21876 | Isoflurane liquid delivered during a case | |
152952 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_ISOFL_LIQUID_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Isoflurane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21880 | Total isoflurane liquid delivered | |
152956 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_ISOFL_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Isoflurane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21884 | Total isoflurane gas delivered | |
152960 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_N2O_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21888 | Nitrous oxide gas delivered during a case | |
152964 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_N2O_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Nitrous Oxide; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21892 | Total nitrous oxide gas delivered | |
152968 | MDC_PRESS_N2O_SUPPLY | Pressure | Supply; pipeline | N2O; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21896 | N2O supply (pipeline) pressure | |
152972 | MDC_PRESS_N2O_CYL | Pressure | Cylinder | N2O; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21900 | N2O cylinder pressure | |
152976 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_SEVOFL_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Sevoflurane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21904 | Sevoflurane gas delivered during a case | |
152980 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_SEVOFL_LIQUID_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Sevoflurane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21908 | Sevoflurane liquid delivered during a case | |
152984 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_SEVOFL_LIQUID_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Sevoflurane; Liquid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21912 | Total sevoflurane liquid delivered | |
152988 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_SEVOFL_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Sevoflurane; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21916 | Total sevoflurane gas delivered | |
152992 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_AR | Concentration | PartialPressure | Ar; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21920 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of argon in airway gas | |
152996 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_AR_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Ar; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21924 | End tidal argon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153000 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_AR_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Ar; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21928 | Expired argon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153004 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_AR_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Ar; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21932 | Inspiratory argon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153008 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_AR | Concentration | Partial Pressure | Ar; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21936 | Concentration argon (gas delivery system) | |
153012 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_AR_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Ar; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21940 | Concentration airway argon expiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153016 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_AR_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Ar; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21944 | Concentration airway argon inspiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153020 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_CO2 | Concentration | Partial Pressure | CO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21948 | Concentration carbon dioxide (gas delivery system) | |
153024 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_CO2_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | CO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21952 | Concentration airway carbon dioxide expiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153028 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_CO2_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | CO2; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21956 | Concentration airway carbon dioxide inspiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153032 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_CO2_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | CO2; gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21960 | Carbon dioxide gas delivered during a case | |
153036 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_CO2_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | CO2; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21964 | Total carbon dioxide gas delivered | |
153040 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_HE | Concentration | PartialPressure | He; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21968 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of helium in airway gas | |
153044 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_HE_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | He; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21972 | End tidal helium concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153048 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_HE_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | He; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21976 | Expired helium concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153052 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_HE_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | He; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21980 | Inspiratory helium concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153056 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HE | Concentration | Partial Pressure | He; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21984 | Concentration helium (gas delivery system) | |
153060 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HE_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | He; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21988 | Concentration airway helium expiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153064 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HE_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | He; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21992 | Concentration airway helium inspiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153068 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_HE_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | He; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 21996 | Helium gas delivered during a case | |
153072 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_HE_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | He; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22000 | Total helium gas delivered | |
153076 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_N2_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | N2; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22004 | Expired nitrogen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153080 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2 | Concentration | Partial Pressure | N2; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22008 | Concentration nitrogen (gas delivery system) | |
153084 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | N2; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22012 | Concentration airway nitrogen expiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153088 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_N2_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | N2; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22016 | Concentration airway nitrogen inspiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153092 | MDC_FLOW_N2O_FG | Flow | | N2O; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22020 | Fresh gas nitrous oxide flow | |
153096 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO | Concentration | PartialPressure | NO; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22024 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of nitric oxide in airway gas | |
153100 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | NO; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22028 | End tidal nitric oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153104 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | NO; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22032 | Expired nitric oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153108 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_NO_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | NO; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22036 | Inspiratory nitric oxide concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153112 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO | Concentration | Partial Pressure | NO; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22040 | Concentration nitric oxide (gas delivery system) | |
153116 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | NO; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22044 | Concentration airway nitric oxide expiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153120 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_NO_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | NO; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22048 | Concentration airway nitric oxide inspiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153124 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_NO_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | NO; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22052 | Nitric oxide gas delivered during a case | |
153128 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_NO_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | NO; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22056 | Total nitric oxide gas delivered | |
153132 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Oxygen; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22060 | Expired oxygen concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153136 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2 | Concentration | Partial Pressure | O2; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22064 | Concentration oxygen (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
153140 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | O2; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22068 | Concentration airway oxygen expiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
153144 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | O2; Gas | Gas Delivery System or Circuit | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22072 | Concentration airway oxygen inspiratory (gas delivery system or circuit) | |
153148 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_O2_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | O2; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22076 | Oxygen gas delivered during a case | |
153152 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_O2_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | O2; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22080 | Total oxygen gas delivered | |
153156 | MDC_FLOW_O2_FG | Flow | | O2; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22084 | Fresh gas oxygen flow | |
153160 | MDC_PRESS_O2_SUPPLY | Pressure | Supply; pipeline | O2; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22088 | O2 supply (pipeline) pressure | |
153164 | MDC_PRESS_O2_CYL | Pressure | Cylinder | O2; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22092 | O2 cylinder pressure | |
153168 | MDC_PRESS_O2_CYL_2 | Pressure | Cylinder; 2nd | O2; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22096 | O2 cylinder #2 pressure | |
153172 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_XE | Concentration | PartialPressure | Xe; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22100 | Concentration (or partial pressure) of xenon in airway gas | |
153176 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_XE_ET | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Xe; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22104 | End tidal xenon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153180 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_XE_EXP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Expiration | Xe; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22108 | Expired xenon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153184 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_XE_INSP | Concentration | PartialPressure; Inspiration | Xe; Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22112 | Inspiratory xenon concentration (or partial pressure) in airway gas | |
153188 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_XE | Concentration | Partial Pressure | Xe; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22116 | Concentration xenon (gas delivery system) | |
153192 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_XE_EXP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Expiration | Xe; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22120 | Concentration airway xenon expiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153196 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_XE_INSP | Concentration | Partial Pressure; Inspiration | Xe; Gas | Gas Delivery System | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22124 | Concentration airway xenon inspiratory (gas delivery system) | |
153200 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_XE_CASE | Volume | Case; Delivered | Xe; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22128 | Xenon gas delivered during a case | |
153204 | MDC_VOL_DELIV_XE_TOTAL | Volume | Total; Delivered | Xe; Gas | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22132 | Total xenon gas delivered | |
153208 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_PER_IBW | Volume gas per body mass | | Lung; Tidal | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22136 | Tidal volume per body mass | |
153212 | MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_TARGET_AUTO | Volume | Target; Calculated | Lung; Tidal | Ventilator; all breath and inflation types | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22140 | Target tidal volume | |
153216 | MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_BACKUP | Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inflation; Backup | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22144 | Backup tidal volume | |
153220 | MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_INSP | Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inspiratory Phase | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22148 | Inspired tidal volume (vent) | |
153224 | MDC_VENT_VOL_LEAK_PERCENT | Ratio | Leakage (inspired-expired; inspired) | Ventilation | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22152 | Leakage volume; percent | |
153228 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_IBW_REF | Flow | MinuteVolume; reference value based on ideal body mass | Lung; Tidal | airway; total for all breath and inflation types | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22156 | Reference minute volume calculated for the patient?s ideal body mass | |
153236 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_IBW_TARGET | Flow | MinuteVolume; target value | Lung; Tidal | airway; total for all breath and inflation types | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22164 | Target Minute Volume | |
153240 | MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_LUNG_ALV | Flow; OneMinute | | Lung; Alveolar | RespiratoryTract | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22168 | Alveolar minute ventilation | |
153244 | MDC_PRESS_GASTRIC | Pressure | Gastric | Respiration | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22172 | Gastric pressure | |
153248 | MDC_PRESS_TRANSPULM | Pressure difference | Transpulmonary | Respiration | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22176 | Transpulmonary pressure (difference) | |
153252 | MDC_PRESS_ETT_CUFF | Pressure | Cuff; Endotracheal | Respiration | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22180 | Endotracheal cuff pressure | |
153256 | MDC_PRESS_ETT_CUFF_END_EXH | Pressure | Cuff; Endotracheal | End-exhalation | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22184 | Endotracheal cuff pressure at the end of exhalation | |
153260 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_CTLD_PERCENT | Duration; ratio; pressure; risetime | controlled inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22188 | Rise time percent | |
153264 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_SUPP_PERCENT | Duration; ratio; pressure; risetime | support inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22192 | Pressure support rise time percent | |
153272 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_THRESH_END_INSP_PERCENT | Flow; ratio; percent | | TriggerThreshold; end inspiration | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22200 | % Ventilator end-inspiratory flow threshold | |
153276 | MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_PATIENT | Work of breathing; expended by patient (intrinsic) | per breath; volume or time | Resistive and Elastic | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22204 | Work of breathing (intrinsic) | |
153280 | MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_PATIENT_RESISTIVE | Work of breathing; expended by patient | per breath; volume or time | Resistive | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22208 | Work of breathing - resistive | |
153284 | MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_PATIENT_ELASTIC | Work of breathing; expended by patient | per breath; volume or time | Elastic | Breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22212 | Work of breathing - elastic | |
153288 | MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_VENTILATOR | Work of breathing; expended by ventilator and applied to patient | per breath; volume or time | Resistive and Elastic | Inflations and breathing | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22216 | Work of breathing - ventilator | |
153292 | MDC_WORK_OF_BREATHING_IMPOSED | Work of breathing; expended by ventilator or patient and lost to breathing apparatus (extrinsic) | per breath; volume or time | Resistive | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22220 | Imposed work of breathing (extrinsic) | |
153296 | MDC_PRESS_TIME_PRODUCT_INSP | Pressure · time product | per breath or per unit time for multiple breaths | Exertion by patient | Breathing; inspiratory phase | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22224 | Inspiratory pressure-time product | |
153300 | MDC_VENT_TUBE_COMPENSATION_LEVEL | Level; reduction of patient work of breathing | Percent of full tube compensation | Endotracheal or tracheal | Breathing; patient | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22228 | Tube compensation; Automatic tube compensation | |
153304 | MDC_VENT_TUBE_TYPE | Type; tube | | Endotracheal or tracheal | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22232 | Tube type | |
153308 | MDC_VENT_TUBE_SIZE | Size; tube | | Endotracheal or tracheal | diameter; inside | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22236 | Tube size | |
153312 | MDC_RESP_TIME_CONSTANT_INSP | Duration | TimeConstant | Inspiratory phase | Breath; Calculation | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22240 | Inspiratory time constant | |
153316 | MDC_RESP_TIME_CONSTANT_EXP | Duration | TimeConstant | Expiratory phase | Breath; passive deflation | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22244 | Expiratory time constant | |
153320 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_CO2_EXP_PLATEAU_ALV_SLOPE | Concentration | PartialPressure; CO2; Alveolar Plateau; slope with respect to expired gas volume | Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22248 | Slope of the alveolar plateau CO2 concentration with respect to expired volume | |
153324 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_CO2_EXP | Volume | Expiratory Phase | CO2; Gas | per breath (breath type not specified) | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22252 | Expired CO2 volume | |
153328 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_CO2_INSP | Volume | Inspiratory Phase | CO2; Gas | per breath (breath type not specified) | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22256 | Inspired CO2 volume | |
153332 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_O2_EXP | Volume | Expiratory Phase | O2; Gas | per breath (breath type not specified) | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22260 | Expired O2 volume | |
153336 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_O2_INSP | Volume | Inspiratory Phase | O2; Gas | per breath (breath type not specified) | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22264 | Inspired O2 volume | |
153360 | MDC_NEB_CYCLES_REMAIN | Count; cycles | Remaining | Nebulization | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22288 | Remaining number of cycles | |
153364 | MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_REMAIN_CURR_CYCLE | Duration | Delivery | Remaining nebulization time; current cycle | Nebulization | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22292 | Remaining nebulization time for current cycle | |
153368 | MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_REMAIN_TOTAL | Duration | Delivery | Remaining nebulization time; total | Nebulization | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22296 | Total remaining nebulization time for current set of delivery cycles | |
153372 | MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_ELAPSED_CURR_CYCLE | Duration | Elapsed nebulization time; current cycle | Nebulization | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22300 | Elapsed nebulization time for current cycle | |
153376 | MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_ELAPSED_TOTAL | Volume | Elapsed nebulization time; total | Nebulization | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22304 | Total elapsed nebulization time for current set of delivery cycles | |
153380 | MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_REMAIN_CURR_CYCLE | Volume | Remaining fluid to be nebulized; current cycle | Nebulization | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22308 | Remaining fluid to be nebulized for current cycle | |
153384 | MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_REMAIN_TOTAL | Volume | Remaining fluid to be nebulized; total | Nebulization | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22312 | Total remaining fluid to be nebulized for current set of delivery cycles | |
153388 | MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_DELIV_CURR_CYCLE | Volume | Fluid nebulized; current cycle | Nebulization | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22316 | Volume of fluid that has been nebulized for current cycle | |
153392 | MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_DELIV_TOTAL | Volume | Fluid nebulized; total | Nebulization | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22320 | Total volume of fluid that has been nebulized for current set of delivery cycles | |
153396 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_NEBULIZER | Flow; additional | Inspiratory airway | Gas | Nebulizer; pneumatic | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22324 | Nebulizer Flow | |
153604 | MDC_PRESS_CEREB_PERF | Pressure | Difference(MeanArterial; MeanIntracranial) | Head; Intracranial | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22532 | Cerebral perfusion pressure | |
153608 | MDC_PRESS_INTRA_CRAN | Pressure | | Head; Intracranial | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22536 | Intracranial pressure | |
153609 | MDC_PRESS_INTRA_CRAN_SYS | Pressure | Systolic | Head; Intracranial | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22537 | Systolic intracranial pressure | |
153610 | MDC_PRESS_INTRA_CRAN_DIA | Pressure | Diastolic | Head; Intracranial | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22538 | Diastolic intracranial pressure | |
153611 | MDC_PRESS_INTRA_CRAN_MEAN | Pressure | Mean | Head; Intracranial | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22539 | Mean intracranial pressure | |
153636 | MDC_EEG_SIGNAL_QUALITY_INDEX | Index | SignalQuality; BIS | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22564 | Signal Quality Index | |
153640 | MDC_EMG_ELEC_POTL_MUSCL | Power | Electromyographic | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22568 | Electromyography | |
153644 | MDC_EEG_BISPECTRAL_INDEX | Index | Bispectral Index | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22572 | Bispectral Index | |
153648 | MDC_EEG_ENTROPY_RESPONSE | Index | Response Entropy | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22576 | Response Entropy | |
153652 | MDC_EEG_ENTROPY_STATE | Index | State Entropy | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22580 | State Entropy | |
153656 | MDC_EEG_SNAP_INDEX | Index | SNAP Index | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22584 | SNAP Index | |
153660 | MDC_EEG_PATIENT_STATE_INDEX | Index | Patient State Index | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22588 | Patient State Index | |
153728 | MDC_SCORE_GLAS_COMA | Score | GlasgowComaScore | CNS State | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22656 | Glasgow coma score | |
153730 | MDC_SCORE_EYE_SUBSC_GLAS_COMA | Score | GlasgowComaScore; SubscoreEye | CNS State | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22658 | Glasgow coma score; eye | |
153731 | MDC_SCORE_MOTOR_SUBSC_GLAS_COMA | Score | GlasgowComaScore; SubscoreMotoric | CNS State | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22659 | Glasgow coma score; motoric | |
153732 | MDC_SCORE_SUBSC_VERBAL_GLAS_COMA | Score | GlasgowComaScore; SubscoreVerbal | CNS State | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22660 | Glasgow coma score; verbal | |
153856 | MDC_CIRCUM_HEAD | Circumference | | Head | Body; CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22784 | Circum head | |
153892 | MDC_TIME_PD_PUPIL_REACT_LEFT | Duration | ReactionTime | Pupil; LeftEye | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22820 | ||
153896 | MDC_TIME_PD_PUPIL_REACT_RIGHT | Duration | ReactionTime | Pupil; RightEye | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22824 | ||
153900 | MDC_EEG_ELEC_POTL_CRTX | ElectricalPotential | | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22828 | Electroencephalogram | |
153980 | MDC_EEG_FREQ_PWR_SPEC_CRTX_DOM_MEAN | Frequency | EEG; PowerSpectrum; MeanDominantFrequency | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22908 | Mean dominant frequency of electroencephalogram | |
153984 | MDC_EEG_FREQ_PWR_SPEC_CRTX_MEDIAN | Frequency | EEG; PowerSpectrum; MedianPowerFrequency | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22912 | Median power frequency of electroencephalogram | |
153988 | MDC_EEG_FREQ_PWR_SPEC_CRTX_PEAK | Frequency | EEG; PowerSpectrum; PeakPowerFrequency | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22916 | Peak power frequency of electroencephalogram | |
153992 | MDC_EEG_FREQ_PWR_SPEC_CRTX_SPECTRAL_EDGE | Frequency | EEG; PowerSpectrum; SpectralEdgeFrequency | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22920 | Spectral edge frequency of electroencephalogram | |
154028 | MDC_EEG_NUM_SPK | Number | EEG | Spikes | Neurology; CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22956 | Spikes | |
154032 | MDC_EEG_NUM_SEIZ | Number | EEG | Seizures | Neurology; CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22960 | Seizures | |
154036 | MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_CSA | Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22964 | Compressed spectral array of electroencephalogram | |
154040 | MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_TOT | Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; TotalPower | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22968 | Total power of electroencephalogram | |
154068 | MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_ALPHA_REL | Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; AlphaBand; RelativePower | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 22996 | Relative power of alpha band of electroencephalogram | |
154072 | MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_BETA_REL | Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; BetaBand; RelativePower | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23000 | Relative power of beta band of electroencephalogram | |
154076 | MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_DELTA_REL | Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; DeltaBand; RelativePower | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23004 | Relative power of delta band of electroencephalogram | |
154080 | MDC_EEG_PWR_SPEC_THETA_REL | Power | EEG; PowerSpectrum; ThetaBand; RelativePower | Cortex | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23008 | Relative power of theta band of electroencephalogram | |
154977 | MDC_EEG_PAROX_CRTX_SPK_CNT | Count; Pattern | ParoxysmalActivity; Spike | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23905 | Spike Count | |
155024 | MDC_EEG_PAROX_CRTX_BURST_SUPPRN | Pattern | ParoxismalActivity; BurstSuppression | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 23952 | Burst suppression | |
156241 | MDC_EEG_PAROX_CRTX_BURST_CNT | Count; Pattern | ParoxysmalActivity; Burst | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 25169 | Burst Count | |
156242 | MDC_EEG_PAROX_CRTX_BURST_RATE | Rate; Pattern | ParoxysmalActivity; Burst | Cortex; EEG | CNS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 25170 | Burst Rate | |
157744 | MDC_VOL_URINE_COL | Volume | Collected | Urine | Fluid | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26672 | Urine volume in bag | |
157760 | MDC_CONC_DRUG | Concentration | | Drug; Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26688 | Drug concentration | |
157784 | MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP | Flow | Delivery | Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26712 | Fluid delivery rate | |
157816 | MDC_DOSE_DRUG_BOLUS | Mass | Bolus | Drug; Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26744 | Bolus dose; PCA dose | |
157864 | MDC_VOL_FLUID_DELIV | Volume | Delivered | Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26792 | Infused volume | |
157872 | MDC_VOL_FLUID_TBI_REMAIN | Volume | Remaining | Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26800 | Volume remaining to be infused | |
157880 | MDC_VOL_SYRINGE | Volume | Size | Syringe | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26808 | Syringe volume | |
157884 | MDC_VOL_FLUID_TBI | Volume | TBI | Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26812 | Volume to be infused | |
157904 | MDC_TIME_PD_DELAY | Duration | Delay | Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26832 | Time delay programmed | |
157908 | MDC_TIME_PD_DELAY_REMAIN | Duration | Delay; Remaining | Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26836 | Time delay programmed remaining | |
157916 | MDC_TIME_PD_REMAIN | Duration | Remaining | Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26844 | Infusion time remaining | |
157924 | MDC_RATE_DOSE | Flow | Mass; Delivery; Normalized; BodyMass | Drug; Fluid | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26852 | Dose rate | |
157984 | MDC_VOL_SYRINGE_ACTUAL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26912 | |||
157985 | MDC_DOSE_PCA_LIMIT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26913 | Dose Limit Amount | ||
157987 | MDC_TIME_PD_PCA_DOSE_LIMIT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26915 | |||
157988 | MDC_RATE_PCA_MAX_DOSES_PER_HOUR | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26916 | |||
157990 | MDC_NUM_PATIENT_DOSES_GIVEN_TOTAL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26918 | |||
157991 | MDC_NUM_PATIENT_DOSES_ATTEMPTED_TOTAL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26919 | |||
157992 | MDC_VOL_FLUID_DELIV_SEGMENT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26920 | |||
157993 | MDC_VOL_FLUID_DELIV_TOTAL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26921 | |||
157994 | MDC_VOL_FLUID_CONTAINER_START | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26922 | |||
157995 | MDC_VOL_REMAIN_CONTAINER | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26923 | |||
157996 | MDC_TIME_PD_PROG | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26924 | |||
157997 | MDC_TIME_PD_REMAIN_CONTAINER | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26925 | |||
157999 | MDC_DOSE_DRUG_TBI | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26927 | |||
158000 | MDC_DOSE_DRUG_TBI_REMAIN | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26928 | |||
158002 | MDC_DOSE_DRUG_DELIV | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26930 | |||
158003 | MDC_DOSE_DRUG_DELIV_SEGMENT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26931 | |||
158004 | MDC_MASS_DRUG_REMAIN_CONTAINER | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26932 | |||
158005 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_CURRENT_DELIVERY_STATUS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26933 | |||
158006 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_NOT_DELIVERING_REASON | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26934 | |||
158007 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_PROGRAM_COMPLETION_MODE | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26935 | |||
158008 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_PROGRAM_DELIVERY_MODE | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26936 | |||
158009 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_PROGRAM_STATUS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26937 | |||
158010 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_FLUSH_ENABLED | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26938 | |||
158011 | MDC_NUM_DOSE_PROG | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26939 | |||
158012 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_SOURCE_CHANNEL_LABEL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26940 | |||
158013 | MDC_AMOUNT_DRUG_REMAIN_CONTAINER | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26941 | |||
158014 | MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP_CURRENT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26942 | |||
158015 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_ENABLED_SOURCES | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26943 | |||
158016 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_ACTIVE_SOURCES | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26944 | |||
158017 | MDC_DOSE_PCA_PATIENT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26945 | |||
158018 | MDC_DOSE_LOADING | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26946 | |||
158019 | MDC_DOSE_CLINICIAN | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26947 | |||
159748 | MDC_CONC_PH_ART | Concentration | Total; H+; Logarithmic | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28676 | Arterial blood fluid pH | |
159752 | MDC_CONC_PCO2_ART | Concentration | Total; pCO2 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28680 | Arterial blood pCO2 | |
159756 | MDC_CONC_PO2_ART | Concentration | Total; pO2 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28684 | Arterial blood pO2 | |
159760 | MDC_CONC_HCO3_ART | Concentration | Total; hCO3 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28688 | Arterial blood bicarbonate ion concentration | |
159764 | MDC_CONC_HB_ART | Concentration | Total; Hb | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28692 | Arterial blood haemoglobin concentration | |
159768 | MDC_CONC_HB_O2_ART | Concentration | Total; O2Hb | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28696 | Arterial blood oxy-haemoglobin concentration | |
159792 | MDC_CONC_CA_ART | Concentration | Total; Ca | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28720 | Arterial blood calcium ion concentration | |
159796 | MDC_CONC_PH_VEN | Concentration | Total; H+; Logarithmic | VenousBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28724 | Venous blood fluid pH | |
159800 | MDC_CONC_PCO2_VEN | Concentration | Total; pCO2 | VenousBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28728 | Venous blood pCO2 | |
159804 | MDC_CONC_PO2_VEN | Concentration | Total; pO2 | VenousBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28732 | Venous blood pO2 | |
159816 | MDC_CONC_HB_O2_VEN | Concentration | Total; O2Hb | VenousBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28744 | Venous blood oxy-haemoglobin concentration | |
159852 | MDC_CONC_NA_URINE | Concentration | Total; Na | Urine | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28780 | Urine sodium ion concentration | |
159960 | MDC_CONC_NA_SERUM | Concentration | Total; Na | Serum | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28888 | Serum sodium ion concentration | |
160004 | MDC_CONC_PH_GEN | Concentration | Total; H+; Logarithmic | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28932 | General fluid pH | |
160008 | MDC_CONC_HCO3_GEN | Concentration | Total; hCO3 | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28936 | General bicarbonate ion concentration | |
160012 | MDC_CONC_NA_GEN | Concentration | Total; Na | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28940 | General sodium ion concentration | |
160016 | MDC_CONC_K_GEN | Concentration | Total; K | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28944 | General potassium ion concentration | |
160020 | MDC_CONC_GLU_GEN | Concentration | Total; Glucose | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28948 | General glucose concentration | |
160024 | MDC_CONC_CA_GEN | Concentration | Total; Ca | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28952 | General calcium ion concentration | |
160064 | MDC_CONC_PCO2_GEN | Concentration | Total; pCO2 | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28992 | General fluid pCO2 | |
160068 | MDC_CONC_HCT_ART | Concentration | Total; HCT | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 28996 | Arterial blood haematocrit concentration | |
160080 | MDC_CONC_UREA_ART | Concentration | Total; Urea | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29008 | Arterial blood urea concentration | |
160104 | MDC_CONC_CHLOR_GEN | Concentration | Total; Chloride | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29032 | General chloride ion concentration | |
160116 | MDC_CONC_PO2_GEN | Concentration | Total; pO2 | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29044 | General fluid pO2 | |
160132 | MDC_CONC_HCT_GEN | Concentration | Total; HCT | General | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29060 | General fluid HCT | |
160184 | MDC_CONC_GLU_CAPILLARY_WHOLEBLOOD | Concentration | Total; Glucose | CapillaryWholeBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29112 | Capillary whole blood glucose | |
160188 | MDC_CONC_GLU_CAPILLARY_PLASMA | Concentration | Total; Glucose | CapillaryPlasma | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29116 | Capillary plasma glucose | |
160192 | MDC_CONC_GLU_VENOUS_WHOLEBLOOD | Concentration | Total; Glucose | VenousWholeBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29120 | Venous whole blood glucose | |
160196 | MDC_CONC_GLU_VENOUS_PLASMA | Concentration | Total; Glucose | VenousPlasma | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29124 | Venous plasma glucose | |
160200 | MDC_CONC_GLU_ARTERIAL_WHOLEBLOOD | Concentration | Total; Glucose | ArterialWholeBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29128 | Arterial whole blood glucose | |
160204 | MDC_CONC_GLU_ARTERIAL_PLASMA | Concentration | Total; Glucose | ArterialPlasma | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29132 | Arterial plasma glucose | |
160208 | MDC_CONC_GLU_CONTROL | Concentration | Glucose | ControlSolution | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29136 | Control Result | |
160212 | MDC_CONC_GLU_ISF | Concentration | Glucose | InterstitialFluid | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29140 | Interstitia Fluid Glucose | |
160216 | MDC_BASE_EXCESS_FLUID_EXTRACELLULAR | Concentration | BaseExcess | ExtracellularFluid | BloodChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29144 | Base Excess of Extracellular Fluid | |
160220 | MDC_CONC_HBA1C | Concentration | HbA1c | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29148 | HbA1c | |
160252 | MDC_BASE_EXCESS_BLD_ART | Concentration | BaseExcess | ArterialBlood | BloodChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29180 | Base Excess of Arterial Blood | |
160256 | MDC_CONC_CA_PH_NORMALIZED_ART | Concentration | Total; Ca; Logarithmic; Normalized to pH 7.4 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29184 | Ionized Calcium; Normalized to pH 7.4 | |
160260 | MDC_RATIO_INR_COAG | Ratio | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29188 | Coagulation ratio ? INR | |
160264 | MDC_TIME_PD_COAG | Duration | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29192 | Coagulation time ? prothrombin time | |
160268 | MDC_QUICK_VALUE_COAG | Quick value | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29196 | Coagulation quick value | |
160272 | MDC_ISI_COAG | ISI | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29200 | International Sensitivity Index | |
160276 | MDC_COAG_CONTROL | Control | Coagulation | Plasma | Blood Chemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29204 | Control calibration of INR | |
160280 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_CONC_HB_O2_ART_CALC | Concentration | Oxygen content; total; bound and unbound to hemoglobin | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29208 | (Estimated) Arterial Oxygen Content | |
160284 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_HB_CO_ART | Concentration | Carboxyhemoglobin | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29212 | Arterial blood carboxyhemoglobin concentration | |
160288 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_HB_MET_ART | Concentration | Methemoglobin | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29216 | Arterial blood methemoglobin concentration | |
160292 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_HB_TOTAL_ART | Concentration | Hb; total | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29220 | Arterial blood hemoglobin concentration | |
160296 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_PREDUCTAL | Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | ArterialBlood; Preductal | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29224 | Preductal SpO2 | |
160300 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_POSTDUCTAL | Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | ArterialBlood; Postductal | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29228 | Postductal SpO2 | |
160304 | MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2_ART_PRE_POST_DIFF | Concentration | Saturation; Oxygen | ArterialBlood; (Preductal; Postductal) difference | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29232 | Pre-postductal SpO2 difference | |
160308 | MDC_CONC_PCO2_GASTRIC_ART_DIFF | Concentration; PartialPressure | Difference; CO2 (gastric;arterial) | Gastric; mucosal | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29236 | Gastric-arterial CO2 Gap | |
160312 | MDC_CONC_PCO2_GASTRIC_ET_DIFF | Concentration; PartialPressure | Difference; CO2 (gastric;endtidal) | Gastric; mucosal | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29240 | Gastric-endtidal CO2 Gap | |
160316 | MDC_CONC_PCO2_GASTRIC_MUCOSAL | Concentration; PartialPressure | Total; CO2 | Gastric; mucosal | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29244 | Gastric Mucosal PCO2 | |
160320 | MDC_CONC_PH_INTRAMUCOSAL | Concentration | Total; H+; Logarithmic | Gastric; Intramucosal | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29248 | Intramucosal pH | |
160324 | MDC_SPO2_SIGNAL_QUALITY_INDEX | Index | SignalQuality; SpO2 | ArterialBlood | FluidChemistry; Pulse Oximetry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29252 | SPO2 Signal Quality Index | |
160364 | MDC_CONC_GLU_UNDETERMINED_WHOLEBLOOD | Concentration | Total; Glucose | UndeterminedWholeBlood | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29292 | Undetermined whole blood glucose | |
160368 | MDC_CONC_GLU_UNDETERMINED_PLASMA | Concentration | Total; Glucose | UndeterminedPlasma | FluidChemistry | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29296 | Undetermined arterial plasma glucose | |
160372 | MDC_CONC_GLU_CONTROL_LEVEL_LOW | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29300 | |||
160376 | MDC_CONC_GLU_CONTROL_LEVEL_MEDIUM | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29304 | |||
160380 | MDC_CONC_GLU_CONTROL_LEVEL_HIGH | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29308 | |||
160384 | MDC_CONC_GLU_CONTROL_LEVEL_UNDETERMINED | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 29312 | |||
16927604 | MDC_TEMP_SKIN_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 19316 | |||
16928802 | MDC_VENT_RESP_RATE_SETTING | Rate | Displayed or Actual | Breath | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20514 | Set inflation rate | |
16928804 | MDC_VENT_RESP_RATE_MIN_SETTING | Rate | Minimum assured | Breath | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20516 | Minimum assured ventilation inflation rate setting | |
16928805 | MDC_VENT_RESP_RATE_AVG_SETTING | Rate | Average | Breath | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20517 | Average ventilation rate setting | |
16929020 | MDC_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_SETTING | Pressure | End-expiratory; Extrinsic | Gas | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20732 | ||
16929048 | MDC_RATIO_IE_SETTING | Ratio | Duration(InspiratoryPhase); Duration(ExpiratoryPhase) | Gas | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20760 | ||
16929072 | MDC_TIME_PD_APNEA_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20784 | Apnea alarm duration setting | ||
16929164 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_INSP_SETTING | Flow | Inspiration | Gas | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20876 | Inspiratory flow setting | |
16929188 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_SETTING | Pressure | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20900 | ||
16929192 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_END_EXP_POS_SETTING | Pressure | End-expiratory; Applied | Gas | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20904 | Set PEEP | |
16929196 | MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_SETTING | Volume | | Lung; Tidal | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20908 | Tidal volume setting | |
16929224 | MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_SETTING | Flow | OneMinute | Gas | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20936 | ||
16929228 | MDC_VENT_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_MAND_SETTING | Flow | OneMinute; Mandatory | Gas | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 20940 | ||
16929300 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_DESFL_ET_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21012 | |||
16929304 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ENFL_ET_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21016 | |||
16929308 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_HALOTH_ET_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21020 | |||
16929312 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_SEVOFL_ET_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21024 | |||
16929316 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_ISOFL_ET_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21028 | |||
16929416 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_DESFL_INSP_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21128 | |||
16929420 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ENFL_INSP_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21132 | |||
16929424 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_HALOTH_INSP_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21136 | |||
16929428 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_SEVOFL_INSP_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21140 | |||
16929432 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_ISOFL_INSP_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21144 | |||
16929632 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_SETTING | Duration | Inspiratory phase | Inflation | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21344 | Inspiratory time setting | |
16929633 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_MAX_SETTING | Duration; maximum | Inspiratory phase | Inflation | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21345 | Maximum inspiratory time setting | |
16929644 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_TRIG_SENS_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21356 | |||
16929656 | MDC_CONC_AWAY_O2_ET_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21368 | |||
16929698 | MDC_VENT_RESP_BACKUP_RATE_SETTING | Rate | Backup | Breath | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21410 | Backup ventilation rate setting | |
16929820 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PERCENT_SETTING | Duration; ratio | Inspiratory phase; total respiratory period | Inflation | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21532 | Inspiratory time percent setting | |
16929832 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_BACKUP_SETTING | Duration | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21544 | Backup inspiratory time setting | |
16929837 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_SUPP_MAX_SETTING | Duration; maximum | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21549 | ||
16929840 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PAUSE_SETTING | Duration | Inspiratory pause | end inspiratory flow to start expiratory flow | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21552 | ||
16929844 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_PAUSE_PERCENT_SETTING | Duration; ratio | Inspiratory pause; inspiratory phase | end inspiratory flow to start expiratory flow | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21556 | ||
16929848 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_HOLD_SETTING | Duration | Inspiratory hold | temporarily maintain constant lung volume (zero flow) at end inspiratory or inflation phase | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21560 | ||
16929852 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_HOLD_SETTING | Duration | Expiratory hold | temporarily maintain constant lung volume (zero flow) at set extension of the expiratory phase | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21564 | ||
16929860 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_INSP_THIGH_SETTING | Duration | High baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21572 | ||
16929864 | MDC_VENT_TIME_PD_EXP_TLOW_SETTING | Duration | Low baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21576 | ||
16929868 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_BIAS_SETTING | Flow | Bias | Gas | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21580 | ||
16929872 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_CONTINUOUS_SETTING | Flow | Continuous | Gas | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21584 | ||
16929932 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_BASELINE_SETTING | Pressure; baseline | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21644 | ||
16929936 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_SETTING | Pressure; delta relative to baseline | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21648 | ||
16929940 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_BACKUP_SETTING | Pressure | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21652 | ||
16929944 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_BACKUP_SETTING | Pressure; delta relative to baseline | Inspiratory phase | Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21656 | ||
16929948 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_SUPP_SETTING | Pressure | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21660 | ||
16929952 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_SUPP_SETTING | Pressure; delta relative to baseline | Inspiratory phase | Pressure support inflation | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21664 | ||
16929956 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_INSP_PHIGH_SETTING | Pressure | High baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21668 | ||
16929960 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_EXP_PLOW_SETTING | Pressure | Low baseline pressure | APRV or Bi-Level modes | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21672 | ||
16929964 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_SETTING | Pressure; limit | without cycling | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21676 | ||
16929968 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_PMAX_SETTING | Pressure; maximum limit | with cycling | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21680 | ||
16929972 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_RELIEF_SETTING | Pressure; protective relief limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21684 | ||
16929976 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_LIMIT_PMIN_SETTING | Pressure; minimum limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21688 | ||
16929980 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_DELTA_LIMIT_PMIN_SETTING | Pressure; delta relative to baseline; minimum limit | | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21692 | ||
16929984 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_CTLD_SETTING | Duration; pressure; risetime | controlled inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21696 | ||
16929988 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_SUPP_SETTING | Duration; pressure; risetime | support inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21700 | ||
16930020 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_TRIG_SENS_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21732 | |||
16930024 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_THRESH_END_INSP_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21736 | |||
16930092 | MDC_FLOW_AIR_FG_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 21804 | |||
16930308 | MDC_FLOW_N2O_FG_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22020 | |||
16930360 | MDC_CONC_GASDLV_O2_INSP_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22072 | |||
16930372 | MDC_FLOW_O2_FG_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22084 | |||
16930432 | MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_BACKUP_SETTING | Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inflation; Backup | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22144 | Backup tidal volume setting | |
16930436 | MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_INSP_SETTING | Volume | | Lung; Tidal; Inspiratory Phase | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22148 | Inspired tidal volume setting | |
16930438 | MDC_VENT_VOL_TIDAL_INSP_MIN_SETTING | Volume; minimum | | Lung; Tidal; Inspiratory Phase | Ventilator; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22150 | Minimum inspired tidal volume setting | |
16930448 | MDC_VOL_MINUTE_AWAY_IBW_PCTOF_REF_SETTING | Percent | MinuteVolume; desired percentage value relative to reference value based on ideal body mass | Lung; Tidal | airway; total for all breath and inflation types | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22160 | Percentage of the reference minute volume calculated for the patient's ideal body mass | |
16930476 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_CTLD_PERCENT_SETTING | Duration; ratio; pressure; risetime | controlled inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22188 | ||
16930484 | MDC_VENT_PRESS_AWAY_RISETIME_SUPP_PERCENT_SETTING | Duration; ratio; pressure; risetime | support inflations | Gas | Ventilator; Airway; Setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22196 | ||
16930488 | MDC_VENT_FLOW_THRESH_END_INSP_PERCENT_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22200 | |||
16930560 | MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_PER_CYCLE_SETTING | Duration | Delivery | Nebulization of fluid; per cycle | Nebulizer; setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22272 | (set) nebulizer run time | |
16930564 | MDC_NEB_VOL_FLUID_PER_CYCLE_SETTING | Volume | Delivery | Fluid to be nebulized; per cycle | Nebulizer; setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22276 | (set) nebulizer volume | |
16930568 | MDC_NEB_CYCLES_SETTING | Count; cycles | Nebulization delivery cycles | Nebulization of fluid | Nebulizer; setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22280 | (set) nebulizer cycles | |
16930572 | MDC_NEB_TIME_PD_PAUSE_SETTING | Duration | Inter-delivery | Pause between nebulization deliveries | Nebulizer; setting | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22284 | (set) nebulizer pause time | |
16930604 | MDC_VOL_AWAY_TIDAL_PER_IBW_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 22316 | |||
16961504 | MDC_CONC_O2_MICROENV_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53216 | |||
16961508 | MDC_REL_HUMIDITY_MICROENV_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53220 | |||
16961512 | MDC_TEMP_MICROENV_SETTING | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53224 | |||
16961620 | MDC_GASDLV_AGENT_SETTING | Identity | | Agent(s); Gas | Airway; Setting or selection | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53332 | ||
16961621 | MDC_GASDLV_BALANCE_GAS_SETTING | Identity | | Balance Gas(es); Gas | Airway; Setting or selection | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53333 | ||
16961626 | MDC_NEB_DEV_MODE_SETTING | Mode | | Nebulization Mode | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 258 ~ CODE10: 53338 | (set) nebulizer mode | |
184288 | MDC_CONC_O2_MICROENV | Concentration | PartialPressure | Oxygen; Gas | Incubator; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53216 | Oxygen Reading | |
184292 | MDC_REL_HUMIDITY_MICROENV | Humidity; Relative | | Compartment | Incubator; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53220 | Measured Relative Humidity | |
184296 | MDC_TEMP_MICROENV | Temperature | | Compartment | Incubator; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53224 | Compartment Probe Temperature | |
184300 | MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_APPLIED_PWR | Power; Relative | Heater | | Incubator or Warmer; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53228 | Heater Power | |
184304 | MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_HEAT_SINK_RESIST | Resistance | Temperature-related | Heat Sink; Heater | Incubator; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53232 | Incubator heater heat sink temperature sensor resistance | |
184308 | MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_HEAT_SINK_TEMP | Temperature | | Heat Sink; Heater | Incubator; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53236 | Incubator heater heat sink temperature | |
184326 | MDC_ECG_STAT_ECT | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53254 | |||
184327 | MDC_ECG_STAT_RHY | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53255 | |||
184331 | MDC_TRIG_BEAT_MAX_INRUSH | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53259 | SpO2 precise pulse | ||
184336 | MDC_MICROENV_TYPE | Type | Bed | | Incubator or Warmer; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53264 | Microenvironment Bed Type | |
184337 | MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_TYPE | Type | Heater | | Incubator or Warmer; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53265 | Incubator heater type | |
184338 | MDC_MICROENV_BED_STATE | State; Bed | | State; open or closed | Incubator; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53266 | Bed State | |
184339 | MDC_MICROENV_AIR_CURTAIN_STATE | Status; Operational | Air curtain | Airflow | Incubator; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53267 | Air Curtain Status | |
184340 | MDC_MICROENV_HEATER_CNTRL_MODE | Mode | Temperature Control | | Incubator or Warmer; Microenvironment | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53268 | Temperature Control Mode | |
184341 | MDC_MICROENV_FAN_SPEED | Fan speed | Air curtain | Airflow | Incubator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53269 | Fan Speed | |
184352 | MDC_VENT_MODE | Mode | | VentilationMode | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53280 | Ventilation mode | |
184353 | MDC_VENT_MODE_RESP_SPONT | Mode | | BreathingMode | Respiration | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53281 | Respiration mode | |
184400 | MDC_VENT_MODE_BACKUP | Mode | | VentilationMode; Backup | Ventilator | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53328 | Backup ventilation mode | |
184404 | MDC_GASDLV_AGENT | Identity | | Agent(s); Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53332 | Anesthetic agent(s) | |
184405 | MDC_GASDLV_BALANCE_GAS | Identity | | Balance Gas(es); Gas | Airway | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53333 | Balance Gas | |
184408 | MDC_NEB_DEV_TYPE | Type | | Device | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53336 | Nebulizer type | |
184409 | MDC_NEB_DEV_STATUS | Status | Operational | Device | Nebulizer | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53337 | Nebulizer status | |
184476 | MDC_SYRINGE_TYPE | Type | | Syringe | Pump | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53404 | Syringe type | |
184488 | MDC_SYRINGE_MANUFACTURER | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53416 | |||
184513 | MDC_PUMP_NOT_INFUSING_REASON | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53441 | |||
184514 | MDC_DRUG_NAME_LABEL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53442 | |||
184515 | MDC_DRUG_ID | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53443 | |||
184516 | MDC_PUMP_DRUG_LIBRARY_CARE_AREA | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53444 | |||
184517 | MDC_PUMP_DRUG_LIBRARY_VERSION | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53445 | |||
184518 | MDC_PUMP_MODE_CONCURRENT_CHAN_LABEL | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53446 | |||
184519 | MDC_PUMP_INFUSING_STATUS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 53447 | |||
188420 | MDC_TEMP_RECT | Temperature | | Rectal | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57348 | Rectal temperature | |
188424 | MDC_TEMP_ORAL | Temperature | | Oral | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57352 | Oral temperature | |
188428 | MDC_TEMP_EAR | Temperature | | Ear | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57356 | Ear temperature | |
188432 | MDC_TEMP_FINGER | Temperature | | Finger | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57360 | Finger temperature | |
188436 | MDC_TEMP_BLD | Temperature | | Blood | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57364 | Blood temperature | |
188440 | MDC_TEMP_DIFF | Temperature | Difference | Core; Surface | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57368 | Temperature difference | |
188448 | MDC_TEMP_TOE | Temperature | | Toe | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57376 | Toe surface temperature | |
188452 | MDC_TEMP_AXILLA | Temperature | | Axillary | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57380 | Axillary (armpit) temperature | |
188456 | MDC_TEMP_GIT | Temperature | | GIT | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57384 | Gastro-intestinal tract temperature | |
188480 | MDC_PRESS_GI | Pressure | | Gastric | GastrointestinalSystem | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57408 | Gastric pressure | |
188488 | MDC_POWER_TCUT | Power | | Trancutaneous probe | Heater | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57416 | Transcutaneous probe heater power | |
188492 | MDC_TEMP_TCUT | Temperature | | Transcutaneous probe | Sensor | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57420 | Transcutaneous probe temperature | |
188496 | MDC_TEMP_AXIL | Temperature | | Axillary | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57424 | Axillary temperature | |
188500 | MDC_TEMP_MYO | Temperature | | Myocardial | Heart; CVS; Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57428 | Myocardial temperature | |
188504 | MDC_TEMP_NASAL | Temperature | | Nasal | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57432 | Nasal temperature | |
188508 | MDC_TEMP_ROOM | Temperature | | Room | Ambient | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57436 | Room temperature | |
188736 | MDC_MASS_BODY_ACTUAL | Mass | Actual | | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57664 | Patient actual weight | |
188740 | MDC_LEN_BODY_ACTUAL | Length | Actual | | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57668 | Patient actual height | |
188744 | MDC_AREA_BODY_SURF_ACTUAL | Area | Actual | BodySurface | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57672 | Patient body surface area | |
188748 | MDC_BODY_FAT | Ratio | Computation | Body fat; Body weight | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57676 | body fat | |
188752 | MDC_RATIO_MASS_BODY_LEN_SQ | Ratio | Computation | Body mass; Body length | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57680 | body mass index | |
188756 | MDC_MASS_BODY_FAT_FREE | Mass | Actual | fat free mass | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57684 | fat free mass | |
188760 | MDC_MASS_BODY_SOFT_LEAN | Mass | Actual | Soft lean mass | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57688 | soft lean mass | |
188764 | MDC_BODY_WATER | Ratio | Computation | Body water; Body weight | Body | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57692 | body water | |
188772 | MDC_COMM_STATUS | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57700 | |||
188792 | MDC_ATTR_PT_WEIGHT_LAST | Mass | Actual | | Body; last taken | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57720 | Last Taken Weight | |
188796 | MDC_MASS_BODY_EST_IBW | Mass | Estimated | | Body; Ideal | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57724 | Predicted Body Weight | |
188800 | MDC_MASS_BODY_EST_ABW | Mass | Estimated | | Body; Adjusted | _mdc | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 57728 | Adjusted Body Weight | |
196886 | MDC_EVT_LIGHT_INTERF | ErrorEvent | Measurement; Light; Interference | FunctionalDisturbance | Device | _mdc | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 278 | Light interference with measurement | |
67926 | MDC_ATTR_PT_BSA | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2390 | |||
68012 | MDC_ATTR_AL_COND | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2476 | |||
68060 | MDC_ATTR_PT_HEIGHT | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2524 | |||
68063 | MDC_ATTR_PT_WEIGHT | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2527 | |||
68137 | MDC_ATTR_PT_LBM | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2601 | |||
68167 | MDC_ATTR_SOURCE_HANDLE_REF | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2631 | |||
68185 | MDC_ATTR_TIME_PD_MSMT_ACTIVE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2649 | |||
68320 | MDC_ATTR_SAMPLE_RATE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2784 | |||
68321 | MDC_ATTR_SAMPLE_COUNT | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2785 | |||
68322 | MDC_ATTR_WAV_ENCODING | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2786 | |||
68323 | MDC_ATTR_DATA_RANGE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2787 | |||
68324 | MDC_ATTR_GRID_VIS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2788 | |||
68325 | MDC_ATTR_VIS_COLOR | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2789 | |||
68326 | MDC_ATTR_SCALE_RANGE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2790 | |||
68327 | MDC_ATTR_SCALE_RANGE_SIZE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2791 | |||
68328 | MDC_ATTR_PHYS_RANGE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2792 | |||
68480 | MDC_ATTR_ALERT_SOURCE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2944 | |||
68481 | MDC_ATTR_EVENT_PHASE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2945 | |||
68482 | MDC_ATTR_ALARM_STATE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2946 | |||
68483 | MDC_ATTR_ALARM_INACTIVATION_STATE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2947 | |||
68484 | MDC_ATTR_ALARM_PRIORITY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2948 | |||
68485 | MDC_ATTR_ALERT_TYPE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2949 | |||
68487 | MDC_ATTR_EVT_COND | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2951 | |||
68488 | MDC_ATTR_EVT_SOURCE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2952 | |||
68512 | MDC_ATTR_LS_NAME | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2976 | |||
68513 | MDC_ATTR_LS_LOCATION | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2977 | |||
68514 | MDC_ATTR_LS_ADDRESS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2978 | |||
68515 | MDC_ATTR_LS_PHASE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2979 | |||
68517 | MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_NAME | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2981 | |||
68518 | MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2982 | |||
68519 | MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS_LAT | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2983 | |||
68520 | MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS_LON | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2984 | |||
68521 | MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS_ALT | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2985 | |||
68522 | MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_GPS_BEARING | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2986 | |||
68523 | MDC_ATTR_LS_REF_LIMITS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2987 | |||
68524 | MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_XYZ | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2988 | |||
68525 | MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_X | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2989 | |||
68526 | MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_Y | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2990 | |||
68527 | MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_Z | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2991 | |||
68528 | MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_XYZ_ACCY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2992 | |||
68529 | MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_X_ACCY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2993 | |||
68530 | MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_Y_ACCY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2994 | |||
68531 | MDC_ATTR_LS_COORD_Z_ACCY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2995 | |||
68532 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_COORDINATES | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2996 | |||
68533 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_LAT | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2997 | |||
68534 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_LON | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2998 | |||
68535 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_COORD_ACCY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 2999 | |||
68536 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_LAT_ACCY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3000 | |||
68537 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_LON_ACCY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3001 | |||
68538 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_ALT | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3002 | |||
68539 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_ALT_ACCY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3003 | |||
68540 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_HEADING | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3004 | |||
68541 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_PITCH | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3005 | |||
68542 | MDC_ATTR_GPS_SPEED | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3006 | |||
69120 | MDC_OBS_NOS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3584 | |||
69121 | MDC_OBS_WAVE_CTS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3585 | |||
69122 | MDC_OBS_WAVE_NONCTS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 3586 | |||
69984 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS | Pump | Volume | Blood [Infusion] | <type> | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4448 | Infusor | |
69985 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_MDS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4449 | |||
69986 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_VMD | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4450 | |||
70048 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_LVP | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4512 | |||
70049 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_LVP_MDS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4513 | |||
70050 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_LVP_VMD | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4514 | |||
70052 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_SYRINGE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4516 | |||
70053 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_SYRINGE_MDS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4517 | |||
70054 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_SYRINGE_VMD | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4518 | |||
70055 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_SYRINGE_CHAN | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4519 | |||
70056 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_PCA | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4520 | |||
70057 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_PCA_MDS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4521 | |||
70058 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_PCA_VMD | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4522 | |||
70060 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_PCA_SYRINGE | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4524 | |||
70061 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_PCA_SYRINGE_MDS | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4525 | |||
70062 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_PCA_SYRINGE_VMD | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4526 | |||
70067 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_DELIVERY_INFO | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4531 | |||
70071 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUSATE_SOURCE_PRIMARY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4535 | |||
70075 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUSATE_SOURCE_SECONDARY | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4539 | |||
70079 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_CLINICIAN_DOSE_INFO | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4543 | |||
70083 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_LOADING_DOSE_INFO | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4547 | |||
70087 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_INTERMITTENT_DOSE_INFO | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4551 | |||
70091 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_SYRINGE_INFO | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4555 | |||
70095 | MDC_DEV_PUMP_PCA_INFO | _mdc | PART: 1 ~ CODE10: 4559 | |||
8417752 | MDC_GLU_METER_DEV_STATUS | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29144 | |||
8417760 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_EXERCISE | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29152 | |||
8417764 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29156 | |||
8417765 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_UNDETERMINED | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29157 | |||
8417766 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_OTHER | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29158 | |||
8417767 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_NO_ENTRY | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29159 | |||
8417768 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_BREAKFAST | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29160 | |||
8417769 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_NO_INGESTION | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29161 | |||
8417772 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_LUNCH | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29164 | |||
8417776 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_DINNER | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29168 | |||
8417780 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_SNACK | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29172 | |||
8417784 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_DRINK | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29176 | |||
8417788 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_SUPPER | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29180 | |||
8417792 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_CARB_BRUNCH | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29184 | |||
8417796 | MDC_CTXT_MEDICATION | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29188 | |||
8417800 | MDC_CTXT_MEDICATION_RAPIDACTING | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29192 | |||
8417804 | MDC_CTXT_MEDICATION_SHORTACTING | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29196 | |||
8417808 | MDC_CTXT_MEDICATION_INTERMEDIATEACTING | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29200 | |||
8417812 | MDC_CTXT_MEDICATION_LONGACTING | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29204 | |||
8417816 | MDC_CTXT_MEDICATION_PREMIX | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29208 | |||
8417820 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29212 | |||
8417844 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29236 | |||
8417864 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29256 | |||
8417884 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_TESTER | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29276 | |||
8417908 | MDC_BATCHCODE_COAG | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29300 | |||
8417909 | MDC_INR_METER_DEV_STATUS | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29301 | |||
8417912 | MDC_TARGET_LEVEL_COAG | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29304 | |||
8417916 | MDC_MED_CURRENT_COAG | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29308 | |||
8417920 | MDC_MED_NEW_COAG | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29312 | |||
8417924 | MDC_CTXT_INR_TESTER | _mdc | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29316 | |||
_mdcenums | MDC enums | 157989, 157998, 196634, 196678, 196768, 196802, 196940, 196950, 197084, 197200, 197212, 197214, 197216, 197218, 197220, 197222, 197224, 197226, 197228, 197230, 197232, 197234, 197236, 197258, 197260, 197262, 197264, 197288, 197290, 197292, 197294, 197296, 197298, 197300, 197302, 197304, 197306, 197308, 197328, 197330, 197332, 197334, 197336, 197338, 197340, 197342, 197346, 197348, 197350, 197352, 197354, 197356, 197358, 197360, 197362, 197364, 197376, 197378, 203276, 203341, 203776, 203778, 203780, 203782, 203784, 203786, 203788, 203790, 203792, 203794, 203796, 203798, 258048, 459748, 459752, 459756, 459760, 459764, 459768, 459772, 459776, 459780, 459784, 459788, 459793, 459794, 459801, 459806, 459809, 459814, 459817, 459822, 459825, 459830, 459833, 459838, 459841, 459846, 459849, 459854, 459857, 459862, 459865, 459870, 459873, 459878, 459881, 459886, 459889, 459894, 459897, 459902, 459905, 459910, 459913, 459918, 459921, 459926, 459929, 459934, 459937, 459942, 459945, 459950, 459953, 459958, 459961, 459966, 459969, 459974, 459977, 459982, 459985, 459990, 459993, 459998, 460001, 460006, 460009, 460014, 460017, 460022, 460025, 460030, 460033, 460038, 460041, 460042, 460049, 460050, 460057, 460058, 460065, 460066, 460272, 460280, 460281, 460282, 460292, 460296, 460297, 460298, 460304, 460340, 460341, 460342, 460357, 460358, 460365, 460366, 460368, 460369, 460370, 460372, 460373, 460374, 460420, 460492, 460500, 460501, 460502, 460521, 460522, 460524, 460525, 460526, 460533, 460534, 460536, 460537, 460538, 460597, 460598, 460601, 460602, 460605, 460606, 460609, 460610, 460613, 460614, 460616, 460633, 460634, 460635, 460636, 460637, 460638, 460800, 460801, 460802, 460803, 460804, 460805, 460806, 460807, 460809, 460810, 460812, 460813, 460824, 460825, 466946, 466948, 8417824, 8417828, 8417832, 8417836, 8417840, 8417845, 8417846, 8417848, 8417852, 8417856, 8417860, 8417868, 8417869, 8417872, 8417876, 8417880, 8417888, 8417892, 8417896, 8417925, 8417926, 8417927 | ||||
157989 | MDC_TIME_PCA_LOCKOUT | _mdcenums | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26917 | |||
157998 | MDC_TIME_PD_DOSE_START_INTERVAL | _mdcenums | PART: 2 ~ CODE10: 26926 | |||
196634 | MDC_EVT_EMPTY | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 26 | |||
196678 | MDC_EVT_MALF | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 70 | |||
196768 | MDC_EVT_POSN_PROB | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 160 | |||
196802 | MDC_EVT_BATT_LO | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 194 | |||
196940 | MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_OCCL | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 332 | |||
196950 | MDC_EVT_FLOW_LO | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 342 | |||
197084 | MDC_EVT_DOOR_POSN_ERR | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 476 | |||
197200 | MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_AIR | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 592 | |||
197212 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_PATIENT_PRESSURE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 604 | |||
197214 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_PLUNGER_POSITION | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 606 | |||
197216 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_FLANGE_POSITION | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 608 | |||
197218 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_BARREL_CAPTURE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 610 | |||
197220 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_PRESSURE_DISC_POSITION | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 612 | |||
197222 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_NUT_ENGAGED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 614 | |||
197224 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_END_OF_TRAVEL | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 616 | |||
197226 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_EMPTY | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 618 | |||
197228 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_PATIENT_PRESSURE_ALARM | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 620 | |||
197230 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_PLUNGER | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 622 | |||
197232 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_FLANGE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 624 | |||
197234 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_LEVER | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 626 | |||
197236 | MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_PRESSURE_DISC | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 628 | |||
197258 | MDC_EVT_PCA_DOOR_UNLOCKED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 650 | |||
197260 | MDC_EVT_PCA_HANDSET_DETACHED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 652 | |||
197262 | MDC_EVT_PCA_MAX_LIMIT | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 654 | |||
197264 | MDC_EVT_PCA_PAUSED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 656 | |||
197288 | MDC_EVT_PUMP_DELIV_START | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 680 | |||
197290 | MDC_EVT_PUMP_DELIV_STOP | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 682 | |||
197292 | MDC_EVT_PUMP_DELIV_COMP | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 684 | |||
197294 | MDC_EVT_COMM_STATUS_CHANGE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 686 | |||
197296 | MDC_EVT_PUMP_PROG_CLEARED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 688 | |||
197298 | MDC_EVT_PUMP_AUTO_PROG_CLEARED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 690 | |||
197300 | MDC_EVT_PATIENT_CHANGE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 692 | |||
197302 | MDC_EVT_PATIENT_ID_CHANGE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 694 | |||
197304 | MDC_EVT_PATIENT_WEIGHT_CHANGE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 696 | |||
197306 | MDC_EVT_PUMP_VOL_COUNTERS_CLEARED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 698 | |||
197308 | MDC_EVT_DEVICE_TIME_CHANGED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 700 | |||
197328 | MDC_EVT_IDLE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 720 | |||
197330 | MDC_EVT_CALLBACK | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 722 | |||
197332 | MDC_EVT_VOL_INFUS_COMP | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 724 | |||
197334 | MDC_EVT_VOL_INFUS_NEAR_COMP | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 726 | |||
197336 | MDC_EVT_BATT_DEPL | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 728 | |||
197338 | MDC_EVT_BATT_SERV | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 730 | |||
197340 | MDC_EVT_EMER_STOP | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 732 | |||
197342 | MDC_EVT_PWR_LOSS | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 734 | |||
197346 | MDC_EVT_CHECK_IV_SET | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 738 | |||
197348 | MDC_EVT_UNKNOWN | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 740 | |||
197350 | MDC_EVT_DELAY_IMPOSSIBLE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 742 | |||
197352 | MDC_EVT_PUMP_CHAMBER_BLOCKED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 744 | |||
197354 | MDC_EVT_HANDSET_DETACHED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 746 | |||
197356 | MDC_EVT_PATIENT_PARAMETER_CHANGE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 748 | |||
197358 | MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_OCCL_PROXIMAL | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 750 | |||
197360 | MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_OCCL_DISTAL | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 752 | |||
197362 | MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_AIR_PROXIMAL | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 754 | |||
197364 | MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_AIR_DISTAL | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 756 | |||
197376 | MDC_EVT_DATA_INVALID | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 768 | |||
197378 | MDC_EVT_DATA_MISSING | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 770 | |||
203276 | MDC_EVT_ADVIS_SETTINGS_CHK | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 6668 | |||
203341 | MDC_EVT_ADVIS_MAINT_NEEDED | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 6733 | |||
203776 | MDC_EVT_LS_DEVICE | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7168 | |||
203778 | MDC_EVT_LS_PERSON | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7170 | |||
203780 | MDC_EVT_LS_MOVEMENT | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7172 | |||
203782 | MDC_EVT_LS_BOUNDARY | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7174 | |||
203784 | MDC_EVT_LS_COLOCATION | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7176 | |||
203786 | MDC_EVT_LS_DWELL | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7178 | |||
203788 | MDC_EVT_LS_ACCELEROMETER | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7180 | |||
203790 | MDC_EVT_LS_TAMPER | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7182 | |||
203792 | MDC_EVT_LS_INTERACTION | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7184 | |||
203794 | MDC_EVT_LS_MISSING | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7186 | |||
203796 | MDC_EVT_LS_ENVIRONMENT | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7188 | |||
203798 | MDC_EVT_LS_BATTERY | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 7190 | |||
258048 | MDC_EVT_STANDBY_WARN | _mdcenums | PART: 3 ~ CODE10: 61440 | |||
459748 | MDC_HEAD_NASION_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 996 | |||
459752 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_POLAR_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1000 | |||
459756 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1004 | |||
459760 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1008 | |||
459764 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1012 | |||
459768 | MDC_HEAD_CENT_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1016 | |||
459772 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_MEDIA | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1020 | |||
459776 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1024 | |||
459780 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1028 | |||
459784 | MDC_HEAD_OCCIP_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1032 | |||
459788 | MDC_HEAD_INION_MID | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1036 | |||
459793 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_POLAR_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1041 | |||
459794 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_POLAR_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1042 | |||
459801 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_1 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1049 | |||
459806 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_2 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1054 | |||
459809 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_3 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1057 | |||
459814 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_4 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1062 | |||
459817 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_5 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1065 | |||
459822 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_6 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1070 | |||
459825 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_7 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1073 | |||
459830 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_8 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1078 | |||
459833 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_L_9 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1081 | |||
459838 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_R_10 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1086 | |||
459841 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_L_1 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1089 | |||
459846 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_R_2 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1094 | |||
459849 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_L_3 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1097 | |||
459854 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_R_4 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1102 | |||
459857 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_L_5 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1105 | |||
459862 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_CENT_R_6 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1110 | |||
459865 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_TEMPOR_L_7 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1113 | |||
459870 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_TEMPOR_R_8 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1118 | |||
459873 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_TEMPOR_L_9 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1121 | |||
459878 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_TEMPOR_R_10 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1126 | |||
459881 | MDC_HEAD_CENT_L_1 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1129 | |||
459886 | MDC_HEAD_CENT_R_2 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1134 | |||
459889 | MDC_HEAD_CENT_L_3 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1137 | |||
459894 | MDC_HEAD_CENT_R_4 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1142 | |||
459897 | MDC_HEAD_CENT_L_5 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1145 | |||
459902 | MDC_HEAD_CENT_R_6 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1150 | |||
459905 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_L_1 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1153 | |||
459910 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_R_2 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1158 | |||
459913 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_L_3 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1161 | |||
459918 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_R_4 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1166 | |||
459921 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_L_5 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1169 | |||
459926 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_CENT_R_6 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1174 | |||
459929 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_L_1 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1177 | |||
459934 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_R_2 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1182 | |||
459937 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_L_3 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1185 | |||
459942 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_R_4 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1190 | |||
459945 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_L_5 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1193 | |||
459950 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_R_6 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1198 | |||
459953 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_L_9 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1201 | |||
459958 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_R_10 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1206 | |||
459961 | MDC_HEAD_OCCIP_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1209 | |||
459966 | MDC_HEAD_OCCIP_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1214 | |||
459969 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_L_3 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1217 | |||
459974 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_R_4 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1222 | |||
459977 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_L_7 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1225 | |||
459982 | MDC_HEAD_FRONT_ANT_R_8 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1230 | |||
459985 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_L_3 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1233 | |||
459990 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_R_4 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1238 | |||
459993 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_L_7 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1241 | |||
459998 | MDC_HEAD_PARIET_OCCIP_R_8 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1246 | |||
460001 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_L_3 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1249 | |||
460006 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_R_4 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1254 | |||
460009 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_L_5 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1257 | |||
460014 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_R_6 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1262 | |||
460017 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_L_9 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1265 | |||
460022 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_R_10 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1270 | |||
460025 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_PARIET_L_7 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1273 | |||
460030 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_PARIET_R_8 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1278 | |||
460033 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_PARIET_L_9 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1281 | |||
460038 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_PARIET_R_10 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1286 | |||
460041 | MDC_HEAD_AURIC_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1289 | |||
460042 | MDC_HEAD_AURIC_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1290 | |||
460049 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_ANT_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1297 | |||
460050 | MDC_HEAD_TEMPOR_ANT_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1298 | |||
460057 | MDC_HEAD_PHARYNGEAL_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1305 | |||
460058 | MDC_HEAD_PHARYNGEAL_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1306 | |||
460065 | MDC_HEAD_SPHENOIDAL_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1313 | |||
460066 | MDC_HEAD_SPHENOIDAL_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1314 | |||
460272 | MDC_HEAD_EAR | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1520 | |||
460280 | MDC_HEAD_FORE | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1528 | |||
460281 | MDC_HEAD_FORE_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1529 | |||
460282 | MDC_HEAD_FORE_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1530 | |||
460292 | MDC_HEAD_MOUTH | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1540 | |||
460296 | MDC_HEAD_NARIS | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1544 | |||
460297 | MDC_HEAD_NARIS_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1545 | |||
460298 | MDC_HEAD_NARIS_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1546 | |||
460304 | MDC_HEAD_NOSE | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1552 | |||
460340 | MDC_LOEXT_FOOT | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1588 | |||
460341 | MDC_LOEXT_FOOT_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1589 | |||
460342 | MDC_LOEXT_FOOT_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1590 | |||
460357 | MDC_LOEXT_LEG_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1605 | |||
460358 | MDC_LOEXT_LEG_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1606 | |||
460365 | MDC_LOEXT_THIGH_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1613 | |||
460366 | MDC_LOEXT_THIGH_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1614 | |||
460368 | MDC_LOEXT_TOE | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1616 | |||
460369 | MDC_LOEXT_TOE_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1617 | |||
460370 | MDC_LOEXT_TOE_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1618 | |||
460372 | MDC_LOEXT_TOE_GREAT | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1620 | |||
460373 | MDC_LOEXT_TOE_GREAT_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1621 | |||
460374 | MDC_LOEXT_TOE_GREAT_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1622 | |||
460420 | MDC_TRUNK_BUTTOCK | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1668 | |||
460492 | MDC_UPEXT_AXILLA | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1740 | |||
460500 | MDC_UPEXT_FINGER | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1748 | |||
460501 | MDC_UPEXT_FINGER_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1749 | |||
460502 | MDC_UPEXT_FINGER_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1750 | |||
460521 | MDC_UPEXT_FOREARM_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1769 | |||
460522 | MDC_UPEXT_FOREARM_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1770 | |||
460524 | MDC_UPEXT_HAND | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1772 | |||
460525 | MDC_UPEXT_HAND_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1773 | |||
460526 | MDC_UPEXT_HAND_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1774 | |||
460533 | MDC_UPEXT_ARM_UPPER_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1781 | |||
460534 | MDC_UPEXT_ARM_UPPER_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1782 | |||
460536 | MDC_UPEXT_WRIST | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1784 | |||
460537 | MDC_UPEXT_WRIST_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1785 | |||
460538 | MDC_UPEXT_WRIST_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1786 | |||
460597 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_OCCIPITAL_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1845 | |||
460598 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_OCCIPITAL_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1846 | |||
460601 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_PARIETAL_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1849 | |||
460602 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_PARIETAL_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1850 | |||
460605 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_TEMPORAL_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1853 | |||
460606 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_TEMPORAL_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1854 | |||
460609 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_FRONTAL_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1857 | |||
460610 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_FRONTAL_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1858 | |||
460613 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_FRONTAL_POLAR_L | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1861 | |||
460614 | MDC_HEAD_REGIONAL_FRONTAL_POLAR_R | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1862 | |||
460616 | MDC_NERV_SPIN_CERVIC_5 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1864 | |||
460633 | MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_1 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1881 | |||
460634 | MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_2 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1882 | |||
460635 | MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_3 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1883 | |||
460636 | MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_4 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1884 | |||
460637 | MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_5 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1885 | |||
460638 | MDC_HEAD_CUSTOM_6 | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 1886 | |||
460800 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_NOS | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2048 | |||
460801 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_AWAY | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2049 | |||
460802 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_YPI | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2050 | |||
460803 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_ETT | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2051 | |||
460804 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_FGF | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2052 | |||
460805 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_EXH | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2053 | |||
460806 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_IL | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2054 | |||
460807 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_EL | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2055 | |||
460809 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_LB | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2057 | |||
460810 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_RB | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2058 | |||
460812 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_PI | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2060 | |||
460813 | MDC_GAS_MSMT_SITE_ETTC | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2061 | |||
460824 | MDC_GAS_CIRC_SITE_ABSe | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2072 | |||
460825 | MDC_GAS_CIRC_SITE_ABSi | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 2073 | |||
466946 | MDC_BS_QUAL_LEFT | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 8194 | |||
466948 | MDC_BS_QUAL_RIGHT | _mdcenums | PART: 7 ~ CODE10: 8196 | |||
8417824 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_MINOR | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29216 | |||
8417828 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_MAJOR | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29220 | |||
8417832 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_MENSES | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29224 | |||
8417836 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_STRESS | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29228 | |||
8417840 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_HEALTH_NONE | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29232 | |||
8417845 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_UNDETERMINED | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29237 | |||
8417846 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_OTHER | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29238 | |||
8417848 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_FINGER | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29240 | |||
8417852 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_AST | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29244 | |||
8417856 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_EARLOBE | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29248 | |||
8417860 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_SAMPLELOCATION_CTRLSOLUTION | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29252 | |||
8417868 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_PREPRANDIAL | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29260 | |||
8417869 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_BEDTIME | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29261 | |||
8417872 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_POSTPRANDIAL | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29264 | |||
8417876 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_FASTING | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29268 | |||
8417880 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_MEAL_CASUAL | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29272 | |||
8417888 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_TESTER_SELF | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29280 | |||
8417892 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_TESTER_HCP | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29284 | |||
8417896 | MDC_CTXT_GLU_TESTER_LAB | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29288 | |||
8417925 | MDC_CTXT_INR_TESTER_SELF | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29317 | |||
8417926 | MDC_CTXT_INR_TESTER_HCP | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29318 | |||
8417927 | MDC_CTXT_INR_TESTER_LAB | _mdcenums | PART: 128 ~ CODE10: 29319 | |||
_mdcunits | MDC units | 262144, 262656, 262688, 262720, 262752, 262784, 262816, 262880, 262912, 262944, 262976, 262994, 262995, 262996, 263008, 263026, 263040, 263072, 263104, 263136, 263168, 263200, 263232, 263264, 263296, 263328, 263360, 263392, 263424, 263441, 263442, 263443, 263520, 263552, 263570, 263584, 263616, 263680, 263712, 263744, 263762, 263763, 263776, 263794, 263808, 263840, 263872, 263875, 263890, 263891, 263892, 263904, 263936, 263968, 264000, 264032, 264064, 264128, 264160, 264192, 264224, 264256, 264274, 264288, 264306, 264307, 264308, 264320, 264338, 264339, 264340, 264352, 264384, 264416, 264448, 264480, 264512, 264544, 264576, 264608, 264672, 264704, 264736, 264768, 264800, 264832, 264864, 264896, 264928, 264960, 264963, 264978, 264992, 265010, 265024, 265056, 265088, 265120, 265152, 265184, 265202, 265216, 265234, 265235, 265248, 265266, 265280, 265312, 265330, 265344, 265376, 265408, 265440, 265472, 265490, 265491, 265492, 265504, 265522, 265523, 265524, 265536, 265554, 265555, 265556, 265568, 265600, 265618, 265619, 265620, 265632, 265650, 265651, 265652, 265664, 265682, 265683, 265684, 265696, 265728, 265760, 265792, 265824, 265856, 265888, 265920, 265952, 265984, 265986, 265987, 266016, 266048, 266080, 266098, 266112, 266144, 266176, 266194, 266195, 266196, 266197, 266208, 266240, 266242, 266304, 266336, 266368, 266400, 266418, 266419, 266420, 266432, 266450, 266464, 266496, 266528, 266560, 266592, 266624, 266656, 266688, 266706, 266720, 266738, 266752, 266784, 266816, 266848, 266866, 266880, 266898, 266912, 266944, 266976, 266994, 267008, 267026, 267040, 267072, 267090, 267104, 267136, 267154, 267168, 267186, 267200, 267218, 267232, 267264, 267282, 267296, 267314, 267328, 267346, 267360, 267392, 267410, 267424, 267442, 267456, 267474, 267488, 267520, 267538, 267552, 267570, 267584, 267602, 267616, 267619, 267620, 267634, 267648, 267680, 267712, 267744, 267747, 267748, 267762, 267776, 267780, 267808, 267812, 267826, 267840, 267843, 267844, 267858, 267872, 267875, 267876, 267890, 267904, 267908, 267922, 267936, 267940, 267954, 267968, 267971, 267972, 267986, 268000, 268003, 268004, 268018, 268032, 268050, 268064, 268096, 268128, 268160, 268192, 268224, 268256, 268274, 268288, 268320, 268352, 268384, 268416, 268448, 268480, 268512, 268544, 268562, 268576, 268608, 268640, 268672, 268704, 268736, 268832, 268864, 268896, 268914, 268915, 268916, 268928, 268946, 268947, 268948, 268960, 268978, 268979, 268980, 268992, 269010, 269011, 269012, 269024, 269042, 269056, 269074, 269088, 269092, 269106, 269120, 269124, 269138, 269152, 269170, 269184, 269202, 269216, 269234, 269248, 269266, 269280, 269298, 269312, 269330, 269331, 269332, 269344, 269348, 269362, 269376, 269394, 269408, 269426, 269440, 269458, 269472, 269490, 269504, 269522, 269536, 269554, 269568, 269586, 269600, 269618, 269632, 269650, 269664, 269682, 269696, 269714, 269728, 269746, 269760, 269778, 269792, 269796, 269810, 269824, 269827, 269828, 269842, 269843, 269844, 269856, 269860, 269874, 269875, 269876, 269888, 269891, 269906, 269907, 269908, 269920, 269952, 269984, 270004, 270016, 270048, 270080, 270112, 270144, 270160, 270176, 270208, 270210, 270240, 270272, 270304, 270322, 270336, 270368, 270388, 270400, 270419, 270432, 270435, 270464, 270496, 270499, 270528, 270560, 270563, 270592, 270624, 270656, 270688, 270720, 270752, 270784, 270816, 270834, 270866, 270880, 270912, 270930, 270944, 270976, 271008, 271011, 271040, 271043, 271072, 271075, 271200, 271203, 271204, 271218, 271232, 271264, 271296, 271328, 271331, 271332, 271346, 271360, 271364, 271392, 271396, 271410, 271424, 271427, 271428, 271442, 271456, 271459, 271460, 271474, 271488, 271491, 271492, 271506, 271520, 271524, 271538, 271552, 271556, 271584, 271588, 271602, 271616, 271619, 271620, 271634, 271648, 271651, 271652, 271666, 271680, 271698, 271712, 271744, 271748, 271762, 271776, 271780, 271794, 271808, 271812, 271826, 271840, 271844, 271858, 272544, 272562, 272576, 272594, 272640, 272672, 272704, 272739, 272914, 272978, 272992, 273024, 273042, 273056, 273376, 273408, 273458, 273475, 273525, 273536, 273568, 273600 | ||||
262144 | MDC_DIM_NOS | {unknown} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 0 | Unspecified | |
262656 | MDC_DIM_DIMLESS | 1 {unitless} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 512 | Dimension- less | |
262688 | MDC_DIM_PERCENT | % | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 544 | - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')' | |
262720 | MDC_DIM_PARTS_PER_10_TO_MINUS_3 | [ppth] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 576 | - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')' | |
262752 | MDC_DIM_PARTS_PER_10_TO_MINUS_6 | [ppm] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 608 | - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')' | |
262784 | MDC_DIM_PARTS_PER_10_TO_MINUS_9 | 10*-9 10^-9 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 640 | - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')' | |
262816 | MDC_DIM_PARTS_PER_10_TO_MINUS_12 | 10*-12 10^-12 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 672 | - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')' | |
262880 | MDC_DIM_ANG_DEG | deg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 736 | - angles | |
262912 | MDC_DIM_ANG_RAD | rad | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 768 | - angles | |
262944 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_G | g/g | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 800 | - mass fraction | |
262976 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG | g/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 832 | - mass fraction | |
262994 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_KG | mg/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 850 | - mass fraction | |
262995 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_KG | ug/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 851 | - mass fraction | |
262996 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_KG | ng/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 852 | - mass fraction | |
263008 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_MOLE | mol/mol | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 864 | - relative quantity | |
263026 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_MOLE | mmol/mol | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 882 | ||
263040 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_L | L/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 896 | - volume fraction | |
263072 | MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_M_CUBE | DO_NOT_USE | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 928 | - volume fraction | |
263104 | MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_CM_CUBE | DO_NOT_USE | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 960 | - volume fraction | |
263136 | MDC_DIM_PH | [pH] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 992 | - special vital signs counts | |
263168 | MDC_DIM_DROP | [drp] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1024 | - special vital signs counts | |
263200 | MDC_DIM_RBC | {rbc} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1056 | - special vital signs counts | |
263232 | MDC_DIM_BEAT | {beat} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1088 | - special vital signs counts | |
263264 | MDC_DIM_BREATH | {breath} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1120 | - special vital signs counts | |
263296 | MDC_DIM_CELL | {cell} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1152 | - special vital signs counts | |
263328 | MDC_DIM_COUGH | {cough} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1184 | - special vital signs counts | |
263360 | MDC_DIM_SIGH | {sigh} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1216 | - special vital signs counts | |
263392 | MDC_DIM_PCT_PCV | %{pcv} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1248 | - special vital signs counts | |
263424 | MDC_DIM_M | m | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1280 | L (length) | |
263441 | MDC_DIM_CENTI_M | cm | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1297 | L (length) | |
263442 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_M | mm | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1298 | L (length) | |
263443 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_M | um | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1299 | L (length) | |
263520 | MDC_DIM_INCH | [in_i] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1376 | ||
263552 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_M_SQ | L/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1408 | L (areic volume) | |
263570 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_M_SQ | mL/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1426 | L (areic volume) | |
263584 | MDC_DIM_PER_X_M | /m | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1440 | L-1 | |
263616 | MDC_DIM_SQ_M | m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1472 | L2 (area) | |
263680 | MDC_DIM_PER_SQ_X_M | /m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1536 | L-2 | |
263712 | MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M | m3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1568 | L3 (volume) | |
263744 | MDC_DIM_L | L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1600 | ||
263762 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L | mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1618 | L3 (volume) | |
263763 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_L | uL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1619 | L3 (volume) | |
263776 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_BREATH | L/{breath} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1632 | L3 (volume) | |
263794 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_BREATH | mL/{breath} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1650 | L3 (volume) | |
263808 | MDC_DIM_PER_CUBIC_X_M | /m3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1664 | L-3 | |
263840 | MDC_DIM_PER_X_L | /L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1696 | L-3 | |
263872 | MDC_DIM_G | g | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1728 | ||
263875 | MDC_DIM_KILO_G | kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1731 | M (mass) | |
263890 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G | mg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1746 | M (mass) | |
263891 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G | ug | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1747 | M (mass) | |
263892 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G | ng | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1748 | M (mass) | |
263904 | MDC_DIM_LB | [lb_av] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1760 | ||
263936 | MDC_DIM_OZ | [oz_av] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1792 | ||
263968 | MDC_DIM_PER_X_G | /g | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1824 | M-1 | |
264000 | MDC_DIM_G_M | g.m | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1856 | ||
264032 | MDC_DIM_X_G_M_PER_M_SQ | g.m/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1888 | ML-1 | |
264064 | MDC_DIM_X_G_M_SQ | g.m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1920 | ML2 (moment of inertia) | |
264128 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_CUBE | g/m3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 1984 | ML-3 (concentration of mass) | |
264160 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_CM_CUBE | g/cm3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2016 | ML-3 (concentration of mass) | |
264192 | MDC_DIM_G_PER_L | g/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2048 | ||
264224 | MDC_DIM_G_PER_CL | g/cL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2080 | ML-3 (concentration of mass) | |
264256 | MDC_DIM_G_PER_DL | g/dL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2112 | ||
264274 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_DL | mg/dL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2130 | ML-3 (concentration of mass) | |
264288 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_ML | g/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2144 | ML-3 (concentration of mass) | |
264306 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_ML | mg/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2162 | ML-3 (concentration of mass) | |
264307 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_ML | ug/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2163 | ML-3 (concentration of mass) | |
264308 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_ML | ng/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2164 | ML-3 (concentration of mass) | |
264320 | MDC_DIM_SEC | s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2176 | ||
264338 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_SEC | ms | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2194 | T (time) | |
264339 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_SEC | us | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2195 | T (time) | |
264340 | MDC_DIM_NANO_SEC | ns | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2196 | T (time) | |
264352 | MDC_DIM_MIN | min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2208 | T (time) | |
264384 | MDC_DIM_HR | h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2240 | T (time) | |
264416 | MDC_DIM_DAY | d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2272 | T (time) | |
264448 | MDC_DIM_WEEKS | wk | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2304 | T (time) | |
264480 | MDC_DIM_MON | mo | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2336 | T (time) | |
264512 | MDC_DIM_YR | a | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2368 | T (time) | |
264544 | MDC_DIM_TOD | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2400 | T (time) | ||
264576 | MDC_DIM_DATE | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2432 | T (time) | ||
264608 | MDC_DIM_PER_X_SEC | /s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2464 | T-1 (rate, frequency) | |
264672 | MDC_DIM_PER_MIN | /min 1/min {count}/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2528 | T-1 (rate, frequency) | |
264704 | MDC_DIM_PER_HR | /h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2560 | T-1 (rate, frequency) | |
264736 | MDC_DIM_PER_DAY | /d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2592 | T-1 (rate, frequency) | |
264768 | MDC_DIM_PER_WK | /wk | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2624 | T-1 (rate, frequency) | |
264800 | MDC_DIM_PER_MO | /mo | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2656 | T-1 (rate, frequency) | |
264832 | MDC_DIM_PER_YR | /a | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2688 | T-1 (rate, frequency) | |
264864 | MDC_DIM_BEAT_PER_MIN | /min 1/min {beats}/min {beat}/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2720 | - special vital signs rates | |
264896 | MDC_DIM_PULS_PER_MIN | /min 1/min {pulses}/min {pulse}/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2752 | - special vital signs rates | |
264928 | MDC_DIM_RESP_PER_MIN | /min 1/min {breaths}/min {breath}/min {resp}/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2784 | - special vital signs rates | |
264960 | MDC_DIM_X_M_PER_SEC | m/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2816 | LT-1 (velocity) | |
264963 | MDC_DIM_KILO_M_PER_SEC | km/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2819 | LT-1 (velocity) | |
264978 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_M_PER_SEC | mm/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2834 | LT-1 (velocity) | |
264992 | MDC_DIM_L_PER_MIN_PER_M_SQ | L/min/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2848 | ||
265010 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_MIN_PER_M_SQ | mL/min/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2866 | Volume per minute per body surface area | |
265024 | MDC_DIM_SQ_X_M_PER_SEC | m2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2880 | Volume per minute per body surface area | |
265056 | MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_SEC | m3/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2912 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265088 | MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_MIN | m3/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2944 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265120 | MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_HR | m3/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 2976 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265152 | MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_M_PER_DAY | m3/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3008 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265184 | MDC_DIM_L_PER_SEC | L/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3040 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265202 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_SEC | mL/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3058 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265216 | MDC_DIM_L_PER_MIN | L/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3072 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265234 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_MIN | mL/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3090 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265235 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_L_PER_MIN | uL/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3091 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265248 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_HR | L/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3104 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265266 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_HR | mL/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3122 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265280 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_DAY | L/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3136 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
265312 | MDC_DIM_L_PER_KG | L/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3168 | ||
265330 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_KG | mL/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3186 | L3M-1 (volume content) | |
265344 | MDC_DIM_CUBIC_X_L_PER_KG | m3/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3200 | L3M-1 (volume content) | |
265376 | MDC_DIM_X_M_PER_PASCAL_SEC | m/Pa/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3232 | L2M-1T (permeability) | |
265408 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_MIN_PER_ML_HG | L/min/mm[Hg] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3264 | L2M-1T (permeability) | |
265440 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_SEC | g/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3296 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265472 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_MIN | g/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3328 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265490 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_MIN | mg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3346 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265491 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_MIN | ug/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3347 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265492 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_MIN | ng/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3348 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265504 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_HR | g/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3360 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265522 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_HR | mg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3378 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265523 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_HR | ug/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3379 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265524 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_HR | ng/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3380 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265536 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_DAY | g/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3392 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265554 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_DAY | mg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3410 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265555 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_DAY | ug/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3411 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265556 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_DAY | ng/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3412 | MT-1 (mass flow rate) | |
265568 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG_PER_SEC | g/kg/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3424 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265600 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG_PER_MIN | g/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3456 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265618 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_KG_PER_MIN | mg/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3474 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265619 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_KG_PER_MIN | ug/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3475 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265620 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_KG_PER_MIN | ng/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3476 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265632 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG_PER_HR | g/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3488 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265650 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_KG_PER_HR | mg/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3506 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265651 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_KG_PER_HR | ug/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3507 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265652 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_KG_PER_HR | ng/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3508 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265664 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_KG_PER_DAY | g/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3520 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265682 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_KG_PER_DAY | mg/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3538 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265683 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_KG_PER_DAY | ug/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3539 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265684 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_KG_PER_DAY | ng/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3540 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
265696 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_L_PER_SEC | g/L/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3552 | L-3MT-1 (mass concentration rate) | |
265728 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_L_PER_MIN | g/L/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3584 | L-3MT-1 (mass concentration rate) | |
265760 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_L_PER_HR | g/L/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3616 | L-3MT-1 (mass concentration rate) | |
265792 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_L_PER_DAY | g/L/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3648 | L-3MT-1 (mass concentration rate) | |
265824 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_PER_SEC | g/m/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3680 | L-1MT-1 (dynamic viscosity) | |
265856 | MDC_DIM_X_G_M_PER_SEC | g.m/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3712 | LMT-1 (momentum, impulse) | |
265888 | MDC_DIM_X_NEWTON_SEC | N.s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3744 | LMT-1 (momentum, impulse) | |
265920 | MDC_DIM_X_NEWTON | N | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3776 | LMT-2 (force) | |
265952 | MDC_DIM_X_DYNE | dyn | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3808 | LMT-2 (force) | |
265984 | MDC_DIM_X_PASCAL | Pa | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3840 | L-1MT-2 (pressure) | |
265986 | MDC_DIM_HECTO_PASCAL | hPa | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3842 | L-1MT-2 (pressure) | |
265987 | MDC_DIM_KILO_PASCAL | kPa | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3843 | L-1MT-2 (pressure) | |
266016 | MDC_DIM_MMHG | mm[Hg] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3872 | L-1MT-2 (pressure) | |
266048 | MDC_DIM_CM_H2O | cm[H2O] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3904 | L-1MT-2 (pressure) | |
266080 | MDC_DIM_X_BAR | bar | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3936 | L-1MT-2 (pressure) | |
266098 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_BAR | mbar | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3954 | ||
266112 | MDC_DIM_X_JOULES | J | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 3968 | L2MT-2 (energy; work) | |
266144 | MDC_DIM_EVOLT | eV | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4000 | L2MT-2 (energy; work) | |
266176 | MDC_DIM_WATT | W | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4032 | L2MT-3 (power) | |
266194 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_WATT | mW | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4050 | L2MT-3 (power) | |
266195 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_WATT | uW | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4051 | L2MT-3 (power) | |
266196 | MDC_DIM_NANO_WATT | nW | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4052 | L2MT-3 (power) | |
266197 | MDC_DIM_PICO_WATT | pW | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4053 | ||
266208 | MDC_DIM_X_PASCAL_SEC_PER_M_CUBE | Pa.s/m3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4064 | L-4MT-1 (hydraulic impedance) | |
266240 | MDC_DIM_X_PASCAL_SEC_PER_L | Pa.s/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4096 | L-4MT-1 (hydraulic impedance) | |
266242 | MDC_DIM_HECTO_PASCAL_SEC_PER_L | hPa.s/L hPa/(L/s) | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4098 | ||
266304 | MDC_DIM_X_AMPS | a | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4160 | I (electrical current) | |
266336 | MDC_DIM_X_COULOMB | C | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4192 | IT (electrical charge) | |
266368 | MDC_DIM_X_AMPS_PER_M | A/m | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4224 | IL-1 (magnetic field strength) | |
266400 | MDC_DIM_X_VOLT | V | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4256 | ML2I-1T-3 (electric potential) | |
266418 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_VOLT | mV | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4274 | ML2I-1T-3 (electric potential) | |
266419 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_VOLT | uV | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4275 | ML2I-1T-3 (electric potential) | |
266420 | MDC_DIM_NANO_VOLT | nV | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4276 | ML2I-1T-3 (electric potential) | |
266432 | MDC_DIM_X_OHM | Ohm | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4288 | ML2I-2T-3 (electric resistance) | |
266450 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_OHM | mOhm | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4306 | ML2I-2T-3 (electric resistance) | |
266464 | MDC_DIM_X_OHM_M | Ohm.m | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4320 | ML3I-2T-3 (electrical resistivity) | |
266496 | MDC_DIM_X_FARAD | F | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4352 | I2T4M-1L-2 (electrical capacitance) | |
266528 | MDC_DIM_KELVIN | K | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4384 | Q (temperature) | |
266560 | MDC_DIM_FAHR | [degF] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4416 | Q (temperature) | |
266592 | MDC_DIM_KELVIN_PER_X_WATT | K/W | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4448 | QT3M-1L-2 (thermal resistance) | |
266624 | MDC_DIM_X_CANDELA | cd | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4480 | J (luminous intensity) | |
266656 | MDC_DIM_X_OSM | osm | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4512 | N (amount of substance) | |
266688 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE | mol | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4544 | N (amount of substance) | |
266706 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE | mmol | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4562 | N (amount of substance) | |
266720 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV | eq | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4576 | N (amount of substance) | |
266738 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV | meq | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4594 | N (amount of substance) | |
266752 | MDC_DIM_X_OSM_PER_L | osm/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4608 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266784 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_CM_CUBE | mol/cm3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4640 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266816 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_CUBE | mol/m3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4672 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266848 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_L | mol/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4704 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266866 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_L | mmol/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4722 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266880 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_ML | mol/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4736 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266898 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_ML | mmol/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4754 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266912 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_CM_CUBE | mol/cm3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4768 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266944 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_CUBE | eq/m3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4800 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266976 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_L | eq/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4832 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
266994 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_L | meq/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4850 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
267008 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_ML | eq/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4864 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
267026 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_ML | meq/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4882 | NL-3 (concentration) | |
267040 | MDC_DIM_X_OSM_PER_KG | osm/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4896 | NM-1 (substance content) | |
267072 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG | mol/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4928 | NM-1 (substance content) | |
267090 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_KG | mmol/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4946 | NM-1 (substance content) | |
267104 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_SEC | mol/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4960 | - mol dose rate | |
267136 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_MIN | mol/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 4992 | - mol dose rate | |
267154 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_MIN | mmol/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5010 | - mol dose rate | |
267168 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_HR | mol/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5024 | - mol dose rate | |
267186 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_HR | mmol/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5042 | - mol dose rate | |
267200 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_DAY | mol/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5056 | - mol dose rate | |
267218 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_DAY | mmol/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5074 | - mol dose rate | |
267232 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_SEC | eq/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5088 | - eq dose rate | |
267264 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_MIN | eq/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5120 | - eq dose rate | |
267282 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_MIN | meq/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5138 | - eq dose rate | |
267296 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_HR | eq/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5152 | - eq dose rate | |
267314 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_HR | meq/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5170 | - eq dose rate | |
267328 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_DAY | eq/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5184 | - eq dose rate | |
267346 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_DAY | meq/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5202 | - eq dose rate | |
267360 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_SEC | mol/kg/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5216 | - mol dose rate per body weight | |
267392 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_MIN | mol/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5248 | - mol dose rate per body weight | |
267410 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_MIN | mmol/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5266 | - mol dose rate per body weight | |
267424 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_HR | mol/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5280 | - mol dose rate per body weight | |
267442 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_HR | mmol/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5298 | - mol dose rate per body weight | |
267456 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_DAY | mol/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5312 | - mol dose rate per body weight | |
267474 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_DAY | mmol/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5330 | - mol dose rate per body weight | |
267488 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_SEC | eq/kg/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5344 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
267520 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_MIN | eq/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5376 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
267538 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_MIN | meq/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5394 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
267552 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_HR | eq/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5408 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
267570 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_HR | meq/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5426 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
267584 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_DAY | eq/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5440 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
267602 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_DAY | meq/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5458 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
267616 | MDC_DIM_INTL_UNIT | [iU] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5472 | International Unit | |
267619 | MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT | k[iU] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5475 | International Unit | |
267620 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT | M[iU] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5476 | International Unit | |
267634 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT | m[iU] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5490 | International Unit | |
267648 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_CM_CUBE | [iU]/cm3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5504 | - IU concentration | |
267680 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_CUBE | [iU]/m3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5536 | - IU concentration | |
267712 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_L | [iU]/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5568 | - IU concentration | |
267744 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_ML | [iU]/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5600 | - IU concentration | |
267747 | MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_ML | k[iU]/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5603 | - IU concentration | |
267748 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_ML | M[iU]/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5604 | - IU concentration | |
267762 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_ML | m[iU]/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5618 | - IU concentration | |
267776 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_SEC | [iU]/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5632 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267780 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_SEC | M[iU]/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5636 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267808 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_MIN | [iU]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5664 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267812 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_MIN | M[iU]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5668 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267826 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_MIN | m[iU]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5682 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267840 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_HR | [iU]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5696 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267843 | MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_HR | k[iU]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5699 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267844 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_HR | M[iU]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5700 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267858 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_HR | m[iU]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5714 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267872 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_DAY | [iU]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5728 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267875 | MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_DAY | k[iU]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5731 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267876 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_DAY | M[iU]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5732 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267890 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_DAY | m[iU]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5746 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267904 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC | [iU]/kg/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5760 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
267908 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC | M[iU]/kg/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5764 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
267922 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC | m[iU]/kg/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5778 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
267936 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN | [iU]/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5792 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
267940 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN | M[iU]/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5796 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
267954 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN | m[iU]/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5810 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
267968 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR | [iU]/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5824 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
267971 | MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR | k[iU]/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5827 | - IU mass flow rate | |
267972 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR | M[iU]/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5828 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
267986 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR | m[iU]/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5842 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
268000 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY | [iU]/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5856 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
268003 | MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY | k[iU]/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5859 | - IU mass flow rate | |
268004 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY | M[iU]/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5860 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
268018 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY | m[iU]/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5874 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
268032 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_CM_H2O | L/cm[H2O] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5888 | compliance | |
268050 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_CM_H2O | mL/cm[H2O] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5906 | compliance | |
268064 | MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_PER_L_PER_SEC | cm[H2O].s/L cm[H2O]/(L/s) | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5920 | - Lung Resistance | |
268096 | MDC_DIM_X_L_SQ_PER_SEC | L2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5952 | - HF Transport Coefficient | |
268128 | MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_PER_PERCENT | cm[H2O]/% | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 5984 | - ratio of paO2 to FIO2 | |
268160 | MDC_DIM_DYNE_SEC_PER_M_SQ_PER_CM_5 | dyn.s.m2/cm5 dyn.s/cm5/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6016 | - Pulmonary/ Systemic Vascular Resistance Index | |
268192 | MDC_DIM_DEGC | Cel | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6048 | Q (temperature) | |
268224 | MDC_DIM_X_AMP_HR | A.h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6080 | IT (electrical charge) | |
268256 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_BEAT | L/{beat} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6112 | L3 (volume) | |
268274 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_BEAT | mL/{beat} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6130 | L3 (volume) | |
268288 | MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_PER_L | cm[H2O]/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6144 | L-4M1T-2 (elastance) | |
268320 | MDC_DIM_MM_HG_PER_PERCENT | mm[Hg]/% | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6176 | - ratio of paO2 to FIO2 | |
268352 | MDC_DIM_X_PA_PER_PERCENT | Pa/% | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6208 | - ratio of paO2 to FIO2 | |
268384 | MDC_DIM_VOL_PERCENT | %{vol} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6240 | - volume fraction | |
268416 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_MM_HG | L/mm[Hg] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6272 | compliance | |
268448 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_MM_PA | L/Pa | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6304 | compliance | |
268480 | MDC_DIM_MM_HG_PER_L | mm[Hg]/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6336 | ||
268512 | MDC_DIM_PA_PER_X_L | Pa/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6368 | L-4MT-2 (elastance) | |
268544 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_DL | L/dL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6400 | - volume fraction | |
268562 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_DL | mL/dL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6418 | - volume fraction | |
268576 | MDC_DIM_DECIBEL | dB dB[10.nV] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6432 | - decibel (existing 11073 definition) | |
268608 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_MG | g/mg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6464 | - mass fraction | |
268640 | MDC_DIM_BEAT_PER_MIN_PER_X_L | /min/L 1/min/L {beats}/min/L {beat}/min/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6496 | - special vital signs rates | |
268672 | MDC_DIM_PER_X_L_PER_MIN | /L/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6528 | L-4M1T-2 (elastance) | |
268704 | MDC_DIM_X_M_PER_MIN | m/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6560 | LT-1 | |
268736 | MDC_DIM_PSI | [psi] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6592 | L-1MT-2 (pressure) | |
268832 | MDC_DIM_X_RAD_PER_SEC | rad/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6688 | LT-1 (velocity) | |
268864 | MDC_DIM_X_LUMEN_PER_M_SQ | lm/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6720 | Luminance | |
268896 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_LB_PER_HR | g/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6752 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
268914 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_LB_PER_HR | mg/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6770 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
268915 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_LB_PER_HR | ug/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6771 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
268916 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_LB_PER_HR | ng/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6772 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
268928 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_LB_PER_MIN | g/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6784 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
268946 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_LB_PER_MIN | mg/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6802 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
268947 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_LB_PER_MIN | ug/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6803 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
268948 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_LB_PER_MIN | ng/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6804 | - mass dose rate per body weight | |
268960 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | g/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6816 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
268978 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | mg/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6834 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
268979 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | ug/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6835 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
268980 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | ng/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6836 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
268992 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | g/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6848 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
269010 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | mg/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6866 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
269011 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | ug/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6867 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
269012 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | ng/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6868 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
269024 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_DAY | [iU]/[lb_av]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6880 | - IU mass flow rate | |
269042 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_DAY | m[iU]/[lb_av]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6898 | - IU mass flow rate | |
269056 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_MIN | [iU]/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6912 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
269074 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_MIN | m[iU]/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6930 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
269088 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | [iU]/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6944 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269092 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | M[iU]/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6948 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269106 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | m[iU]/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6962 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269120 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | [iU]/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6976 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269124 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | M[iU]/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6980 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269138 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | m[iU]/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 6994 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269152 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_LB_PER_HR | eq/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7008 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
269170 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_LB_PER_HR | meq/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7026 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
269184 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_LB_PER_MIN | eq/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7040 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
269202 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_LB_PER_MIN | meq/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7058 | - eq dose rate per body weight | |
269216 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | eq/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7072 | - eq dose rate per body surface area | |
269234 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | meq/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7090 | - eq dose rate per body surface area | |
269248 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | eq/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7104 | - eq dose rate per body surface area | |
269266 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | meq/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7122 | - eq dose rate per body surface area | |
269280 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | eq/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7136 | - eq dose rate per body surface area | |
269298 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | meq/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7154 | - eq dose rate per body surface area | |
269312 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | g/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7168 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
269330 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | mg/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7186 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
269331 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | ug/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7187 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
269332 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | ng/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7188 | - mass dose rate per body surface area | |
269344 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | [iU]/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7200 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269348 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | M[iU]/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7204 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269362 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | m[iU]/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7218 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269376 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_KG_PER_HR | L/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7232 | Flow rate per body weight | |
269394 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_KG_PER_HR | mL/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7250 | Flow rate per body weight | |
269408 | MDCX_DIM_X_L_PER_KG_PER_MIN | L/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7264 | Flow rate per body weight | |
269426 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_KG_PER_MIN | mL/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7282 | Flow rate per body weight | |
269440 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_KG_PER_DAY | L/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7296 | Flow rate per body weight | |
269458 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_KG_PER_DAY | mL/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7314 | Flow rate per body weight | |
269472 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | L/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7328 | Volume per minute per body surface area | |
269490 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | mL/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7346 | Flow rate per body surface area | |
269504 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | L/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7360 | Flow rate per body surface area | |
269522 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | mL/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7378 | Flow rate per body surface area | |
269536 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | L/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7392 | Flow rate per body surface area | |
269554 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | mL/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7410 | Flow rate per body surface area | |
269568 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC | mol/m2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7424 | - mol dose rate per body surface area | |
269586 | MDCX_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC | mmol/m2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7442 | - mol dose rate per body surface area | |
269600 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | mol/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7456 | - mol dose rate per body surface area | |
269618 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | mmol/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7474 | - mol dose rate per body surface area | |
269632 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | mol/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7488 | - mol dose rate per body surface area | |
269650 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | mmol/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7506 | - mol dose rate per body surface area | |
269664 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | mol/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7520 | - mol dose rate per body surface area | |
269682 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | mmol/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7538 | - mol dose rate per body surface area | |
269696 | MDC_DIM_X_MOLE_PER_M_SQ | mol/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7552 | NM-1 (substance content) | |
269714 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_MOLE_PER_M_SQ | mmol/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7570 | NM-1 (substance content) | |
269728 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_KG | eq/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7584 | NM-1 (substance content) | |
269746 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_KG | meq/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7602 | NM-1 (substance content) | |
269760 | MDC_DIM_X_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ | eq/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7616 | NM-1 (substance content) | |
269778 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ | meq/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7634 | NM-1 (substance content) | |
269792 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC | [iU]/m2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7648 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269796 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC | M[iU]/m2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7652 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269810 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC | m[iU]/m2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7666 | - IU dose rate per body surface area | |
269824 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG | [iU]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7680 | - IU dose quantity per body weight | |
269827 | MDC_DIM_KILO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG | k[iU]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7683 | - IU dose quantity per body weight | |
269828 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG | M[iU]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7684 | - IU dose quantity per body weight | |
269842 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG | m[iU]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7698 | - IU dose quantity per body weight | |
269843 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG | u[iU]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7699 | - IU dose quantity per body weight | |
269844 | MDC_DIM_NANO_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG | n[iU]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7700 | - IU dose quantity per body weight | |
269856 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ | [iU]/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7712 | - IU dose quantity per body surface area | |
269860 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ | M[iU]/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7716 | - IU dose quantity per body surface area | |
269874 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ | m[iU]/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7730 | - IU dose quantity per body surface area | |
269875 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ | u[iU]/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7731 | - IU dose quantity per body surface area | |
269876 | MDC_DIM_NANO_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ | n[iU]/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7732 | - IU dose quantity per body surface area | |
269888 | MDC_DIM_X_G_PER_M_SQ | g/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7744 | ML-2 | |
269891 | MDC_DIM_KILO_G_PER_M_SQ | kg/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7747 | ML-2 | |
269906 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_G_PER_M_SQ | mg/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7762 | ML-2 | |
269907 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_G_PER_M_SQ | ug/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7763 | ML-2 | |
269908 | MDC_DIM_NANO_G_PER_M_SQ | ng/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7764 | ML-2 | |
269920 | MDC_DIM_BOOLEAN | 1 {bool} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7776 | Dimension- less | |
269952 | MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_X_V | dB[V] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7808 | - decibel (proposal dB1')' | |
269984 | MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_X_MV | dB[mV] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7840 | - decibel (proposal dB1')' | |
270004 | MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_10_NANO_VOLT | dB[10.nV] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7860 | ||
270016 | MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_X_UV | dB[uV] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7872 | - decibel (proposal dB1')' | |
270048 | MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_X_NV | dB[nV] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7904 | - decibel (proposal dB1')' | |
270080 | MDC_DIM_DECIBEL_DECA_NV | dB[10.nV] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7936 | - decibel (proposal dB1')' | |
270112 | MDC_DIM_X_BEL_MV | B[mV] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 7968 | - decibel (proposal dB2')' | |
270144 | MDC_DIM_X_BEL | B | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8000 | - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')' | |
270160 | MDC_DIM_DECI_BEL | dB | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8016 | - Bel and deciBel (proposal dB3')' | |
270176 | MDC_DIM_SQ_X_CM | cm2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8032 | L2 (area) | |
270208 | MDC_DIM_PER_X_SEC_SQ | /s2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8064 | T-2 (rate, frequency squared) | |
270210 | MDC_DIM_PER_HECTO_SEC_SQ | /(100.s2) | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8066 | T-2 (rate, frequency squared) | |
270240 | MDC_DIM_X_ROTATIONS_PER_MIN | 2.[pi].rad/min 360.deg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8096 | LT-1 (velocity) | |
270272 | MDC_DIM_X_DROPS_PER_MIN | [drp]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8128 | L3T-1 (volume flow rate) | |
270304 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_CM_H2O_PER_KG | L/cm[H2O]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8160 | compliance per body weight | |
270322 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_CM_H2O_PER_KG | mL/cm[H2O]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8178 | compliance per body weight | |
270336 | MDC_DIM_X_TESLA | T | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8192 | IL-1 (magnetic field strength) | |
270368 | MDC_DIM_X_VOLT_SEC | V.s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8224 | ML2I-1T-2 (electric potential time integral) | |
270388 | MDC_DIM_NANO_VOLT_SEC | | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8244 | ML2I-1T-2 (electric potential time integral) | |
270400 | MDC_DIM_X_VOLT_PER_SEC | V/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8256 | ML2I-1T-4 (electric potential rate of change) | |
270419 | MDC_DIM_MICRO_VOLT_PER_SEC | uV/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8275 | ML2I-1T-4 (electric potential rate of change) | |
270432 | MDC_DIM_PER_X_OHM | /Ohm 1/Ohm s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8288 | M-1L-2I2T3 (electric conductance) | |
270435 | MDC_DIM_PER_KILO_OHM | /kOhm 1/kOhm | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8291 | M-1L-2I2T3 (electric conductance) | |
270464 | MDC_DIM_DYNE_SEC_M_SQ_PER_CM_5 | dyn.s.m2/cm5 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8320 | - Pulmonary/ Systemic Vascular Resistance Index | |
270496 | MDC_DIM_X_CAL | cal | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8352 | thermal calories | |
270499 | MDC_DIM_KILO_CAL | kcal | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8355 | thermal calories | |
270528 | MDC_DIM_X_NUTR_CAL | [Cal] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8384 | nutrition label calories | |
270560 | MDC_DIM_X_CAL_PER_DAY | cal/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8416 | thermal caloric rate | |
270563 | MDC_DIM_KILO_CAL_PER_DAY | kcal/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8419 | thermal caloric rate | |
270592 | MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_BREATH | J/{breath} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8448 | ||
270624 | MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_L | J/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8480 | ||
270656 | MDC_DIM_DYNE_SEC_PER_CM_5 | dyn.s/cm5 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8512 | Vascular Resistance | |
270688 | MDC_DIM_MMHG_SEC_PER_ML | mm[Hg].s/mL [PRU] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8544 | Vascular Resistance (Peripheral Reistance Unit) | |
270720 | MDC_DIM_MMHG_MIN_PER_L | mm[Hg].min/L [wood'U] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8576 | Vascular Resistance (Wood's unit; pediatric) | |
270752 | MDC_DIM_BIT | bit | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8608 | Amount of information | |
270784 | MDC_DIM_BYTE | By | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8640 | Amount of information | |
270816 | MDC_DIM_DROPS_PER_X_L | [drp]/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8672 | Volume concentration | |
270834 | MDC_DIM_DROPS_PER_MILLI_L | [drp]/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8690 | Volume concentration | |
270866 | MDC_DIM_BREATHS_PER_MIN_PER_MILLI_L | /min/mL {breaths}/min/mL {breath}/min/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8722 | ||
270880 | MDC_DIM_SQUARE_BREATHS_PER_MIN_PER_L | /min/L {breaths-squared}/min/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8736 | Shallow Breathing Index (breaths squared) | |
270912 | MDC_DIM_X_L_PER_MIN_PER_KG | L/min/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8768 | Volume per minute per body weight | |
270930 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_MIN_PER_KG | mL/min/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8786 | ||
270944 | MDC_DIM_O2_SAT_PERCENT_SEC | {sat}.%.s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8800 | Oxygen saturation-seconds | |
270976 | MDC_DIM_X_M_PER_VOLT | m/V mm/mV | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8832 | millimeters per millivolt (display gain) | |
271008 | MDC_DIM_X_G_FORCE_M | gf.m | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8864 | Cardiac stroke work | |
271011 | MDC_DIM_KILO_G_FORCE_M | kgf.m | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8867 | Cardiac stroke work | |
271040 | MDC_DIM_X_G_FORCE_M_PER_L | gf.m/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8896 | Cardiac stroke work per liter of fluid | |
271043 | MDC_DIM_KILO_G_FORCE_M_PER_L | kgf.m/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8899 | Cardiac stroke work per liter of fluid | |
271072 | MDC_DIM_G_FORCE_M_PER_M_SQ | gf.m/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8928 | Cardiac Stroke Work per Body Surface Area | |
271075 | MDC_DIM_KILO_G_FORCE_M_PER_M_SQ | kgf.m/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 8931 | Cardiac Stroke Work per Body Surface Area | |
271200 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT | [arb'U] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9056 | Arbitrary Unit (arb?U) | |
271203 | MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT | k[arb'U] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9059 | Arbitrary Unit (arb?U) | |
271204 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT | M[arb'U] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9060 | Arbitrary Unit (arb?U) | |
271218 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT | m[arb'U] | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9074 | Arbitrary Unit (arb?U) | |
271232 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_CM_CUBE | [arb'U]/cm3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9088 | arb'U concentration | |
271264 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_CUBE | [arb'U]/m3 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9120 | arb'U concentration | |
271296 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_L | [arb'U]/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9152 | arb'U concentration | |
271328 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_ML | [arb'U]/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9184 | arb'U concentration | |
271331 | MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_ML | k[arb'U]/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9187 | arb'U concentration | |
271332 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_ML | M[arb'U]/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9188 | arb'U concentration | |
271346 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_ML | m[arb'U]/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9202 | arb'U concentration | |
271360 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_SEC | [arb'U]/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9216 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271364 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_SEC | M[arb'U]/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9220 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271392 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_MIN | [arb'U]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9248 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271396 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_MIN | M[arb'U]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9252 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271410 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_MIN | m[arb'U]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9266 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271424 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_HR | [arb'U]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9280 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271427 | MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_HR | k[arb'U]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9283 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271428 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_HR | M[arb'U]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9284 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271442 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_HR | m[arb'U]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9298 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271456 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_DAY | [arb'U]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9312 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271459 | MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_DAY | k[arb'U]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9315 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271460 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_DAY | M[arb'U]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9316 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271474 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_DAY | m[arb'U]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9330 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271488 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG | [arb'U]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9344 | arb'U dose quantity per body weight | |
271491 | MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG | k[arb'U]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9347 | arb'U dose quantity per body weight | |
271492 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG | M[arb'U]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9348 | arb'U dose quantity per body weight | |
271506 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG | m[arb'U]/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9362 | arb'U dose quantity per body weight | |
271520 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ | [arb'U]/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9376 | arb'U dose quantity per body surface area | |
271524 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ | M[arb'U]/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9380 | arb'U dose quantity per body surface area | |
271538 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ | m[arb'U]/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9394 | arb'U dose quantity per body surface area | |
271552 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC | [arb'U]/kg/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9408 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271556 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_SEC | M[arb'U]/kg/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9412 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271584 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN | [arb'U]/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9440 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271588 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN | M[arb'U]/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9444 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271602 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN | m[arb'U]/kg/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9458 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271616 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR | [arb'U]/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9472 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271619 | MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR | k[arb'U]/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9475 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271620 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR | M[arb'U]/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9476 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271634 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_HR | m[arb'U]/kg/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9490 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271648 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY | [arb'U]/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9504 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271651 | MDC_DIM_KILO_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY | k[arb'U]/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9507 | arb'U mass flow rate | |
271652 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY | M[arb'U]/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9508 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271666 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_DAY | m[arb'U]/kg/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9522 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271680 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_MIN | [arb'U]/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9536 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271698 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_MIN | m[arb'U]/[lb_av]/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9554 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271712 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_DAY | [arb'U]/[lb_av]/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9568 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
271744 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC | [arb'U]/m2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9600 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271748 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC | M[arb'U]/m2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9604 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271762 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_SEC | m[arb'U]/m2/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9618 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271776 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | [arb'U]/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9632 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271780 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | M[arb'U]/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9636 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271794 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN | m[arb'U]/m2/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9650 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271808 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | [arb'U]/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9664 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271812 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | M[arb'U]/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9668 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271826 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_HR | m[arb'U]/m2/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9682 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271840 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | [arb'U]/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9696 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271844 | MDC_DIM_MEGA_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | M[arb'U]/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9700 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
271858 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_DAY | m[arb'U]/m2/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 9714 | arb'U dose rate per body surface area | |
272544 | MDC_DIM_X_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_HR | [iU]/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10400 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
272562 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_INTL_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_HR | m[iU]/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10418 | - IU dose rate per body weight | |
272576 | MDC_DIM_X_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_HR | [arb'U]/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10432 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
272594 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_ARB_UNIT_PER_LB_PER_HR | m[arb'U]/[lb_av]/h | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10450 | arb'U dose rate per body weight | |
272640 | MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_DAY | J/d | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10496 | ||
272672 | MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_ML | J/mL | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10528 | ||
272704 | MDC_DIM_VOL_PERCENT_PER_L | %{vol}/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10560 | Slope of component gas concentration per expired total gas volume | |
272739 | MDC_DIM_KILO_PASCAL_PER_L | kPa/L | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10595 | ||
272914 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_BAR_SEC_PER_L | mbar.s/L mbar/(L/s) | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10770 | ||
272978 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_HPA | mL/hPa | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10834 | ||
272992 | MDC_DIM_L_PER_BAR | L/bar | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10848 | ||
273024 | MDC_DIM_L_PER_MBAR | L/mbar | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10880 | ||
273042 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_MBAR | mL/mbar | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10898 | ||
273056 | MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_L_PER_SEC | J/L/s | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 10912 | ||
273376 | MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_SEC_PER_BREATH | cm[H2O].s/{breath} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11232 | Pressure Time Product | |
273408 | MDC_DIM_CM_H2O_SEC_PER_MIN | cm[H2O].s/min | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11264 | ||
273458 | MDC_DIM_MILLI_BAR_SEC_PER_BREATH | mbar.s mbar.s/{breath} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11314 | ||
273475 | MDC_DIM_KILO_G_FORCE_M_PER_MIN_PER_M2 | kgf.m/min/m2 | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11331 | ||
273525 | MDC_DIM_PICO_WATT_PER_HZ | pW/Hz | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11381 | ||
273536 | MDC_DIM_INR | {INR} | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11392 | ||
273568 | MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_L_PER_KG | J/L/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11424 | ||
273600 | MDC_DIM_JOULES_PER_ML_PER_KG | J/mL/kg | _mdcunits | PART: 4 ~ CODE10: 11456 |