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Version: | 1.1.0+20240325 |
Name: | snomed-rare-diseases |
Title: | SNOMED_Rare Diseases |
Status: | Retired as of 2025-01-07 |
Copyright: | Enthält durch SNOMED International urheberrechtlich geschützte Information. Jede Verwendung von SNOMED CT in Österreich erfordert eine aufrechte Affiliate Lizenz oder eine Sublizenz. Die entsprechende Lizenz ist kostenlos, vorausgesetzt die Verwendung findet nur in Österreich statt und erfüllt die Bedingungen des Affiliate License Agreements. Affiliate Lizenzen können über das Mitglieder-Lizenzierungs- und Distributions-Service (MLDS) direkt beim jeweiligen NRC beantragt werden. Contains information protected by copyright of SNOMED International. Any use of SNOMED CT in Austria requires a valid affiliate license or sublicense. The corresponding license is free of charge, provided that the use only takes place in Austria and fulfills the conditions of the Affiliate License Agreement. Affiliate licenses can be requested directly from the respective NRC via the Member Licensing and Distribution Service (MLDS). |
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Generated Narrative: ValueSet snomed-rare-diseases
version 1.6.0+20231108
Code | Display |
116371000119107 | Ganglioneuroma |
16898231000119107 | Erythema multiforme major |
716855006 | Theca steroid producing cell malignant neoplasm of ovary |
1156453008 | Chordoma |
703309000 | Familial gestational hyperthyroidism |
255031003 | Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma |
1197417009 | Congenital portosystemic shunt |
764735002 | Squamous cell carcinoma of small intestine |
719950001 | Triphalangeal thumb and polysyndactyly syndrome |
726628003 | Familial chondromalacia of patella |
82501000119102 | Anaplastic astrocytoma of central nervous system |
393563007 | Glioblastoma multiforme |
1204417003 | Early onset schizophrenia |
77358003 | Congenital leukocyte adherence deficiency |
359714009 | von Willebrand disease type 2A |
782697005 | Solid pseudopapillary carcinoma of pancreas |
404037002 | Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor |
373587001 | Chiari malformation type II |
255107005 | Seminoma of testis |
191178002 | Hemolytic anemia due to pyruvate kinase deficiency |
767448007 | Pineoblastoma |
725031005 | Familial primary hypomagnesemia with normocalciuria and normocalcemia |
302851001 | Synovial sarcoma |
766981007 | Squamous cell carcinoma of colon |
764951002 | Carcinosarcoma of cervix uteri |
192727001 | Post-infectious encephalitis |
254874008 | Malignant dysgerminoma of ovary |
277601005 | Acute monoblastic leukemia |
18978002 | Ovotestis |
1208342001 | Eye defects, arachnodactyly, cardiopathy syndrome |
1157141006 | Astroblastoma of central nervous system |
403946000 | Paget's disease of nipple |
449248000 | Nasopharyngeal carcinoma |
237616002 | Hypogonadism, diabetes mellitus, alopecia, mental retardation and electrocardiographic abnormalities |
719975002 | Hemochromatosis type 4 |
90036004 | Vitelliform dystrophy |
783164002 | Distal monosomy 20q |
702410002 | Baraitser-Winter syndrome |
1156404008 | Polyembryoma |
445436005 | Left superior caval vein persisting to left sided atrium |
447951009 | Ewing's sarcoma of soft tissue |
31848007 | CREST syndrome |
254645002 | Malignant mesothelioma of pleura |
1156413005 | Gliomatosis cerebri |
718604008 | Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of bladder |
254860001 | Malignant sex cord tumor of ovary |
189924002 | Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma |
307609003 | Adamantinoma of long bone |
109843000 | Hepatoblastoma |
77016009 | Amyoplasia congenita disruptive sequence |
725409009 | Polydactyly of biphalangeal thumb |
771142009 | Cortical dysplasia with focal epilepsy syndrome |
716098006 | Congenital bowing of long bone |
307608006 | Ewing's sarcoma of bone |
277473004 | B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia |
15771000119109 | Familial hyperalphalipoproteinemia |
1157064005 | Gemistocytic astrocytoma of central nervous system |
770685009 | Undifferentiated carcinoma of liver and intrahepatic biliary tract |
764998005 | Non-herpetic acute limbic encephalitis |
254915003 | Clear cell carcinoma of kidney |
715901002 | Ependymoblastoma |
110000005 | Refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation (clinical) |
733608000 | Papillary renal cell carcinoma |
268262006 | Acrocephalosyndactyly |
766979005 | Squamous cell carcinoma of rectum |
240370009 | Cryptosporidiosis |
722287002 | Autism and facial port-wine stain syndrome |
726021008 | Long chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency |
732250002 | Craniosynostosis fibular aplasia syndrome |
719909009 | Trisomy Xq28 |
702368000 | Carcinosarcoma of ovary |
771076003 | Leptomyelolipoma |
1156469001 | Large cell medulloblastoma of brain |
443333004 | Medulloblastoma |
189814006 | Pancreatoblastoma |
254955001 | Pituitary carcinoma |
420079008 | Relapsing fever |
733603009 | Tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma |
722111004 | Osteopenia, myopia, hearing loss, intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
432328008 | Neuroblastoma |
716741008 | Hypoplastic tibia and postaxial polydactyly syndrome |
48976006 | Prekallikrein deficiency |
404043000 | Familial multiple leiomyoma cutis |
89155008 | Systemic sclerosis |
104431000119107 | Lipomyelomeningocele |
725411000 | Familial Scheuermann disease |
765095002 | Renal medullary carcinoma |
230769007 | Periventricular leukomalacia |
253384009 | Accessory tissue on tricuspid leaflet |
404040002 | Malignant Triton tumor |
415285009 | Myelodysplastic syndrome with multilineage dysplasia |
1156415003 | Protoplasmic astrocytoma of brain |
109996008 | Refractory anemia (clinical) |
1156406005 | Anaplastic oligodendroglioma of central nervous system |
254893005 | Carcinoma of vagina |
74034002 | Isolated dextrocardia |
766757006 | Undifferentiated carcinoma of stomach |
773699009 | Pitt Hopkins-like syndrome |
254609000 | Carcinoma of ampulla of Vater |
403981003 | Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma |
370967009 | Retinoblastoma |
733471003 | Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma |
124283007 | Deficiency of methionine adenosyltransferase |
1157060001 | Diffuse astrocytoma of brain |
773395008 | Limbic encephalitis with dipeptidyl-peptidase 6 antibodies |
277921008 | Atelencephaly |
109853004 | Mesothelioma of peritoneum |
763131005 | Clear cell adenocarcinoma of ovary |
312104005 | Cholangiocarcinoma of biliary tract |
1157062009 | Giant cell glioblastoma of central nervous system |
439125003 | Thrombophilia due to acquired protein S deficiency |
761958009 | Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with perineurial differentiation |
1162855005 | Carcinoma of gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract |
230283005 | Punch drunk syndrome |
716648006 | Embryonal sarcoma of liver |
1156472008 | Papillary tumor of pineal region |
783704005 | Undifferentiated carcinoma of esophagus |
763793004 | Limbic encephalitis with contactin-associated protein-like 2 antibodies |
255035007 | Adrenal carcinoma |
1230273004 | Megaconial congenital muscular dystrophy |
763794005 | Limbic encephalitis with leucine-rich glioma-inactivated 1 antibodies |
307576001 | Osteosarcoma of bone |
404056007 | Alveolar soft part sarcoma |
773575001 | Ocular albinism with congenital sensorineural deafness |
109991003 | Acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis |
818967003 | Medulloepithelioma of central nervous system |
1157071000 | Anaplastic ganglioglioma |
785879009 | Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas |
1179297007 | LIMS2-related limb girdle muscular dystrophy |
722003007 | Intellectual disability with cataract and kyphosis syndrome |
253096008 | Peripheral neuroectodermal tumor |
302849000 | Nephroblastoma |
111032003 | Macular cutaneous amyloidosis |
1157070004 | Pilomyxoid astrocytoma |
1157068008 | Fibrillary astrocytoma of central nervous system |
359721009 | von Willebrand disease type 2B |
734024009 | Intermediate anorectal malformation |
95339000 | Distichiasis |
770601003 | Small cell carcinoma of ovary |
785807007 | Transitional cell carcinoma of corpus uteri |
16958000 | Total anodontia of permanent and deciduous teeth |
372140005 | Carcinoma of gallbladder |
189815007 | Pulmonary blastoma |
783771003 | Acinar cell carcinoma of pancreas |
781641005 | Schwannomatosis |
778066006 | Carcinofibroma of corpus uteri |
237817008 | Idiopathic central precocious puberty |
699185005 | Myostatin related hypertrophy of muscle |
307610008 | Pilomatrix carcinoma of skin |
716586009 | Epstein-Barr virus associated gastric carcinoma |
205280007 | Proximal interphalangeal joint symphalangism |
715904005 | Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation |
1731000119106 | Atypical mycobacterial infection of lung |
763064007 | Adenoid cystic carcinoma of cervix uteri |
1156420003 | Desmoplastic small round cell tumor |
766980008 | Squamous cell carcinoma of stomach |
254727007 | Extramammary Paget's disease of skin |
764990003 | Mucinous tubular and spindle cell renal carcinoma |
330041000119103 | Congenital porencephalic cyst |
771334000 | Autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 1H |
254852002 | Endometrioid carcinoma ovary |
782827000 | Epithelioid sarcoma |
733456002 | Triphalangeal thumb and dislocation of patella syndrome |
48069004 | Acrocephaly |
707670009 | Pleuropulmonary blastoma |
238694002 | Vibratory angioedema |
254022009 | Cloverleaf skull syndrome |
23238000 | Common variable agammaglobulinemia |
1156471001 | Choroid plexus carcinoma |
253771003 | High anorectal malformation |
231947004 | Idiopathic anterior uveitis |
254100000 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity |
733470002 | Collecting duct carcinoma of kidney |
254938000 | Astrocytoma of brain |
783706007 | Serous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas |
766884000 | Familial lambdoid synostosis |
1156452003 | Mixed germ cell tumor |
773578004 | Spondylocostal dysostosis, hypospadias, intellectual disability syndrome |
422886007 | Olfactory neuroblastoma |
239832006 | Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease |
443439001 | Malignant fibrous histiocytoma |
716790008 | Infective dermatitis co-occurrent and due to human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 infection |
719274008 | Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease |
254632001 | Small cell carcinoma of lung |
764694005 | MiT family translocation renal cell carcinoma |
780821007 | Invasive intraductal papillary-mucinous carcinoma of pancreas |
723610009 | Spondylocostal dysostosis with anal atresia and genitourinary malformation syndrome |
47270006 | Hypercortisolism |
1156418001 | Malignant rhabdoid tumor |
444596001 | Malignant thymoma |
128105004 | von Willebrand disorder |
699356008 | Endometrial stromal sarcoma |
1156409003 | Anaplastic ependymoma of central nervous system |
783183009 | Salivary gland type carcinoma of esophagus |
764791008 | Borderline epithelial tumor of ovary |
766758001 | Undifferentiated carcinoma of corpus uteri |
716647001 | Mixed oligoastrocytoma |
12066005 | Citrullinemia, late-onset type |
443936004 | Oligodendroglioma |
1157061002 | Gliosarcoma of central nervous system |
107691000119101 | Non-seminomatous germ cell neoplasm of testis |
277637000 | Large cell anaplastic lymphoma |
237816004 | Central precocious puberty |
721305008 | Acute myeloid leukemia due to recurrent genetic abnormality |
235599003 | Eosinophilic esophagitis |
29271008 | Camptodactyly |
766978002 | Squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract |
427216002 | Spina bifida aperta of thoracic spine |
1156460002 | Desmoplastic nodular medulloblastoma of brain |
721698005 | Primary malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of colon |
77123007 | Lymphedema praecox |
238662007 | Erosive oral lichen planus |
230192003 | Limbic encephalitis |
11471000224106 | Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma |
766247009 | Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of corpus uteri |
764952009 | Carcinosarcoma of corpus uteri |
124174008 | Deficiency of pyridoxamine-phosphate oxidase |
720456009 | Acromegaloid facial appearance syndrome |
765740002 | Adenosarcoma of corpus uteri |
425687007 | Spina bifida aperta of cervical spine |
782820003 | Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia Czarny Ratajczak type |
764847000 | Adenosarcoma of cervix uteri |
78745000 | Urticaria pigmentosa |
253017000 | Klatskin's tumor |
716594002 | Ovarian gonadoblastoma |
91918005 | Congenital absence of thymus |
255037004 | Parathyroid carcinoma |
766930002 | Glassy cell carcinoma of cervix uteri |
721629005 | Linitis plastica of stomach |
771080008 | Hereditary site-specific ovarian cancer syndrome |
116381000119105 | Ganglioneuroblastoma |
721837000 | Hypertrichosis and acromegaloid facial appearance syndrome |
766248004 | Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of cervix uteri |
254863004 | Malignant granulosa cell tumor of ovary |
783157004 | Leigh syndrome with nephrotic syndrome |
58437007 | Tuberculosis of meninges |
1156410008 | Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma of central nervous system |
763479005 | Metaplastic carcinoma of breast |
88697005 | Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy |
254828009 | Liposarcoma |
763063001 | Adenoid basal carcinoma of cervix uteri |
785308008 | Acquired hemophilia |
770684008 | Squamous cell carcinoma of liver and intrahepatic biliary tract |
253772005 | Low anorectal malformation |
60399005 | Dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminata |
1148904003 | Spermatocytic seminoma of testis |
1187464007 | Clear cell sarcoma of kidney |
253383003 | Tricuspid valve prolapse |
764938007 | Lymphoepithelial carcinoma |
110985001 | Multiple fibrofolliculomas |
445014002 | Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis |
771474005 | Gastric adenocarcinoma and proximal polyposis of stomach |
1186726000 | Primary hyperplasia of mandibular condyle |
252246005 | Pseudoxanthoma elasticum |
230411000 | Benign non-familial neonatal convulsions |
268163008 | Congenital ptosis of upper eyelid |
44250009 | Infection by Loa loa |
766881008 | Carney complex, trismus, pseudocamptodactyly syndrome |
1264000005 | Scar of eye due to and following filtration operation for glaucoma |
773405004 | Intellectual disability with strabismus syndrome |
449799008 | Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma |
773330000 | Autosomal recessive intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type B |
771473004 | Papular epidermal nevi with skyline basal cell layers syndrome |
44444001 | Longitudinal deficiency of ulna |
1260139006 | Genetic non-syndromic obesity |
240523007 | Viral hemorrhagic fever |
60475009 | Congenital anomaly of limb |
771475006 | Young adult-onset distal hereditary motor neuropathy |
277530005 | Malignant melanoma of meninges |
1208934006 | Sagliker syndrome |
718610008 | Congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 1 |
253899000 | Urachal diverticulum |
236385009 | Drash syndrome |
764105002 | Pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like papillary dermal elastolysis |
2438005 | Iniencephaly |
23501004 | Arginase deficiency |
1169366007 | Menstrual cycle dependent periodic fever |
766704005 | Idiopathic recurrent pericarditis |
30967002 | Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis |
274947007 | Divided right atrium |
716110002 | Upper limb defect with eye and ear abnormalities syndrome |
80734006 | Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome |
733450008 | Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome type II due to MAN1B1 deficiency |
1222679006 | Autoimmune interstitial lung disease, arthritis syndrome |
773768000 | Emery Nelson syndrome |
63246000 | Cholestanol storage disease |
16476681000119105 | Spontaneous intracranial hypotension |
1187171005 | SLC39A8 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
44359008 | Metachromatic leukodystrophy, juvenile type |
31325007 | Ring chromosome 21 syndrome |
771510006 | X-linked central congenital hypothyroidism with late-onset testicular enlargement |
764500002 | Distal trisomy 20q syndrome |
230297002 | Multiple system atrophy |
4602007 | Robin sequence |
771309000 | Autosomal recessive lymphoproliferative disease |
783009008 | Pituitary deficiency due to Rathke cleft cysts |
5963005 | Subacute neuronopathic Gaucher's disease |
719408007 | Lethal omphalocele with cleft palate syndrome |
230782004 | Dysequilibrium syndrome |
61094002 | La Crosse encephalitis |
1269051002 | Primary desmoplastic nodular medulloblastoma of brain |
763133008 | Coloboma of inferior eyelid |
64612002 | Tunga penetrans infestation |
697898008 | Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension |
782743001 | Huntington disease-like syndrome due to C9ORF72 expansions |
783616005 | Perilipin 1 related familial partial lipodystrophy |
719843001 | Morava Mehes syndrome |
717182006 | Hyperinsulinism due to deficiency of glucokinase |
124667004 | Deficiency of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase |
733600007 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 8 |
254589009 | Intestinal polyposis syndrome |
721096008 | Diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma and acrocyanosis syndrome |
722207000 | Pancreatic insufficiency, dyserythropoietic anemia, calvarial hyperostosis syndrome |
726618007 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2M |
398250003 | Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis |
128206006 | Congenital sensory neuropathy with selective loss of small myelinated fibers |
773771008 | Rare isolated myopia |
719451006 | Dilated cardiomyopathy with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism syndrome |
698021005 | Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy |
782773005 | Lethal arteriopathy syndrome due to fibulin-4 deficiency |
400059005 | Keratosis pilaris atrophicans |
765145001 | T cell negative B cell positive severe combined immunodeficiency due to gamma chain deficiency |
771306007 | Hereditary fibrosing poikiloderma, tendon contractures, myopathy, pulmonary fibrosis syndrome |
771304005 | Benign nocturnal alternating hemiplegia of childhood |
33297000 | Hereditary factor II deficiency disease |
360525006 | Congenital gingival granular cell tumor |
766870005 | Epiphyseal dysplasia, hearing loss, dysmorphism syndrome |
254843006 | Familial cancer of breast |
709415008 | Mitochondrial membrane protein associated neurodegeneration |
720982007 | Alport syndrome, intellectual disability, midface hypoplasia, elliptocytosis syndrome |
763278004 | Facial dysmorphism, cleft palate, loose skin syndrome |
1197588008 | X-linked microcephaly, growth retardation, prognathism, cryptorchidism syndrome |
18805001 | Congenital secretory diarrhea, sodium type |
1268500006 | Primary chromophobe renal cell carcinoma |
702347001 | Polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy |
715371006 | Cerebellar ataxia and ectodermal dysplasia |
770655004 | Microcephalus, brain defect, spasticity, hypernatremia syndrome |
8793008 | Rokitansky sequence |
722002002 | Scholte syndrome |
718227006 | Proximal 16p11.2 microdeletion syndrome |
711156009 | KBG syndrome |
725028009 | Mannosyl-oligosaccharide glycosidase congenital disorder of glycosylation |
723504000 | Ramos Arroyo syndrome |
38993008 | Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome |
717909004 | Bilateral microtia with deafness and cleft palate syndrome |
8654005 | Ectodermal dysplasia |
1255268002 | Oculocerebrodental syndrome |
713060000 | Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
783249007 | Hyperimmunoglobulin M syndrome without susceptibility to opportunistic infection |
70195006 | Congenital anomaly of superior vena cava |
722006004 | Isotretinoin-like syndrome |
18899000 | Schinzel-Giedion syndrome |
897592003 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1i |
764845008 | Adenocarcinoma of anal canal |
415111003 | Plasma cell neoplasm |
763405000 | Ring chromosome 15 syndrome |
254078005 | Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia - Sutcliffe type |
722296002 | Book syndrome |
409562009 | Inhalational botulism |
27943000 | Congenital glucose-galactose malabsorption |
718179003 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B |
37615000 | Tracheobroncheopathia osteoplastica |
770720005 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 58 |
231931001 | Stromal corneal dystrophy |
1208936008 | Congenital ichthyosis, intellectual disability, spastic quadriplegia syndrome |
444645005 | Dent's disease |
711543008 | Mandibulofacial dysostosis with microcephaly |
719844007 | Ulceration of umbilical cord and atresia of intestine syndrome |
43916004 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-VII |
720506002 | Deafness and myopia syndrome |
1237337007 | Extensive peripapillary myelinated nerve fibres of retina |
400128006 | Lethal tight skin contracture syndrome |
33316007 | GM2 gangliosidosis |
18116006 | Cancrum oris |
1172900005 | Progressive microcephaly, seizures, cortical blindness, developmental delay syndrome |
188733003 | Chronic eosinophilic leukemia |
439274008 | Hereditary protein C deficiency |
205506004 | Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia |
720009004 | Intractable diarrhea with choanal atresia and eye anomaly syndrome |
719306007 | Steatocystoma multiplex with natal tooth syndrome |
24750000 | Townes syndrome |
70173007 | 5p partial monosomy syndrome |
719811001 | X-linked intellectual disability Cabezas type |
718614004 | TEMPI syndrome |
359640008 | Acute myeloid leukemia without maturation, FAB M1 |
439007008 | Acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
77090002 | Bullous pemphigoid |
764944006 | Congenital muscular dystrophy type 1B |
770682007 | Rosette-forming glioneuronal neoplasm |
716279002 | Polyrrhinia |
725151007 | Autosomal dominant mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to partial interferon gamma receptor 2 deficiency |
18260003 | Postpartum psychosis |
782883004 | Fatal infantile hypertonic myofibrillar myopathy |
723446006 | Polydactyly of index finger |
27718001 | Maple syrup urine disease |
21764004 | Renal carnitine transport defect |
461331004 | Malposition of coronary artery orifice |
29291001 | Glycogen storage disease, type VI |
1285322008 | Triopia |
10347006 | Solar urticaria |
765142003 | Proximal 16p11.2 microduplication syndrome |
82203000 | Treacher Collins syndrome |
230328001 | Isolated oromandibular dystonia |
764627005 | Mosaic trisomy 3 syndrome |
239037001 | Curly hair, ankyloblepharon, nail dysplasia syndrome |
1222658006 | Global developmental delay, alopecia, macrocephaly, facial dysmorphism, structural brain anomalies syndrome |
1269050001 | Primary gemistocytic astrocytoma of central nervous system |
711406009 | Autosomal recessive axonal neuropathy with neuromyotonia |
778005007 | Duplication of pituitary gland |
702356009 | PPM-X syndrome |
267581004 | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy |
79120002 | Congenital elevation of scapula |
59981001 | Congenital absence of penis |
723995003 | Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia |
254079002 | Spondyloenchondrodysplasia |
109385007 | Kaposi's sarcoma (clinical) |
17190001 | Congenital diaphragmatic hernia |
784344009 | Cortical dysgenesis with pontocerebellar hypoplasia due to TUBB3 mutation |
56677004 | Pallister-Hall syndrome |
232059000 | Laurence-Moon syndrome |
770948004 | Rhizomelic syndrome Urbach type |
1177167002 | Intellectual disability, seizures, abnormal gait, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
773583007 | Aphonia, deafness, retinal dystrophy, bifid halluces, intellectual disability syndrome |
1264009006 | Isolated cytochrome C oxidase deficiency |
722132007 | PAGOD syndrome |
67944007 | Lhermitte-Duclos disease |
14091009 | 12p partial trisomy syndrome |
254191009 | Localized junctional epidermolysis bullosa |
722451006 | Gomez Lopez Hernandez syndrome |
429753001 | Congenital nonprogressive myopathy with Moebius and Robin sequences |
230228004 | Early onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes |
717337001 | Syndromic orbital border hypoplasia |
415176004 | Primary congenital glaucoma |
773624006 | Primary ameloblastic carcinoma |
733089005 | Spastic paraplegia, nephritis, deafness syndrome |
724275005 | Primary immunodeficiency with natural killer cell deficiency and adrenal insufficiency |
65705009 | Porencephalic cyst |
1186718008 | Neonatal encephalomyopathy, cardiomyopathy, respiratory distress syndrome |
721194008 | Neuroendocrine neoplasm of stomach |
763531001 | Familial benign copper deficiency |
773775004 | High-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma of cervix uteri |
718615003 | 8q21.11 microdeletion syndrome |
3987009 | Congenital absence of trachea |
773582002 | Hendra virus infection |
63479002 | Ancylostomiasis |
719521002 | Benign paroxysmal torticollis of infancy |
771263004 | Ptosis and vocal cord paralysis syndrome |
722282008 | Agenesis of corpus callosum, intellectual disability, coloboma, micrognathia syndrome |
773769008 | Ataxia, photosensitivity, short stature syndrome |
360481003 | Common atrioventricular canal |
1279834007 | Congenital insensitivity to pain, hyperhidrosis, absence of cutaneous sensory innervation |
763619009 | White forelock with malformations syndrome |
61900003 | Longitudinal deficiency of radius |
398040009 | Hereditary sensory-motor neuropathy, type I |
58561002 | Diastrophic dysplasia |
720987001 | Aniridia, ptosis, intellectual disability, familial obesity syndrome |
447351004 | Vanishing white matter disease |
26629001 | Short bowel syndrome |
715340002 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2D |
1172606002 | Idiopathic pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis |
193411004 | Dominant drusen |
72315009 | Inclusion body myositis |
715789009 | Myotonia permanens |
72922008 | Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Majewski type |
716233007 | Steinfeld syndrome |
239007005 | Hypohidrotic X-linked ectodermal dysplasia |
62501005 | Chondroectodermal dysplasia |
733049004 | Encephalopathy, intracerebral calcification, retinal degeneration syndrome |
725911008 | TARP syndrome |
723359002 | Familial acute necrotizing encephalopathy |
771075004 | Macrothrombocytopenia with mitral valve insufficiency |
766240006 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 9 |
403772000 | Cleft palate lateral synechia syndrome |
439143004 | Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome |
205483007 | Hypochondrogenesis |
1222706005 | Anterior maxillary protrusion, strabismus, intellectual disability syndrome |
718096004 | Hepatoportal sclerosis |
770567006 | Progeroid syndrome Petty type |
307651005 | Primary myelofibrosis |
89261000 | Isolated thyrotropin deficiency |
774210006 | Angora hair nevus |
763535005 | Hyperphalangy |
1268703006 | Primary peripheral neuroectodermal tumour |
722231005 | Perlman syndrome |
777999008 | Hypomyelination with brain stem and spinal cord involvement and leg spasticity |
1217211002 | Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome due to norepinephrine transporter deficiency |
718603002 | Phosphoserine aminotransferase deficiency |
715526002 | Dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis |
770560008 | Lissencephaly due to LIS1 mutation |
768937006 | Extragonadal teratoma |
715734006 | Thyroid hemiagenesis |
230263009 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 17 |
253789002 | Familial intestinal malrotation |
721876004 | Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to complete interferon gamma receptor 2 deficiency |
723503006 | Retinal degeneration, nanophthalmos, glaucoma syndrome |
783057002 | DNA2-related mitochondrial DNA deletion syndrome |
1231309005 | Mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid depletion syndrome myopathic form |
1197415001 | Susceptibility to infection due to TYK2 deficiency |
307601000 | Pseudomyxoma peritonei |
724344004 | Hypercoagulability syndrome due to glycosylphosphatidylinositol deficiency |
719972004 | Haddad syndrome |
732252005 | Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome type 2k |
1197334002 | Malignant melanoma of uveal tract |
1172630000 | Global developmental delay, neuro-ophthalmological abnormalities, seizures, intellectual disability syndrome |
22440001 | Mooren's ulcer |
266169003 | Free-living ameba infection |
763400005 | X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4 |
446682003 | Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infection |
1172690003 | Propylthiouracil embryofetopathy |
61959006 | Common arterial trunk (truncus arteriosus) |
237603002 | Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus |
439732004 | Myoclonic dystonia |
1260199008 | Non-syndromic genetic hearing loss |
717050005 | Autosomal recessive sideroblastic anemia |
716194005 | Pili torti with developmental delay and neurological abnormality syndrome |
1268387008 | Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of body of uterus |
406476007 | Epispadias |
360619001 | Deficiency of butyrylcholinesterase |
1222704008 | Autosomal recessive lethal neonatal axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy |
21111006 | Complete trisomy 13 syndrome |
721846006 | Hypomyelination, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, hypodontia syndrome |
725049005 | Aggressive fibromatosis |
720850008 | Choroidal atrophy and alopecia syndrome |
715631005 | Chondrodysplasia punctata Toriello type |
724649000 | Langerhans cell sarcoma |
774211005 | Severe dermatitis, multiple allergies, metabolic wasting syndrome |
49465005 | Angioma serpiginosum |
716652006 | Primary hepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma |
715317001 | Proximal myotonic myopathy |
36799008 | Glutamate-cysteine ligase deficiency |
360339005 | Congenital hyperinsulinism |
1254650002 | Microcephaly, corpus callosum hypoplasia, intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
720492008 | Ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis with tylosis syndrome |
1234911006 | Congenital cochleovestibular malformation |
715422002 | Craniotelencephalic dysplasia |
277950001 | Muscle eye brain disease |
1082761000119106 | Barretts esophagus with high grade dysplasia |
403438007 | Congenital lower lip pits |
400085009 | Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf |
720751000 | Corticosteroid sensitive aseptic abscess syndrome |
763775000 | Keratosis linearis, ichthyosis congenita, sclerosing keratoderma syndrome |
1268484002 | Primary synovial sarcoma |
75316000 | Autoimmune hypoparathyroidism |
253006001 | Somatostatinoma |
253136007 | Lobar holoprosencephaly |
763347000 | X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 6 |
766819001 | Severe lateral tibial bowing with short stature |
278713008 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita |
76880004 | Angelman syndrome |
780844005 | Acute myeloid leukemia with inv(3)(q21q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21;q26.2); RPN1-EVI1 |
403799003 | Congenital hypertrichosis lanuginosa |
771240009 | Pilodental dysplasia, refractive errors syndrome |
7903009 | Hallermann-Streiff syndrome |
399947002 | Progeroid short stature with pigmented nevi |
763715007 | Familial hyperprolactinemia |
773662009 | Neonatal inflammatory skin and bowel disease |
723584003 | Stern Lubinsky Durrie syndrome |
253997002 | Cleft of soft palate |
782718007 | Dystonia aphonia syndrome |
1187194006 | Chronic enteropathy associated with SLCO2A1 gene |
1268955002 | Primary malignant Triton tumor |
51626007 | Werner syndrome |
765812004 | Congenital absence of innominate vein |
231719009 | Dysphagia lusoria |
65617004 | Veno-occlusive disease of the liver |
707442002 | Congenital pulmonary alveolar proteinosis |
764696007 | Distal 17p13.3 microdeletion syndrome |
724066002 | Polysyndactyly and cardiac malformation syndrome |
720940008 | Hepatic lipase deficiency |
763209008 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 9 |
239069005 | Acroerythrokeratoderma |
765753004 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 45 |
1187249005 | VPS11-related autosomal recessive hypomyelinating leukodystrophy |
721979005 | Lymphedema and cerebral arteriovenous anomaly syndrome |
763743003 | Intellectual disability, spasticity, ectrodactyly syndrome |
62042001 | Splenogonadal fusion |
419900000 | Gelatinous droplike corneal dystrophy |
722437006 | Ectopia lentis, chorioretinal dystrophy, myopia syndrome |
74162007 | Progressive intrahepatic cholestasis |
193839007 | Fuchs' corneal dystrophy |
783773000 | Congenital abnormal number of coronary ostia |
703268008 | Cerebrofacial arteriovenous metameric syndrome type 3 |
59925007 | Paracoccidioidomycosis |
764624003 | Mosaic trisomy 20 syndrome |
721235003 | Hyperinsulinism due to insulin receptor deficiency |
42376006 | Occipital encephalocele |
15182000 | Coffin-Lowry syndrome |
58756001 | Huntington's chorea |
1220600004 | RARS-related autosomal recessive hypomyelinating leukodystrophy |
1237341006 | Intraductal tubulopapillary malignant neoplasm of pancreas |
10623005 | Fibrous dysplasia of bone |
41013004 | Argininosuccinate lyase deficiency |
40100001 | Obliterative bronchiolitis |
721535002 | Central neurocytoma of brain |
721842008 | Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with frontoparietal alopecia syndrome |
774083009 | Neonatal autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
1281843005 | Choanal atresia, athelia, hypothyroidism, delayed puberty, short stature syndrome |
77097004 | Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy |
23820006 | Fingerprint myopathy |
725135004 | Combined immunodeficiency due to CD3gamma deficiency |
718175009 | Macrophagic myofasciitis |
715827001 | Autosomal recessive dopa responsive dystonia |
240451000 | Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome |
719839000 | Tubular renal disease with cardiomyopathy syndrome |
721200000 | Early-onset X-linked optic atrophy |
715753001 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 |
389239007 | Raine dysplasia |
715420005 | Lethal congenital contracture syndrome type 3 |
124354006 | Deficiency of UDPglucose-hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase |
763631006 | Short stature, wormian bones, dextrocardia syndrome |
111584000 | Reticular dysgenesis |
715430001 | Indomethacin embryofetopathy |
783094006 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 14 |
764946008 | Constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome |
1208475008 | Cystadenoma of ovary in childhood |
763688008 | Deafness, encephaloneuropathy, obesity, valvulopathy syndrome |
240877000 | Cutaneous myiasis |
784346006 | Navajo neurohepatopathy |
428111003 | Melioidosis |
720853005 | Severe combined immunodeficiency, microcephaly, growth retardation, sensitivity to ionizing radiation syndrome |
447288004 | Poisoning by manganese |
1255121003 | Classical-like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type 2 |
254251003 | Fetal minoxidil syndrome |
62009002 | Adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
118617000 | Burkitt's lymphoma (clinical) |
448105006 | Anomalous origin of pulmonary artery from patent arterial duct |
767299002 | Toxic effect of mercury and/or mercury compound |
719103009 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 39 |
733096007 | Thyrocerebrorenal syndrome |
778006008 | Autosomal dominant aplasia and myelodysplasia |
32614006 | Microglossia |
111311004 | 20p partial trisomy syndrome |
725164008 | Omodysplasia |
770434009 | Familial benign flecked retina |
719102004 | Congenital cataract with ataxia and deafness syndrome |
39111003 | Louse-borne typhus |
719209002 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 13 |
85049009 | Tritanopia |
237960000 | D-2(OH) glutaric aciduria |
17901006 | Primary hyperoxaluria |
1187622004 | NUT (nuclear protein in testis) carcinoma |
716745004 | Sneddon syndrome |
773646003 | PLCG2-associated antibody deficiency and immune dysregulation |
771442003 | Ogden syndrome |
1187233008 | Leukocyte adhesion deficiency |
783698005 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 13 |
32891000 | Rotor syndrome |
784341001 | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 4 |
733622000 | 46,XX disorder of sex development with anorectal anomalies syndrome |
719138006 | X-linked intellectual disability with cubitus valgus and dysmorphism syndrome |
783156008 | Fibular aplasia, tibial campomelia, oligo-syndactyly syndrome |
720819006 | Curry Jones syndrome |
58882000 | Congenital cystic eyeball |
63247009 | Williams syndrome |
197270009 | Acute hepatic failure |
718679004 | Mammary digital nail syndrome |
717785002 | Coloboma of macula with brachydactyly type B syndrome |
12246008 | Acute neuronopathic Gaucher's disease |
8933000 | Crigler-Najjar syndrome, type I |
764518004 | Distal trisomy 2p |
277545003 | T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia |
1269235004 | Autosomal recessive extra-oral halitosis |
234458004 | Hypodysfibrinogenemia |
733312003 | Keratitis caused by infection |
77503002 | Marburg virus disease |
118610003 | Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion (clinical) |
785298001 | Muscle eye brain disease with bilateral multicystic leukodystrophy |
40873003 | Sulfite oxidase deficiency syndrome |
723454008 | Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase superactivity |
783242003 | Adult-onset cervical dystonia DYT23 type |
446449009 | Renal coloboma syndrome |
1196844004 | Primary malignant astrocytoma of brain |
111307005 | Leprechaunism syndrome |
1260190007 | Ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction |
74561007 | Kommerell's diverticulum |
10741005 | Lipid storage disease |
124427009 | Deficiency of 3-hydroxyisobutyryl CoA hydrolase |
1260202003 | Monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome |
702418009 | Donnai-Barrow syndrome |
725290000 | Combined immunodeficiency due to partial RAG1 deficiency |
233901002 | His bundle tachycardia |
1234828008 | Osteofibrous dysplasia |
87979003 | Cleft palate |
786878009 | Anal fistula |
205258009 | Acrocephalosyndactyly type I |
77365006 | Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency |
89369001 | Anencephalus |
783734000 | Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, hepatocerebral form due to DGUOK deficiency |
363732003 | Addison's disease |
1222656005 | SYNGAP1-related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy |
783770002 | Alpha-B crystallin-related late-onset myopathy |
778060000 | COL4A1-related familial vascular leukoencephalopathy |
1172636006 | Familial progressive retinal dystrophy, iris coloboma, congenital cataract syndrome |
1222670005 | GJC2-related late-onset primary lymphedema |
268274005 | Enchondromatosis |
1271009 | Knuckle pads, leukonychia, sensorineural deafness, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis syndrome |
2736005 | Atrophoderma vermiculatum |
32390006 | Panhypopituitarism |
205800003 | Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss syndrome |
299276009 | Limited systemic sclerosis |
1172625004 | DDX41-related hematologic malignancy predisposition syndrome |
1237513008 | Osteosclerotic metaphyseal dysplasia |
715822007 | Lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia type F |
253353007 | Divided left atrium |
715428003 | Skeletal dysplasia with epilepsy and short stature syndrome |
722955006 | Chronic lymphoproliferative disorder of natural killer cells |
7297005 | Generalized seborrheic dermatitis of infants |
775908005 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 17 |
5645008 | Nasal glial heterotopia |
766817004 | Short stature due to growth hormone secretagogue receptor deficiency |
1264006004 | NLRC4-related familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome |
733064004 | Osteosarcoma, limb anomalies, erythroid macrocytosis syndrome |
725137007 | Neutropenia, monocytopenia, deafness syndrome |
203467005 | Solitary bone cyst |
774153002 | Periodic paralysis with transient compartment-like syndrome |
1208620009 | Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome type 3 |
764108000 | Wooly hair with palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome |
1230019002 | Radiation-induced plexopathy |
404067008 | Adipocytic liposarcoma |
87380008 | Congenital absence of vagina |
763374004 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 12 |
721013001 | Heart-hand syndrome type 3 |
60412004 | Infestation by fly larvae |
67531005 | Spina bifida |
720860004 | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome musculocontractural type |
700489002 | Sensorineural deafness and male infertility |
719379001 | Microcephalus with cardiac defect and lung malsegmentation syndrome |
723578001 | Terminal osseous dysplasia and pigmentary defect syndrome |
770438007 | Infantile spasm and broad thumb syndrome |
733062000 | Marfanoid habitus with autosomal recessive intellectual disability syndrome |
702447002 | Kuskokwim syndrome |
1260140008 | Congenital cataract, severe neonatal hepatopathy, global developmental delay syndrome |
1234910007 | Congenital straddling and overriding tricuspid valve |
49428008 | Elastosis perforans serpiginosa |
65457005 | Endocardial fibroelastosis |
217670007 | Poisoning caused by scorpion venom |
1177176009 | Intermediate epidermolysis bullosa simplex with cardiomyopathy |
64852002 | Sarcosine dehydrogenase deficiency |
406558002 | African tick bite fever |
17231009 | Fetal valproate syndrome |
773665006 | Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, severe microcephaly, sensorineural hearing loss, dysmorphism syndrome |
388759003 | Infection caused by Entamoeba histolytica |
230270009 | Frontotemporal dementia |
44940001 | Adenosine deaminase deficiency |
721173005 | Hypotonia cystinuria syndrome |
13534001 | Camptocormia |
723612001 | Spinal muscular atrophy, Dandy-Walker malformation, cataract syndrome |
1220574003 | COG6-CGD - component of oligomeric golgi complex 6-congenital disorder of glycosylation |
715418007 | Lethal congenital contracture syndrome type 1 |
234619000 | Hereditary C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency - deficient factor |
239121009 | Syringocystadenoma papilliferum |
718774001 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 21 |
1268503008 | Primary papillary renal cell carcinoma |
231930000 | Reis-Bucklers' corneal dystrophy |
783098009 | Short stature due to partial growth hormone receptor deficiency |
235760009 | Radiation proctitis |
26089000 | Trematode infection |
54064006 | Classical maple syrup urine disease |
770664009 | Neonatal brainstem dysfunction |
277189006 | Subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy |
699866005 | Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome |
773579007 | Congenital chronic diarrhea with protein-losing enteropathy |
92824003 | Neurofibromatosis type 1 |
720507006 | Chronic atrial and intestinal dysrhythmia |
782822006 | Infantile cerebellar and retinal degeneration |
1197478005 | Primary immunodeficiency with multifaceted aberrant lymphoid immunity |
1208741006 | SMARCA4-deficient undifferentiated neoplasm of thorax |
789777007 | Short-limb skeletal dysplasia with severe combined immunodeficiency |
778064009 | Ectopic aldosterone-producing neoplasm |
720464003 | ADULT (acro-dermato-ungual-lacrimal-tooth) syndrome |
56604005 | Cohen syndrome |
424952003 | Sarcoma of soft tissue |
732932004 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 18 |
716701004 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with pyloric atresia |
54036001 | Oto-palato-digital syndrome, type I |
1220575002 | Fetal encasement syndrome |
718124006 | Fatal infantile cytochrome C oxidase deficiency |
197260007 | Intestinal lymphangiectasis |
783558004 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 11 |
232328005 | Dominant sensorineural hearing loss |
1187615007 | TAFRO syndrome |
1268631009 | Primary glassy cell carcinoma of cervix uteri |
715662009 | Iatrogenic Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease |
277527003 | Melanocytoma of meninges |
711161006 | Hypochromic microcytic anemia with iron overload |
398254007 | Pre-eclampsia |
733416004 | Exostosis, anetoderma, brachydactyly type E syndrome |
1197428008 | Combined immunodeficiency, enteropathy spectrum |
770563005 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 13 |
109841003 | Liver cell carcinoma |
718104007 | Torsade de pointes with short coupling interval syndrome |
720956003 | Foix Chavany Marie syndrome |
71404003 | Lipomatosis dolorosa |
1220594007 | Pierpont syndrome |
238731001 | Pseudopelade |
426508001 | Ileal pouchitis |
702442008 | Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency |
724838009 | Hereditary skin peeling syndrome |
52947006 | Japanese encephalitis virus disease |
39427000 | Pachyonychia congenita syndrome |
763740000 | Infantile mercury poisoning |
719455002 | Cone dystrophy with supernormal rod response |
238027003 | Adult GM1 gangliosidosis |
782772000 | Congenital muscular dystrophy with intellectual disability and severe epilepsy |
782725000 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 69 |
721977007 | Lung fibrosis, immunodeficiency, 46,XX gonadal dysgenesis syndrome |
774084003 | Neonatal antiphospholipid syndrome |
425708006 | Placental aromatase deficiency |
773750003 | Flat face, microstomia, ear anomaly syndrome |
763311001 | Adrenomyodystrophy |
716231009 | Spondylocamptodactyly syndrome |
778000002 | 3q26q27 microdeletion syndrome |
1237228009 | Night blindness, skeletal anomalies, dysmorphism syndrome |
763406004 | Ring chromosome 16 syndrome |
773629001 | Onychomatricoma |
718908009 | X-linked intellectual disability Siderius type |
124252008 | Deficiency of transaldolase |
1268888008 | Primary pineal parenchymal tumour of intermediate differentiation |
719910004 | Uncombable hair, retinal pigmentary dystrophy, dental anomaly and brachydactyly syndrome |
237249000 | Complete hydatidiform mole |
722004001 | Agenesis of internal carotid artery |
766767001 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 67 |
254869000 | Malignant germ cell tumor of ovary |
768924008 | Serous cystadenoma of ovary in childhood |
16242007 | Hereditary orotic aciduria |
238007004 | Partial hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency |
702419001 | Fatty acid hydroxylase associated neurodegeneration |
36193003 | Thalidomide embryopathy syndrome |
233646003 | Congenital chylothorax |
772127009 | White Sutton syndrome |
404079008 | Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma |
1234819007 | Limb girdle muscular dystrophy due to POMK deficiency |
55852007 | Complete phocomelia of lower limb |
57838006 | Retinitis pigmentosa-deafness syndrome |
254121000 | Osteopetrosis - intermediate type |
716697002 | Hereditary persistence of alpha-fetoprotein |
771515001 | Facial dysmorphism, immunodeficiency, livedo, short stature syndrome |
711159002 | Histiocytosis-lymphadenopathy plus syndrome |
190794006 | Gaucher's disease |
5335002 | Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) deficiency |
13449007 | Melnick-Needles syndrome |
717459000 | Congenital primary megaureter |
770542008 | Isochromosomy Yq |
238902007 | Multiple symmetrical lipomatosis |
80544005 | Spongy degeneration of central nervous system |
1237514002 | Mitochondrial myopathy, cerebellar ataxia, pigmentary retinopathy syndrome |
716857003 | Hereditary pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma |
51720005 | Gray platelet syndrome |
1156495004 | Dendritic cell sarcoma |
773498006 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy, intellectual disability syndrome due to TUD deficiency |
783742004 | Conductive deafness, malformed external ear syndrome |
111030006 | Howel-Evans' syndrome |
716192009 | Thong Douglas Ferrante syndrome |
442300000 | Rhombencephalosynapsis |
778024005 | Monocytopenia with susceptibility to infections |
718749004 | Generalized peeling skin syndrome |
233707008 | High altitude pulmonary edema |
50866000 | Childhood absence epilepsy |
718554005 | Medich giant platelet syndrome |
35868009 | Carcinoid syndrome |
10087007 | Infection by Schistosoma |
15545001 | Congenital duplication of uterus |
205821003 | Congenital contractural arachnodactyly |
715625007 | Growth delay due to insulin-like growth factor I resistance |
42829009 | Pili multigemini |
238653005 | Lichen planus pemphigoides |
715666007 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type IE |
230418006 | Lennox-Gastaut syndrome |
253194008 | Aneurysm of the vein of Galen |
722127006 | Pacman dysplasia |
254231002 | Congenital wooly hair |
719911000 | Trichodysplasia with amelogenesis imperfecta syndrome |
41069008 | Langer-Giedion syndrome |
1268635000 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of colon |
726029005 | McCune Albright syndrome |
715529009 | Progressive deafness with stapes fixation |
86252004 | Agenesis of pulmonary artery |
723580007 | Talo-patello-scaphoid osteolysis syndrome |
719818007 | X-linked spinocerebellar ataxia type 4 |
18546004 | Congenital stenosis of aortic valve |
715344006 | Neurofibromatosis Noonan syndrome |
763130006 | Cleft palate, large ears, small head syndrome |
609561005 | Maturity-onset diabetes of the young |
21926007 | Pili annulati |
763366000 | Leukoencephalopathy, thalamus and brainstem anomalies, high lactate syndrome |
718900002 | Syndromic X-linked intellectual disability type 11 |
1234821002 | Primary intrahepatic lithiasis |
699306003 | 1p36 deletion syndrome |
41495000 | Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis |
204102004 | Cryptophthalmos syndrome |
721233005 | Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism with cataract syndrome |
720851007 | Chondrodysplasia with disorder of sex development syndrome |
702413000 | RAPADILINO syndrome |
31248004 | Epignathus |
715726000 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 |
737580004 | Idiopathic bilateral vestibulopathy |
715951007 | Acrocallosal syndrome |
232064001 | Wagner syndrome |
763407008 | Ring chromosome Y syndrome |
764463001 | Mosaic trisomy 12 syndrome |
719397009 | Mesomelic dysplasia Kantaputra type |
716721003 | Genetic recurrent myoglobinuria |
111508004 | Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy |
722383001 | Catel Manzke syndrome |
717231003 | PFAPA syndrome |
763134002 | Chondroectodermal dysplasia with night blindness syndrome |
717158001 | Partial chromosome Y deletion |
763616002 | Velofacioskeletal syndrome |
721219005 | Familial Alzheimer-like prion disease |
723360007 | Familial hypercholanemia |
67817003 | Pili torti-deafness syndrome |
20815007 | Exstrophy of cloaca sequence |
240450004 | Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome |
28259009 | Crigler-Najjar syndrome |
773415005 | Contiguous ABCD1 DXS1357E deletion syndrome |
732929002 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2S |
403793002 | Familial painful callosities |
762195006 | Congenital bronchogenic cyst |
254957009 | Somatotroph adenoma |
189948006 | Schwannoma |
403554008 | Oculocerebrocutaneous syndrome |
127225006 | Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia |
726018006 | Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease |
770941005 | Alopecia, progressive neurological defect, endocrinopathy syndrome |
1260095004 | Menke Hennekam syndrome |
1268485001 | Primary non-seminomatous germ cell neoplasm of testis |
8808004 | Biotinidase deficiency |
721672004 | Primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of appendix |
722211006 | Patent ductus arteriosus, bicuspid aortic valve, hand anomaly syndrome |
715664005 | Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma |
724146008 | Metaphyseal chondromatosis co-occurrent with D-2 hydroxyglutaric aciduria |
1217210001 | Hyperostosis cranialis interna |
717826009 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy with deafness and global delay |
1187468005 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 73 |
716585008 | Lujo hemorrhagic fever |
254146000 | Infantile myofibromatosis |
702362004 | Craniofacial deafness hand syndrome |
29076005 | Meckel-Gruber syndrome |
32659003 | Congenital hypoplasia of kidney |
253706007 | Anomalous origin of coronary artery from pulmonary arterial tree |
1162864000 | Familial porencephaly |
20052008 | Hereditary fructosuria |
232442001 | Congenital laryngeal abductor palsy |
763895001 | Myosclerosis |
720460007 | Acute bilateral depigmentation of iris |
81678004 | Ring chromosome 4 syndrome |
1208744003 | Non-functioning neuroendocrine neoplasm of pancreas |
447829000 | Congenital abnormality of tricuspid chordae tendinae |
766933000 | Idiopathic panuveitis |
239032007 | Berlin syndrome |
719664004 | 8q22.1 microdeletion syndrome |
725907002 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2Y |
13978000 | Chronic endophthalmitis |
764989007 | Mosaic trisomy 9 syndrome |
718720007 | Lissencephaly type 3 metacarpal bone dysplasia syndrome |
715735007 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 20 |
49982000 | Multifocal atrial tachycardia |
109994006 | Essential thrombocythemia |
403442005 | Hereditary mucoepithelial dysplasia |
239030004 | Orofacial-digital syndrome III |
700058006 | Ataxia-telangiectasia-like disorder |
763387005 | Best vitelliform macular dystrophy |
41878001 | Symbrachydactyly |
4183003 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, type IC |
699184009 | Perry syndrome |
1268964007 | Primary anaplastic oligodendroglioma of central nervous system |
39925003 | Juvenile myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, stroke |
15228007 | Atrophia bulborum hereditaria |
782719004 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia due to STUB1 deficiency |
733032006 | Epilepsy telangiectasia syndrome |
447935001 | Left ventricular myocardial noncompaction cardiomyopathy |
71464000 | Dipygus |
716198008 | Game Friedman Paradice syndrome |
720756005 | Craniofacial ulnar renal syndrome |
718552009 | Familial median cleft of upper and lower lip |
180234006 | Infectious disorder of the peripheral nervous system |
771077007 | Intellectual disability, short stature, hypertelorism syndrome |
763778003 | Larsen-like syndrome B3GAT3 type |
1172683008 | Microcephaly, congenital cataract, psoriasiform dermatitis syndrome |
1217229007 | Craniofacial dysplasia, short stature, ectodermal anomalies, intellectual disability syndrome |
720401009 | Cystic fibrosis with gastritis and megaloblastic anemia syndrome |
765489006 | Ring chromosome 7 syndrome |
726020009 | Infestation caused by Cordylobia anthropophaga |
782751003 | Severe combined immunodeficiency due to IKK2 deficiency |
403809003 | Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa inverse type |
719518004 | Autosomal dominant palmoplantar keratoderma and congenital alopecia |
783697000 | X-linked spastic paraplegia type 16 |
766710005 | Isolated focal cortical dysplasia |
716766007 | Malakoplakia |
721843003 | GAPO syndrome |
702359002 | Congenital stromal corneal dystrophy |
724177005 | LIG4 syndrome |
30575002 | Fanconi's anemia |
472827002 | Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis |
1237617004 | Secondary hypereosinophilic syndrome |
721841001 | Hypogonadism with mitral valve prolapse and intellectual disability syndrome |
230240004 | Progressive cerebellar ataxia with hypogonadism |
15841002 | 21q partial monosomy syndrome |
774148007 | Polyglucosan body myopathy type 1 |
85444005 | Disorder of pyrimidine metabolism |
733068001 | Absent tibia, polydactyly, arachnoid cyst syndrome |
715470008 | Brachydactylous dwarfism Mseleni type |
43363007 | Posterior uveitis |
773644000 | Progeroid and marfanoid aspect, lipodystrophy syndrome |
1264416003 | Unclassifiable myelodysplastic syndrome |
41864002 | Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy |
111310003 | Ring chromosome 11 syndrome |
52951008 | Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia |
733034007 | Charlie M syndrome |
1197416000 | Euthyroid Graves orbitopathy |
111502003 | Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy |
254096001 | Kyphomelic dysplasia |
1279838005 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 6 |
403983000 | Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma |
1217382002 | Intellectual disability, autism, speech apraxia, craniofacial dysmorphism syndrome |
230429005 | Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with suppression bursts |
254249002 | Fetal carbamazepine syndrome |
240613006 | Typhus group rickettsial disease |
62588002 | Congenital complete absence of limb |
720755009 | Craniofacial dyssynostosis syndrome |
253591008 | Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect |
7199000 | Tuberous sclerosis syndrome |
715652002 | Mesomelic dysplasia Savarirayan type |
718848000 | Fried syndrome |
201796004 | Systemic onset juvenile chronic arthritis |
1216940001 | Joint contractures, developmental delay, Pierre Robin syndrome |
254090007 | Acromicric dysplasia |
716724006 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 15/16 |
13555004 | Ring chromosome 22 syndrome |
784373007 | Beta-mercaptolactate cysteine disulfiduria |
25913001 | Progressive iris atrophy |
234392002 | Hemoglobin E/beta thalassemia disease |
274899008 | Trichofolliculoma |
57863006 | Acid phosphatase deficiency |
723622007 | X-linked spastic paraplegia type 2 |
1279835008 | Ectodermal dysplasia, hyperhidrosis, cutaneous syndactyly syndrome |
783008000 | Pituitary dermoid and epidermoid cysts |
78018008 | Complete phocomelia of upper limb |
254093009 | Cranioectodermal dysplasia |
723386002 | Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to partial STAT1 deficiency |
715788001 | Myotonia fluctuans |
720497002 | Anti-human leukocyte antigen hyperimmunization |
95412009 | Pigmented villonodular synovitis |
237889002 | Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets |
230312006 | Aicardi Goutieres syndrome |
425892007 | Baroreflex failure syndrome |
716379000 | Acute fatty liver of pregnancy |
725029001 | Frontonasal dysplasia with alopecia and genital anomaly syndrome |
201160005 | Acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa |
722109008 | Osteocraniostenosis |
773547003 | 13q12.3 microdeletion syndrome |
783618006 | Lower motor neuron syndrome with late-adult onset |
22451001 | Primary torsion dystonia |
783182004 | Chronic respiratory distress with surfactant metabolism deficiency |
93559003 | Hypogonadism with anosmia |
1519002 | Congenital phlebectasia |
237617006 | Megaloblastic anemia, thiamine-responsive, with diabetes mellitus and sensorineural deafness |
1269270002 | Infection-related haemolytic uraemic syndrome |
385483009 | Osteogenesis imperfecta type III |
785808002 | Aneurysm osteoarthritis syndrome |
1162830004 | X-linked lymphoproliferative disease due to XIAP deficiency |
783738002 | Heart defect, tongue hamartoma, polysyndactyly syndrome |
1172688004 | Congenital muscular dystrophy, respiratory failure, skin abnormalities, joint hyperlaxity syndrome |
698765007 | Posterior fossa brain malformation, hemangioma, arterial anomaly, cardiac defect and aortic coarctation, and eye abnormality syndrome |
711409002 | 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type IV with sensorineural deafness, encephalopathy and Leigh-like syndrome |
782879004 | Occipital pachygyria and polymicrogyria |
763803004 | Morvan syndrome |
1187506008 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 77 |
360378009 | Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase deficiency |
720633009 | Cenani Lenz syndrome |
403810008 | Epidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa |
43019009 | Nelson syndrome |
725043006 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2O |
715768000 | Autosomal dominant dopa responsive dystonia |
764447009 | Distal trisomy 11q |
47054003 | Septate vagina |
1279889005 | Microcephaly, facial dysmorphism, ocular anomalies, multiple congenital anomalies syndrome |
717192003 | Familial digital arthropathy and brachydactyly syndrome |
204958008 | Nephronophthisis |
715902009 | Primary orthostatic tremor |
721147000 | Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia Halal type |
1268547002 | Primary epithelioid sarcoma |
277810000 | Trichodental syndrome |
711157000 | Sudden infant death with dysgenesis of testes syndrome |
234568006 | Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis |
1263449003 | Isolated encephalocele |
47024008 | Sickle cell-hemoglobin E disease |
1268905005 | Primary malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour |
719299009 | Pelviscapular dysplasia |
766760004 | X small rings |
725592009 | Congenital membranous nephropathy due to maternal anti-neutral endopeptidase alloimmunization |
721974000 | Lowry MacLean syndrome |
783743009 | Combined immunodeficiency with granulomatosis |
41040004 | Complete trisomy 21 syndrome |
1230096008 | Timothy syndrome |
255046005 | Neuroendocrine tumor |
17608003 | Child syndrome |
722202006 | Palmoplantar keratoderma, 46,XX sex reversal, predisposition to squamous cell carcinoma syndrome |
702644002 | Congenital stenosis of nasal pyriform aperture |
770631009 | Genetic transient congenital hypothyroidism |
111306001 | Multiple lentigines syndrome |
722476007 | Thickened earlobe with conductive deafness syndrome |
28599006 | Ascher's syndrome |
1197204009 | Adult hepatocellular carcinoma |
715780008 | Lissencephaly type 1 due to doublecortin gene mutation |
1268637008 | Primary MiT family translocation renal cell carcinoma |
1230270001 | Exstrophy epispadias complex |
9893005 | Immunodeficiency with thymoma |
722430008 | Distal trisomy 6p syndrome |
89629006 | Argyria of skin |
719810000 | X-linked intellectual disability with seizure and psoriasis syndrome |
253149002 | Type 2 lissencephaly |
764520001 | Distal trisomy 9q |
726706008 | 4p16.3 microduplication syndrome |
77956009 | Steinert myotonic dystrophy syndrome |
1162804003 | Hereditary congenital prekallikrein deficiency |
312927001 | Bietti's crystalline retinopathy |
725167001 | Neuroendocrine neoplasm of appendix |
717773005 | COG7 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
1268712008 | Primary malignant mesothelioma of peritoneum |
444231005 | Thymoma |
188734009 | Chronic neutrophilic leukemia |
312898002 | Myopic macular degeneration |
5619004 | Bardet-Biedl syndrome |
699268002 | Myopathy with deficiency of iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme |
783160006 | AGel amyloidosis |
66207005 | Toxic effect of cyanide |
253299006 | Double outlet right ventricle with noncommitted ventricular septal defect |
715633008 | Atypical Werner syndrome |
890221004 | Acrocardiofacial syndrome |
785306007 | Lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia type E |
707276009 | Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome |
770750002 | Intellectual disability, seizures, macrocephaly, obesity syndrome |
783554002 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2U |
373905003 | Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome |
718174008 | Infantile striatonigral degeneration |
715409005 | C syndrome |
1197746001 | AKT2-related familial partial lipodystrophy |
787414001 | Oligodontia |
1197418004 | Familial atrial tachyarrhythmia, infra-Hisian cardiac conduction disease |
732251003 | Cortical blindness, intellectual disability, polydactyly syndrome |
443094001 | Paroxysmal hemicrania |
773282001 | Macrosomia, microphthalmia, cleft palate syndrome |
267454002 | Acatalasemia |
783005002 | Severe microbrachycephaly, intellectual disability, athetoid cerebral palsy syndrome |
37981002 | Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis |
307607001 | Chondromyxoid fibroma of bone |
783774006 | External auditory canal atresia, vertical talus, hypertelorism syndrome |
770756008 | 2p13.2 microdeletion syndrome |
93132001 | Lethal Kniest-like syndrome |
763204003 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 7 |
414380008 | Hawkinsinuria |
764453009 | Action myoclonus renal failure syndrome |
73442001 | Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
721089006 | Dentinogenesis imperfecta, short stature, hearing loss, intellectual disability syndrome |
715577009 | Low phospholipid associated cholelithiasis |
1833005 | Phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis |
1156412000 | Angiocentric glioma of central nervous system |
816067005 | Woodhouse Sakati syndrome |
764733009 | Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, myopathy, emaciation syndrome |
230733004 | Isolated angiitis of central nervous system |
770678005 | Progressive encephalopathy with edema, hypsarrhythmia, and optic atrophy-like syndrome |
716747007 | Dicarboxylic aminoaciduria syndrome |
389162001 | Acroscyphodysplasia |
716336002 | Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia |
415284008 | Myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts-2 |
237734007 | ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome |
716743006 | Familial non-autoimmune autosomal dominant hyperthyroidism |
61288004 | Poisoning by venomous snake |
58833000 | Pseudohypoparathyroidism type I A |
95479005 | Congenital sclerocornea |
253920006 | Overgrowth of upper limb |
26848004 | Chorea acanthocytosis syndrome |
317349009 | Vernal keratoconjunctivitis |
726622002 | Spastic paraplegia with Paget disease of bone syndrome |
239910001 | Toxic oil syndrome |
128101008 | Platelet factor V deficiency (factor V Quebec) |
26590002 | Congenital ectropion |
773688007 | Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids |
715722003 | Brachydactyly type A6 |
430506003 | Osteochondritis of tibial tubercle |
410059004 | Hydroxymethylglutaric aciduria |
445738007 | Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative disease |
253152005 | Laminar heterotopia |
765757003 | Bilateral polymicrogyria |
62110005 | Fetal methyl mercury syndrome |
238062008 | Infantile Refsum's disease |
719652007 | 2p21 microdeletion syndrome |
733626002 | Atypical Norrie disease due to monosomy Xp11.3 |
725296006 | Mucolipidosis type IV |
782694003 | Non-distal monosomy 12q |
26865008 | Congenital absence of superior vena cava |
9128006 | Disorder of the gamma-glutamyl cycle |
1177166006 | Frontonasal dysplasia, bifid nose, upper limb anomalies syndrome |
1268461009 | Primary cholangiocarcinoma of biliary tract |
1260198000 | Idiopathic steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome with secondary steroid resistance |
1149103000 | Citrullinemia type I |
766977007 | Severe early-onset axonal neuropathy due to mitofusin 2 deficiency |
764100007 | Primary intraosseous venous malformation |
1268499002 | Primary collecting duct carcinoma of kidney |
716245003 | Deafness craniofacial syndrome |
1268714009 | Primary nephroblastoma |
80908008 | Ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency |
715751004 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 |
406575008 | Infection caused by vancomycin resistant Enterococcus |
234539005 | Immunoglobulin heavy chain deficiency |
720415006 | Acrorenoocular syndrome |
75355004 | Congenital atresia of external auditory canal |
1268966009 | Primary gliomatosis cerebri |
1269277004 | Leukocyte adhesion deficiency type III |
61663001 | Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
397734008 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I |
783161005 | ABri amyloidosis |
19065005 | Lassa fever |
64250002 | Fusarium infection |
389214003 | Ghosal hematodiaphyseal dysplasia |
773690008 | Microcornea, posterior megalolenticonus, persistent fetal vasculature, coloboma syndrome |
715727009 | Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome |
51169003 | Pneumococcal meningitis |
8691004 | Acquired ichthyosis |
766246000 | Marburg acute multiple sclerosis |
719838008 | X-linked hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy with deafness |
90496008 | Generalized epidermolysis bullosa simplex |
82275008 | Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis |
726616006 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2L |
763827002 | Orgasm induced epilepsy |
87607002 | Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, classic form |
1237619001 | Fatty acyl-CoA reductase 1 deficiency |
724063005 | Vasculitis due to and following viral infection |
399091004 | Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy |
771147003 | Isolated arhinencephaly |
764454003 | Distal trisomy 13q |
238001003 | Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I deficiency |
773576000 | Progressive retinal dystrophy due to retinol transport defect |
723336008 | Fallot complex with intellectual disability and growth delay syndrome |
254778000 | Congenital livedo reticularis |
52298009 | Linear sebaceous nevus sequence |
416069001 | Thygeson superficial punctate keratitis |
774147002 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2R |
773772001 | Rare non-syndromic intellectual disability |
22504001 | Uterus bilocularis |
763401009 | Ichthyosis prematurity syndrome |
303852004 | Lysinuric protein intolerance |
765089003 | Focal epilepsy, intellectual disability, cerebro-cerebellar malformation syndrome |
1187644009 | Basel Vanagaite Smirin Yosef syndrome |
230258005 | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with dementia |
715564000 | Paroxysmal dystonic choreoathetosis with episodic ataxia and spasticity |
719298001 | Pelvis shoulder dysplasia |
31047003 | Lymphomatoid papulosis |
724224007 | Palmoplantar keratoderma with clinodactyly syndrome |
11380006 | Mucopolysaccharidosis |
3731000119107 | Idiopathic hypersomnia |
770604006 | X-linked cerebral, cerebellar, coloboma syndrome |
783741006 | Diazoxide-resistant focal hyperinsulinism due to Kir6.2 deficiency |
719817002 | X-linked spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 |
1208738002 | TMEM199 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
770946000 | Postaxial tetramelic oligodactyly |
1167371007 | Polyhydramnios, megalencephaly, symptomatic epilepsy syndrome |
13649004 | Brachycephaly |
721879006 | Microphthalmia with linear skin defect syndrome |
35962006 | Nevus comedonicus |
111503008 | Merosin deficient congenital muscular dystrophy |
1169356004 | Early-onset progressive encephalopathy, hearing loss, pons hypoplasia, brain atrophy syndrome |
737582007 | Hemiparkinsonism hemiatrophy syndrome |
403767009 | Acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II |
398021003 | Connective tissue disease overlap syndrome |
717012004 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2E |
371076006 | Congenital syringomyelia |
239124001 | Wooly hair nevus |
716089008 | Harrod syndrome |
722542000 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of anal canal |
2359002 | Hyper-beta-alaninemia |
398723007 | Verrucous epidermal nevus |
725149008 | Auricular abnormality, cleft lip, ocular abnormality syndrome |
1268911008 | Primary pancreatoblastoma |
253828000 | Mullerian aplasia |
254819008 | B-K mole (nevus) syndrome |
765471005 | X-linked intellectual disability, hypogonadism, ichthyosis, obesity, short stature syndrome |
236805000 | Congenital impairment of spermatozoa motility |
254169002 | Ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens |
9982009 | Poisoning by cocaine |
723998001 | Short stature, Pierre Robin sequence, cleft mandible, hand anomalies, clubfoot syndrome |
720496006 | Anophthalmia plus syndrome |
1157161000 | Meningioma of uncertain behavior |
371987000 | Primary malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube |
204145006 | Cornea plana |
48553001 | Hemoglobin H disease |
77121009 | X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome |
782696001 | Recessive mitochondrial ataxia syndrome |
773493002 | 9q31.1q31.3 microdeletion syndrome |
238047006 | Beta-D-mannosidosis |
1268908007 | Primary Paget disease of nipple |
205130008 | Central polydactyly of fingers |
1179295004 | BVES-related limb girdle muscular dystrophy |
31097004 | Post poliomyelitis syndrome |
1236807002 | Encephalopathy due to mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission defect |
79268002 | POEMS syndrome |
81604003 | Mulibrey nanism syndrome |
763774001 | Keipert syndrome |
719835006 | Wooly hair and palmoplantar keratoderma with dilated cardiomyopathy syndrome |
719510006 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2F |
5127009 | Jaw-winking syndrome |
1197482007 | Susceptibility to localized juvenile periodontitis |
773727009 | Autosomal dominant rhegmatogenous retinal detachment |
230265002 | Familial Alzheimer's disease of early onset |
715434005 | Holoprosencephaly craniosynostosis syndrome |
111317000 | Congenital absence of nose |
763714006 | Familial multiple nevi flammei |
69463008 | Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome |
42183005 | Pseudohypoparathyroidism type II |
52413004 | HNSHA due to glucose phosphate isomerase deficiency |
783203003 | Ataxia with tapetoretinal degeneration syndrome |
61367005 | Jarcho-Levin syndrome |
253137003 | Alobar holoprosencephaly |
55995005 | Hereditary spherocytosis |
718211004 | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome kyphoscoliotic type |
387759001 | Chronic granulomatous disease |
61003004 | Epidermolysis bullosa |
254131007 | Worth disease |
124600004 | Deficiency of aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase |
778069004 | Autosomal dominant mandibular prognathism |
720571006 | Brachydactyly type A7 |
1156468009 | Deep partial thickness burn |
38692000 | Lipid proteinosis |
1172692006 | X-linked keloid scarring, reduced joint mobility, increased optic cup-to-disc ratio syndrome |
720954000 | Filippi syndrome |
707151000 | Uremic pruritus |
307340003 | Monosomy 7 syndrome |
719304005 | Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia Schmidt type |
723451000 | Pili torti onychodysplasia syndrome |
702428000 | Hereditary angiopathy with nephropathy, aneurysms, and muscle cramps syndrome |
367520004 | Incontinentia pigmenti syndrome |
19719003 | Benign lymphocytic infiltration of Jessner |
721223002 | Hirschsprung disease with nail hypoplasia and dysmorphism |
780820008 | Isolated ATP synthase deficiency |
44917000 | Hymenolepiasis |
1197751007 | LIPE-related familial partial lipodystrophy |
700211007 | Ulnar mammary syndrome |
782771007 | Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome hepatocerebrorenal form |
1228842003 | Primary cutaneous plasmacytosis |
7611002 | Septo-optic dysplasia sequence |
784377008 | Autosomal dominant epilepsy with auditory features |
255192005 | Benign cephalic histiocytosis |
724145007 | Metaphyseal dysplasia, maxillary hypoplasia, brachydactyly syndrome |
111255008 | Osteonecrosis of capital femoral epiphysis |
41799005 | Hereditary retinal dystrophy |
238014002 | Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency |
122811000119101 | Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome |
38804009 | Turner syndrome |
763128009 | Bipartite talus |
773691007 | Congenital erosive and vesicular dermatosis |
763212006 | Combined pancreatic lipase and colipase deficiency |
309776008 | Costello syndrome |
716775009 | Nanophthalmia |
726363000 | Tetraploidy |
723404002 | Microcephalic osteodysplastic dysplasia Saul Wilson type |
239888002 | Lupus panniculitis |
1197359006 | Familial colorectal cancer type X |
75072002 | Nemaline myopathy |
67653003 | Pretibial epidermolysis bullosa |
716860005 | Cyclosporosis |
716024001 | GMS syndrome |
1208987006 | PHIP-related behavioral problems, intellectual disability, obesity, dysmorphic features syndrome |
24629003 | Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Jansen type |
1197059004 | Congenital ichthyosis, microcephalus, tetraplegia syndrome |
733033001 | Spinocerebellar ataxia dysmorphism syndrome |
203923004 | Acrania |
716094008 | Saito Kuba Tsuruta syndrome |
725433003 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia Beauce type |
725044000 | Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome type 1o |
715425000 | Benign focal seizure of adolescence |
1268539002 | Primary metaplastic carcinoma of breast |
417604002 | Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome |
717765001 | CLAPO syndrome |
763745005 | Intellectual disability Wolff type |
770758009 | New-onset refractory status epilepticus |
1217372003 | Severe myopia, generalized joint laxity, short stature syndrome |
725097006 | Crisponi syndrome |
827162007 | Malignant immature teratoma of ovary |
721301004 | Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasm with fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 abnormality |
717267005 | Left renal vein entrapment syndrome |
716020005 | Diabetic embryopathy |
1197429000 | Cathepsin A-related arteriopathy, strokes, leukoencephalopathy |
230719004 | Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to ruptured aneurysm |
770404004 | Autosomal recessive chorioretinopathy and microcephaly syndrome |
724096007 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1f |
129451001 | Respiratory bronchiolitis associated interstitial lung disease |
33979003 | Nievergelt's syndrome |
66865009 | Congenital duplication of esophagus |
782689003 | Congenital pseudoarthrosis of limb |
723307008 | Ethylmalonic encephalopathy |
33116002 | Hydroxykynureninuria |
397013007 | Solitary cutaneous mastocytoma |
410039003 | Mycetoma |
770623004 | Benign occipital lobe epilepsy |
186499007 | Encephalitis lethargica |
722061006 | Oculoosteocutaneous syndrome |
237252008 | Placental site trophoblastic tumor |
46619002 | Congenital heart block |
732928005 | Humerus trochlea aplasia |
732933009 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 25 |
1187132007 | Sugarman brachydactyly |
17818006 | Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis |
13172003 | Chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
785727000 | Chronic infantile diarrhea due to guanylate cyclase 2C overactivity |
23447005 | GTP cyclohydrolase I deficiency |
34513009 | Zebra body myopathy |
782886007 | Infantile spasms, psychomotor retardation, progressive brain atrophy, basal ganglia disease syndrome |
1172705006 | Lethal hydranencephaly, diaphragmatic hernia syndrome |
721076000 | Siegler Brewer Carey syndrome |
786076007 | Congenital pit of optic disc |
770559003 | Leiomyosarcoma of corpus uteri |
205306000 | Congenital complete absence of upper limb |
1197489003 | Familial chylomicronemia syndrome |
1172590009 | Kyphoscoliosis, lateral tongue atrophy, hereditary spastic paraplegia syndrome |
720500008 | Aplasia cutis congenita with intestinal lymphangiectasia syndrome |
235729009 | Congenital microvillous atrophy |
763632004 | Startle epilepsy |
725165009 | Autosomal dominant omodysplasia |
52985009 | Chylous ascites |
763211004 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 21 |
187151009 | Diphyllobothriasis |
719380003 | Microcephalus cardiomyopathy syndrome |
80902009 | Neutral 1 amino acid transport defect |
445252005 | Glucose transporter protein type 1 deficiency syndrome |
782752005 | Peripheral neuropathy, myopathy, hoarseness, hearing loss syndrome |
16360009 | Delta beta thalassemia |
239112008 | Epidermal nevus syndrome |
11226001 | Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis |
721307000 | Transient abnormal myelopoiesis |
254083002 | Chondrodysplasia punctata, MT type |
762254000 | Congenital dysplasia of tricuspid valve |
65455002 | Nasal encephalocele |
1230004003 | Supratip dysplasia |
442652006 | Infection by Anisakis larva |
734026006 | Isolated congenital megalocornea |
58718002 | Rheumatic fever |
702450004 | FOXG1 syndrome |
399995006 | Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus |
1268962006 | Primary polyembryoma |
722055008 | Oculopalatocerebral syndrome |
718849008 | X-linked neurodegenerative syndrome Bertini type |
782914000 | Brachydactyly, short stature, retinitis pigmentosa syndrome |
782935003 | Tremor, nystagmus, duodenal ulcer syndrome |
1172604004 | DIAPH1-related sensorineural hearing loss-thrombocytopenia syndrome |
1179282009 | Severe neurodevelopmental disorder with feeding difficulties, stereotypic hand movement, bilateral cataract |
716655008 | Aggressive systemic mastocytosis |
46041001 | Maffucci syndrome |
20415001 | Progressive sclerosing poliodystrophy |
37548006 | Hypopigmentation-immunodeficiency disease |
717941005 | Body skin hyperlaxity due to vitamin K dependent coagulation factor deficiency |
782829002 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2O |
722392003 | Congenital malabsorptive diarrhea due to paucity of enteroendocrine cells |
237117005 | Endometriosis outside pelvis |
773622005 | Craniofacial dysplasia osteopenia syndrome |
699267007 | Myosin storage myopathy |
720636001 | Cholestasis with pigmentary retinopathy and cleft palate syndrome |
715632003 | Oculocutaneous albinism type 4 |
763768001 | Autosomal recessive exfoliative ichthyosis |
717825008 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 1B |
783065004 | Autosomal recessive optic atrophy type 7 |
297257004 | Glycerol kinase deficiency - contiguous gene syndrome |
719207000 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 11 |
721700001 | Primary malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of rectum |
773626008 | Joint contracture, webbed neck, micrognathia, hypoplastic nipple syndrome |
1254654006 | X-linked intellectual disability, hypotonia, movement disorder syndrome |
719665003 | 5q35 microduplication syndrome |
720750004 | Corneal cerebellar syndrome |
734066005 | Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of central nervous system |
425333006 | Myeloproliferative disorder |
726613003 | Ketamine-induced biliary dilatation |
733111000 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1w |
722461004 | Meacham syndrome |
764623009 | Mosaic trisomy 2 syndrome |
724642009 | Myeloid neoplasm associated with beta-type platelet-derived growth factor receptor gene rearrangement |
400040008 | Hereditary lymphedema type II |
277568007 | Hairy cell leukemia variant |
715987000 | Sonoda syndrome |
84438001 | Pure autonomic failure |
719250005 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 18 |
371627004 | ACE inhibitor-aggravated angioedema |
403735006 | Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome from tryptophan |
722294004 | Autosomal dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type E |
763369007 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 37 |
7484005 | Double outlet right ventricle |
307343001 | Acquired hemoglobin H disease |
45414006 | Glucocorticoid deficiency with achalasia |
715442006 | Syndactyly of fingers type 8 |
770942003 | Kostmann syndrome |
723676007 | Severe intellectual disability, epilepsy, anal anomaly, distal phalangeal hypoplasia syndrome |
784372002 | Familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with febrile seizures |
254129003 | Osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis |
28488007 | Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans |
1197593006 | Intellectual disability, expressive aphasia, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
232373003 | Choanal atresia with radial ray hypoplasia |
360455002 | Coats' disease |
718212006 | TMEM70 related mitochondrial encephalo-cardio-myopathy |
373425009 | Corneal endotheliitis |
719456001 | Cleft lip and cleft palate with intestinal malrotation and cardiopathy syndrome |
56271007 | Hypothermia-sweating syndrome |
231896005 | Acanthamoeba keratitis |
720609003 | Cardiomyopathy with cataract and hip spine disease syndrome |
109478007 | Kohlschutter's syndrome |
290680001 | Methotrexate poisoning |
230413002 | Juvenile absence epilepsy |
253528005 | Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia |
771272007 | Congenital muscular dystrophy due to LMNA mutation |
766987006 | Moebius syndrome |
1268502003 | Primary embryonal sarcoma of liver |
389263004 | Astley-Kendall dysplasia |
238044004 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-IV-B |
783205005 | Alopecia antibody deficiency |
52636001 | Actinic reticuloid |
720466001 | Adult-onset dystonia parkinsonism |
1162918009 | Infective dermatitis associated with human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 infection |
768554008 | Hypermanganesemia with dystonia 2 |
1264081007 | Persistent left superior vena cava connecting through coronary sinus to left sided atrium |
15123008 | Familial amyloid nephropathy with urticaria AND deafness |
17568006 | Sclerosteosis |
716771000 | Chronic hiccup |
33595009 | Arachnoid cyst |
430042004 | Acute pandysautonomia |
719450007 | Disorder of sex development with intellectual disability syndrome |
231996009 | Central areolar choroidal sclerosis |
721095007 | Diaphragmatic defect, limb deficiency, skull defect syndrome |
733044009 | Dermatoleukodystrophy |
34287003 | Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy |
439702007 | Hereditary protein S deficiency |
784392009 | Adult chronic idiopathic neutropenia |
61860000 | Porphyria cutanea tarda |
1269177007 | Acute tricyclic antidepressant poisoning |
237946002 | Partial deficiency of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase |
192644005 | Meningococcal meningitis |
722434004 | Dysspondyloenchondromatosis |
41545003 | Whipple's disease |
18910001 | Cleft uvula |
275446004 | Painful bruising syndrome |
764849002 | Amyloidosis cutis dyschromia |
733112007 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1x |
715215007 | WAGR syndrome |
719041000 | Upington disease |
234380002 | Kell isoimmunization of the newborn |
31712002 | Primary biliary cholangitis |
770669004 | Paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 5 |
723721007 | Sensorineural hearing loss, early graying, essential tremor syndrome |
1237571004 | Benign familial infantile epilepsy |
722379001 | Congenital cataract with hypertrichosis and intellectual disability syndrome |
63042009 | Congenital atresia of tricuspid valve |
69093006 | Rothmund-Thomson syndrome |
702443003 | Auriculo-condylar syndrome |
720827002 | Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome |
1169363004 | Overgrowth, metaphyseal undermodeling, spondylar dysplasia syndrome |
39788007 | Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-clefting syndrome |
192782005 | Galactosylceramide beta-galactosidase deficiency |
359686005 | Van Bogaert's sclerosing leukoencephalitis |
722122000 | Overgrowth, macrocephaly, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
782746009 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 60 |
770626007 | Congenital Horner syndrome |
700062000 | Schöpf-Schulz-Passarge syndrome |
38795005 | Sialidosis |
1208747005 | ITPA-related lethal infantile neurological disorder with cataract and cardiac involvement |
204312002 | Ventricular septal defect between left ventricle and right atrium |
720951008 | Fatal mitochondrial disease due to combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 3 |
770630005 | Distal hereditary motor neuropathy type 1 |
235724004 | Acquired short bowel syndrome |
79607001 | Congenital hepatic fibrosis |
60876000 | Gardner syndrome |
1268717002 | Primary oligodendroglioma |
448915004 | Cleft of hard palate |
239035009 | Ectodermal dysplasia with hair-nail defect |
26745009 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-I-H/S |
719218000 | Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia |
724999003 | Isolated hypoplasia of optic nerve |
234608003 | Terminal component deficiency |
711158005 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 36 |
33410002 | Marshall syndrome |
70348004 | Pendred's syndrome |
722064003 | Odontoleukodystrophy |
724170007 | Mesoaxial synostotic syndactyly with phalangeal reduction syndrome |
723994004 | Seizures and intellectual disability due to hydroxylysinuria |
44423001 | Early myoclonic encephalopathy |
770683002 | Secondary syringomyelia |
63684002 | Hereditary hollow viscus myopathy |
418818005 | Brugada syndrome |
715645004 | Hereditary thermosensitive neuropathy |
1156407001 | Myxopapillary ependymoma of spinal cord |
765221009 | Papular xanthoma |
771223000 | Infantile epileptic dyskinetic encephalopathy |
422437002 | X-linked intellectual disability with marfanoid habitus |
715506001 | Phocomelia, ectrodactyly, deafness and sinus arrhythmia syndrome |
711482008 | Cerebroretinal microangiopathy with calcifications and cysts |
719595002 | Absence of fingerprints with congenital milia syndrome |
1217228004 | X-linked intellectual disability, cerebellar hypoplasia, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia syndrome |
778045003 | Susceptibility to viral and mycobacterial infection |
78642008 | Ocular albinism, type I |
702617007 | Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis |
1187124004 | Apolipoprotein A-IV amyloidosis |
58258004 | Infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
763615003 | Aortic arch anomaly, facial dysmorphism, intellectual disability syndrome |
716787002 | Extraventricular neurocytoma |
785725008 | Palmoplantar keratoderma, spastic paralysis syndrome |
722280000 | Ackerman syndrome |
773728004 | Corticosteroid-binding globulin deficiency |
724176001 | Lipodystrophy due to peptidic growth factors deficiency |
1208985003 | Linear hypopigmentation and craniofacial asymmetry with acral, ocular and brain anomalies |
17234001 | Allantoic cyst |
773305003 | Microcephaly, polymicrogyria, corpus callosum agenesis syndrome |
786041005 | Congenital systemic arteriovenous fistula |
783553008 | Syndactyly, camptodactyly and clinodactyly of fifth fingers, bifid toes syndrome |
764096006 | Male infertility with teratozoospermia due to single gene mutation |
763744009 | Intellectual disability, brachydactyly, Pierre Robin syndrome |
719278006 | Primary dystonia type 13 |
79261008 | Van der Woude syndrome |
773328002 | Infantile onset panniculitis with uveitis and systemic granulomatosis |
1228860003 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Stanescu type |
763713000 | Idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia |
190787008 | Abetalipoproteinemia |
416633008 | Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy type 1 |
254784002 | Blue rubber bleb nevus |
765401006 | Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome encephalomyopathic form |
718764004 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Reardon type |
733037000 | German syndrome |
403790004 | Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis-hyperpigmentation syndrome of Cantu |
716994006 | Behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia |
238092004 | Fish-eye disease |
720457000 | Acropectorovertebral dysplasia |
1268706003 | Primary malignant granulosa cell tumour of ovary |
715426004 | X-linked corneal dermoid |
765486004 | Ring chromosome 3 syndrome |
73397007 | Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia |
722288007 | Autoimmune enteropathy and endocrinopathy with susceptibility to chronic infection syndrome |
771261002 | Digital extensor muscle aplasia with polyneuropathy |
789156003 | Focal facial dermal dysplasia |
773501006 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex due to BP230 deficiency |
725046003 | Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 9 deficiency |
1208746001 | Intellectual disability, muscle weakness, short stature, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
27312002 | High molecular weight kininogen deficiency |
717330004 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia Irapa type |
32883009 | Oral submucosal fibrosis |
29352008 | Thanatophoric dysplasia |
13003007 | Cystathioninuria |
734022008 | Wolfram-like syndrome |
1162837001 | Symphalangism Cushing type |
1186725001 | Warts, immunodeficiency, lymphedema, anogenital dysplasia syndrome |
783007005 | Recurrent Neisseria infection due to factor D deficiency |
9417000 | Platelet dense granule deficiency |
56692003 | Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata syndrome |
719989007 | Autosomal dominant limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 1F |
766872002 | Parkinsonism caused by cyanide |
787091002 | Adenocarcinoma of liver and intrahepatic biliary tract |
763618001 | Wiedemann Steiner syndrome |
186772009 | Rocky Mountain spotted fever |
6204001 | Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy |
1260463008 | Isolated focal non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma |
65389002 | Adrenoleukodystrophy |
4434006 | Bloom syndrome |
314558005 | Fungal keratitis |
197441003 | Primary sclerosing cholangitis |
723823004 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 53 |
723828008 | Autosomal recessive bestrophinopathy |
719827008 | X-linked immunoneurologic disorder |
60983006 | Congenital esophagotracheal fistula |
782726004 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 71 |
25606004 | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, hydroxylysine-deficient |
733038005 | Dysmorphism, pectus carinatum, joint laxity syndrome |
724279004 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 5 |
778046002 | Somatomammotropinoma |
237733001 | Diencephalic syndrome |
721074002 | Short stature due to primary acid labile subunit deficiency |
425868004 | Benign papilloma of choroid plexus |
733605002 | XY type gonadal dysgenesis with associated anomalies syndrome |
118615008 | Malignant mast cell tumor (clinical) |
771078002 | Immunodeficiency due to MASP-2 deficiency |
404071006 | Pleomorphic liposarcoma |
70273001 | Poisoning caused by acetaminophen |
702379005 | Hypomyelination and congenital cataract |
716107009 | Early onset parkinsonism and intellectual disability syndrome |
774155009 | Short stature, auditory canal atresia, mandibular hypoplasia, skeletal anomalies syndrome |
47683004 | Metachromatic leukodystrophy, late infantile type |
717811007 | Combined immunodeficiency due to CRAC (calcium release activated calcium) channel dysfunction |
1187123005 | Mixed phenotype acute leukemia |
720986005 | Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, immunodeficiency, osteopetrosis, lymphedema syndrome |
403661001 | Lipoatrophy caused by injected drug |
128596003 | Medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency |
403390002 | Primary erythromelalgia |
732951005 | Mitochondrial myopathy, lactic acidosis, deafness syndrome |
30287008 | Hyperornithinemia-hyperammonemia-homocitrullinuria syndrome |
787174003 | Intellectual disability, hyperkinetic movement, truncal ataxia syndrome |
771236000 | Visceral calciphylaxis |
715530004 | Tetrasomy of short arm of chromosome 9 |
702417004 | Emanuel syndrome |
254739004 | Elastofibroma of skin |
1187510006 | Immunoglobulin G4 related ophthalmic disease |
715653007 | Spondylo-ocular syndrome |
239063006 | Erythrokeratoderma progressiva of Gottron |
1186730002 | Gabriele-de Vries syndrome |
60684003 | SAPHO syndrome |
717407006 | Congenital plasminogen activator inhibitor deficiency type 1 |
239021007 | Hypodontia and nail dysgenesis |
16541001 | Yellow fever |
719517009 | Autosomal dominant optic atrophy and cataract |
733031004 | Epilepsy, microcephaly, skeletal dysplasia syndrome |
771271000 | Steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis |
789676005 | Blue cone monochromatism |
1172697000 | X-linked female restricted facial dysmorphism, short stature, choanal atresia, intellectual disability |
1172594000 | Congenital labioscrotal agenesis, cerebellar malformation, corneal dystrophy, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
720941007 | ALG1 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
723403008 | Microbrachycephaly, ptosis, cleft lip syndrome |
1255267007 | Mirror-image polydactyly |
26624006 | Anodontia |
88393000 | Sanfilippo syndrome |
448710000 | Sarcoma of bone |
230256009 | Benign monomelic amyotrophy |
732950006 | Ichthyosis, oral and digital anomalies syndrome |
389171005 | Yunis-Varon dysplasia |
1144805008 | Microscopic polyangiitis |
75331009 | Evans syndrome |
20392000 | Congenital entropion |
770603000 | X-linked spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia |
783096008 | Subaortic stenosis and short stature syndrome |
86044005 | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
1269042005 | Primary protoplasmic astrocytoma of brain |
703334000 | Arteriovenous malformation of mandible |
771512003 | Autism spectrum disorder due to AUTS2 deficiency |
770727008 | Spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 2 |
1208340009 | Neurofibromatosis type 6 |
764957003 | King Denborough syndrome |
238061001 | Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy |
715725001 | Syndactyly type 3 |
11817007 | Actinomycotic infection |
1172838005 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 8 |
763864008 | Persistent polyclonal B-cell lymphocytosis |
111504002 | Walker-Warburg congenital muscular dystrophy |
5388008 | Congenital lactase deficiency |
773641008 | Onychocytic matricoma |
267372009 | Congenital non bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma |
3073006 | Ruvalcaba syndrome |
719405005 | Leukoencephalopathy with metaphyseal chondrodysplasia syndrome |
770565003 | Microcephalic primordial dwarfism Dauber type |
768932000 | Coloboma of choroid and retina |
764737005 | Squamous cell carcinoma of corpus uteri |
771265006 | Teebi Shaltout syndrome |
771307003 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B5 |
773230003 | Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 deficiency |
715419004 | Lethal congenital contracture syndrome type 2 |
55133004 | Multi-core congenital myopathy |
1268898002 | Primary mixed oligoastrocytoma |
1222666002 | EPHB4-related lymphatic-related hydrops fetalis |
254886006 | Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix |
765746008 | Autosomal dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type C |
718176005 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2C |
773308001 | Autosomal recessive intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type A |
400954002 | Euryblepharon |
26409005 | Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia, type III |
313426007 | Kabuki make-up syndrome |
1260203008 | EVEN-plus syndrome |
723716009 | Severe generalized recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa |
716772007 | Roch Leri mesosomatous lipomatosis |
254085009 | Metaphyseal anadysplasia |
765196004 | Distal myotilinopathy |
1237511005 | EMILIN-1-related connective tissue disease |
1172591008 | Kyphosis, lateral tongue atrophy, myofibrillar myopathy syndrome |
783549006 | Obesity due to CEP19 deficiency |
716742001 | Multiple osteochondroma |
765330003 | Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease |
715197005 | Fetal parvovirus syndrome |
703532002 | Cap myopathy |
783766005 | Autosomal recessive secondary polycythemia not associated with VHL (Von Hippel Lindau) gene |
65110003 | Tropical pyomyositis |
783136007 | Autosomal dominant focal non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma with plantar blistering |
28183005 | Fructose-biphosphatase deficiency |
1144933009 | Recurrent infection due to immunoglobulin isotype deficiency |
698851003 | SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome |
1187042007 | Early-onset seizures, distal limb anomalies, facial dysmorphism, global developmental delay syndrome |
787412002 | Short chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency |
78495000 | Cleft leaflet of mitral valve |
765190005 | Fibrothecoma of ovary |
707435002 | Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy |
234020005 | Vasculitis secondary to drug |
25792000 | Kearns-Sayre syndrome |
1515008 | Gorham's disease |
764686003 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 15 |
733729003 | Primary localized cutaneous amyloidosis |
711155008 | ALG12-congenital disorder of glycosylation |
699297004 | Ohdo syndrome, Maat-Kievit-Brunner type |
720753002 | Cranioosteoarthropathy |
445448008 | Acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related changes |
52186006 | Dysmorphic sialidosis |
445105005 | Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm |
403492006 | Hypertrophic type discoid lupus erythematosus |
713401006 | Combined D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria and L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria |
719377004 | Microcephalus with albinism and digital anomaly syndrome |
64036004 | Reactive perforating collagenosis |
230422001 | Epilepsy with myoclonic absence |
721091003 | Dermo-odonto dysplasia |
128209004 | Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy |
14921002 | Aarskog syndrome |
723304001 | Microcephaly, seizure, intellectual disability, heart disease syndrome |
770625006 | Combined immunodeficiency with faciooculoskeletal anomalies syndrome |
1237462006 | NDE1-related microhydranencephaly |
715821000 | Lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia type D |
773425000 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 59 |
1197595004 | Thrombomodulin-related bleeding disorder |
297195000 | Macrodactyly of hand |
774208009 | SCALP syndrome |
772224009 | Warburg micro syndrome |
1222646006 | Palmoplantar keratoderma, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy syndrome |
1222659003 | RNF13-related severe early-onset epileptic encephalopathy |
770755007 | Intellectual disability, seizures, hypotonia, ophthalmologic, skeletal anomalies syndrome |
787411009 | Monosomy 22 syndrome |
764860006 | 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 7 |
109969005 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, large cell (clinical) |
719272007 | Progressive sensorineural hearing loss and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy syndrome |
725464001 | Adult-onset chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial myopathy |
718219002 | Congenital lactic acidosis Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean type |
1197151003 | Autosomal recessive isolated optic atrophy |
732927000 | Split hand, obstructive uropathy, spina bifida, diaphragmatic defect syndrome |
720977000 | ALG8 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
722456001 | Intellectual disability, developmental delay, contracture syndrome |
1197747005 | Autosomal semi-dominant severe lipodystrophic laminopathy |
254956000 | Pituitary adenoma |
723991007 | Angio-osteohypertrophic syndrome |
56661000 | Intestinal enteropeptidase deficiency |
789657008 | ATPase cation transporting 13A2 related juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
1197053003 | Melorheostosis with osteopoikilosis |
404013002 | Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma of skin |
719017003 | X-linked intellectual disability Armfield type |
717222003 | Microphthalmia with ankyloblepharon and intellectual disability syndrome |
239920006 | Adult onset Still's disease |
371423007 | Isosporiasis |
237444008 | Granulomatous mastitis |
109471001 | Amelogenesis imperfecta, hypocalcification type |
766721001 | Paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7 |
720816004 | Craniosynostosis and intracranial calcification syndrome |
405752007 | Congenital atrial septal defect |
708026002 | Chronic pneumonitis of infancy |
45582004 | Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome |
724001005 | Retinitis pigmentosa, intellectual disability, deafness, hypogenitalism syndrome |
724178000 | Laryngeal abductor paralysis with intellectual disability syndrome |
784343003 | Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia with leukoencephalopathy |
783204009 | Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum with cleft palate syndrome |
718097008 | Pulmonary nodular lymphoid hyperplasia |
403762003 | Odonto-onycho-dermal dysplasia |
14168008 | Rabies |
1268349000 | Primary endometrioid carcinoma of ovary |
406619001 | Infection caused by Toxocara |
441944007 | Oto-onycho-peroneal syndrome |
768925009 | Mucinous cystadenoma of ovary in childhood |
1228886008 | 9q33.3q34.11 microdeletion syndrome |
1187277001 | Short stature, brachydactyly, obesity, global developmental delay syndrome |
1208720000 | Agenesis of corpus callosum, macrocephaly, hypertelorism syndrome |
49292002 | Familial partial lipodystrophy |
1231148002 | Linear verrucous nevus syndrome |
1260181000 | Benign metanephric tumour |
770435005 | Familial bicuspid aortic valve |
719814009 | X-linked mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease |
609529006 | Persistent Blake's pouch cyst |
253544001 | Congenital left ventricular aneurysm |
1172586007 | Ocular anomalies, axonal neuropathy, developmental delay syndrome |
783723003 | Mixed sclerosing bone dystrophy with extra-skeletal manifestation |
254185007 | Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa |
716239006 | Tungland Bellman syndrome |
25065001 | Hemoglobin E disease |
718634003 | Cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy |
124258007 | Deficiency of acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase |
718882006 | X-linked severe congenital neutropenia |
787484007 | Progressive avascular necrosis of lunate |
726082003 | Immunotactoid glomerulonephritis |
715415005 | Richards-Rundle syndrome |
721094006 | Diaphanospondylodysostosis |
128100009 | Mixed alpha granule and dense body deficiency |
724141003 | Microcephalic primordial dwarfism due to ZNF335 deficiency |
1187114007 | Micrognathia, recurrent infections, behavioral abnormalities, mild intellectual disability syndrome |
702425002 | Hand-foot-genital syndrome |
723552005 | Transient neonatal multiple acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency |
1251488008 | Spondylodysplastic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
403770008 | Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome |
63119004 | Weaver syndrome |
1156835005 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 |
43152001 | Central core disease |
448045004 | Fragile X associated tremor ataxia syndrome |
699311001 | 22q11.2 duplication syndrome |
1179284005 | Severe combined immunodeficiency due to LAT deficiency |
1162826002 | Split spinal cord malformation type I |
235728001 | Autoimmune enteropathy |
1208338004 | Dysraphism, cleft lip and palate, limb reduction defect syndrome |
1269347008 | Primary carcinosarcoma of corpus uteri |
715482004 | Microcephalic primordial dwarfism Toriello type |
613003 | Fragile X syndrome |
733095006 | Skeletal dysplasia brachydactyly syndrome |
718095000 | Schisis association syndrome |
703530005 | Brody myopathy |
1229979007 | Osteonecrosis due to trauma |
239802003 | Juvenile psoriatic arthritis |
445257004 | Nance-Horan syndrome |
234571003 | Warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis |
717264003 | Autosomal dominant brachyolmia |
721883006 | Radioulnar synostosis with developmental delay and hypotonia syndrome |
1279887007 | Complement hyperactivation, angiopathic thrombosis, protein losing enteropathy syndrome |
1179294000 | Autosomal dominant distal axonal motor neuropathy, myofibrillar myopathy syndrome |
722060007 | Oculogastrointestinal muscular dystrophy |
783767001 | Autosomal recessive hyperinsulinism due to SUR1 deficiency |
15629411000119106 | Subependymoma of brain |
716706009 | Female restricted epilepsy with intellectual disability syndrome |
400140006 | Junctional epidermolysis bullosa gravis of Herlitz |
702381007 | Horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis |
1230308005 | Off-periods in Parkinson disease not responding to oral treatment |
274864009 | Glycogen storage disease due to acid maltase deficiency |
773503009 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex due to exophilin 5 deficiency |
1268901001 | Primary retinoblastoma of retina |
783058007 | Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia due to G6PC3 deficiency |
253176002 | Gillespie syndrome |
724647003 | Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma co-occurrent with chronic inflammation caused by Epstein-Barr virus |
721887007 | Puerto Rican infant hypotonia syndrome |
63650001 | Cholera |
128115005 | Pseudo von Willebrand disease |
783250007 | Hereditary thrombophilia due to congenital histidine-rich (poly-L) glycoprotein deficiency |
723830005 | Keratosis follicularis, dwarfism, cerebral atrophy syndrome |
24354007 | Poisoning by colchicine |
82385007 | Budd-Chiari syndrome |
723440000 | Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis |
77721001 | Opioid intoxication |
720746006 | Contracture with ectodermal dysplasia and orofacial cleft syndrome |
717008005 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B |
238612002 | Generalized pustular psoriasis |
1237515001 | Alkaline ceramidase 3 deficiency |
126949007 | Acoustic neuroma |
733457006 | Ehlers-Danlos and osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome |
22607003 | Asbestosis |
771182002 | Thumb deformity, alopecia, pigmentation anomaly syndrome |
57119000 | Hyperammonemia, type III |
1230291009 | Primary biliary cholangitis and/or primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome |
77817004 | Neu-Laxova syndrome |
716193004 | Short stature with valvular heart disease and characteristic facies syndrome |
719659003 | 2q32q33 microdeletion syndrome |
733082001 | Early-onset Lafora body disease |
766753005 | Nijmegen breakage syndrome-like disorder |
92818009 | Chronic myeloid leukemia |
57218003 | Cholesterol ester storage disease |
763830009 | Oculomaxillofacial dysostosis |
763457000 | X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 |
703525006 | Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immune deficiency |
733468006 | Skeletal dysplasia with wormian bone, multiple fractures, dentinogenesis imperfecta syndrome |
5300004 | Hemoglobin Bart's hydrops syndrome |
718196002 | Beta thalassemia X-linked thrombocytopenia syndrome |
304603007 | Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
702364003 | Chylomicron retention disease |
118600007 | Malignant lymphoma |
767263007 | 22q11.2 deletion syndrome |
276508000 | Hydrops fetalis |
765331004 | Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease type 1 with tuberous sclerosis |
716334004 | Urban Rogers Meyer syndrome |
51952004 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda |
230314007 | Sandifer syndrome |
19754005 | Alopecia totalis |
51485001 | Congenital coloboma of iris |
720983002 | Amaurosis hypertrichosis syndrome |
723499000 | Ring dermoid of cornea |
707510005 | Secondary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis |
14637005 | Late-infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
723076008 | Primary myxofibrosarcoma |
702358005 | Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome |
1186652002 | Inflammatory bowel disease, recurrent sinopulmonary infection syndrome |
721877008 | Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to complete interleukin 12 subunit beta deficiency |
449824004 | Marden Walker syndrome |
1217379007 | NKX6-2-related autosomal recessive hypomyelinating leukodystrophy |
1230002004 | Liver adenomatosis |
725591002 | Congenital enterocyte heparan sulfate deficiency |
702437000 | Amish lethal microcephaly |
716660007 | Congenital Epstein-Barr virus infection |
254054000 | Boomerang dysplasia |
721978002 | Lymphedema, atrial septal defect, facial changes syndrome |
765485000 | Ring chromosome 2 syndrome |
715242008 | Ulna metaphyseal dysplasia syndrome |
733094005 | Dandy-Walker malformation with postaxial polydactyly syndrome |
766708008 | Isochromosomy Yp |
61758007 | Exstrophy of bladder sequence |
723720008 | SERKAL syndrome |
253326008 | Coronary sinus orifice atresia |
78317008 | XXXY syndrome |
716090004 | Haspeslagh Fryns Muelenaere syndrome |
715391004 | Blepharophimosis epicanthus inversus ptosis syndrome |
783166000 | Distal anoctaminopathy |
81211007 | Primary lateral sclerosis |
400142003 | Epidermolytic epidermal nevus |
83579008 | Mixed gonadal dysgenesis |
719268008 | Progressive non-infectious anterior vertebral fusion |
719254001 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 32 |
722391005 | Congenital lethal erythroderma |
1208482007 | Distal arthrogryposis type 10 |
720408003 | Acrofrontofacionasal dysostosis |
770436006 | Familial juvenile hypertrophy of the breast |
720465002 | Adult-onset autosomal recessive sideroblastic anemia |
230591002 | Motor neuropathy with multiple conduction block |
724276006 | X-linked immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy syndrome |
1228844002 | 1p35.2 microdeletion syndrome |
57451009 | Congenital tracheobronchomegaly |
50581000 | Goodpasture's syndrome |
763280005 | Encephalopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, renal tubular disease syndrome |
1230310007 | FTH1-related iron overload |
1255335006 | X-linked intellectual disability, short stature, overweight syndrome |
724067006 | Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus with cerebellar agenesis syndrome |
732958004 | Spastic paraplegia with precocious puberty syndrome |
1172602000 | Childhood-onset benign chorea with striatal involvement |
1148758003 | Congenital microcephaly |
400179000 | Precocious puberty |
789063000 | Primary hyperaldosteronism, seizures, neurological abnormalities syndrome |
82500001 | Wolman's disease |
771267003 | Congenital muscular dystrophy with integrin alpha-7 deficiency |
763067000 | Autosomal dominant congenital benign spinal muscular atrophy |
719161008 | Syndromic X-linked intellectual disability due to JARID1C mutation |
709413001 | Isolated hyperchlorhidrosis |
43876007 | Situs inversus viscerum |
722436002 | Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa nails only |
711151004 | Hypomagnesemia with secondary hypocalcemia |
92100009 | Benign neoplasm of fallopian tube |
237997005 | Very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency |
81771002 | Opitz-Frias syndrome |
768555009 | 5q31.3 microdeletion syndrome |
719021005 | DK phocomelia syndrome |
782758009 | Finger hyperphalangy, toe anomalies, severe pectus excavatum syndrome |
38023001 | Locked in syndrome |
711407000 | Thrombocytopathy, asplenia and miosis |
1237344003 | Symptomatic form of fragile X syndrome in female carrier |
56717001 | Tuberculosis |
733467001 | Hereditary anetoderma |
771513008 | Infantile hypertrophic cardiomyopathy due to MRPL44 deficiency |
1963002 | Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria |
723407009 | Muscular dystrophy Selcen type |
1208939001 | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 7 |
91521000119104 | Narcolepsy without cataplexy |
765090007 | Poisoning caused by monochloroacetic acid |
26132002 | 5-Oxoprolinase deficiency |
1172593006 | Early-onset progressive diffuse brain atrophy, microcephaly, muscle weakness, optic atrophy syndrome |
716180009 | Boder syndrome |
230496009 | Non-24 hour sleep-wake cycle |
724284005 | Hypertelorism Teebi type |
191189009 | Beta thalassemia intermedia |
239055005 | Hereditary clubbing |
722059002 | Oculocutaneous albinism type 7 |
89420002 | Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease |
403833009 | TNF receptor-associated periodic fever syndrome (TRAPS) |
720430002 | Acrofacial dysostosis Rodriguez type |
768946000 | Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis spectrum |
56090007 | Pseudohypoparathyroidism type I B |
1269049001 | Primary giant cell glioblastoma of central nervous system |
85020001 | Cystinuria |
21086008 | Cockayne syndrome |
254186008 | Localized dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa |
398523009 | Foodborne botulism |
95467005 | Congenital tracheomalacia |
721297008 | Galloway Mowat syndrome |
118605002 | Hodgkin lymphoma, nodular lymphocyte predominance (clinical) |
718910006 | X-linked intellectual disability Stocco Dos Santos type |
716174001 | Oculocerebral hypopigmentation syndrome of Preus type |
58256000 | Dihydropteridine reductase deficiency |
783246000 | Megalocornea, spherophakia, secondary glaucoma syndrome |
720757001 | Craniofrontonasal dysplasia with Poland anomaly syndrome |
791000124107 | 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyric aciduria |
782910009 | Seborrhea-like dermatitis with psoriasiform elements |
783551005 | Ichthyosis, short stature, brachydactyly, microspherophakia syndrome |
721017000 | Oliver syndrome |
134209002 | Prolactinoma |
48543002 | Nevus of Ito |
63711009 | Brachydactyly syndrome type E |
770679002 | Polyneuropathy, intellectual disability, acromicria, premature menopause syndrome |
770793002 | 5p13 microduplication syndrome |
29159009 | Familial dysautonomia |
773549000 | Maternal riboflavin deficiency |
698253007 | Ultraviolet sensitive syndrome |
717895004 | Hypoparathyroidism due to impaired PTH secretion |
719302009 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 5 |
732248005 | Coxoauricular syndrome |
1237339005 | Severe primary trimethylaminuria |
787407003 | Muenke syndrome |
1197756002 | Proximal myopathy with focal depletion of mitochondria |
719276005 | Primary dystonia type 4 |
771238004 | Spinal atrophy, ophthalmoplegia, pyramidal syndrome |
719136005 | X-linked intellectual disability with cerebellar hypoplasia syndrome |
118607005 | Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
278098005 | Crandall's syndrome |
717964007 | Juvenile primary lateral sclerosis |
1269234000 | Predisposition to severe viral infection due to IRF7 deficiency |
717742006 | Primary renal dysplasia |
716387004 | 2q31.1 microdeletion syndrome |
765755006 | Axial mesodermal dysplasia spectrum |
763684005 | Craniosynostosis Herrmann Opitz type |
1231175009 | Congenital anomaly of fourth branchial cleft |
766821006 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, short limb, abnormal calcification syndrome |
16872008 | Severe hereditary factor VIII deficiency disease |
274902006 | Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma |
129622008 | Nemaline myopathy, late onset type |
763890006 | Short stature with delayed bone age due to thyroid hormone metabolism deficiency |
724092009 | Nephrosis, deafness, urinary tract, digital malformation syndrome |
770593004 | Refractory celiac disease |
716661006 | Childhood neoplasm of heart |
48113006 | Omsk hemorrhagic fever |
719409004 | Lethal Larsen-like syndrome |
778009001 | Blepharophimosis, intellectual disability syndrome, Verloes type |
773986009 | NEVADA syndrome |
1172696009 | Global developmental delay, visual anomalies, progressive cerebellar atrophy, truncal hypotonia syndrome |
735332000 | Primary cutaneous diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma of lower extremity |
1231149005 | AH amyloidosis |
1779005 | Mohr syndrome |
1187616008 | Deficiency of galactose mutarotase |
231903005 | Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis |
419671004 | Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia |
82837002 | Kenny syndrome |
774206008 | Fatal post-viral neurodegenerative disorder |
238003000 | Carnitine acylcarnitine translocase deficiency |
66760008 | Optic neuritis |
725139005 | Spastic paraplegia, optic atrophy, neuropathy syndrome |
785724007 | Pyoderma gangrenosum, acne, suppurative hidradenitis syndrome |
1222669009 | Congenital primary lymphedema of Gordon |
702350003 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Strudwick type |
404633004 | Cogan-Reese syndrome |
778010006 | Skin fragility, wooly hair, palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome |
231934009 | Pre-descemet's corneal dystrophy |
205082007 | Congenital vertical talus |
763370008 | X-linked spastic paraplegia type 34 |
763215008 | Congenital ankylosis of temporomandibular joint |
70410008 | Acrocephalosyndactyly type V |
782675008 | Distal myopathy with anterior tibial onset |
719687007 | Gingival fibromatosis with facial dysmorphism syndrome |
80651009 | Aicardi's syndrome |
1268501005 | Primary tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma |
778025006 | Atypical hypotonia cystinuria syndrome |
54411001 | Peutz-Jeghers syndrome |
86635005 | Kasabach-Merritt syndrome |
1162799008 | Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma |
720416007 | Acrocapitofemoral dysplasia |
16424000 | Glucagonoma syndrome |
773732005 | Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis with arthritis |
238862009 | Juvenile aponeurotic fibroma |
12579009 | Familial Mediterranean fever |
783174004 | Congenital muscular dystrophy with intellectual disability |
763068005 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 31 |
1268633007 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of rectum |
61462000 | Malaria |
17025000 | Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
30242009 | Scarlet fever |
763770005 | Familial cortical myoclonus |
40527005 | Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis |
715777007 | Primary dystonia type 2 |
451030007 | Urachal sinus |
771186004 | Poikiloderma, alopecia, retrognathism, cleft palate syndrome |
1264458000 | Acute undifferentiated leukaemia |
770788000 | Tall stature, scoliosis, macrodactyly of great toe syndrome |
766750008 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia with miniepiphyses |
1231749004 | Adult-onset overlap myositis |
239062001 | Erythrokeratoderma en cocardes |
770909004 | Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia Kaitila type |
726607007 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 26 |
1269045007 | Primary mixed germ cell tumor |
783244002 | Acute pure sensory neuropathy |
784352007 | X-linked scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy |
77608001 | Baller-Gerold syndrome |
723544007 | Trichodysplasia spinulosa caused by Polyomavirus |
702375004 | Familial isolated pituitary adenoma |
717360009 | Pili bifurcati |
1231151009 | Osteonecrosis of jaw |
417192005 | St. Louis encephalitis virus infection |
720498007 | Aphalangy and syndactyly with microcephaly syndrome |
709412006 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1c |
1186713004 | Growth delay, intellectual disability, hepatopathy syndrome |
89859004 | Monostotic fibrous dysplasia |
702313004 | Tetra-amelia syndrome |
722429003 | Distal limb deficiency with micrognathia syndrome |
446079007 | Mal de debarquement syndrome |
1372004 | Uterus unicornis |
721008000 | Hall Riggs syndrome |
718177001 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2F |
58557008 | Spina bifida aperta |
64716005 | Fucosidosis |
715867000 | Pseudoaminopterin syndrome |
733200004 | Superficial siderosis of central nervous system |
703531009 | Brooke-Spiegler syndrome |
237292005 | Placental insufficiency |
73284007 | Marshall-Smith syndrome |
253185002 | Chiari malformation type I |
1197594000 | Periodic fever, infantile enterocolitis, autoinflammatory syndrome |
722675000 | Laryngo-onycho-cutaneous syndrome |
45142002 | Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasis |
403982005 | Retiform hemangioendothelioma |
719042007 | Uveal coloboma with cleft lip and palate and intellectual disability syndrome |
718755009 | Episodic ataxia type 3 |
770786001 | Hereditary inclusion body myopathy type 4 |
41283003 | Cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome |
1197591008 | Severe intellectual disability, hypotonia, strabismus, coarse face, planovalgus syndrome |
82562007 | Osteochondritis dissecans |
1236804009 | Cerebellar ataxia with neuropathy and bilateral vestibular areflexia syndrome |
763833006 | Oro-facial digital syndrome type 1 |
733521003 | Distal 16p11.2 microdeletion syndrome |
838355002 | Acute myeloid leukemia with CBFB::MYH11 fusion |
1230018005 | Corticobasal syndrome |
253650001 | Aorta to right ventricle tunnel |
715532007 | Weismann Netter syndrome |
733110004 | Van den Bosch syndrome |
1234908005 | Congenital azygos continuation of inferior vena cava |
111385000 | Tay-Sachs disease |
719449007 | Deficiency of dimethylglycine dehydrogenase |
724098008 | Monosomy 9q22.3 syndrome |
765488003 | Ring chromosome 6 syndrome |
782912001 | Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia A4 type |
718122005 | Piebaldism |
371015003 | Congenital absence of both testes |
773584001 | Muscular hypertrophy, hepatomegaly, polyhydramnios syndrome |
359631009 | Acute myeloid leukemia, minimal differentiation, FAB M0 |
402773000 | Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma |
235908005 | Glycogen phosphorylase kinase deficiency |
764440006 | 19p13.13 microdeletion syndrome |
719297006 | Persistent placoid maculopathy |
715655000 | Transthyretin related familial amyloid cardiomyopathy |
8301004 | Caudal regression syndrome |
239088003 | Dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis |
726106004 | X-linked diffuse leiomyomatosis with Alport syndrome |
783158009 | Infundibulo neurohypophysitis |
34194007 | HNSHA due to pyrimidine-5'-nucleotidase deficiency |
239070006 | Progressive palmoplantar keratoderma of Greither |
725166005 | Autosomal recessive omodysplasia |
238829001 | Primary anetoderma |
200946001 | Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
782755007 | Primary microcephaly, mild intellectual disability, young-onset diabetes syndrome |
254114000 | Singleton-Merten syndrome |
732930007 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2T |
297256008 | Glycerol kinase deficiency - isolated |
254234005 | Marie Unna syndrome |
772828001 | Influenza caused by Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 |
733028000 | Multiple sclerosis, ichthyosis, factor VIII deficiency syndrome |
783004003 | Thin ribs, tubular bones, dysmorphism syndrome |
52616002 | Freeman-Sheldon syndrome |
238853007 | Superficial fibromatosis |
720522001 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2G |
733491005 | Carney complex |
1187529000 | PEX10 deficiency |
765092004 | Spheroid body myopathy |
719471002 | Cleidorhizomelic syndrome |
718559000 | Acromesomelic dysplasia Maroteaux type |
193225000 | Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy |
421182009 | Episodic ataxia type 1 |
284811000119102 | Aneurysm of extracranial portion of internal carotid artery |
236302005 | Acute interstitial pneumonia |
1263450003 | Malignant non-dysgerminomatous germ cell tumor of ovary |
1217208003 | L-ferritin deficiency |
1187174002 | CCDC115 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
716005004 | Fetal diethylstilbestrol syndrome |
722114007 | Sclerosing dysplasia of bone, ichthyosis, premature ovarian failure syndrome |
1279886003 | Calpain-3-related limb girdle muscular dystrophy D4 |
111388003 | Cutis laxa, autosomal dominant |
18756002 | Juvenile GM1 gangliosidosis |
88714009 | Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy |
1268960003 | Primary astroblastoma of central nervous system |
1237417007 | CAD-CDG - carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase, and dihydroorotase congenital disorder of glycosylation |
1208614008 | Autosomal dominant deafness with onychodystrophy syndrome |
716335003 | Worster Drought syndrome |
205480005 | Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica |
766238001 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 4 |
787172004 | Childhood-onset autosomal recessive myopathy with external ophthalmoplegia |
717055000 | Frontal fibrosing alopecia |
1260182007 | Phyllodes tumour of prostate |
702349003 | Actin accumulation myopathy |
13280000 | Femoral hypoplasia - unusual facies syndrome |
725407006 | Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa non-Hallopeau Siemens type |
718765003 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Cantu type |
1268715005 | Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma |
7573000 | Classical phenylketonuria |
110997000 | Fahr's syndrome |
1251452003 | 4q25 proximal deletion syndrome |
62803002 | Frontometaphyseal dysplasia |
371199008 | Congenital absence of hand |
763834000 | Oro-facial digital syndrome type 12 |
230557001 | Hereditary dysautonomia with motor neuropathy |
716378008 | Combined immunodeficiency due to ZAP70 deficiency |
733522005 | Megalocornea with intellectual disability syndrome |
1229940001 | Autosomal recessive T-cell negative, B-cell positive severe combined immunodeficiency due to IL-7Ralpha deficiency |
721838005 | Familial hypertryptophanemia |
722105002 | Oro-facial digital syndrome type 5 |
718909001 | X-linked intellectual disability Stevenson type |
404133000 | Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma |
771148008 | X-linked colobomatous microphthalmia, microcephaly, intellectual disability, short stature syndrome |
1186656004 | Congenital deficiency of cochlear nerve |
717761005 | Choroideremia with deafness and obesity syndrome |
35387008 | Congenital aphakia |
277602003 | Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia |
41788008 | Hereditary factor IX deficiency disease |
84121007 | Iminoglycinuria |
721882001 | Radioulnar synostosis with amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia syndrome |
31681005 | Trigeminal neuralgia |
237941007 | Gamma-aminobutyric acid transaminase deficiency |
773577009 | Corneal intraepithelial dyskeratosis, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, laryngeal dyskeratosis syndrome |
726722009 | Hemifacial microsomia with radial defect syndrome |
239139000 | Familial cutaneous collagenoma |
773749003 | Genitopalatocardiac syndrome |
1268350000 | Primary carcinoma of vagina |
766707003 | Inherited cancer-predisposing syndrome due to biallelic BRCA2 mutation |
1204418008 | Congenital trochlear nerve palsy |
718602007 | Hereditary arterial and articular multiple calcification syndrome |
124178006 | Deficiency of dihydrofolate reductase |
37702000 | Hereditary acrodermatitis enteropathica |
719275009 | Primary hypergonadotropic hypogonadism and partial alopecia syndrome |
763534009 | Hot water reflex epilepsy |
15892005 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III-D |
783719006 | Obesity due to SIM1 deficiency |
783142006 | Pancytopenia due to IKZF1 mutations |
109716001 | Osteoradionecrosis of mandible |
721880009 | Congenital microgastria with limb reduction defect syndrome |
725157006 | Acquired purpura fulminans |
1260180004 | Growing teratoma syndrome |
277474005 | B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia variant |
763129001 | Dermoid cyst of neck |
1268700009 | Primary spermatocytic seminoma of testis |
238080004 | Hyperalphalipoproteinemia |
397012002 | Cutaneous mastocytosis |
205788004 | Fetal alcohol syndrome |
238091006 | Lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency |
783060009 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia, psychomotor delay syndrome |
52165006 | Niemann-Pick disease, type A |
778063003 | Cryptogenic late-onset epileptic spasms |
720511000 | Arrhinia with choanal atresia and microphthalmia syndrome |
78675000 | Stickler syndrome |
40291001 | Mietens syndrome |
236466005 | Congenital Fanconi syndrome |
82458004 | Congenital stenosis of mitral valve |
715403006 | Adult heart tumor |
205824006 | Noonan's syndrome |
782739000 | Male emopamil-binding protein disorder with neurological defect |
1197057002 | Hallermann Streiff like syndrome |
1172631001 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 76 |
1251450006 | 16p12.1p12.3 triplication syndrome |
254230001 | Uncombable hair syndrome |
784393004 | Adult-onset immunodeficiency with anti-interferon-gamma autoantibodies |
716238003 | Chitty Hall Baraitser syndrome |
770561007 | Lower limb malformation hypospadias syndrome |
725096002 | Cryptomicrotia brachydactyly syndrome |
41656005 | Leri's pleonosteosis syndrome |
238051008 | Sialuria |
724147004 | 8q13 microdeletion syndrome |
783062001 | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 6 |
782934004 | Bleeding diathesis due to collagen receptor defect |
1231153007 | Primary failure of tooth eruption |
720855003 | Cerebrooculonasal syndrome |
1177175008 | Skeletal dysplasia, T-cell immunodeficiency, developmental delay syndrome |
717632002 | X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia syndrome |
723496007 | Natural killer cell enteropathy |
18504008 | Toxic shock syndrome |
1187643003 | Acute infantile liver failure, cerebellar ataxia, peripheral sensory motor neuropathy syndrome |
25472008 | Sickle cell-hemoglobin D disease |
716708005 | FRAXF syndrome |
35850006 | Infantile uterus |
782690007 | Gemignani syndrome |
60258001 | Macular corneal dystrophy |
773497001 | Partial corpus callosum agenesis, cerebellar vermis hypoplasia with posterior fossa cysts syndrome |
23063005 | Congenital atresia of mitral valve |
717973004 | 3q29 microduplication |
718556007 | 3C syndrome |
203927003 | Iniencephaly - closed |
111496009 | Syringomyelia |
783155007 | Malignant epithelial neoplasm of salivary gland |
1259242002 | Hereditary von Willebrand disease |
404164003 | Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma |
778044004 | Primary non-essential cutis verticis gyrata |
1268537000 | Primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of cervix uteri |
763860004 | Otofaciocervical syndrome |
734017008 | Ectodermal dysplasia, intellectual disability, central nervous system malformation syndrome |
20927009 | Dengue hemorrhagic fever |
267874003 | Scleroderma |
720468000 | Aniridia and intellectual disability syndrome |
253148005 | Miller Dieker syndrome |
35742006 | Congenital syphilis |
254786000 | Tufted angioma of skin |
719162001 | Radioulnar synostosis with microcephaly and scoliosis syndrome |
717338006 | Koolen De Vries syndrome |
765137006 | Methylmalonic acidemia due to methylmalonyl-coenzyme A epimerase deficiency |
1251449006 | USP18 deficiency |
34911001 | Congenital hypoplasia of penis |
66651005 | Triploidy syndrome |
719395001 | Hadziselimovic syndrome |
63844009 | Oculocutaneous albinism |
74703006 | HNSHA (hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia) due to pyruvate kinase deficiency |
722762005 | GM3 synthase deficiency |
1169355000 | Brain malformations, musculoskeletal abnormalities, facial dysmorphism, intellectual disability syndrome |
190681003 | Cystinosis |
771509001 | Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and renal tubular disease due to mitochondrial DNA mutation |
715439000 | Familial partial lipodystrophy Dunnigan type |
129644003 | Myeloperoxidase deficiency syndrome |
770723007 | Optic atrophy, intellectual disability syndrome |
1251402007 | Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis of face |
789674008 | SPOAN and SPOAN-related disorder |
720598005 | Doughnut lesion of calvaria and bone fragility syndrome |
721310007 | Aggressive natural killer-cell leukemia |
765756007 | Benign infantile seizure with mild gastroenteritis syndrome |
707747007 | Pseudoprimary hyperaldosteronism |
718555006 | Juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
723973002 | Sirenomelus |
1268632002 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract |
763835004 | Oro-facial digital syndrome type 13 |
716683005 | 17q21.31 microduplication syndrome |
234583001 | Leukocyte adhesion deficiency - type 2 |
445431000 | Frasier syndrome |
359732009 | Hereditary von Willebrand disease type 2N |
763742008 | Intellectual disability, polydactyly, uncombable hair syndrome |
716232002 | Autosomal dominant spondylocostal dysostosis |
1208937004 | Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, encephalomyopathic form with variable craniofacial anomalies |
765100000 | RRM2B-related mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, encephalomyopathic form with renal tubulopathy |
774102003 | Intellectual disability, obesity, prognathism, eye and skin anomalies syndrome |
733469003 | Hereditary congenital hypomelanotic and hypermelanotic cutaneous macules, growth retardation, intellectual disability syndrome |
239826001 | Chronic infantile neurological, cutaneous and articular syndrome |
778043005 | Ring chromosome 17 syndrome |
764940002 | Inherited acute myeloid leukemia |
1172595004 | C11ORF73-related autosomal recessive hypomyelinating leukodystrophy |
702351004 | Spondylocarpotarsal synostosis syndrome |
51118003 | Congenital atresia of duodenum |
726107008 | Distal myopathy Welander type |
213026003 | Malignant hyperthermia caused by anesthetic |
61808009 | Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2 |
75659004 | Acquired partial lipodystrophy |
1231751000 | Recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis |
414667000 | Meningomyelocele |
715316005 | Neurogenic arthrogryposis multiplex congenita |
45894003 | Medionecrosis of aorta |
398114001 | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
197442005 | Secondary sclerosing cholangitis |
715628009 | MORM syndrome |
768939009 | Primary tethered cord syndrome |
1237512003 | Short stature, developmental delay, congenital heart defect syndrome |
230439004 | Epilepsy with continuous spike wave during slow-wave sleep |
783736003 | Malignant melanoma of mucous membrane |
59399004 | Cutis laxa, x-linked |
1222649004 | Auditory neuropathy, optic atrophy syndrome |
127040003 | Sickle cell-hemoglobin SS disease |
240081004 | Autosomal recessive centronuclear myopathy |
24412005 | Congenital secretory diarrhea, chloride type |
782753000 | Intellectual disability, coarse face, macrocephaly, cerebellar hypotrophy syndrome |
733520002 | 20q13.33 microdeletion syndrome |
57436000 | Congenital absence of external ear |
83015004 | Saethre-Chotzen syndrome |
702373006 | Hereditary myopathy with early respiratory failure |
733453005 | Congenital nephrotic syndrome, interstitial lung disease, epidermolysis bullosa syndrome |
82236004 | Familial x-linked hypophosphatemic vitamin D refractory rickets |
1228859008 | Mixed cystic lymphatic malformation |
297231002 | 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria type 2 |
1268899005 | Primary pleuropulmonary blastoma |
53748002 | Congenital junctional epidermolysis bullosa-pyloric atresia syndrome |
399889006 | Hereditary lymphedema type I |
772126000 | Poikiloderma with neutropenia |
720976009 | ALG3 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
770900000 | Familial omphalocele syndrome with facial dysmorphism |
4199009 | 18p partial trisomy syndrome |
766874001 | Cono-spondylar dysplasia |
782744007 | Lipoic acid synthetase deficiency |
79974007 | Cat scratch disease |
1493002 | Acute endophthalmitis |
719171005 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia Missouri type |
58275005 | Variegate porphyria |
80432009 | Porokeratosis of Mibelli |
402425006 | Adult onset dermatomyositis |
763886009 | Spondyloperipheral dysplasia with short ulna syndrome |
445928005 | Eisenmenger's syndrome |
237706000 | Autoimmune hypophysitis |
773494008 | 14q24.1q24.3 microdeletion syndrome |
67144006 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex |
763462004 | X-linked lethal multiple pterygium syndrome |
733466005 | Camptodactyly taurinuria syndrome |
1268542008 | Primary invasive intraductal papillary-mucinous carcinoma of pancreas |
237651005 | Insulin resistance - type A |
771178004 | Edinburgh malformation syndrome |
253158009 | Hydranencephaly with proliferative vasculopathy |
32219008 | Craniorachischisis |
230502003 | Congenital anosmia |
703389002 | CASK related intellectual disability |
725390002 | Acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;16)(p11;p13) translocation |
770668007 | Paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 13 |
1197363004 | Pediatric arterial ischemic stroke |
1268697005 | Primary adenosarcoma of corpus uteri |
410801005 | Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, enthesitis related arthritis |
764630003 | Mosaic trisomy 7 syndrome |
1197745002 | PPARG-related familial partial lipodystrophy |
719011002 | X-linked intellectual disability Pai type |
1220590003 | Familial chilblain lupus erythematosus |
716230005 | Shprintzen Goldberg omphalocele syndrome |
719427001 | 15q11q13 microduplication syndrome |
59292006 | Hemiplegic migraine |
50123005 | Beals auriculo-osteodysplasia syndrome |
720410001 | Acro-oto-ocular syndrome |
238899009 | Lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantalis |
764857004 | Tibial hemimelia, polysyndactyly, triphalangeal thumb syndrome |
230191005 | Rasmussen syndrome |
65986000 | Fetal aminopterin syndrome |
818966007 | Avascular necrosis of metatarsal bone |
50658006 | Testosterone 17-beta-dehydrogenase deficiency |
276701009 | Fetal cytomegalovirus syndrome |
192689006 | Rubella encephalitis |
232441008 | Congenital vocal cord palsy |
1230290005 | Cytokine release syndrome due to chimeric antigen receptor T-cell immunotherapy |
702431004 | Feingold syndrome |
239140003 | Nevus elasticus |
721973006 | Lipodystrophy, intellectual disability, deafness syndrome |
703298001 | Diffuse lymphatic malformation |
763375003 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 19 |
50855007 | Juvenile hemochromatosis |
721227001 | Hunter McAlpine craniosynostosis syndrome |
734029004 | Distal 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome |
1217227009 | Scedosporiosis |
724357007 | Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis |
86081009 | Herpes gestationis |
72275000 | Relapsing polychondritis |
30174008 | Childhood hypophosphatasia |
1279891002 | Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome type 6 |
723554006 | Aplasia cutis congenita with epibulbar dermoid syndrome |
230387008 | Benign occipital epilepsy of childhood - early onset variant |
763377006 | Autosomal spastic paraplegia type 30 |
765741003 | Adenocarcinoma of gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract |
764629008 | Mosaic trisomy 5 syndrome |
420932006 | Episodic ataxia type 2 |
783011004 | Persistent Eustachian valve |
720812002 | Craniosynostosis, anal anomaly, porokeratosis syndrome |
239028001 | Odontotrichomelic syndrome |
719824001 | Vici syndrome |
83942000 | Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis |
766032007 | Hartsfield syndrome |
1269271003 | Atypical Fanconi syndrome, neonatal hyperinsulinism syndrome |
768843007 | DNMT3A-related overgrowth syndrome |
763135001 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4E |
785726009 | Hyperekplexia epilepsy syndrome |
1268348008 | Primary small cell carcinoma of lung |
253336000 | Isomerism of right atrial appendage |
254047006 | Spondylodysplasia, Torrance type |
87730004 | Capillary leak syndrome |
30188007 | Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency |
770791000 | Autosomal dominant neovascular inflammatory vitreoretinopathy |
307605009 | Osteoblastoma of bone |
763218005 | Congenital trigeminal anesthesia |
718680001 | Oro-facial digital syndrome type 9 |
771185000 | Imperforate oropharynx, costovertebral anomalies syndrome |
697962004 | Hemifacial hyperplasia |
782781006 | High bone mass osteogenesis imperfecta |
416925005 | Eastern equine encephalitis virus infection |
1197148005 | Sanjad Sakati syndrome |
1204421005 | Lymphedema, posterior choanal atresia syndrome |
719514002 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2M |
448476001 | Subpulmonary stenosis |
785723001 | Persistent idiopathic facial pain |
764992006 | Muscle filaminopathy |
715950008 | ALK-positive large B-cell lymphoma |
403774004 | Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma of Weary |
770592009 | Proton pump inhibitor responsive eosinophilic esophagitis |
400031009 | Juvenile xanthogranuloma |
773623000 | Spigelian hernia with cryptorchidism syndrome |
60952007 | Urocanate hydratase deficiency |
109492001 | Dentin dysplasia |
154818001 | Congenital afibrinogenemia |
33257003 | Congenital duplication of digestive organs |
29504002 | Polymorphous corneal dystrophy |
237951008 | 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria type 1 |
763771009 | Leiomyosarcoma of cervix uteri |
389203001 | White sponge nevus |
398148000 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type II |
234533006 | X-linked agammaglobulinemia with growth hormone deficiency |
1229943004 | SIM1-related Prader-Willi-like syndrome |
1229873009 | 17q24.2 microdeletion syndrome |
1169360001 | Chronic relapsing inflammatory optic neuropathy |
715733000 | Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency |
191306005 | Immunoglobulin A vasculitis |
26146002 | Complete transposition of great vessels |
1186654001 | Immune dysregulation, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, recurrent infection, lymphopenia syndrome |
765191009 | Kandori fleck retina syndrome |
410798004 | Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, oligoarthritis |
1177173001 | Congenital progressive bone marrow failure, B-cell immunodeficiency, skeletal dysplasia syndrome |
720638000 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4J |
719646006 | 8p11.2 deletion syndrome |
233703007 | Interstitial lung disease |
1260133007 | Syndromic sensorineural deafness due to combined oxidative phosphorylation defect |
722205008 | Palmoplantar keratoderma Nagashima type |
720813007 | Craniosynostosis with Dandy-Walker malformation and hydrocephalus syndrome |
719012009 | X-linked intellectual disability Miles Carpenter type |
19087001 | Tinea kerion |
783097004 | Stickler syndrome type 3 |
764524005 | Distal 22q11.2 microduplication syndrome |
1230017000 | Non-recovering brachial plexus injury due to birth trauma |
1216942009 | Cerebral ventriculomegaly, cystic kidney disease |
733163007 | Primary malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of anal canal |
86923008 | Juvenile retinoschisis |
205769006 | Situs inversus with levocardia |
1268389006 | Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of oesophagus |
871625003 | Intermediate atrioventricular septal defect with atrial and ventricular components and separate atrioventricular valves |
732264002 | Coenzyme A synthase protein associated neurodegeneration |
1237413006 | Progressive autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia, sensorineural hearing loss syndrome |
782785002 | X-linked osteoporosis with fractures |
702377007 | Hypermanganesemia with dystonia, polycythemia, and cirrhosis |
238931006 | Eosinophilic cellulitis |
84241008 | Lipoid dermatoarthritis |
724094005 | Neonatal diabetes, congenital hypothyroidism, congenital glaucoma, hepatic fibrosis, polycystic kidney syndrome |
716664003 | Primary dystonia 21 |
1172899000 | PMP22-RAI1 contiguous gene duplication syndrome |
770721009 | Microcephaly, thin corpus callosum, intellectual disability syndrome |
716740009 | Thomas syndrome |
21009004 | Echinococcus multilocularis infection |
124525004 | Deficiency of AMP deaminase |
768933005 | Semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome |
399959003 | Premature aging syndrome |
109477002 | Enamel-renal syndrome |
42779002 | Reducing-body myopathy |
765750001 | Angioosteohypotrophic syndrome |
40315008 | Annular pancreas |
255106001 | Teratoma of testis |
717766000 | Alport syndrome autosomal dominant |
718105008 | Lichen amyloidosis |
27971006 | Terrien's marginal degeneration of cornea |
722209002 | Spastic paraplegia, intellectual disability, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis syndrome |
1260450002 | Infantile multisystem neurologic, endocrine, pancreatic disease |
733343005 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity |
1230005002 | Pigmentation defects, palmoplantar keratoderma, skin carcinoma syndrome |
12313004 | Androgen resistance syndrome |
303098002 | 3-Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase deficiency |
783089006 | Macrocephaly, intellectual disability, autism syndrome |
1269047004 | Primary papillary tumour of pineal region |
771145006 | Herpetiform pemphigus |
719466009 | Cleft palate with short stature and vertebral anomaly syndrome |
1255270006 | Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma without immunoglobulin M production |
766929007 | Genetic hyperferritinemia without iron overload |
124327008 | Deficiency of mevalonate kinase |
1231182008 | Isolated osteopoikilosis |
773306002 | Congenital lethal myopathy Compton North type |
281587000 | Pentalogy of Cantrell |
718189004 | Recombinant chromosome 8 syndrome |
716584007 | Chapare hemorrhagic fever |
1230344000 | Microphthalmia, microtia, fetal akinesia syndrome |
19604005 | Triglyceride storage disease with ichthyosis |
77039003 | Acquired progressive kinking of hair |
237900002 | Calciphylaxis |
53132006 | Zollinger-Ellison syndrome |
118611004 | Sezary's disease |
1187130004 | Agenesis of scrotum |
234620006 | Hereditary C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency - dysfunctional factor |
715534008 | ICCA syndrome |
720830009 | Congenital neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
441575009 | Ischemic priapism |
719949001 | Trigonocephaly with broad thumb syndrome |
40632002 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, type IA |
240156000 | Juvenile idiopathic generalized osteoporosis |
783735004 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome X |
1197476009 | Infantile-onset pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, hypogammaglobulinemia |
417089009 | Limbal stem cell deficiency |
715672007 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia type 4 |
1196846002 | Primary cystadenocarcinoma of intrahepatic bile duct |
42432003 | Oto-palato-digital syndrome, type II |
253109005 | Parietal encephalocele |
95794005 | Tolosa-Hunt syndrome |
238687000 | Familial cold urticaria |
1197361002 | Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome due to CTLA4 haploinsufficiency |
764512003 | Distal trisomy 22q syndrome |
127012008 | Lipoatrophic diabetes |
703385008 | Anomalous origin of pulmonary artery from ascending aorta |
1222655009 | Optic atrophy, ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, global developmental delay syndrome |
725050005 | Autosomal dominant osteopetrosis type 2 |
404689008 | Alternating hemiplegia |
1222680009 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 24 |
703528008 | Cutis gyrata syndrome of Beare and Stevenson |
77506005 | Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi |
732262003 | Marfanoid syndrome De Silva type |
719976001 | Glaucoma and sleep apnea syndrome |
715907003 | Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4 |
111321007 | Right aortic arch |
237928008 | Disorder of ornithine metabolism |
10567003 | Four X syndrome |
237701005 | Pituitary apoplexy |
60812006 | Giant cell myocarditis |
68116008 | Dentatorubropallidoluysian degeneration |
254125009 | Axial osteosclerosis |
1187463001 | Microcystic stromal tumor of ovary |
818950005 | Blau syndrome |
707492001 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx |
109995007 | Myelodysplastic syndrome (clinical) |
715568002 | Gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia |
19044004 | Spirillary fever |
715669000 | Intestinal epithelial dysplasia |
8634009 | Distichiasis-lymphedema syndrome |
713572001 | Malignant neoplastic disease co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection |
83728000 | Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, type 2 |
1234823004 | Idiopathic peliosis hepatis |
40951006 | Primary hyperoxaluria, type II |
719158007 | Syndactyly type 4 |
763869003 | Radiation myelitis |
65520001 | Primary hyperoxaluria, type I |
765138001 | Maternal hyperthermia induced birth defect |
234582006 | Leukocyte adhesion deficiency - type 1 |
711481001 | X-linked immunodeficiency with magnesium defect, Epstein-Barr virus infection and neoplasia |
430476004 | Diffuse panbronchiolitis |
716515000 | 1q41q42 microdeletion syndrome |
733083006 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1r |
733492003 | Carney triad |
782917007 | Familial adrenal hypoplasia with absent pituitary luteinizing hormone |
205819008 | Multiple pterygium syndrome |
230380005 | Balo concentric sclerosis |
297237003 | Generalized uridine diphosphate galactose-4-epimerase deficiency |
783620009 | Dominant hypophosphatemia with nephrolithiasis and/or osteoporosis |
399903008 | Infantile digital fibromatosis |
717156002 | Biliary atresia with splenic malformation syndrome |
787171006 | 21q22.11q22.12 microdeletion syndrome |
783146009 | NLRP12-associated hereditary periodic fever syndrome |
19972008 | Postencephalitic parkinsonism |
1186714005 | Combined immunodeficiency due to ITK deficiency |
1268548007 | Primary salivary gland type carcinoma of oesophagus |
449817000 | Peters plus syndrome |
732259001 | Distal monosomy 17q |
770562000 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 1 |
449899001 | Dropped head syndrome |
385482004 | Osteogenesis imperfecta type I |
400102008 | Lipoblastoma |
1222662000 | Neonatal epileptic encephalopathy due to glutaminase deficiency |
253900005 | Congenital posterior urethral valves |
32599008 | Hemodialysis-associated amyloidosis |
86166000 | Alopecia universalis |
703543005 | Infantile ascending hereditary spastic paralysis |
1208745002 | Serotonin-producing neuroendocrine neoplasm of pancreas |
700056005 | Mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome |
236713006 | X-linked recessive nephrolithiasis with renal failure |
723674005 | Simple cryoglobulinemia |
403803002 | Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis |
253733006 | Pleuropericardial cyst |
1208488006 | SATB2-associated syndrome |
419395007 | Schnyder crystalline cornea dystrophy |
764850002 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A2 |
402463003 | Familial localized cutaneous amyloidosis |
725416005 | Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy |
239912009 | Primary Sjögren's syndrome |
1268885006 | Primary ependymoblastoma |
715737004 | Parkinsonism with dementia of Guadeloupe |
1237412001 | Regressive spondylometaphyseal dysplasia |
254017009 | Infraorbital facial cleft - Tessier cleft 5 |
50926003 | Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome |
766812005 | Trichodysplasia xeroderma syndrome |
238883003 | Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis |
1169358003 | MARCH syndrome |
1156454002 | Embryonal carcinoma |
417570003 | Gestational choriocarcinoma |
286071000119109 | Congenital peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis |
770558006 | Late-onset distal myopathy Markesbery Griggs type |
1186728004 | Pediatric multiple sclerosis |
74928006 | Camptomelic dysplasia |
700463002 | Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase deficiency disorder |
237977000 | Disorder of glycerol metabolism |
1217373008 | Diaphragmatic hernia, short bowel, asplenia syndrome |
77542002 | Grebe syndrome |
1177179002 | Oral-facial-digital syndrome with short stature and brachymesophalangia |
1230015008 | Hereditary angioedema with C1Inh (C1 esterase inhibitor) deficiency |
408537003 | Barber-Say syndrome |
89024000 | Riedel's thyroiditis |
81854007 | Alexander's disease |
726610000 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 63 |
33258008 | Primary eosinophilic endomyocardial restrictive cardiomyopathy |
93255008 | Congenital hypoplasia of femur |
55912009 | Glycogen storage disease, type V |
1237181009 | Symptomatic form of haemochromatosis type 1 |
770761005 | Phalangeal microgeodic syndrome |
28861008 | Crouzon syndrome |
719468005 | Cleft palate with stapes fixation and oligodontia syndrome |
702406000 | Sex cord stromal tumor of testis |
711154007 | Cole disease |
312214005 | Floating-Harbor syndrome |
723124007 | Primary progressive apraxia of speech |
782942003 | Renal caliceal diverticuli and deafness syndrome |
254068007 | Opsismodysplasia |
782918002 | 2-aminoadipic 2-oxoadipic aciduria |
726723004 | Ring chromosome 13 syndrome |
1228871002 | PCNA-related progressive neurodegenerative photosensitivity syndrome |
1197360001 | X-linked dominant erythropoietic protoporphyria |
1187639002 | Martinique crinkled retinal pigment epitheliopathy |
715401008 | Reynolds syndrome |
717045004 | Autosomal dominant hyperinsulinism due to Kir6.2 deficiency |
60002000 | Hypertrophic gastritis |
782825008 | Primary microcephaly, epilepsy, permanent neonatal diabetes syndrome |
230293003 | Carbon monoxide-induced parkinsonism |
128205005 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy |
254865006 | Fibroma of ovary |
819950002 | Generalized glucocorticoid resistance syndrome |
111304003 | Kozlowski spondylometaphyseal dysplasia |
233629001 | Idiopathic bronchiectasis |
782747000 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 66 |
773730002 | Osteopetrosis hypogammaglobulinemia syndrome |
720748007 | Cooper Jabs syndrome |
1187640000 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 28 |
762282007 | Immunoglobulin G4 related pachymeningitis |
192990004 | Myoclonic epilepsy in infancy |
725099009 | Craniometadiaphyseal dysplasia wormian bone type |
763373005 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 5A |
59990008 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III-B |
703310005 | Autosomal dominant progressive nephropathy with hypertension |
763866005 | Postaxial polydactyly, anterior pituitary anomalies, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
111029001 | Acrokerato-elastoidosis |
82214002 | Trench fever |
735676003 | Narcolepsy type 1 |
66937008 | Glycogen storage disease type III |
707436001 | Isolated pulmonary capillaritis |
204942005 | Renal agenesis |
241955009 | Acquired C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency |
62628008 | Multiple synostosis syndrome |
763630007 | Satoyoshi syndrome |
782738008 | Karyomegalic interstitial nephritis |
725146001 | Atypical juvenile parkinsonism |
732957009 | Brachydactyly and preaxial hallux varus syndrome |
402917003 | Rift valley fever |
771180005 | Hallux varus, preaxial polysyndactyly syndrome |
782881002 | Hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy with hyperelastic skin |
782940006 | Dobrow syndrome |
719511005 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2G |
47507006 | Rieger syndrome |
76304001 | Cronkhite-Canada syndrome |
726615005 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2Q |
720859009 | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome kyphoscoliotic and deafness type |
231536004 | Atypical autism |
254051008 | Type III short rib polydactyly syndrome |
715723008 | Syndactyly type 1 |
733628001 | Thoraco-abdominal enteric duplication |
237995002 | Depletion of mitochondrial DNA |
717943008 | Brain malformation, congenital heart disease, postaxial polydactyly syndrome |
84461004 | Exencephaly |
22567005 | Pseudoachondroplastic spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia syndrome |
1208621008 | Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome type 4 |
818949005 | Congenital absence of body of uterus |
254170001 | Ichthyosis hystrix of Curth-Macklin |
254123002 | Dysosteosclerosis |
205281006 | Distal interphalangeal joint symphalangism |
1279883006 | Laminin alpha-2 related limb girdle muscular dystrophy R23 |
702365002 | Combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria |
717822006 | Goldberg Shprintzen megacolon syndrome |
773307006 | Zechi Ceide syndrome |
721208007 | Ectodermal dysplasia with blindness syndrome |
18121009 | Chronic berylliosis |
11179002 | Glycogen storage disease, type IV |
68067009 | Crigler-Najjar syndrome, type II |
725908007 | Neurofaciodigitorenal syndrome |
721226005 | Hughes Stovin syndrome |
11225002 | Transient hyperammonemia in infancy |
35691006 | Combined deficiency of sialidase AND beta galactosidase |
709416009 | Acral peeling skin syndrome |
124275001 | Deficiency of hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase |
720495005 | Anophthalmia and megalocornea with cardiopathy and skeletal anomalies syndrome |
230410004 | Benign neonatal familial convulsions |
773551001 | Severe intellectual disability, poor language, strabismus, grimacing face, long fingers syndrome |
719104003 | Autosomal recessive palmoplantar keratoderma and congenital alopecia syndrome |
764725008 | 9p13 microdeletion syndrome |
763622006 | Thinking epilepsy |
715343000 | Familial hypoaldosteronism |
722450007 | GEMSS syndrome |
702444009 | Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome |
69408002 | Gorlin syndrome |
1230295000 | B-cell immunodeficiency, limb anomaly, urogenital malformation syndrome |
276544005 | Apnea of prematurity |
720569006 | Brachydactyly type A2 |
765204000 | Dyssegmental dysplasia Silverman Handmaker type |
190818004 | Waldenström macroglobulinemia |
1148906001 | Acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21)(q22;q22) RUNX1-RUNX1T1 |
763460007 | X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 5 |
726614009 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2P |
718103001 | Hereditary geniospasm |
233949008 | Pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis |
1268701008 | Primary gliosarcoma of central nervous system |
32612005 | Disorder of purine metabolism |
59178007 | Menkes kinky-hair syndrome |
778068007 | Autosomal recessive cutis laxa type 2B |
35520007 | Nager syndrome |
725104005 | Cheirospondyloenchondromatosis |
732249002 | Bone dysplasia lethal Holmgren type |
124128009 | Deficiency of phosphogluconate dehydrogenase |
372138000 | Carcinoma of esophagus |
758664007 | Isolated follicle stimulating hormone deficiency |
240880004 | Wound myiasis |
773610007 | Chudley McCullough syndrome |
783202008 | Autosomal dominant secondary polycythemia |
717155003 | Neonatal intrahepatic cholestasis due to citrin deficiency |
1268526001 | Primary carcinosarcoma of ovary |
236533008 | Ochoa syndrome |
770754006 | 2p21 microdeletion syndrome without cystinuria |
732948003 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 10 |
253018005 | Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma |
763349002 | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy with dystonia |
722035007 | MEDNIK syndrome |
763408003 | Rhabdomyosarcoma of cervix uteri |
720501007 | Arachnodactyly with abnormal ossification and intellectual disability syndrome |
783137003 | Radial deficiency, tibial hypoplasia syndrome |
237961001 | L-2(OH) glutaric aciduria |
17024001 | Aortopulmonary window |
733118006 | Aphalangy, hemivertebra, urogenital, intestinal dysgenesis syndrome |
782823001 | Familial cutaneous telangiectasia and oropharyngeal cancer predisposition syndrome |
1260128008 | WARS2-related combined oxidative phosphorylation defect |
733650000 | Adult familial nephronophthisis with spastic quadriparesia syndrome |
786038001 | Familial nonmedullary primary thyroid carcinoma |
44697002 | Melorheostosis |
715217004 | Arthrogryposis with oculomotor limitation and electroretinal anomaly |
717225001 | Benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy |
56453003 | Hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy, Dutch type |
1157162007 | Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma |
5187006 | Prune belly syndrome |
1268718007 | Primary malignant thymoma |
782916003 | Dermotrichic syndrome |
771081007 | Distal hereditary motor neuropathy type 7 |
402356004 | Chronic graft-versus-host disease |
27520001 | Pustular psoriasis of palms and soles |
733113002 | Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism retinitis pigmentosa syndrome |
1268531004 | Primary alveolar soft part sarcoma |
445274004 | Deficiency of isobutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase |
9740002 | Macroencephaly |
733599009 | Adult-onset multiple mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid deletion syndrome due to deoxyguanosine kinase deficiency |
763477007 | Primary lymphoma of conjunctiva |
778048001 | MT-ATP6-related mitochondrial spastic paraplegia |
238078005 | Familial hypercholesterolemia - homozygous |
403838000 | Jung syndrome |
56989000 | Eaton-Lambert syndrome |
715824008 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 28 |
719974003 | Hemochromatosis type 3 |
447882007 | Carcinoma of vulva |
205342008 | Macrodactyly of toes - simple |
718218005 | Porokeratosis plantaris palmaris et disseminata |
23686004 | Ring chromosome 20 syndrome |
22935002 | Congenital erythropoietic porphyria |
722459008 | Male hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, intellectual disability, skeletal anomaly syndrome |
783245001 | Primary immunodeficiency with post-measles-mumps-rubella vaccine viral infection |
69116000 | Moyamoya disease |
54954004 | Aspartylglucosaminuria |
405809000 | Ocular motor apraxia Cogan type |
234969005 | Dentinogenesis imperfecta - Shield's type II |
709414007 | Deficiency of mitochondrial complex III |
408539000 | Insulin autoimmune syndrome |
205067002 | Congenital dislocation of patella |
770437002 | Fundus pulverulentus |
21590003 | Congenital zonular cataract |
718214007 | Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy syndrome |
31155007 | Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis |
773992003 | Idiopathic macular telangiectasia type 3 |
95243004 | Rolland-Debuqois syndrome |
1264001009 | De novo thrombotic microangiopathy following transplant of kidney |
92969008 | Congenital absence of mitral valve |
93018000 | Congenital anomaly of pericardium |
719403003 | Leukoencephalopathy co-occurrent with bilateral anterior temporal lobe cysts |
709105005 | Jackson-Weiss syndrome |
77798004 | Systemic chromomycosis |
827115000 | Autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia |
1220580006 | Isolated neonatal sclerosing cholangitis |
413537009 | Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma |
1172901009 | Cytosolic phospholipase-A2 alpha deficiency associated bleeding disorder |
782878007 | Autosomal recessive nail dysplasia |
766888002 | Familial multiple lipomatosis |
720345008 | Severe T-cell immunodeficiency, congenital alopecia, nail dystrophy syndrome |
771146007 | Holoprosencephaly with caudal dysgenesis syndrome |
359648001 | Acute myeloid leukemia with maturation, FAB M2 |
766048008 | Acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome related to radiation |
773991005 | Idiopathic posterior uveitis |
232002000 | Snowflake retinal degeneration |
783194008 | Bleeding diathesis due to thromboxane synthesis deficiency |
1156403002 | Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma |
1187567002 | Autosomal recessive intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type D |
720515009 | Distal arthrogryposis type 6 |
763277009 | Distal trisomy 8q |
609565001 | Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus |
720412009 | Acropectoral syndrome |
1268897007 | Primary theca steroid producing cell malignant neoplasm of ovary |
55236002 | Infantile hypophosphatasia |
68870007 | Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia, type II |
253904001 | Megacystis-megaureter syndrome |
75922002 | Congenital anomaly of ossicles of ear |
30330001 | Purulent myositis |
708127008 | Collagenofibrotic glomerulopathy |
782737003 | Diffuse cerebral and cerebellar atrophy, intractable seizures, progressive microcephaly syndrome |
32942005 | Glanzmann's thrombasthenia |
725413002 | Febrile infection related epilepsy syndrome |
707608003 | Amelogenesis imperfecta co-occurrent with cone rod dystrophy |
254192002 | Inverse junctional epidermolysis bullosa |
783614008 | Familial steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome with sensorineural deafness |
725035001 | Familial partial lipodystrophy Kobberling type |
38539003 | Infection by Onchocerca volvulus |
733071009 | Deafness, small bowel diverticulosis, neuropathy syndrome |
702448007 | Dystonia 6 |
711164003 | STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy |
722377004 | Carney Stratakis syndrome |
239932005 | Primary pauci-immune necrotizing and crescentic glomerulonephritis |
398796005 | Familial type 3 hyperlipoproteinemia |
838276009 | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, parkinsonism, dementia complex |
400138001 | Nodular fasciitis |
715988005 | Wellesley Carman French syndrome |
442511009 | Progressive encephalopathy with edema, hypsarrhythmia and optic atrophy syndrome |
1251451005 | MYBPC1-related autosomal recessive non-lethal arthrogryposis multiplex congenita syndrome |
766876004 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 4 |
715561008 | Hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma |
430478003 | Macrophage activation syndrome |
24752008 | Infantile cortical hyperostosis |
770943008 | Dentin dysplasia with sclerotic bone syndrome |
111309008 | 8q partial trisomy syndrome |
711403001 | Cerebral folate transport deficiency |
67202007 | X-linked Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
46826000 | Rheumatic chorea |
1230066003 | Isolated microspherophakia |
764810000 | Branchiootic syndrome |
773423007 | Severe neonatal lactic acidosis due to NFS1-ISD11 complex deficiency |
732263008 | Melhem Fahl syndrome |
1187618009 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2V |
722389002 | Congenital hereditary facial paralysis with variable hearing loss syndrome |
4283007 | Mirizzi's syndrome |
715463008 | Congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2 |
765435009 | OTULIN-related autoinflammatory syndrome |
403434009 | Atopic keratoconjunctivitis |
237614004 | Bird-headed dwarfism with progressive ataxia, insulin-resistant diabetes, goiter, and primary gonadal insufficiency |
726606003 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 32 |
1237368006 | Acute myeloid leukaemia with BCR-ABL1 |
717915004 | Blepharoptosis, myopia, ectopia lentis syndrome |
1237626001 | Congenital axonal neuropathy with encephalopathy |
722375007 | Bamforth Lazarus syndrome |
715397000 | Mesenchymal hamartoma of liver |
722201004 | Pai syndrome |
1216939003 | Progeroid features, hepatocellular carcinoma predisposition syndrome |
1230098009 | Femur fibula ulna complex |
764095005 | Leukoencephalopathy, ataxia, hypodontia, hypomyelination syndrome |
231981005 | Birdshot chorioretinitis |
1162916008 | Glycogen storage disease due to muscle beta-enolase deficiency |
702416008 | Snyder-Robinson syndrome |
783095007 | Aplasia of uterine cervix |
721840000 | Hyperuricemia, anemia, renal failure syndrome |
721311006 | Systemic Epstein-Barr virus positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disease of childhood |
1187305006 | Partially involuting congenital hemangioma |
715982006 | Severe combined immunodeficiency due to DCLRE1C deficiency |
1187115008 | Autosomal dominant preaxial polydactyly, upper back hypertrichosis syndrome |
1187461004 | Glycogen storage disease due to aldolase A deficiency |
726704006 | Cataract, congenital heart disease, neural tube defect syndrome |
719597005 | 19p13.12 microdeletion syndrome |
186788009 | Q fever |
5601008 | Klippel-Feil sequence |
716998009 | Joubert syndrome with ocular defect |
725105006 | Bleeding disorder due to calcium and DAG-regulated guanine exchange factor-1 deficiency |
609218006 | Paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia |
715366004 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1 |
24790002 | Proximal renal tubular acidosis |
373420004 | Upshaw-Schulman syndrome |
725461009 | Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism types I and III |
1263461006 | Isolated distichiasis |
716665002 | Chronic intestinal failure |
1268518009 | Primary small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of bladder |
70910003 | Indolent systemic mastocytosis |
874931001 | Severe achondroplasia, developmental delay, acanthosis nigricans syndrome |
720520009 | Attenuated Chédiak-Higashi syndrome |
721225009 | Homocystinuria without methylmalonic aciduria |
715404000 | Amelo-onycho-hypohidrotic syndrome |
1163259003 | Non syndromic dextrocardia |
9418005 | Necrobiosis lipoidica |
400953008 | Congenital tarsal kink |
783722008 | Myopathy and diabetes mellitus |
1251453008 | Lamb Shaffer syndrome |
80328002 | Progressive cone-rod dystrophy |
716022002 | Gollop syndrome |
716197003 | Autosomal dominant pterygium of conjunctiva |
718753002 | Episodic ataxia type 6 |
725145002 | Atrial septal defect, atrioventricular conduction defect syndrome |
720429007 | Acrofacial dysostosis Palagonia type |
26682008 | Homozygous beta thalassemia |
719833004 | Visceral neuropathy and brain anomaly with facial dysmorphism and developmental delay syndrome |
1268719004 | Primary anaplastic astrocytoma of central nervous system |
48250002 | Gaisbock's syndrome |
7305005 | Coarctation of aorta |
724207001 | Kleefstra syndrome |
1268906006 | Primary Klatskin tumour |
237886009 | Familial idiopathic hypercalciuria |
782941005 | Richieri Costa-da Silva syndrome |
773281008 | Thakker Donnai syndrome |
787175002 | ANK3-related intellectual disability, sleep disturbance syndrome |
1187120008 | Stromme syndrome |
1187619001 | Autosomal recessive axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease due to copper metabolism defect |
771340007 | 15q11.2 microdeletion syndrome |
702363009 | Cold-induced sweating syndrome |
254066006 | Wolcott-Rallison dysplasia |
787092009 | Secondary non-traumatic avascular necrosis of bone |
240062007 | Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy |
718210003 | Brunner syndrome |
724179008 | Laron syndrome with immunodeficiency |
55602000 | Nezelof's syndrome |
1172633003 | Camptodactyly syndrome Guadalajara type 3 |
1234830005 | 14q32 duplication syndrome |
722478008 | Skeletal dysplasia with intellectual disability syndrome |
782722002 | Global developmental delay, lung cysts, overgrowth, Wilms tumor syndrome |
410502007 | Juvenile idiopathic arthritis |
766719006 | Paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 1 |
765216006 | Audiogenic epilepsy |
253732001 | Totally absent pericardium |
65399007 | Langerhans cell histiocytosis |
718713000 | Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with hypotonia and lactic acidosis syndrome |
35031005 | Hanhart's syndrome |
770902008 | Distal monosomy 12p |
2772003 | Acquired epidermolysis bullosa |
70065001 | Fetal hydantoin syndrome |
770896003 | MITF-related melanoma and renal cell carcinoma predisposition syndrome |
1228861004 | Kaposiform lymphangiomatosis |
1208478005 | Familial infantile bilateral striatal necrosis |
192976002 | Progressive supranuclear palsy |
1229941002 | Autosomal recessive T-cell negative, B-cell positive severe combined immunodeficiency due to CD45 deficiency |
254962005 | Functionless pituitary adenoma |
53593008 | Folliculitis decalvans |
773414009 | Autosomal recessive intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type C |
1208513005 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 42 |
31401003 | Bicornuate uterus |
716868003 | Multicentric osteolysis nodulosis arthropathy spectrum |
774150004 | Sacral agenesis, abnormal ossification of vertebral bodies, persistent notochordal canal syndrome |
766717008 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia due to collagen 9 anomaly |
702342007 | 3-M syndrome |
397015000 | Systemic mastocytosis with associated clonal hematological non-mast cell lineage disease |
1208602000 | Pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
1268642000 | Primary renal medullary carcinoma |
778021002 | Microphthalmia, retinitis pigmentosa, foveoschisis, optic disc drusen syndrome |
1231283007 | Congenital isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency |
65880007 | X-linked agammaglobulinemia |
237984008 | Neurogenic muscle weakness, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa |
717187000 | Boichis syndrome |
1222677008 | Interstitial lung disease due to surfactant protein C deficiency |
254007004 | Paramedian facial cleft - Tessier cleft 1 |
66489009 | Congenital absence of lung |
389272007 | Carpotarsal osteochondromatosis |
1237623009 | Congenital insensitivity to pain with severe intellectual disability |
1172704005 | High grade B-cell lymphoma with MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements |
240453002 | Oroya fever |
718631006 | Annular epidermolytic ichthyosis |
253401003 | Absent mitral leaflets |
1268965008 | Primary anaplastic ependymoma of central nervous system |
784347002 | Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia, optic atrophy, dysarthria syndrome |
723309006 | Endocrine-cerebro-osteodysplasia syndrome |
19726003 | Cutis laxa, acquired type |
716653001 | Neuroendocrine carcinoma of thymus |
50749006 | Double Y syndrome |
268025003 | Juvenile osteochondrosis of capitulum of humerus |
721222007 | Hirschsprung disease with type D brachydactyly syndrome |
712989008 | Phyllodes tumor of breast |
5262007 | Spinal muscular atrophy |
717812000 | Congenital cataract, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, mitochondrial myopathy syndrome |
725432008 | Autosomal recessive mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to partial interferon gamma receptor 2 deficiency |
55711009 | Arthrochalasia Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
1187040004 | Familial steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome with adrenal insufficiency |
784370005 | Mitochondrial myopathy with reversible cytochrome C oxidase deficiency |
230306001 | Benign hereditary chorea |
733087007 | Polydactyly myopia syndrome |
80773006 | Escobar syndrome |
193410003 | Sorsby pseudoinflammatory fundus dystrophy |
253590009 | Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum |
124302001 | Deficiency of galactokinase |
721229003 | Hydrocephalus, costovertebral dysplasia, Sprengel anomaly syndrome |
34748004 | Adams-Oliver syndrome |
400080004 | Porokeratosis |
718914002 | X-linked intellectual disability Van Esch type |
720958002 | Frank-Ter Haar syndrome |
1268699008 | Primary pilomatrix carcinoma of skin |
59051007 | Cysticercosis |
785302009 | Adult-onset autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia |
763069002 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 41 |
725408001 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 2 |
62985007 | Hereditary insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis |
1234822009 | Idiopathic ductopenia |
723581006 | STAR syndrome |
254939008 | Ependymoma of brain |
764622004 | Mosaic trisomy 17 syndrome |
65327002 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-I-H |
782745008 | Lipoyl transferase 1 deficiency |
722378009 | Congenital cataract with deafness and hypogonadism syndrome |
205402004 | Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita |
771514002 | Early-onset progressive neurodegeneration, blindness, ataxia, spasticity syndrome |
773670004 | Distal Xq28 microduplication syndrome |
783737007 | Hirschsprung disease, ganglioneuroblastoma syndrome |
230558006 | Hereditary liability to pressure palsies |
1268698000 | Primary solid pseudopapillary carcinoma of pancreas |
724282009 | Hypoparathyroidism, deafness, renal disease syndrome |
91861009 | Acute myeloid leukemia, disease |
40956001 | Guillain-Barré syndrome |
766871009 | Diencephalic mesencephalic junction dysplasia |
718180000 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2I |
720747002 | Cooks syndrome |
782692004 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 22 |
447792005 | Chondrosarcoma of bone |
80321008 | Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
726620005 | Arthrogryposis hyperkeratosis syndrome lethal form |
763527007 | Distal monosomy 13q syndrome |
73123008 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-I-S |
310701003 | Behcet's syndrome |
722475006 | X-linked congenital dyserythropoietic anemia with thrombocytopenia |
718717004 | Primary immunodeficiency syndrome due to p14 deficiency |
255038009 | Growth hormone releasing factor-secreting tumor |
725033008 | Familial primary hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis without severe ocular involvement |
58588007 | Cutis laxa |
1169365006 | Aquagenic palmoplantar keratoderma |
722110003 | Osteogenesis imperfecta, retinopathy, seizures, intellectual disability syndrome |
726703000 | Digestive duplication cyst of tongue |
763755009 | Dislocation of hip and facial dysmorphism syndrome |
205329008 | Humeroradial synostosis |
1187251009 | Childhood-onset progressive contractures, limb girdle weakness, muscle dystrophy syndrome |
724644005 | Myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome |
1222675000 | Primary desmosis coli |
54280009 | Kugelberg-Welander disease |
787094005 | Segmental progressive overgrowth syndrome with fibroadipose hyperplasia |
719047001 | 14q11.2 microdeletion syndrome |
770680004 | Prader-Willi-like syndrome |
763409006 | Rhabdomyosarcoma of corpus uteri |
254018004 | Infraorbital facial cleft - Tessier cleft 6 |
726032008 | Short rib polydactyly syndrome Saldino Noonan type |
76902006 | Tetanus |
709075008 | Aromatase excess syndrome |
732959007 | Beta-propeller protein-associated neurodegeneration |
773331001 | Nestor Guillermo progeria syndrome |
719684000 | 8q12 microduplication syndrome |
717232005 | Caroli disease |
266152000 | Deep seated dermatophytosis |
254052001 | Type IV short rib polydactyly syndrome |
699688008 | Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus |
763533003 | Distal hereditary motor neuropathy Jerash type |
33313004 | Radioulnar synostosis |
1208483002 | Primary choriocarcinoma of central nervous system |
1268541001 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of liver and intrahepatic biliary tract |
720852000 | Cervical hypertrichosis and peripheral neuropathy syndrome |
75387001 | Transient neonatal hypertyrosinemia |
720418008 | Acrocraniofacial dysostosis |
783556000 | Severe early-onset obesity insulin resistance syndrome due to SH2B1 deficiency |
715748006 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 |
399040002 | Congenital central hypoventilation |
74942003 | Echinococcosis |
773985008 | Peripheral dysostosis |
1187126002 | ITM2B-related amyloidosis |
44145005 | Benign Rolandic epilepsy |
717821004 | Glycogen storage disease with severe cardiomyopathy due to glycogenin deficiency |
719140001 | Prieto Badia Mulas syndrome |
771477003 | 15q overgrowth syndrome |
770787005 | Benign Samaritan congenital myopathy |
722439009 | EDICT syndrome |
720458005 | Acrorenal syndrome |
62578003 | Congenital defect of folate absorption |
768473009 | PURA syndrome |
389273002 | Cherubism with gingival fibromatosis |
1197217007 | Multiple paraganglioma associated with polycythemia |
763668009 | Lichtenstein syndrome |
1251447008 | NAD(P)HX epimerase deficiency |
118609008 | Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity (clinical) |
719666002 | 6q terminal deletion syndrome |
1229871006 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus |
239054009 | Reticulate pigmented anomaly of flexures |
191010004 | Common variable immunodeficiency |
416402001 | Gestational trophoblastic disease |
719512003 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2K |
1268638003 | Primary adenosarcoma of cervix uteri |
230466004 | Alternating hemiplegia of childhood |
1187252002 | Autosomal dominant thrombocytopenia with platelet secretion defect |
783014007 | Panniculitis induced localized lipodystrophy |
770724001 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 70 |
721072003 | Short stature, pituitary and cerebellar defect and small sella turcica syndrome |
111303009 | Sjögren-Larsson syndrome |
49748000 | SSADH (succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase) deficiency |
253337009 | Isomerism of left atrial appendage |
783010003 | Pharyngeal-cervical-brachial variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome |
722433005 | Dyschondrosteosis and nephritis syndrome |
1279890001 | Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome type 5 |
764466009 | Mosaic trisomy 14 syndrome |
716650003 | Peritoneal cystic mesothelioma |
720603002 | Camptodactyly syndrome Guadalajara type 2 |
724385009 | Growth delay due to insulin-like growth factor type 1 deficiency |
124432005 | Deficiency of phosphoserine phosphatase |
11389007 | Inhalational anthrax |
1269043000 | Primary malignant rhabdoid tumour |
34643004 | Diaphyseal dysplasia |
1237470001 | Lethal fetal brain malformation, duodenal atresia, bilateral renal hypoplasia syndrome |
403468003 | Squamous cell carcinoma of penis |
770629000 | Distal 17p13.1 microdeletion syndrome |
778030005 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 27 |
1186869002 | Neuroendocrine carcinoma of pancreas |
720612000 | Cardiospondylocarpofacial syndrome |
448254007 | Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of central nervous system |
442917000 | Familial long QT syndrome |
254887002 | Adenocarcinoma of cervix |
764950001 | Cryptorchidism, arachnodactyly, intellectual disability syndrome |
1222705009 | Familial multiple discoid fibroma |
770405003 | Benign familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy |
64540004 | Lichen planopilaris |
1279831004 | Congenital insensitivity to pain, anosmia, neuropathic arthropathy |
89454001 | Shwachman syndrome |
722031003 | Kapur Toriello syndrome |
1268702001 | Primary choroid plexus carcinoma |
722290008 | Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome with recurrent viral infection |
1231169000 | Congenital anomaly of second branchial cleft |
237982007 | Lactate dehydrogenase deficiency |
446263001 | Loeys-Dietz syndrome |
715905006 | Unilateral polymicrogyria |
778051008 | Focal palmoplantar keratoderma with joint keratoses |
1268351001 | Primary clear cell carcinoma of kidney |
237911005 | Disorder of amino acid and organic acid metabolism |
723411003 | Nasopalpebral lipoma coloboma syndrome |
63741006 | Fungal infection of lung |
205497004 | Osteogenesis imperfecta with normal sclerae, dominant form |
763318007 | Connective tissue disorder due to lysyl hydroxylase-3 deficiency |
109419009 | Mandibuloacral dysostosis |
37471005 | Extrinsic allergic alveolitis |
128200000 | Complex regional pain syndrome |
35111009 | Trisomy X syndrome |
93451002 | Erythroleukemia, FAB M6 |
721881008 | Microduplication Xp11.22p11.23 syndrome |
764734003 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 21 |
771302009 | Autosomal recessive lower motor neuron disease with childhood onset |
773774000 | High-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma of corpus uteri |
715736008 | Paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 20 |
715828006 | Proboscis lateralis |
238949006 | Acral persistent papular mucinosis |
253640002 | Ascending aorta abnormality |
8214000 | Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans |
782724001 | Multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome |
1237578005 | Primary oculocerebral non-Hodgkin lymphoma |
1144934003 | Recurrent infection due to specific granule deficiency |
699676006 | Infection by Microsporidia |
764999002 | Non-functioning paraganglioma |
724070005 | Paternal 20q13.2q13.3 microdeletion syndrome |
254167000 | Bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma |
764962002 | Hepatoencephalopathy due to combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 1 |
75702008 | Brucellosis |
429054002 | Disorder related to transplantation |
41514002 | Congenital supravalvular mitral stenosis |
238070003 | Glutaryl-CoA oxidase deficiency |
1279884000 | POMGNT2-related limb girdle muscular dystrophy R24 |
240626005 | Human ehrlichiosis |
720856002 | Ectodermal dysplasia with ectrodactyly and macular dystrophy syndrome |
239945009 | Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis |
71253000 | Tay-Sachs disease, variant AB |
447058001 | Solitary necrotic nodule of liver |
1197364005 | Idiopathic spontaneous coronary artery dissection |
719582007 | 17p13.3 microduplication syndrome |
770907002 | Kagami Ogata syndrome |
763186006 | Grubben, De Cock, Borghgraef syndrome |
204134008 | Coloboma of lens |
129639005 | Hereditary neutrophilia |
196286005 | Dentinogenesis imperfecta |
778027003 | Primary CD59 deficiency |
254867003 | Gynandroblastoma of ovary |
86188000 | Kuru |
1162828001 | X-linked lymphoproliferative disease due to SH2D1A deficiency |
770903003 | Postorgasmic illness syndrome |
68913001 | Alpha thalassemia |
1255269005 | Hypothalamic adipsic hypernatraemia syndrome |
1230303001 | Fatal congenital hypertrophic cardiomyopathy due to glycogen storage disease |
1222678003 | Interstitial lung disease due to ABCA3 deficiency |
13144005 | Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency |
1197157004 | Severe congenital nemaline myopathy |
726619004 | Ptosis, strabismus, ectopic pupil syndrome |
386766007 | Marchiafava-Bignami disease |
204152008 | Axenfeld anomaly |
95501007 | Retinal arteriovenous malformation |
773666007 | Hypoinsulinemic hypoglycemia and body hemihypertrophy |
770947009 | Autosomal dominant severe congenital neutropenia |
36601008 | Craniometaphyseal dysplasia |
765187004 | Stiff skin syndrome |
703406006 | Trichohepatoenteric syndrome |
718188007 | 8p inverted duplication deletion syndrome |
14447001 | Dandy-Walker syndrome |
253269002 | Criss-cross heart |
718182008 | Combined pituitary hormone deficiency genetic form |
418470004 | Porphyria |
19346006 | Marfan's syndrome |
774065001 | FLOTCH syndrome |
218728005 | Interrupted aortic arch |
28557005 | Geleophysic dysplasia |
720981000 | Alopecia and intellectual disability with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism syndrome |
763352005 | Familial dyskinesia and facial myokymia |
783177006 | Congenital hypothyroidism due to maternal intake of antithyroid drug |
702439002 | Andermann syndrome |
87211000119104 | Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor |
717010007 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2C |
403977003 | Angiosarcoma |
766815007 | Perioral myoclonia with absences |
783696009 | Hyperandrogenism due to cortisone reductase deficiency |
14683004 | Relapsing fever caused by Borrelia recurrentis |
763624007 | Syndactyly type 6 |
232330007 | Recessive sensorineural hearing loss |
782915004 | Acquired hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis associated with malignant disease |
254122007 | Osteopetrosis with renal tubular acidosis |
1260241001 | Resistance to thyroid hormone due to mutation in thyroid hormone receptor beta |
773280009 | Hydrocephalus, blue sclera, nephropathy syndrome |
765761009 | Brachydactyly, mesomelia, intellectual disability, heart defect syndrome |
398071000 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex, Ogna type |
1229942009 | Severe combined immunodeficiency due to CORO1A deficiency |
718577005 | Atkin Flaitz syndrome |
84625002 | Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis |
237653008 | Familial hyperparathyroidism |
702407009 | McKusick Kaufman syndrome |
23876003 | Congenital dislocation of shoulder |
715656004 | Aplasia of lacrimal and salivary gland |
8712002 | Congenital subaortic stenosis due to fibromuscular shelf |
3755001 | Pityriasis rubra pilaris |
448216007 | Carcinoma of thyroid |
871597006 | Congenital dysplasia of aortic valve |
1222710008 | Neurodevelopmental disorder, craniofacial dysmorphism, cardiac defect, skeletal anomalies syndrome |
771262009 | Pseudoleprechaunism syndrome Patterson type |
204808002 | Congenital pancreatic cyst |
75238000 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III-C |
722075004 | Oro-facial digital syndrome type 10 |
766986002 | Acute adrenal insufficiency |
37054000 | Congenital atresia of colon |
57725006 | Balantidiasis |
783176002 | Congenital muscular dystrophy with cerebellar involvement |
413936007 | Currarino triad |
719257008 | Lathosterolosis |
732953008 | Ectodermal dysplasia and sensorineural deafness syndrome |
1172585006 | MME-related autosomal dominant Charcot Marie Tooth disease type 2 |
721313009 | Indeterminate dendritic cell neoplasm |
782674007 | Distal monosomy 7p syndrome |
719019000 | WT limb blood syndrome |
254976006 | Optic nerve glioma |
398197009 | Congenital choledochal cyst |
715465001 | Bedouin spastic ataxia syndrome |
254782003 | Multiple progressive hemangiomata |
725393000 | Autosomal dominant primary hypomagnesemia with hypocalciuria |
234146006 | Hennekam syndrome |
95462004 | Anomaly of sex chromosome |
404072004 | Dedifferentiated liposarcoma |
723624008 | SLC35A1 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
763404001 | Ichthyosis, alopecia, eclabion, ectropion, intellectual disability syndrome |
715484003 | Ophthalmomandibulomelic dysplasia |
1237225007 | Dermatosparaxis Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
409563004 | Intestinal botulism |
763796007 | Megakaryoblastic acute myeloid leukemia with t(1;22)(p13;q13) |
725904009 | Genochondromatosis type 2 |
770751003 | Severe motor and intellectual disabilities, sensorineural deafness, dystonia syndrome |
719663005 | 6q25 microdeletion syndrome |
7259005 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-IV-A |
419097006 | Danon disease |
240849009 | Mansonelliasis |
716773002 | Familial idiopathic dilatation of right atrium |
699756005 | Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia |
724650000 | Primary follicular dendritic cell sarcoma |
783003009 | Thoracomelic dysplasia |
718689000 | Distal trisomy 10q |
48611009 | Darier disease |
763669001 | Spastic ataxia with congenital miosis |
720517001 | Ataxia with deafness and intellectual disability syndrome |
723131006 | Megalopapilla |
718850008 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2E |
401138005 | Pena-Shokeir syndrome type I |
719249005 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 17 |
1222671009 | 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 8 |
763620003 | Trichodermodysplasia and dental alterations syndrome |
770760006 | 16q24.1 microdeletion syndrome |
75979009 | Johanson-Blizzard syndrome |
124177001 | Deficiency of pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase |
764939004 | Fundus albipunctatus |
1204420006 | Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis/chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis |
255071008 | Squamous cell carcinoma of lip |
1279832006 | Acute occlusion of peripheral artery due to thrombosis |
277796003 | Granulomatous slack skin disease |
1187039001 | Cleft lip and palate, craniofacial dysmorphism, congenital heart defect, hearing loss syndrome |
717013009 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2I |
234388009 | Delta-beta-Lepore thalassemia |
720599002 | Campomelia Cumming type |
1237366005 | Aprosencephaly cerebellar dysgenesis |
782757004 | Congenital microcephaly, severe encephalopathy, progressive cerebral atrophy syndrome |
238775002 | Idiopathic livedo reticularis with summer ulceration |
715771008 | Colobomatous microphthalmia |
773737004 | NPHP3-related Meckel-like syndrome |
7119001 | Cutaneous lupus erythematosus |
770663003 | Tetrasomy 11q24.1 |
715627004 | Primary progressive freezing gait |
763376002 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 28 |
270889005 | Deletion of long arm of chromosome 18 |
733638006 | Acral dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa |
766813000 | Trichoodontoonychial dysplasia |
205330003 | Humeroulnar synostosis |
703504006 | Congenital reticular ichthyosiform erythroderma |
89597008 | Glycogen storage disease, type VII |
722381004 | Crome syndrome |
88860002 | Pneumocystosis |
783764008 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 56 |
773556006 | Short ulna, dysmorphism, hypotonia, intellectual disability syndrome |
763717004 | Sporadic fetal brain disruption sequence |
718763005 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia MacDermot type |
10007009 | Coffin-Siris syndrome |
19092004 | Holt-Oram syndrome |
66758006 | Acrodysostosis |
721234004 | Hyperinsulinism due to HNF1A deficiency |
717329009 | Inflammatory pseudotumor of liver |
771235001 | Vasoproliferative tumor of retina |
424114000 | Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis |
698846009 | Tibial muscular dystrophy |
237699005 | Post-traumatic hypopituitarism |
771338002 | Parietal foramina with clavicular hypoplasia |
118608000 | Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis (clinical) |
88923002 | Progressive muscular atrophy |
703534001 | Char syndrome |
778012003 | Temple syndrome |
763065008 | Ataxia telangiectasia variant |
721087008 | Deafness and intellectual disability Martin Probst type syndrome |
773492007 | Childhood-onset spasticity with hyperglycinemia |
1251448003 | Polyclonal hyperviscosity syndrome |
1187617004 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2S |
1172603005 | Infantile-onset generalized dyskinesia with orofacial involvement |
787093004 | Developmental delay, facial dysmorphism syndrome due to MED13L deficiency |
254065005 | Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia |
715535009 | Naxos disease |
1220568003 | QRICH1-related intellectual disability, chondrodysplasia syndrome |
763132003 | Coloboma of superior eyelid |
1179300002 | BENTA disease |
719160009 | Syndromic X-linked intellectual disability type 7 |
75241009 | Choroideremia |
770940006 | Congenital panfollicular nevus |
773993008 | Idiopathic macular telangiectasia type 1 |
720635002 | Cerebro-facio-thoracic dysplasia |
719947004 | Temtamy syndrome |
725036000 | Familial isolated hypoparathyroidism |
238049009 | Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome |
723512008 | Revesz syndrome |
54470008 | 3 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency |
53926002 | Plastic bronchitis |
73692007 | Fixed drug eruption |
1157157006 | Acute myeloid leukemia with 11q23 abnormality |
1260449002 | Polyendocrine polyneuropathy syndrome |
205573006 | Focal dermal hypoplasia |
716696006 | Autosomal dominant centronuclear myopathy |
237985009 | Pearson's syndrome |
699316006 | Myhre syndrome |
719475006 | CLOVE syndrome |
66451004 | Familial visceral amyloidosis, Ostertag type |
83839005 | Acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau |
717003001 | Hereditary cavernous hemangioma of brain |
109989006 | Multiple myeloma |
14901003 | Ankylosis of tooth |
1172628002 | TBCK-related intellectual disability syndrome |
723557004 | Thiamine-responsive encephalopathy |
715657008 | Familial avascular necrosis of femoral head |
73893000 | Congenital toxoplasmosis |
783251006 | Hereditary thrombocytopenia with normal platelets |
771308008 | Non-acquired combined pituitary hormone deficiency, sensorineural hearing loss, spine abnormalities syndrome |
43489008 | Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever |
1208481000 | Progressive cerebello-cerebral atrophy |
17144009 | Fibrochondrogenesis |
715630006 | Familial progressive hyperpigmentation |
1177169004 | Congenital cerebellar ataxia due to RNU12 mutation |
725168006 | Aland Islands eye disease |
460923005 | Anomalous origin of right coronary artery from left coronary artery aortic sinus |
722125003 | Overhydrated hereditary stomatocytosis |
720461006 | Acute infantile liver failure due to synthesis defect of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid encoded protein |
449731009 | Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 3 |
55999004 | Encephalocele |
373426005 | Epithelial basement membrane dystrophy |
70694009 | Wolfram syndrome |
784380009 | Autosomal dominant spastic ataxia type 1 |
66063001 | Regional odontodysplasia |
69614003 | Adenosylcobalamin synthesis defect |
721158009 | Deletion 5q35 |
66751000 | Niemann-Pick disease, type C |
88264003 | Infection by larvae of Trichinella spiralis |
271020004 | Congenital absence of breast with absent nipple |
702378002 | Hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome |
703193000 | Congenital malformation of dural sinus |
763345008 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B3 |
725415009 | House allergic alveolitis |
1217212009 | Mitochondrial pyruvate carrier deficiency |
230260007 | Pure hereditary spastic paraplegia |
718897009 | X-linked intellectual disability Seemanova type |
721975004 | Epiphyseal dysplasia, microcephalus, nystagmus syndrome |
204036008 | Lissencephaly |
723825006 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 55 |
1229882003 | 11q22.2q22.3 microdeletion syndrome |
233692000 | Cryptogenic pulmonary eosinophilia |
723821002 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 44 |
57219006 | Craniosynostosis syndrome |
709282004 | Deficiency of aminoacylase 1 |
722063009 | Odonto-tricho-ungual-digito-palmar syndrome |
49013001 | 17 alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone aldolase deficiency |
1268720005 | Primary malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with perineurial differentiation |
723623002 | Southeast Asian ovalocytosis |
778042000 | Foveal hypoplasia with presenile cataract syndrome |
771233008 | Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor |
277597005 | Myelodysplastic syndrome with isolated del(5q) |
716651004 | Leiomyosarcoma of small intestine |
774151000 | Ferro-cerebro-cutaneous syndrome |
1220597000 | Retinitis pigmentosa, juvenile cataract, short stature, intellectual disability syndrome |
783619003 | DYRK1A-related intellectual disability syndrome due to 21q22.13q22.2 microdeletion |
5387003 | Pigmented hairy epidermal nevus |
51523009 | Congenital laryngocele |
312956001 | Central serous chorioretinopathy |
277575008 | T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
715754007 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 |
702312009 | Tarsal-carpal coalition syndrome |
9723006 | Hyperphosphatasemia with bone disease |
1197358003 | Autosomal recessive dysgenesis of anterior segment of eye |
23132008 | AL amyloidosis |
1187247007 | WAC-related facial dysmorphism, developmental delay, behavioral abnormalities syndrome |
1217367007 | PLAA-associated neurodevelopmental disorder |
17827007 | Cross syndrome |
719649004 | 1q44 microdeletion syndrome |
1172843003 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 29 |
1216941002 | Ketoacidosis due to monocarboxylate transporter-1 deficiency |
720499004 | Aplasia cutis with myopia syndrome |
722293005 | Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, deafness and narcolepsy syndrome |
9273005 | Juvenile polyposis syndrome |
80612004 | Leishmaniasis |
726019003 | Familial malignant melanoma of skin |
1177168007 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 78 |
359711001 | Hereditary von Willebrand disease type 2A |
1222676004 | Mueller Weiss syndrome |
418186002 | Pellagra |
55821006 | Hay-Wells syndrome of ectodermal dysplasia |
1186711002 | GNB5-related intellectual disability, cardiac arrhythmia syndrome |
1268956001 | Primary extramammary Paget disease of skin |
443719001 | Leiomyosarcoma |
785809005 | Mills syndrome |
254846003 | Giant fibroadenoma of breast |
721093000 | Dianzani autoimmune lymphoproliferative disease |
725431001 | Autosomal recessive mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to partial interferon gamma receptor 1 deficiency |
763061004 | 20q11.2 microduplication syndrome |
733097003 | Ichthyosis, intellectual disability, dwarfism, renal impairment syndrome |
763741001 | Intellectual disability, alacrima, achalasia syndrome |
715527006 | Deafness and oligodontia syndrome |
766976003 | Pulmonary valve agenesis, tetralogy of Fallot, absence of ductus arteriosus syndrome |
773667003 | Hypertelorism, preauricular sinus, punctual pits, deafness syndrome |
778050009 | Idiopathic eosinophilic myositis |
1179299005 | NEK9-related lethal skeletal dysplasia |
190268003 | Congenital hypothyroidism |
37109004 | Ebola virus disease |
722449007 | Gingival fibromatosis with progressive deafness syndrome |
12962009 | Histoplasmosis |
715755008 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 4 |
111396008 | Chédiak-Higashi syndrome |
715431002 | Phenobarbital embryopathy |
399933001 | Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) |
1186724002 | HTRA1-related autosomal dominant cerebral small vessel disease |
1268396008 | Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of stomach |
40122008 | Pneumoconiosis |
389163006 | Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Sedaghatian type |
1214006 | Infection by Strongyloides |
1172839002 | Lethal left ventricular non-compaction, seizures, hypotonia, cataract, developmental delay syndrome |
765329008 | Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 1 deficiency |
725392005 | Autosomal dominant striatal neurodegeneration |
32985001 | Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome |
205369009 | Congenital overgrowth of lower limb |
75049004 | Jeune thoracic dystrophy |
722106001 | Oro-facial digital syndrome type 8 |
723551003 | Trichothiodystrophy |
726669007 | Central nervous system calcification, deafness, tubular acidosis, anemia syndrome |
773702002 | Sterile multifocal osteomyelitis with periostitis and pustulosis |
715798007 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4D |
718719001 | Lissencephaly type 3 familial fetal akinesia sequence syndrome |
1197430005 | QRSL1-related combined oxidative phosphorylation defect |
1268711001 | Primary hepatoblastoma of liver |
111386004 | Homozygous porphyria cutanea tarda |
128098009 | Scott syndrome |
1197155007 | Amish nemaline myopathy |
193413001 | Leber's amaurosis |
764811001 | Cavitary myiasis |
770602005 | Squamous cell carcinoma of exocrine pancreas |
720493003 | Annular atrophic lichen planus |
716592003 | Cerebellar liponeurocytoma |
771234002 | Isolated bilateral hemispheric cerebellar hypoplasia |
60743005 | Purine-nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency |
763828007 | Odonto onycho dysplasia with alopecia syndrome |
719296002 | Posterior amorphous corneal dystrophy |
717333002 | Congenital hypothyroidism due to transplacental passage of maternal thyroid stimulating hormone binding inhibitory antibody |
39912006 | Hereditary spastic paraplegia |
763617006 | Primary laryngeal lymphangioma |
763351003 | Spectrin-associated autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia |
238861002 | Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis |
723306004 | Facial onset sensory and motor neuronopathy syndrome |
719990003 | Autosomal dominant limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 1G |
718575002 | Ablepharon macrostomia syndrome |
783055005 | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 5 |
724138007 | Mitochondrial myopathy with sideroblastic anemia syndrome |
402772005 | Autosomal recessive ichthyosis |
233855002 | Familial atrial myxoma |
725417001 | CHST3-related skeletal dysplasia |
267613004 | Progressive cone dystrophy (without rod involvement) |
722281001 | Agammaglobulinemia, microcephaly, craniosynostosis, severe dermatitis syndrome |
74912001 | Hemoglobin M disease |
827117008 | Autosomal recessive progressive external ophthalmoplegia |
719213009 | Short stature Brussels type |
818951009 | Congenital respiratory biliary fistula |
12876009 | Poisoning by Digitalis glycoside |
399964004 | Fibroblastic rheumatism |
719253007 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 30 |
719069008 | Shprintzen Goldberg craniosynostosis syndrome |
764625002 | Mosaic trisomy 22 syndrome |
783702009 | X-linked intellectual disability due to GRIA3 mutations |
722051004 | Obesity, colitis, hypothyroidism, cardiac hypertrophy, developmental delay syndrome |
37821003 | Sea-blue histiocyte syndrome |
723999009 | RHYNS syndrome |
89114005 | Infectious secondary iridocyclitis |
719018008 | X-linked intellectual disability Abidi type |
733630004 | Deficiency of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase |
733606001 | Summitt syndrome |
52713000 | Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy |
818965006 | Avascular necrosis of tarsus |
1172626003 | TELO2-related intellectual disability, neurodevelopmental disorder |
715989002 | Karandikar Maria Kamble syndrome |
254659009 | Multiple self-healing epithelioma of Ferguson-Smith |
720953006 | Fibular dimelia diplopodia syndrome |
359725000 | Hereditary von Willebrand disease type 2M |
9250002 | Celiac artery compression syndrome |
43226001 | Sarcotubular myopathy |
707341005 | Viral hepatitis D |
773621003 | Intellectual disability, hypotonia, brachycephaly, pyloric stenosis, cryptorchidism syndrome |
723450004 | Pigmented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy |
403825008 | Familial multiple trichoepitheliomata |
253103006 | Frontal encephalocele |
733065003 | Myoclonus, cerebellar ataxia, deafness syndrome |
404051002 | Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma |
773627004 | Porencephaly, microcephaly, bilateral congenital cataract syndrome |
763220008 | Dermoid cyst of face |
715724002 | Syndactyly type 2 |
84296002 | Congenital atresia of small intestine |
785301002 | Childhood-onset autosomal recessive slowly progressive spinocerebellar ataxia |
1222643003 | Hereditary malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of small intestine |
57917004 | Seckel syndrome |
719271000 | Progressive osseous heteroplasia |
230379007 | Subacute necrotizing myelitis |
1172694007 | Adenylosuccinate synthetase-like 1-related distal myopathy |
772129007 | Spinal muscular atrophy with lower extremity predominance |
766044005 | Acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion |
1172589000 | Congenital omphalocele, diaphragmatic hernia, cardiovascular anomalies, radial ray defect syndrome |
733091002 | Isolated hereditary congenital facial paralysis |
782782004 | Autosomal recessive spondylometaphyseal dysplasia Megarbane type |
715240000 | X-linked retinal dysplasia |
774070008 | FBLN1-related developmental delay, central nervous system anomaly, syndactyly syndrome |
789120001 | Neurenteric cyst |
234138005 | Bannayan syndrome |
718200007 | Primary pulmonary lymphoma |
720573009 | Brachymorphism with onychodysplasia and dysphalangism syndrome |
718691008 | Isolated cryptophthalmos |
423464009 | Squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx |
93264003 | Congenital hypoplasia of humerus |
230421008 | Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures |
721231007 | Hydrocephalus with obesity and hypogonadism syndrome |
1268958000 | Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor of corpus uteri |
733070005 | Duplication of eyebrow and syndactyly syndrome |
766928004 | Generalized basaloid follicular hamartoma syndrome |
718905007 | X-linked intellectual disability Shrimpton type |
1230003009 | Heme oxygenase-1 deficiency |
770410004 | Distal monosomy 14q syndrome |
1220591004 | Pediatric collagenous gastritis |
719662000 | 6p22 microdeletion syndrome |
773645004 | Familial infantile gigantism |
783562005 | Syndactyly, nystagmus syndrome due to 2q31.1 microduplication |
722033000 | Macrocephaly, short stature, paraplegia syndrome |
80258006 | Drug-induced lupus erythematosus |
205718006 | Chimera 46, XX; 46, XY |
716682000 | Dominant beta-thalassemia |
1187470001 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 75 |
1268710000 | Primary adamantinoma of long bone |
1268458008 | Primary anaplastic thyroid carcinoma |
780822000 | Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma and ganglioglioma |
359804008 | Eosinophilic gastroenteritis |
127057004 | Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria |
719812008 | X-linked intellectual disability with plagiocephaly syndrome |
719301002 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 37 |
424440001 | Adenocarcinoma of small intestine |
205550003 | Lamellar ichthyosis |
719836007 | X-linked distal arthrogryposis multiplex congenita |
726617002 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2N |
763529005 | Distal monosomy 7q36 syndrome |
722062004 | Oculotrichodysplasia |
2829000 | Uhl's disease |
1269046008 | Primary chordoma |
719430008 | Leber plus disease |
1236843008 | PDE4D haploinsufficiency syndrome |
783787000 | Retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukoencephalopathy and systemic manifestations |
722463001 | Macular coloboma, cleft palate, hallux valgus syndrome |
238033007 | 3-Beta-hydroxy-delta-5-C27-steroid dehydrogenase deficiency |
74398009 | XX males |
76098004 | Fibrous dysplasia of jaw |
2065009 | Dominant hereditary optic atrophy |
128460000 | Systemic sclerosis, diffuse |
720978005 | ALG9 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
773735007 | Deafness with onychodystrophy syndrome |
1230016009 | Familial congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction |
1237475006 | Cerebellar-facial-dental syndrome |
717054001 | Maternally inherited mitochondrial dystonia |
1857005 | Congenital rubella syndrome |
373604002 | Light chain deposition disease |
733072002 | Stimmler syndrome |
783718003 | Paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome X |
1177062005 | Sporadic fatal insomnia |
782911008 | Hereditary cryohydrocytosis with reduced stomatin |
79037006 | Accessory pancreas |
715562001 | Retinitis punctata albescens |
1172898008 | Kosaki overgrowth syndrome |
719688002 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia Al-Gazali type |
400126005 | Ulerythema ophryogenes |
1264041000 | Autosomal dominant osteopetrosis type 1 |
720950009 | Familial thrombocytosis |
722457005 | Juvenile cataract, microcornea, renal glucosuria syndrome |
1269414003 | Primary fibrillary astrocytoma of central nervous system |
254132000 | Endosteal hyperostoses with cerebellar hypoplasia |
720863002 | Eiken syndrome |
371090009 | Cholestasis of parenteral nutrition |
763797003 | Agenesis of corpus callosum and abnormal genitalia syndrome |
1268486000 | Primary ganglioneuroblastoma |
722431007 | Double uterus, hemivagina, renal agenesis syndrome |
718881004 | Chromosome Xq27.3q28 duplication syndrome |
1237226008 | Isotretinoin syndrome |
783143001 | Noonan syndrome-like disorder with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia |
711483003 | Spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1 |
1237509001 | PLACK syndrome |
1217409009 | Acquired protein S deficiency |
1197205005 | Combined immunodeficiency due to DOCK8 deficiency |
723449004 | Pierson syndrome |
88220006 | Pachydermoperiostosis syndrome |
254112001 | Osteoporosis with pseudoglioma |
1260467009 | Large congenital pigmented melanocytic naevus of skin |
234422006 | Acute intermittent porphyria |
238872007 | Acrogeria |
234633000 | Centromeric instability of chromosomes 1,9 and 16 and immunodeficiency |
239031000 | Orofacial-digital syndrome IV |
1259813004 | Primary anaplastic oligoastrocytoma of central nervous system |
782946000 | Gastrocutaneous syndrome |
206292002 | Meconium aspiration syndrome |
1237577000 | Symptomatic form of Coffin-Lowry syndrome in female carrier |
1222681008 | Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, primary immunodeficiency syndrome |
718099006 | Enlarged parietal foramina |
240447002 | Pontiac fever |
717184007 | Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma type 1 |
82699004 | Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen syndrome |
1264005000 | Immunoglobulin G4 related submandibular gland disease |
723332005 | Isodicentric chromosome 15 syndrome |
722056009 | Oculocerebrofacial syndrome Kaufman type |
720414005 | Acrorenal mandibular syndrome |
20756002 | Adult hypophosphatasia |
716864001 | Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome |
718572004 | Bethlem myopathy |
1767005 | Fisher's syndrome |
719819004 | Xeroderma pigmentosum and Cockayne syndrome complex |
716281000 | Primary progressive non fluent aphasia |
239073008 | Circumscribed palmoplantar keratoderma |
715721005 | Brachydactyly type A4 |
30664006 | Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 |
719210007 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 14 |
78129009 | Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
784349004 | Cutis laxa with severe pulmonary, gastrointestinal and urinary anomalies |
13404009 | Twin-to-twin blood transfer |
766720000 | Paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 21 |
764688002 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 35 |
30023002 | Hydranencephaly |
230450001 | Eating epilepsy |
719163006 | Accessory anterior naris |
1208486005 | Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome type 2 |
763455008 | X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 |
1255207005 | Immunoglobulin G4 related eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis |
715522000 | Schinzel phocomelia syndrome |
771479000 | Combined immunodeficiency due to STK4 deficiency |
778022009 | Classical-like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type 1 |
720467005 | Aniridia and absent patella syndrome |
190815001 | Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis |
766814006 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia with saccadic intrusion syndrome |
134335004 | Hemangiopericytoma |
702345009 | Ring chromosome 14 syndrome |
720427009 | Acrofacial dysostosis Kennedy Teebi type |
70528007 | Mucolipidosis |
239059004 | KID syndrome |
10651001 | Temporal lobectomy behavior syndrome |
725047007 | Autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with hoarseness |
1222645005 | KRT1-related diffuse nonepidermolytic keratoderma |
232384005 | Median nasal dermoid fistula |
1260195002 | GRIN2B-related developmental delay, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder |
49420001 | Pemphigus vulgaris |
1156473003 | Pineocytoma |
58750007 | Plague |
232383004 | Nasal dermoid |
78311009 | Histidine transport defect |
764812008 | Autosomal recessive myogenic arthrogryposis multiplex congenita |
25858008 | Atrophic lichen planus |
22255007 | Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy |
204357006 | Ebstein's anomaly |
726051002 | Myotonia congenita |
770591002 | Pseudounicornuate uterus |
716096005 | Goldblatt Wallis syndrome |
719837003 | X-linked dominant chondrodysplasia Chassaing Lacombe type |
870320009 | Osteitis condensans of medial clavicle |
768556005 | Ataxia pancytopenia syndrome |
1231282002 | Benign familial neonatal-infantile seizures |
774209001 | Didymosis aplasticosebacea |
788674000 | Primary cutaneous CD4 positive small/medium T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder |
118613001 | Hairy cell leukemia (clinical) |
1156470000 | Atypical papilloma of choroid plexus |
14087004 | Hereditary stomatocytosis |
720825005 | Cystic leukoencephalopathy without megalencephaly |
1172689007 | Prenatal-onset spinal muscular atrophy with congenital bone fractures |
1197149002 | Psychogenic movement disorder |
19265001 | Tularemia |
773275000 | Post-transplant acute limbic encephalitis |
720574003 | Brachytelephalangy, facial dysmorphism, Kallmann syndrome |
724540009 | Tropical calcific chronic pancreatitis |
71988008 | Aase syndrome |
458432002 | Arterial tortuosity syndrome |
783090002 | IRVAN syndrome |
254099008 | Desbuquois syndrome |
717332007 | Cerebellar ataxia Cayman type |
720818003 | Craniosynostosis Philadelphia type |
773770009 | Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum with imperforate anus syndrome |
1229883008 | 19p13.3 microduplication syndrome |
763062006 | 2q33.1 microdeletion syndrome |
721873007 | Joubert syndrome with orofaciodigital defect |
238004006 | Succinyl-CoA acetoacetate transferase deficiency |
392481002 | Chandler syndrome |
67782005 | Acute respiratory distress syndrome |
773668008 | Childhood encephalopathy due to thiamine pyrophosphokinase deficiency |
84193000 | Trehalase deficiency |
1230342001 | Hepatitis B reinfection following liver transplantation |
276803003 | Adenocarcinoma of esophagus |
1197215004 | Microform holoprosencephaly |
237659007 | Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism |
765146000 | Oculocutaneous albinism type 1 |
1172627007 | Early-onset epilepsy, intellectual disability, brain anomalies syndrome |
1197152005 | Distal hereditary motor neuropathy type 5 |
403969002 | Glomus tumor |
1237421000 | PYCR2-related microcephaly, progressive leucoencephalopathy |
715436007 | Congenital cerebellar hypoplasia co-occurrent with tapetoretinal degeneration |
124224004 | Deficiency of ferroxidase |
63450009 | Rufous albinism |
702433001 | Congenital cataracts, facial dysmorphism and neuropathy |
297238008 | Erythrocyte uridine diphosphate galactose-4-epimerase deficiency |
718751000 | COG4 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
711162004 | Autosomal dominant vitreoretinochoroidopathy |
128210009 | Thoracic outlet syndrome |
254097005 | Stuve-Wiedemann dysplasia |
472706000 | Closure of fetal arterial duct |
253781004 | Megacystis, microcolon, hypoperistalsis syndrome |
60192008 | Lethal multiple pterygium syndrome |
897570002 | Distal arthrogryposis type 3 |
22886006 | Glutaric aciduria, type 2 |
783254003 | Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin with sickle cell disease syndrome |
1228890005 | 16p13.2 microdeletion syndrome |
777998000 | Temtamy preaxial brachydactyly syndrome |
718845002 | X-linked intellectual disability with ataxia and apraxia syndrome |
764456001 | Hyperammonemic encephalopathy due to carbonic anhydrase VA deficiency |
38847009 | XXXXY syndrome |
27836007 | Pertussis |
58795000 | Distal muscular dystrophy |
67224007 | Reactive arthritis triad |
1220598005 | Non-progressive predominantly posterior cavitating leukodystrophy with peripheral neuropathy |
93466004 | Gonadal dysgenesis with auditory dysfunction, autosomal recessive inheritance |
238068007 | Bifunctional peroxisomal enzyme deficiency |
1268534007 | Primary Ewing sarcoma of soft tissue |
237913008 | Disorder of tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism |
765143008 | Sporadic pheochromocytoma and secreting paraganglioma |
116020001 | Disorder of branched-chain amino acid metabolism |
774212003 | Microcornea, myopic chorioretinal atrophy, telecanthus syndrome |
240524001 | Brazilian hemorrhagic fever |
719600006 | 1p21.3 microdeletion syndrome |
723439002 | Native American myopathy |
699254009 | 15q13.3 microdeletion |
127217009 | Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis |
719172003 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia PAPSS2 type |
74788000 | Tongue absent |
59761008 | Glutamate formiminotransferase deficiency |
24559001 | Mutilating keratoderma |
1186729007 | Intellectual disability, cardiac anomalies, short stature, joint laxity syndrome |
771269000 | Autosomal dominant multiple pterygium syndrome |
715504003 | Spastic paraparesis and deafness |
715864007 | Idiopathic copper associated cirrhosis of liver |
725434009 | Autosomal recessive facio-digito-genital syndrome |
373643003 | Cleft lip and cleft of alveolar process of maxilla |
724140002 | Microspherophakia with metaphyseal dysplasia syndrome |
60970005 | Parasitic myositis |
398316009 | Patent urachus |
782828005 | Developmental delay due to methylmalonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency |
721970009 | Persistent Mullerian derivative with lymphangiectasia and polydactyly syndrome |
773302000 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, abnormal dentition syndrome |
782783009 | Oculoauriculofrontonasal syndrome |
715345007 | Young onset Parkinson disease |
428217009 | Disseminated cytomegalovirus infection |
1179283004 | Metopic ridging, ptosis, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
715239002 | Sudden sensorineural hearing loss |
26374003 | Cheilitis glandularis |
725588002 | Bathing suit ichthyosis |
1186720006 | CEBPE-associated autoinflammation, immunodeficiency, neutrophil dysfunction syndrome |
765748009 | Adult pure red cell aplasia |
1269233006 | Posterior-predominant lissencephaly, broad flat pons and medulla-midline crossing defects syndrome |
240046001 | Muscular dystrophy with predominantly proximal limb girdle distribution |
2992000 | Pigmentary pallidal degeneration |
733417008 | Facial dysmorphism, macrocephaly, myopia, Dandy-Walker malformation syndrome |
403775003 | Hereditary neurocutaneous angiomata |
763721006 | Hypermethioninemia encephalopathy due to deficiency of adenosine kinase |
719164000 | Symmetrical thalamic calcification |
719429003 | Lelis syndrome |
773274001 | X-linked intellectual disability, craniofacioskeletal syndrome |
771440006 | Hemihyperplasia with multiple lipomatosis syndrome |
430904007 | Basilar skull invagination |
1268460005 | Primary parathyroid carcinoma |
237934001 | Transcobalamin II deficiency |
773278003 | Familial osteodysplasia Anderson type |
771301002 | Axial spondylometaphyseal dysplasia |
783140003 | Pelvic dysplasia, arthrogryposis of lower limbs syndrome |
127041004 | Sickle cell-beta-thalassemia |
238875009 | Wrinkly skin syndrome |
773554009 | THOC6-related developmental delay-microcephaly-facial dysmorphism syndrome |
715673002 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia type 1 |
230792007 | Ependymal cyst |
58558003 | Hyperlysinemia |
718183003 | Familial thyroid dyshormonogenesis |
722213009 | Severe X-linked intellectual disability Gustavson type |
716195006 | Verloes Bourguignon syndrome |
72991005 | Polyploidy syndrome |
42986003 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, type IB |
186774005 | Boutonneuse fever |
716318002 | Lynch syndrome |
52403007 | Thromboangiitis obliterans |
723829000 | Pulmonary fibrosis, hepatic hyperplasia, bone marrow hypoplasia syndrome |
702346005 | Potocki-Shaffer syndrome |
237687003 | Autosomal dominant isolated somatotropin deficiency |
230350000 | Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome |
722386009 | Celiac disease with epilepsy and cerebral calcification syndrome |
784351000 | Antecubital pterygium syndrome |
1157156002 | Cavernous lymphangioma |
441134009 | Congenital dysmegakaryopoietic thrombocytopenia, Paris Trousseau type |
718135001 | Isolated right ventricular hypoplasia |
773628009 | Frontonasal dysplasia, severe microphthalmia, severe facial clefting syndrome |
1172892009 | Autosomal recessive mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to complete RORgamma receptor mutation |
109493006 | Dentin dysplasia, type I |
770564004 | Microcephalic primordial dwarfism Alazami type |
770722002 | Proximal myopathy with extrapyramidal signs |
230407006 | Hemiplegia-hemiconvulsion-epilepsy syndrome |
778008009 | FGFR2-related bent bone dysplasia |
22199006 | Nail-patella syndrome |
723824005 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 54 |
726608002 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 23 |
764859001 | Laing early-onset distal myopathy |
238735005 | Loose anagen hair syndrome |
702344008 | Pitt-Hopkins syndrome |
238035000 | Delta-4-3-oxosteroid-5-beta-reductase deficiency |
765751002 | Autoimmune encephalopathy with parasomnia and obstructive sleep apnea |
770898002 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy, intellectual disability syndrome due to WWOX deficiency |
15346004 | Familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia |
715803003 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B1 |
766764008 | X-linked distal spinal muscular atrophy type 3 |
715647007 | Bothnia retinal dystrophy |
46804001 | Severe X-linked myotubular myopathy |
254196004 | Junctional epidermolysis bullosa mitis |
773404000 | Roifman syndrome |
774080007 | Neonatal scleroderma |
1268707007 | Primary malignant dysgerminoma of ovary |
717157006 | Trisomy 10p |
1186719000 | Predisposition to invasive fungal disease due to CARD9 deficiency |
733050004 | Dysmorphism, short stature, deafness, disorder of sex development syndrome |
1268957005 | Primary pineoblastoma |
766932005 | Hypothalamic hamartoma with gelastic seizure |
715981004 | Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly |
234638009 | Microcephaly, normal intelligence and immunodeficiency |
128563000 | Juxtaposed atrial appendage |
30652003 | Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
719516000 | Autosomal dominant focal dystonia DYT25 type |
81285006 | Pemphigus vegetans |
55510008 | Cor triatriatum |
398565003 | Infection caused by Clostridium botulinum |
719282008 | Primary ciliary dyskinesia and retinitis pigmentosa syndrome |
733116005 | Aniridia, renal agenesis, psychomotor retardation syndrome |
702423009 | Deafness-dystonia-optic neuronopathy syndrome |
1279839002 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 46 |
702382000 | Inclusion body myopathy 2 |
56653005 | 18p partial monosomy syndrome |
77527000 | 9p partial trisomy syndrome |
1172584005 | Childhood-onset basal ganglia degeneration syndrome |
778067002 | Brachytelephalangic chondrodysplasia punctata |
1230020008 | Congenital peripapillary staphyloma |
254787009 | Verrucous hemangioma of skin |
724099000 | Acquired monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain-associated Fanconi syndrome |
59277005 | Zygomycosis |
774152007 | Retinal dystrophy with inner retinal dysfunction and ganglion cell anomalies |
1237618009 | Short stature, optic nerve atrophy, Pelger-Huët anomaly syndrome |
717261006 | Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency |
716663009 | Severe early childhood onset retinal dystrophy |
47444008 | Lucey-Driscoll syndrome |
726734001 | Short stature locking fingers syndrome |
204552001 | Congenital subglottic stenosis |
1216943004 | Mandibulofacial dysostosis with alopecia |
722390006 | Congenital intrauterine infection-like syndrome |
719944006 | Oliver McFarlane syndrome |
62067003 | Hypoplastic left heart syndrome |
770627003 | Desmin-related myofibrillar myopathy |
726705007 | 3q13 microdeletion syndrome |
778049009 | Idiopathic uveal effusion syndrome |
1231140009 | Lemierre syndrome |
719987009 | Autosomal dominant limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 1D |
1179286007 | Combined immunodeficiency due to GINS1 deficiency |
1187038009 | Non-specific syndromic intellectual disability |
718766002 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, craniosynostosis, cleft palate, cataract and intellectual disability syndrome |
765046002 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2U |
717824007 | Grange syndrome |
717767009 | Alport syndrome autosomal recessive |
404120006 | Localized pagetoid reticulosis |
57514000 | 3-Oxo-5 alpha-steroid delta 4-dehydrogenase deficiency |
1172841001 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 30 |
763889002 | Spina bifida and hypospadias syndrome |
400951005 | Cryptophthalmos |
721073008 | Short stature with webbed neck and congenital heart disease syndrome |
773693005 | Spondylo-megaepiphyseal-metaphyseal dysplasia |
717944002 | Branchiogenic deafness syndrome |
1177177000 | Hyperphenylalaninemia due to DNAJC12 deficiency |
721874001 | Juberg Hayward syndrome |
716106000 | Limb body wall complex |
1208480004 | Epibulbar lipodermoid, preauricular appendage, polythelia syndrome |
718752007 | Episodic ataxia type 7 |
723367005 | MACS syndrome |
231938007 | Pellucid marginal corneal degeneration |
58610003 | Leber's optic atrophy |
414495006 | Infestation by Demodex |
48718006 | Roberts-SC phocomelia syndrome |
415283002 | Myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts-1 |
1163260008 | Non syndromic camptodactyly of fingers |
398623004 | Myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts |
765140006 | 8p23.1 duplication syndrome |
254058002 | Pseudodiastrophic dysplasia |
239144007 | Congenital erector pili hamartoma |
766755003 | Tetrasomy 5p syndrome |
715338007 | Fatal infantile lactic acidosis with methylmalonic aciduria |
732245008 | Pure mitochondrial myopathy |
715807002 | Familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob |
763798008 | Microcephalus, complex motor and sensory axonal neuropathy syndrome |
724283004 | Hypomyelinating leukodystrophy with atrophy of basal ganglia and cerebellum |
403488004 | Systemic lupus erythematosus of childhood |
39390005 | Niemann-Pick disease, type B |
720601000 | Camptodactyly and tall stature with scoliosis and hearing loss syndrome |
733045005 | Camptobrachydactyly |
1237340007 | Primary malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of thymus gland |
61598006 | Glycogenosis with glucoaminophosphaturia |
1268634001 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of stomach |
49762007 | Hereditary factor XI deficiency disease |
95268002 | Sinus venosus atrial septal defect |
782877002 | Xp22.13p22.2 duplication syndrome |
737217005 | Congenital absence of forearm and hand |
733088002 | Preaxial polydactyly, colobomata, intellectual disability syndrome |
95208000 | Photogenic epilepsy |
1268487009 | Primary carcinoma of nasopharynx |
1187304005 | Macrocephaly, intellectual disability, neurodevelopmental disorder, small thorax syndrome |
204378009 | Congenital coronary aneurysm |
238832003 | Elastoderma |
237611007 | Muscular atrophy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, and diabetes mellitus |
771181009 | Hypertrichosis cubiti |
716699004 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex due to plakophilin deficiency |
20348002 | 14q partial distal trisomy syndrome |
200999007 | Actinic lichen planus |
733117001 | Thumb stiffness, brachydactyly, intellectual disability syndrome |
1260097007 | PUM1-associated developmental disability, ataxia, seizure syndrome |
56786000 | Pulmonic valve stenosis |
237652003 | Insulin resistance - type B |
726621009 | Caudal appendage deafness syndrome |
88518009 | Wilson's disease |
720820000 | Cutaneous photosensitivity and lethal colitis syndrome |
254153009 | Familial expansile osteolysis |
719658006 | 2q24 microdeletion syndrome |
36188001 | Shigellosis |
59548005 | Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia, type I |
771144005 | Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with acrodystrophy |
234361004 | Congenital deficiency of intrinsic factor |
718181001 | Congenital cardiac diverticulum |
734173003 | SCARF syndrome |
725138002 | PELVIS syndrome |
724226009 | Infantile osteopetrosis with neuroaxonal dysplasia syndrome |
719404009 | Lethal recessive chondrodysplasia |
197601003 | Finnish congenital nephrotic syndrome |
782727008 | Autosomal spastic paraplegia type 72 |
239082002 | Dyschromatosis universalis |
715986009 | Rozin Hertz Goodman syndrome |
723819007 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 36 |
715819005 | Lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia type B |
764522009 | Familial focal epilepsy with variable foci |
85589009 | Radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia syndrome |
239076000 | Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis sclerodactyly syndrome |
719816006 | X-linked sideroblastic anemia with spinocerebellar ataxia |
42386007 | Cryptococcosis |
277567002 | T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia |
15069006 | Russell-Silver syndrome |
79410001 | Congenital cataract |
402561003 | Malignant melanoma of soft tissues |
775907000 | Congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 9 |
715991005 | Crane Heise syndrome |
1187620007 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2DD |
1231284001 | Autosomal dominant generalized dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa |
1264010001 | Primary hypereosinophilic syndrome |
716588005 | Primary non-gestational choriocarcinoma of ovary |
720010009 | Microphthalmia with brain atrophy syndrome |
770785002 | T-cell immunodeficiency with epidermodysplasia verruciformis |
239071005 | Epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma of Vorner |
47032000 | Congenital hydrocephalus |
722053001 | Obesity due to prohormone convertase I deficiency |
59708000 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia |
774154008 | Periodic paralysis with later-onset distal motor neuropathy |
723555007 | Thymic, renal, anal, lung dysplasia syndrome |
719583002 | 17q11.2 microduplication syndrome |
43929004 | Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome |
716863007 | Citrullinemia type II |
389168002 | Brachydactyly syndrome type B |
782167001 | Stewart-Morel-Morgagni syndrome |
47070001 | Congenital web of larynx |
785303004 | Multiple congenital anomalies, hypotonia, seizures syndrome |
312925009 | North Carolina macular dystrophy |
715414009 | Familial malignant neoplasm of pancreas |
56212008 | Leydig cell agenesis |
718771009 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 20 |
1217009002 | Primary lymphedema |
721090002 | Dermatoosteolysis Kirghizian type |
719584008 | 17q23.1q23.2 microdeletion syndrome |
1228843008 | Anti-p200 pemphigoid |
700250006 | Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis |
239118007 | Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus |
771141002 | Benign partial epilepsy with secondarily generalized seizures in infancy |
238947008 | Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis |
723826007 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 57 |
359717002 | Hereditary von Willebrand disease type 2B |
764732004 | Microcephalus, cerebellar hypoplasia, cardiac conduction defect syndrome |
890235002 | Autosomal recessive epidermolytic ichthyosis |
782672006 | Extragonadal germinoma |
31742004 | Arteriohepatic dysplasia |
232061009 | Congenital stationary night blindness |
47761007 | Brill-Zinsser disease |
718721006 | Congenital analbuminemia |
716337006 | Seaver Cassidy syndrome |
715438008 | Jacobsen syndrome |
725462002 | Congenital central hypothyroidism due to thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor deficiency |
400001003 | Primary cutaneous lymphoma |
238870004 | Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome |
717334008 | Idiopathic congenital hypothyroidism |
1212005 | Childhood type dermatomyositis |
1847009 | Endophthalmitis |
773394007 | Autosomal recessive frontotemporal pachygyria |
212809004 | Methyl alcohol causing toxic effect |
766050000 | Distal monosomy 15q |
443928008 | Necrotizing soft tissue infection |
715474004 | Fibular aplasia and complex brachydactyly |
1234831009 | MIRAGE syndrome |
715462003 | Microcephaly with cervical spine fusion anomaly |
722453009 | Hennekam Beemer syndrome |
240096000 | Mitochondrial cytopathy |
1260129000 | Infantile-onset axonal motor and sensory neuropathy, optic atrophy, neurodegenerative syndrome |
1217213004 | Idiopathic acroosteolysis of phalanx |
764435003 | 17q12 microduplication syndrome |
7368005 | Double outlet left ventricle |
719599008 | 19q13.11 microdeletion syndrome |
737562008 | Multicystic renal dysplasia |
715531000 | Tibial aplasia and ectrodactyly syndrome |
400946004 | Congenital fibrosis syndrome |
734028007 | 49,XYYYY syndrome |
79665007 | Wildervanck syndrome |
718609003 | Congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 3 |
1187642008 | Macrocephaly, intellectual disability, left ventricular non compaction syndrome |
238069004 | Acyl-CoA oxidase deficiency |
816068000 | Periventricular nodular heterotopia |
763658004 | Hypotrichosis, osteolysis, periodontitis, palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome |
448054001 | Adult onset autosomal dominant leukodystrophy |
725078006 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1e |
1187195007 | Microcephalic cortical malformations, short stature due to RTTN deficiency |
709490002 | Desmosterolosis |
237989003 | Succinate-coenzyme Q reductase deficiency |
720568003 | Brachydactyly and arterial hypertension syndrome |
782887003 | Inherited congenital spastic tetraplegia |
230247001 | Distal spinal muscular atrophy |
47017007 | Ring chromosome 1 syndrome |
58976002 | Pseudohypoparathyroidism |
768663003 | CLCN2-related leukoencephalopathy |
111323005 | Total anomalous pulmonary venous return |
782695002 | Primary dystonia DYT17 type |
699537002 | Erdheim-Chester disease |
724175002 | Lisch epithelial corneal dystrophy |
65553006 | Aspergillosis |
27837003 | Pyle metaphyseal dysplasia |
14821001 | Situs ambiguus |
718851007 | Cataract glaucoma syndrome |
1208512000 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 41 |
720514008 | Illum syndrome |
763683004 | 46,XY ovotesticular disorder of sex development |
712986001 | Encephalitis caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus |
1177178005 | Intrauterine growth restriction, congenital multiple café au lait macules, increased sister chromatid exchange syndrome |
58872001 | Erythema elevatum diutinum |
721847002 | Joubert syndrome with congenital hepatic fibrosis |
1186721005 | Infantile inflammatory bowel disease with neurological involvement |
236531005 | Renal dysplasia and retinal aplasia |
1197156008 | Intermediate nemaline myopathy |
703199001 | Laryngotracheal hemangioma |
726031001 | CAMOS syndrome |
723334006 | FADD-related immunodeficiency |
274901004 | Pilomatrixoma |
16652001 | Fabry's disease |
41574007 | Paramyotonia congenita |
726708009 | Familial isolated congenital asplenia |
95446005 | Thrombosis of mesenteric vein |
715826005 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 31 |
717276003 | Folinic acid responsive seizure syndrome |
773649005 | Transient infantile hypertriglyceridemia and hepatosteatosis |
763891005 | Renal hepatic pancreatic dysplasia |
703369003 | Microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome |
1208617001 | Congenital autosomal recessive small-platelet thrombocytopenia |
81004002 | Leprosy |
18690003 | Farmers' lung |
699669001 | Renpenning syndrome |
763530000 | Distal monosomy 9p syndrome |
36785009 | Aphasia-angular gyrus syndrome |
312005008 | Congenital penoscrotal transposition |
443250000 | Malignant fibromatous neoplasm |
764104003 | Pseudotyphus of California |
389167007 | Acromesomelic dysplasia Hunter-Thompson type |
1208935007 | Polymicrogyria due to TUBB2B mutation |
717016001 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A1 |
718217000 | Cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis |
707541006 | Acute respiratory distress in newborn with surfactant disorder |
770595006 | Ring chromosome 12 syndrome |
18417009 | Oligomeganephronic hypoplasia of kidney |
766722008 | Paraparetic variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome |
400115004 | Focal acral hyperkeratosis |
717266001 | Sensory ataxic neuropathy with dysarthria and ophthalmoparesis syndrome |
253649001 | Aortic tunnel |
726735000 | Autosomal recessive amelia |
703536004 | Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts |
13753008 | Hemifacial spasm |
50869007 | Periodontal Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
90584004 | Spinal cord injury |
1208479002 | Papular elastorrhexis |
254215005 | Erythrokeratoderma |
1187465008 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 9A |
238024005 | B1 variant hexosaminidase A deficiency |
1222660008 | Pancreatic agenesis, holoprosencephaly syndrome |
1268462002 | Primary osteosarcoma of bone |
723502001 | Reticular dystrophy of retinal pigment epithelium |
773587008 | X-linked intellectual disability, cardiomegaly, congestive heart failure syndrome |
430079001 | Cryopyrin associated periodic syndrome |
277619001 | B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia |
1162839003 | XK aprosencephaly syndrome |
254019007 | Infraorbital facial cleft - Tessier cleft 7 |
48983004 | X chromosome-linked sideroblastic anemia |
401046009 | Nicolaides-Baraitser syndrome |
1230025003 | Complete septate uterus |
26445008 | Cat eye syndrome |
773332008 | Craniosynostosis and dental anomalies syndrome |
698849002 | Tetrasomy 18p |
6160004 | Neonatal hemochromatosis |
78250005 | Ectopia cordis |
1187250005 | Seizures, scoliosis, macrocephaly syndrome |
1269273000 | Malignancy diagnosed during pregnancy |
230425004 | Lafora disease |
733473000 | 16p13.3 microduplication syndrome |
253907008 | Congenital anterior urethral valve |
703306007 | Primary hyperaldosteronism due to aldosterone-secreting malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland |
1173998003 | Postnatal microcephaly, infantile hypotonia, spastic diplegia, dysarthria, intellectual disability syndrome |
52212006 | HNSHA due to glutathione reductase deficiency |
717185008 | Deficiency of leukotriene C4 synthase |
726733007 | Chromosome Xp22.3 microdeletion syndrome |
718194004 | Hypothyroidism due to mutation in transcription factor of pituitary development |
1208516002 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 43 |
254942002 | Tumor of choroid plexus |
109494000 | Dentin dysplasia, type II |
783175003 | Congenital muscular dystrophy without intellectual disability |
702432006 | Fryns syndrome |
38196001 | Laron-type isolated somatotropin defect |
46724008 | Polyglandular activity in multiple endocrine adenomatosis |
763888005 | Necrotizing pneumonia caused by Panton-Valentine leukocidin producing Staphylococcus aureus |
763272003 | Distal trisomy 2q |
764455002 | Cognitive impairment, coarse facies, heart defects, obesity, pulmonary involvement, short stature, skeletal dysplasia syndrome |
774066000 | Familial angiolipomatosis |
725463007 | Severe congenital hypochromic anemia with ringed sideroblasts |
720513002 | Arthrogryposis with renal dysfunction and cholestasis syndrome |
389261002 | Greenberg dysplasia |
770411000 | Distal monosomy 19p13.3 |
651000146102 | Middle East respiratory syndrome |
239050000 | Alopecia, nail dystrophy, ophthalmic complications, thyroid dysfunction, hypohidrosis, ephelides, enteropathy and respiratory tract infections |
785299009 | Cobblestone lissencephaly without muscular or ocular involvement |
723441001 | Non-progressive cerebellar ataxia with intellectual disability |
707403002 | Primary fetal adenocarcinoma of lung |
86463003 | Solitary multilocular renal cyst |
789116000 | Infectious panuveitis |
205481009 | Metachondromatosis |
79745005 | Reflex epilepsy |
717772000 | CODAS syndrome |
38371006 | Poland anomaly |
1197212001 | Posterior meningocele |
1230269002 | Nasolacrimal duct cyst |
1197592001 | Intrauterine growth restriction, short stature, early adult-onset diabetes syndrome |
312215006 | Infective encephalitis |
717827000 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy with spastic paraplegia |
230248006 | Scapuloperoneal spinal muscular atrophy |
1269224009 | Craniosynostosis, microretrognathia, severe intellectual disability syndrome |
447823004 | Congenital abnormality of hepatic vein |
715900001 | Chordoid glioma |
124473006 | Deficiency of hyaluronoglucosaminidase |
763367009 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 48 |
239940004 | Lymphomatoid granulomatosis |
765484001 | Ring chromosome 19 syndrome |
399183005 | Impetigo bullosa |
717260007 | Congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia due to STAR deficiency |
61772003 | Muscle phosphoglycerate mutase deficiency |
230423006 | Unverricht-Lundborg syndrome |
722432000 | Duane anomaly, myopathy, scoliosis syndrome |
1220596009 | Microcephalic primordial dwarfism, insulin resistance syndrome |
717920004 | Blindness, scoliosis, arachnodactyly syndrome |
765328000 | Classic mycosis fungoides |
783622001 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 38 |
237751000 | Congenital adrenal hyperplasia |
770409009 | Crossed polysyndactyly |
1269048009 | Primary diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma |
230299004 | Juvenile onset Huntington's disease |
733621007 | 46,XX disorder of sex development with skeletal anomalies syndrome |
62557001 | Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata |
880067009 | Blount disease |
93059006 | Congenital dilatation of pulmonary artery |
721082002 | Dacryocystitis and osteopoikilosis syndrome |
725589005 | Bullous dystrophy macular type |
1197477000 | Combined immunodeficiency due to LRBA deficiency |
230648001 | Abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome |
719454003 | Congenital bile acid synthesis defect type 3 |
783615009 | Erythropoietic uroporphyria associated with myeloid malignancy |
239133004 | Reticulate acropigmentation of Kitamura |
778047006 | Myoclonic epilepsy in non-progressive encephalopathy |
770406002 | Brachydactyly type B2 |
204318003 | Persistent ostium secundum |
80126007 | Plummer-Vinson syndrome |
1010609002 | Mesomelic dysplasia of upper limb |
445308004 | Split cord malformation |
396334002 | Infection by Dracunculus medinensis |
21061004 | Babesiosis |
723444009 | Noonan syndrome-like disorder with loose anagen hair |
787413007 | Bifid nose |
8217007 | Arachnoiditis |
1269231008 | Lipoyl transferase 2 deficiency |
764994007 | Myopathy with hexagonally cross-linked tubular arrays |
773416006 | Intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism, hand anomalies syndrome |
763747002 | Congenital interventricular septum aneurysm |
191298004 | Acquired factor II deficiency |
773994002 | Idiopathic linear interstitial keratitis |
404663008 | Paraneoplastic retinopathy |
719815005 | X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy |
61778004 | Tumoral calcinosis |
720519003 | Atherosclerosis, deafness, diabetes, epilepsy, nephropathy syndrome |
253611000 | Quadricuspid aortic valve |
238026007 | Infantile GM1 gangliosidosis |
404024000 | Melanotic schwannoma |
82732003 | Familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis |
783550006 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 7 |
782736007 | Intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism syndrome due to SETD5 haploinsufficiency |
1268961004 | Primary diffuse astrocytoma of brain |
234451005 | Acquired von Willebrand disease |
766883006 | Familial dilated cardiomyopathy with conduction defect due to LMNA mutation |
51442005 | Congenital atresia of aortic valve |
402717008 | IgA pemphigus |
1268705004 | Primary malignant sex cord tumor of ovary |
1187041000 | STAG1-related intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism, gastroesophageal reflux syndrome |
1187621006 | DNAJB2-related Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 |
1231180000 | Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma |
404140004 | Primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma |
88154004 | Ring chromosome 18 syndrome |
1268641007 | Primary mucinous tubular and spindle cell renal carcinoma |
765747004 | Autosomal dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type D |
253327004 | Congenital coronary sinus stenosis |
720600004 | Camptodactyly with fibrous tissue hyperplasia and skeletal dysplasia syndrome |
239064000 | Keratolytic winter erythema |
190905008 | Cystic fibrosis |
1259106002 | Infantile Alexander disease |
734016004 | 17p11.2 microduplication syndrome |
389236000 | Neonatal osteosclerotic dysplasia |
254060000 | Otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia |
707742001 | Bartter syndrome |
1230068002 | Isolated blepharochalasis |
720979002 | Alopecia, contracture, dwarfism, intellectual disability syndrome |
1259817003 | Primary pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma of brain |
43217004 | Hereditary factor XII deficiency disease |
254676008 | Warty dyskeratoma |
1172588008 | Early-onset progressive encephalopathy, spastic ataxia, distal spinal muscular atrophy syndrome |
717181004 | Hyperprolinemia type 2 |
254221009 | Neonatal cutis laxa with marfanoid phenotype |
702367005 | Genitopatellar syndrome |
111397004 | Saccharopinuria |
1208933000 | 4H leukodystrophy |
723385003 | Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to partial IRF8 deficiency |
1228849007 | Polyglucosan body myopathy type 2 |
766751007 | Neuhauser anomaly |
422348008 | Andersen Tawil syndrome |
725163002 | X-linked spasticity, intellectual disability, epilepsy syndrome |
778023004 | Syndromic multisystem autoimmune disease due to ITCH deficiency |
21634003 | Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome |
410692006 | Anterior uveitis |
715863001 | Autoimmune necrotizing myopathy |
59252009 | Cutis laxa-corneal clouding-oligophrenia syndrome |
707796002 | Fusion of mandibular incisor teeth |
721236002 | Hyperinsulinism due to short chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency |
715801001 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4F |
717633007 | Distal monosomy 1q syndrome |
54627004 | Hereditary xanthinuria |
401315004 | Smith-Magenis syndrome |
1231176005 | Congenital fistula of commissure of lips |
788417006 | Alopecia, epilepsy, intellectual disability syndrome Moynahan type |
253679008 | Abdominal aortic coarctation |
1268902008 | Primary pulmonary blastoma |
723583009 | Steroid dehydrogenase deficiency and dental anomaly syndrome |
236443009 | Medullary sponge kidney |
36102002 | Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome |
87694001 | Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency |
290006 | Melnick-Fraser syndrome |
29120000 | Eosinophilic colitis |
715670004 | Mild spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia due to COL2A1 mutation with early onset osteoarthritis |
770725000 | Infantile cerebral and cerebellar atrophy with postnatal progressive microcephaly |
733361001 | Primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of ovary |
771237009 | Visual snow syndrome |
1263460007 | Birt Hogg Dubé syndrome |
1172703004 | POGLUT1-related limb girdle muscular dystrophy R21 |
715565004 | Lethal arthrogryposis with anterior horn cell disease |
448631009 | Right inferior caval vein connecting to left sided atrium |
715707008 | Postaxial polydactyly type B |
124274002 | Deficiency of AMP pyrophorylase |
410796000 | Juvenile seropositive polyarthritis |
724097003 | Moyamoya angiopathy, short stature, facial dysmorphism, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism syndrome |
787410005 | Hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome |
773672007 | Lethal occipital encephalocele, skeletal dysplasia syndrome |
715990006 | Cerebellum agenesis with hydrocephaly |
724278007 | Neonatal sclerosing cholangitis, ichthyosis, hypotrichosis syndrome |
237770005 | Syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess |
67569000 | Bronchopulmonary dysplasia of newborn |
770728003 | Facial dysmorphism, lens dislocation, anterior segment abnormalities, spontaneous filtering bleb syndrome |
33513003 | Familial apolipoprotein C-II deficiency |
771187008 | Camptodactyly, arthropathy, coxa-vara, pericarditis syndrome |
404029005 | Neurofibroma |
406597005 | Infection caused by Nipah virus |
33760009 | Relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis |
711153001 | Bowen-Conradi syndrome |
399894006 | Kimura's disease |
763623001 | Severe combined immunodeficiency due to CTPS1 deficiency |
239072003 | Congenital palmoplantar and perioral keratoderma of Olmsted |
770905005 | Distal 7q11.23 microdeletion syndrome |
716380002 | Logopenic progressive aphasia |
763739002 | Idiopathic recurrent stupor |
295315008 | Acquired methemoglobinemia |
195353004 | Granulomatosis with polyangiitis |
238850005 | MAGIC syndrome |
232086000 | Neovascular glaucoma |
14870002 | Achondrogenesis, type IB |
29633007 | Glycogen storage disease |
764854006 | Autosomal dominant slowed nerve conduction velocity |
716593008 | Carcinoma of salivary gland type of breast |
763403007 | Spastic paraplegia, facial cutaneous lesion syndrome |
718770005 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 25 |
715364001 | Familial abdominal aortic aneurysm |
766239009 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 6 |
719256004 | Pterygium colli with intellectual disability and digital anomaly syndrome |
309742004 | Drug-induced autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
764697003 | Verloove Vanhorick Brubakk syndrome |
9311003 | Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome |
403967000 | Spindle cell hemangioma |
721086004 | Deafness, genital anomaly, metacarpal and metatarsal synostosis syndrome |
818952002 | Fibronectin glomerulopathy |
717053007 | Renal tubulopathy with encephalopathy and liver failure syndrome |
1179296003 | Colobomatous macrophthalmia with microcornea syndrome |
715574002 | Posterior cortical atrophy syndrome |
773345007 | Oligodontia and cancer predisposition syndrome |
716243005 | Sellars Beighton syndrome |
230438007 | Acquired epileptic aphasia |
307592006 | Basophilic leukemia |
720419000 | Acrofacial dysostosis Catania type |
277589003 | Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm with neutrophilia |
254664008 | Eruptive keratoacanthoma |
734021001 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 38 |
1156457009 | Papillary glioneuronal tumor of brain |
773643006 | Multiple congenital anomalies, hypotonia, seizures syndrome type 2 |
699300009 | Oculofaciocardiodental syndrome |
200941006 | Lupus erythematosus tumidus |
717823001 | Goldblatt syndrome |
733422008 | Prion protein systemic amyloidosis |
234970006 | Dentinogenesis imperfecta - Shield's type III |
237980004 | D-Glyceric aciduria |
771472009 | Developmental and speech delay due to SOX5 deficiency |
254049009 | Schneckenbecken dysplasia |
725034002 | Familial platelet syndrome with predisposition to acute myelogenous leukemia |
5743005 | Iridoschisis |
1187122000 | Witteveen Kolk syndrome |
719139003 | Pettigrew syndrome |
721092005 | Developmental malformation, deafness, dystonia syndrome |
698272007 | Short QT syndrome |
721904001 | Rombo syndrome |
200837006 | Hydroa vacciniforme |
724281002 | Hyposmia, nasal and ocular hypoplasia, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism syndrome |
17170005 | Pili torti |
763320005 | Craniofaciofrontodigital syndrome |
26726000 | Legionella infection |
64081000 | Porphobilinogen synthase deficiency |
715710001 | Polydactyly of triphalangeal thumb |
1268716006 | Primary medulloblastoma |
718880003 | Zellweger-like syndrome without peroxisomal anomaly |
719808002 | Chromosome Xp11.3 microdeletion syndrome |
404143002 | Primary cutaneous follicular center B-cell lymphoma |
124704002 | Deficiency of glutamate-ammonia ligase |
723553000 | Transient bullous dermolysis of newborn |
68504005 | Ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome |
68478007 | Central retinal vein occlusion |
717061002 | Lichen planus pigmentosus |
829973009 | Autoinflammatory syndrome with pyogenic bacterial infection and amylopectinosis |
239142006 | Michelin-tire baby |
387922007 | Neoplasm of endocrine gland |
80887004 | Inherited methylmalonic acidemia AND homocystinuria |
764996009 | Non-distal trisomy 13q |
699305004 | 1q21.1 microdeletion |
403764002 | Odontomicronychial ectodermal dysplasia |
1172889005 | Palatal anomalies, widely spaced teeth, facial dysmorphism, developmental delay syndrome |
109992005 | Polycythemia vera (clinical) |
719689005 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia Beighton type |
237988006 | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide coenzyme Q reductase deficiency |
1197154006 | Childhood-onset nemaline myopathy |
389216001 | Diaphyseal medullary stenosis with bone malignancy |
699802009 | Silent sinus syndrome |
734020000 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 40 |
718772002 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 23 |
253005002 | Vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting tumor |
722054007 | Ocular albinism with late-onset sensorineural deafness |
721903007 | Microcephaly, hypogammaglobulinemia, abnormal immunity syndrome |
770687001 | Vasculitis due to adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency |
1187565005 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2Y |
1268536009 | Primary adenoid basal carcinoma of cervix uteri |
404036006 | Perineurioma |
771448004 | Autism epilepsy syndrome due to branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase deficiency |
724349009 | Hereditary inclusion body myopathy, joint contracture, ophthalmoplegia syndrome |
27031003 | African trypanosomiasis |
773697006 | Linear focal elastosis |
771511005 | Thrombocythemia with distal limb defect |
723364003 | Hypotrichosis with juvenile macular degeneration syndrome |
773393001 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2Q |
51053007 | Hemoglobin C disease |
715862006 | Smith McCort dysplasia |
190502001 | Pituitary dependent hypercortisolism |
784345005 | Malignant migrating partial seizures of infancy |
722019000 | Oculootoradial syndrome |
719946008 | Tel Hashomer camptodactyly syndrome |
724208006 | Keutel syndrome |
28724005 | Cholestasis-edema syndrome, Norwegian type |
399971009 | Junctional epidermolysis bullosa |
763136000 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, deafness, intellectual disability syndrome |
1217207008 | Congenital oculomotor nerve palsy |
722008003 | Isolated autosomal dominant hypomagnesemia Glaudemans type |
766053003 | Distal trisomy 1p36 |
763666008 | Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma |
72523005 | X-linked ichthyosis with steryl-sulfatase deficiency |
61750000 | Infection by Angiostrongylus |
770596007 | Rippling muscle disease with myasthenia gravis |
778073001 | 3q26 microduplication syndrome |
719097002 | BSG syndrome |
441541008 | Takotsubo cardiomyopathy |
254150007 | Francois syndrome |
409617000 | Ricin poisoning |
359673001 | Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever |
773419004 | Severe intellectual disability, short stature, behavioral abnormalities, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
723373006 | UMOD-related autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease |
75017004 | Paraquat toxicity |
764961009 | Hereditary primary clear cell renal cell carcinoma |
724173009 | Maternally inherited cardiomyopathy and hearing loss syndrome |
1234824005 | Acute macular neuroretinopathy |
444910004 | Primary mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma |
733489002 | Distal myopathy with posterior leg and anterior hand involvement |
91952008 | Azorean disease |
770430000 | Autosomal recessive distal spinal muscular atrophy type 3 |
36070007 | Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome |
716248001 | Zlotogora Ogur syndrome |
38494008 | Langer mesomelic dysplasia syndrome |
782754006 | Foveal hypoplasia, optic nerve decussation defect, anterior segment dysgenesis syndrome |
1217226000 | Progressive scapulohumeroperoneal distal myopathy |
285311001 | Ameloblastoma of jaw |
253310007 | Anomalous insertion of right superior vena cava to left atrium |
237610008 | Acrorenal field defect, ectodermal dysplasia, and lipoatrophic diabetes |
71779008 | X-linked hydrocephalus syndrome |
733455003 | Spastic paraplegia, glaucoma, intellectual disability syndrome |
42094007 | Sporotrichosis |
771074000 | Microcephaly, short stature, intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
770784003 | Sinoatrial node dysfunction and deafness |
87153008 | Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis |
203389008 | Juvenile osteochondrosis of the secondary patellar center |
403557001 | Midline cervical cleft |
766711009 | Isolated sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis |
44553005 | Dubin-Johnson syndrome |
716199000 | Mehes syndrome |
1231181001 | Non-syndromic metopic craniosynostosis |
240305000 | Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia |
445187004 | Antisynthetase syndrome |
726611001 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 61 |
67247008 | Bolivian hemorrhagic fever |
265798000 | Congenital complete absence of lower limb |
766879006 | Combined immunodeficiency due to OX40 deficiency |
715523005 | Mirror polydactyly, vertebral segmentation and limb defect syndrome |
127055007 | Chronic cold agglutinin disease |
1157159009 | Myopericytoma |
773284000 | Malignant germ cell neoplasm of corpus uteri |
733447005 | Intestinal obstruction in newborn due to guanylate cyclase 2C deficiency |
86204009 | Immotile cilia syndrome |
31541009 | Sarcoidosis |
81208006 | Ectrodactyly |
254829001 | Liposarcoma |
238867003 | Infantile systemic hyalinosis |
763312008 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia, pyramidal signs, nystagmus, oculomotor apraxia syndrome |
239056006 | Flynn-Aird syndrome |
702816000 | MECP2 duplication syndrome |
733069009 | Deafness, vitiligo, achalasia syndrome |
25044007 | Neuromyelitis optica |
109998009 | Myelodysplastic syndrome with ring sideroblasts and single lineage dysplasia |
403401007 | Acquired pseudoxanthoma elasticum |
734031008 | Congenital achiasma |
763316006 | Congenital patent ductus arteriosus aneurysm |
1230021007 | Frontorhiny |
723363009 | Hypotrichosis, lymphedema, telangiectasia, renal defect syndrome |
65959000 | Beta thalassemia |
234557006 | Anti-polysaccharide antibody deficiency |
716871006 | Severe combined immunodeficiency due to deoxyribonucleic acid dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit deficiency |
95840007 | Hypoplasminogenemia |
1172629005 | Severe growth deficiency, strabismus, extensive dermal melanocytosis, intellectual disability syndrome |
65976001 | Cleidocranial dysostosis |
733627006 | Primary cutaneous gamma-delta-positive T-cell lymphoma |
715665006 | Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy Okinawa type |
716189005 | Heide syndrome |
80141007 | Hemoglobinopathy |
1156419009 | Hepatocellular adenoma |
699299001 | Neuroferritinopathy |
7720002 | Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, McKusick type |
724064004 | Posterior fusion of lumbosacral vertebrae and blepharoptosis syndrome |
770945001 | Tetramelic monodactyly |
64981002 | Congenital atresia of larynx |
1229946007 | MAGEL2-related Prader-Willi-like syndrome |
31368008 | Thiamin-responsive maple syrup urine disease |
1222708006 | TMEM94-associated congenital heart defect, facial dysmorphism, developmental delay syndrome |
124239003 | Deficiency of guanidinoacetate methyltransferase |
1172685001 | Macrothrombocytopenia, lymphedema, developmental delay, facial dysmorphism, camptodactyly syndrome |
34250006 | Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid |
772992009 | Primary differentiated carcinoma of thyroid gland |
25147002 | Subcorneal pustular dermatosis |
1230014007 | Duane retraction syndrome with congenital deafness |
716723000 | Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy |
722435003 | Dystonia 16 |
716108004 | Fryns macrocephaly |
770414008 | Alport syndrome |
770759001 | Autosomal dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type F |
77333008 | Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens |
783555001 | Hypotrichosis and deafness syndrome |
1186710001 | Leukoencephalopathy with calcifications and cysts |
783016009 | Panhypophysitis |
1237343009 | Otodental syndrome |
703533007 | Capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation syndrome |
765202001 | Familial multiple benign meningioma |
719577000 | 16p13.11 microdeletion syndrome |
719378009 | Microcephalus with brachydactyly and kyphoscoliosis syndrome |
78784005 | Amyelia |
724002003 | Rambaud Gallian syndrome |
28293008 | Hereditary factor VIII deficiency disease |
190980000 | Selective immunoglobulin M deficiency |
720572004 | Brachydactyly with syndactyly Zhao type |
1231141008 | Mannosephosphate isomerase congenital disorder of glycosylation |
1268540000 | Primary small cell carcinoma of ovary |
766045006 | Acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome related to alkylating agent |
765135003 | Primary essential cutis verticis gyrata |
402718003 | Pemphigus paraneoplastica |
1255278004 | X-linked myotubular myopathy, abnormal genitalia syndrome |
445269007 | Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT-lymphoma) |
95440004 | Atrial septal aneurysm |
403824007 | Muir-Torré syndrome |
783092005 | 46,XY disorder of sex development, adrenal insufficiency due to CYP11A1 deficiency |
829971006 | Non-amyloid monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease |
1187566006 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 due to TFG mutation |
1231183003 | Familial isolated retinal arterial tortuosity |
717223008 | X-linked epilepsy with learning disability and behavior disorder syndrome |
717914000 | Blepharophimosis, ptosis, esotropia, syndactyly, short stature syndrome |
716200002 | Schofer Beetz Bohl syndrome |
1231732006 | Smoldering systemic mastocytosis |
447739003 | Mega cisterna magna |
720749004 | Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy and perceptive deafness syndrome |
766983005 | Susceptibility to respiratory infection associated with CD8alpha chain mutation |
238928005 | Chilblain lupus erythematosus |
450919004 | Atrial standstill |
703232003 | Familial hyperaldosteronism type 1 |
1010685005 | Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum |
699275001 | WNT4 Mullerian aplasia and ovarian dysfunction |
722032005 | Karsch Neugebauer syndrome |
719657001 | 2q23.1 microdeletion syndrome |
240111007 | Fungal myositis |
719010001 | X-linked intellectual disability Schimke type |
718687003 | Distal monosomy 10q syndrome |
1231757001 | Idiopathic optic perineuritis |
60650002 | Ring chromosome 9 syndrome |
716746003 | Congenital alpha-2-antiplasmin deficiency |
715797002 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4C |
766705006 | Immunodeficiency due to ficolin 3 deficiency |
416669000 | Invasive hydatidiform mole |
723453002 | PHAVER syndrome |
720417003 | Acrocephalopolydactyly |
254113006 | Bruck syndrome |
74969002 | Congenital ectopic lens |
771476007 | Autosomal recessive leukoencephalopathy, ischemic stroke, retinitis pigmentosa syndrome |
715441004 | McDonough syndrome |
65323003 | Polymyalgia rheumatica |
722493007 | Familial caudal dysgenesis |
715140008 | Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver |
45042004 | Acute fulminating viral hepatitis |
1187278006 | Spastic paraplegia, severe developmental delay, epilepsy syndrome |
7265005 | Glycogen storage disease, type I |
230437002 | Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy |
72951007 | Gastroschisis |
78494001 | Amelogenesis imperfecta |
92976003 | Congenital absence of tricuspid valve |
1269413009 | Primary pilomyxoid astrocytoma |
721584005 | Johnson neuroectodermal syndrome |
773555005 | Severe neurodegenerative syndrome with lipodystrophy |
716997004 | Joubert syndrome |
773488000 | Combined immunodeficiency due to MALT1 deficiency |
1172632008 | SIX2-related frontonasal dysplasia |
717224002 | X-linked reticulate pigmentary disorder with systemic manifestation syndrome |
766820007 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with multiple dislocations |
17602002 | Amyloidosis |
763772002 | Invasive non-typhoidal salmonellosis |
67278007 | Congenital stenosis of pulmonary valve |
205063003 | Congenital genu recurvatum |
408751001 | Complex regional pain syndrome, type II |
410797009 | Juvenile seronegative polyarthritis |
703233008 | Familial hyperaldosteronism type 2 |
235888006 | Cholestasis of pregnancy |
1284849005 | Primary malignant Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor of ovary |
771177009 | Ectrodactyly polydactyly syndrome |
204667006 | Congenital diverticulum of esophagus |
197834003 | Chronic interstitial cystitis |
732961003 | Branchial dysplasia, intellectual disability, inguinal hernia syndrome |
723448007 | Polyvalvular heart disease syndrome |
428638009 | Encephalitis caused by Herpesvirus |
763719001 | Hydroa vacciniforme-like lymphoma |
770408001 | Congenital stenosis of cervical spinal canal |
81577001 | Congenital anomaly of inferior vena cava |
716278005 | Epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia |
1264112006 | Late-onset citrullinemia type I |
725027004 | Muscle and heart glycogen synthase deficiency |
267550008 | Congenital methemoglobinemia |
699328003 | Myoclonic epilepsy myopathy sensory ataxia |
53599007 | Testicular regression syndrome |
48236007 | Asherman syndrome |
68267002 | Benign intracranial hypertension |
124322002 | Deficiency of glycerol kinase |
390936003 | Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy |
72831007 | Vitamin D-dependent rickets, type 2 |
715192004 | Idiopathic achalasia of esophagus |
783165001 | Dysplastic cortical hyperostosis |
415764005 | Tyrosinemia type III |
28574005 | Congenital anomaly of coronary artery |
234593008 | Classical complement pathway abnormality |
763867001 | Segmental outgrowth, lipomatosis, arteriovenous malformation, epidermal nevus syndrome |
1172635005 | Split-foot malformation, mesoaxial polydactyly syndrome |
783138008 | Pseudo Meigs syndrome |
1251446004 | NAD(P)HX dehydratase deficiency |
725030006 | Familial scaphocephaly syndrome McGillivray type |
719203001 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Kimberley type |
44274007 | Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia |
771179007 | Extrasystoles, short stature, hyperpigmentation, microcephaly syndrome |
36369001 | 1p partial monosomy |
1197357008 | Colobomatous optic disc, macular atrophy, chorioretinopathy syndrome |
766824003 | ADNP-related multiple congenital anomalies, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder |
57058008 | Uterus bicornis unicollis |
24225004 | Tonic pupillary reaction |
774082004 | Neonatal dermatomyositis |
773664005 | Deficiency in anterior pituitary function, variable immunodeficiency syndrome |
190764000 | Essential pentosuria |
1173999006 | IL21-related infantile inflammatory bowel disease |
773421009 | Infantile-onset mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with severe cognitive regression |
720606005 | Cardiocranial syndrome Pfeiffer type |
764995008 | Nail and tooth abnormalities, marginal palmoplantar keratoderma, oral hyperpigmentation syndrome |
33225004 | Anorectal anomaly |
70199000 | I-cell disease |
829972004 | Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage |
783056006 | Paratesticular adenocarcinoma |
718688008 | Distal monosomy 6p |
782937006 | Extensor tendons of finger anomalies |
276804009 | Squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus |
721972001 | Limb mammary syndrome |
722057000 | Oculocutaneous albinism type 5 |
1173034002 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 26 |
268180007 | Right hypoplastic heart syndrome |
268232000 | Bilateral renal hypoplasia |
773283006 | Malignant germ cell neoplasm of cervix uteri |
268302006 | Aberrant thyroid gland |
1255274002 | Congenital myopathy with reduced type 2 muscle fibres |
17920008 | Portal vein thrombosis |
764958008 | Striate palmoplantar keratoderma |
234646005 | Graft versus host disease |
720815000 | Capra DeMarco syndrome |
725141006 | Atelosteogenesis type 1 |
238059005 | Disorder of peroxisomal function |
238048001 | Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase deficiency |
763536006 | Hyperplastic polyposis syndrome |
109978004 | T-cell lymphoma (clinical) |
15285008 | Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency |
39898005 | Sleep disorder |
702343002 | Early onset myopathy with fatal cardiomyopathy |
1264003007 | Postcardiotomy acute right ventricular failure |
129635004 | Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome |
1674008 | Meesman's corneal dystrophy |
51247001 | Vibratory urticaria |
719575008 | 15q14 microdeletion syndrome |
717774004 | COG8 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
445406001 | Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma |
782880001 | Hemoglobinopathy Toms River |
239089006 | Acromelanosis |
703535000 | Mowat-Wilson syndrome |
1229875002 | 9q21.13 microdeletion syndrome |
389158007 | Thanatophoric dysplasia, type 2 |
1229999001 | Autosomal dominant myopia, midfacial retrusion, sensorineural hearing loss, rhizomelic dysplasia syndrome |
782750002 | T-cell receptor alpha-beta-positive T-cell deficiency |
718393002 | Atypical Rett syndrome |
1231142001 | Furuncular myiasis |
253731008 | Partial agenesis of pericardium |
70099003 | Stargardt's disease |
1187212004 | Severe hypotonia, psychomotor developmental delay, strabismus, cardiac septal defect syndrome |
2884008 | Weill-Marchesani syndrome |
240063002 | Eichsfeld type congenital muscular dystrophy |
254084008 | Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Spahr type |
770757004 | X-linked parkinsonism with spasticity syndrome |
1237338002 | Exercise-induced malignant hyperthermia |
238002005 | Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency |
1208615009 | Neurogenic scapuloperoneal syndrome Kaeser type |
238104009 | Sitosterolemia |
53974002 | Kniest dysplasia |
718761007 | Syndromic microphthalmia type 5 |
717787005 | Familial hypomagnesemia hypercalciuria nephrocalcinosis with severe ocular involvement |
720980004 | Alopecia, psychomotor epilepsy, periodontal pyorrhea, intellectual disability syndrome |
238897006 | Localized idiopathic lipoatrophy |
732261005 | Cyprus facial neuromusculoskeletal syndrome |
722036008 | Megalencephaly, polymicrogyria, postaxial polydactyly, hydrocephalus syndrome |
1268543003 | Primary clear cell sarcoma of kidney |
276426004 | Ornithine aminotransferase deficiency |
778065005 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 14 |
315345002 | Acute lung injury |
239891002 | Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus |
726670008 | Weaver Williams syndrome |
22764001 | Metatropic dysplasia |
784353002 | Pulmonary valve agenesis, intact ventricular septum, persistent ductus arteriosus syndrome |
128207002 | Giant axonal neuropathy |
18273004 | Unstable hemoglobin disease |
448212009 | Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK negative |
205496008 | Osteogenesis imperfecta, perinatal lethal |
82319005 | Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency |
719009006 | X-linked intellectual disability Wilson type |
783012006 | Parkinsonian pyramidal syndrome |
764525006 | Cylindrical spirals myopathy |
49692006 | Schilder's disease |
1284851009 | Short stature, skeletal dysplasia, retinal degeneration, intellectual disability, sensorineural hearing loss syndrome |
715528001 | Cochleosaccular degeneration and cataract syndrome |
716698007 | Congenital deficiency of alpha-fetoprotein |
1208339007 | Neuhauser Eichner Opitz syndrome |
715471007 | Reardon Hall Slaney syndrome |
1222709003 | Syndromic congenital sodium diarrhea |
764955006 | Laubry Pezzi syndrome |
1197589000 | Steel syndrome |
109982002 | Alpha heavy chain disease (clinical) |
766982000 | Hemolytic anemia due to adenylate kinase deficiency |
722763000 | Dopamine transporter deficiency syndrome |
733067006 | Telecanthus, hypertelorism, strabismus, pes cavus syndrome |
2391001 | Achondrogenesis |
1173036000 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 23 |
764963007 | Focal palmoplantar and gingival keratoderma |
783006001 | Low-grade neuroendocrine neoplasm of corpus uteri |
1268352008 | Primary pituitary carcinoma |
275416002 | Congenital bilateral aplasia of vas deferens |
37272000 | Rh deficiency syndrome |
726017001 | MUC1-related autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease |
1187563003 | Autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2X |
1187043002 | Psychomotor regression, oculomotor apraxia, movement disorder, nephropathy syndrome |
783258000 | ADan amyloidosis |
208061000119101 | Adenoma of pancreas |
783612007 | Acute annular outer retinopathy |
766051001 | Distal trisomy 17q |
783789002 | Autosomal recessive brachyolmia |
128212001 | Spinal muscular atrophy, type II |
716700003 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with circinate migratory erythema |
724065003 | Autosomal recessive posterior column ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa |
1197479002 | DOCK2 deficiency |
718553004 | White platelet syndrome |
783061008 | Facial dysmorphism, developmental delay, behavioral abnormalities syndrome due to 10p11.21p12.31 microdeletion |
733625003 | 48,XYYY syndrome |
1167372000 | X-linked external auditory canal atresia, dilated internal auditory canal, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
312921000 | Autosomal dominant cystoid macular edema |
783148005 | Distal nebulin myopathy |
723497003 | Peripheral neuropathy with sensorineural hearing impairment syndrome |
720604008 | Cap polyposis |
1237346001 | Caroli syndrome |
771143004 | Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type 5 |
722117000 | Osteosclerosis, developmental delay, craniosynostosis syndrome |
725142004 | Atelosteogenesis type 3 |
724229002 | Infantile apnea |
725148000 | Atypical lichen myxedematosus |
719981005 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B2 |
402415001 | Schnitzler syndrome |
776417008 | Acroosteolysis, keloid-like lesions, premature aging syndrome |
417441005 | Creeping myiasis |
722119002 | Idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis |
702445005 | Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay |
237684005 | Sheehan's syndrome |
765763007 | Congenital laryngeal cyst |
1231746006 | Isolated agenesis of cerebellar vermis |
1231170004 | Congenital anomaly of third branchial cleft |
76670001 | Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
698279003 | X-linked dystonia parkinsonism |
716649003 | Extraovarian primary peritoneal carcinoma |
717255008 | Secondary intestinal lymphangiectasia |
719402008 | Lethal hemolytic anemia and genital anomaly syndrome |
723582004 | Subepithelial mucinous corneal dystrophy |
715560009 | Idiopathic neonatal atrial flutter |
770622009 | Benign infantile focal epilepsy with midline spikes and waves during sleep |
784391002 | Autosomal dominant adult-onset proximal spinal muscular atrophy |
702441001 | Arts syndrome |
111318005 | Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of lung |
782913006 | Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, bowed forearms, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
770792007 | Adult-onset distal myopathy due to valosin containing protein mutation |
702829000 | Warsaw breakage syndrome |
201015007 | Actinic prurigo |
767001002 | Congenital absence of lower leg and foot |
720639008 | Coloboma, congenital heart disease, ichthyosiform dermatosis, intellectual disability ear anomaly syndrome |
783257005 | Familial recurrent peripheral facial palsy |
21877004 | Osler hemorrhagic telangiectasia syndrome |
766706007 | Inflammatory myopathy with abundant macrophages |
718141008 | Genetic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome |
771469002 | Early-onset spastic ataxia, myoclonic epilepsy, neuropathy syndrome |
765096001 | Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma type 2 |
720605009 | Cardiac anomaly and heterotaxy syndrome |
715908008 | Epithelial recurrent erosion dystrophy |
400014002 | Hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis |
717335009 | Mosaic trisomy 8 syndrome |
771305006 | Progressive polyneuropathy with bilateral striatal necrosis |
766934006 | Isolated unilateral hemispheric cerebellar hypoplasia |
720858001 | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome cardiac valvular type |
54008006 | Sternum bifidum |
312950007 | Punctate inner choroidopathy |
765093009 | Rolandic epilepsy, speech dyspraxia syndrome |
715427008 | Acromelic frontonasal dysplasia |
719651000 | 2p15p16.1 microdeletion syndrome |
723384004 | Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to complete ISG15 deficiency |
1269226006 | Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, corneal dystrophy syndrome |
783178001 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency type 20 |
829974003 | Mosaic trisomy 1 syndrome |
718718009 | X-linked cone dysfunction syndrome with myopia |
702427005 | Hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids |
765758008 | Microcephalic primordial dwarfism Montreal type |
128080005 | Neurotrophic keratitis |
207036003 | Castleman disease |
720984008 | Angel-shaped phalangoepiphyseal dysplasia |
24129002 | Fasciitis with eosinophilia syndrome |
724274009 | Infant epilepsy with migrant focal crisis |
426692001 | Ethylene glycol poisoning |
233850007 | Infective endocarditis |
57160007 | Felty's syndrome |
773406003 | Mandibular hypoplasia, deafness, progeroid syndrome |
23150001 | Proteus syndrome |
724142005 | Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome type 2a |
62201009 | Chronic non-neuropathic Gaucher's disease |
23610003 | Anonychia |
723333000 | Faciocardiorenal syndrome |
783099001 | RIDDLE syndrome |
725140007 | Temple Baraitser syndrome |
1197052008 | Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome encephalomyopathic form with methylmalonic aciduria |
702421006 | Familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies |
314757003 | Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid |
763213001 | Conductive deafness, ptosis, skeletal anomalies syndrome |
719432000 | Late-onset junctional epidermolysis bullosa |
87191000119100 | Ganglioglioma |
724015007 | Pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, acne syndrome |
722066001 | Oligocone trichromacy |
1220599002 | Pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like skin manifestations with retinitis pigmentosa |
768927001 | Trisomy 1q syndrome |
11614003 | Congenital stenosis of pulmonary veins |
763275001 | Distal trisomy 6q |
719985001 | Autosomal dominant limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 1A |
1156474009 | Hemangioblastoma |
254092004 | Saldino-Mainzer dysplasia |
719305006 | Stapes ankylosis with broad thumb and toe syndrome |
715219001 | Familial spontaneous pneumothorax |
276799004 | Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans |
1179288008 | Combined immunodeficiency due to TFRC deficiency |
35434009 | Sickle cell-hemoglobin C disease |
785304005 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 24 |
763528002 | Distal monosomy 3p syndrome |
60318001 | Duane's syndrome |
403281007 | Congenital onychodysplasia of index fingers |
785300001 | Infantile-onset autosomal recessive non progressive cerebellar ataxia |
4945003 | Microgyria |
783181006 | Cloverleaf skull, asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia syndrome |
723383005 | Midline cleft of lower lip |
118601006 | Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (clinical) |
1228857005 | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 9 |
733115009 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1y |
763274002 | Distal trisomy 5q syndrome |
763716008 | Familial vesicoureteral reflux |
389165004 | Brachyolmia - Maroteaux type |
4241002 | Listeriosis |
890180006 | Blepharophimosis epicanthus inversus ptosis syndrome plus |
715985008 | Binder syndrome |
722292000 | Autosomal dominant beta2-microglobulinic amyloidosis |
19362000 | Cutaneous larva migrans |
785722006 | Obesity due to leptin receptor gene deficiency |
783739005 | Familial temporal lobe epilepsy |
1237625002 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia due to CWF19L1 deficiency |
713277006 | Odontogenic keratocyst |
699315005 | Neutral lipid storage disease with myopathy |
720494009 | Anonychia with microcephaly syndrome |
253147000 | Type 1 lissencephaly |
1197758001 | Chronic bilirubin encephalopathy |
715437003 | Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease |
417065002 | Thiel-Behnke corneal dystrophy |
1236844002 | Early-onset myopathy, areflexia, respiratory distress, dysphagia syndrome |
1268528000 | Primary olfactory neuroblastoma |
234622003 | Factor H deficiency |
33982008 | Hyperphosphatasemia with intellectual disability |
398049005 | Mixed collagen vascular disease |
86422009 | Retractile mesenteritis |
66351003 | Foetal trimethadione syndrome |
719813003 | X-linked mandibulofacial dysostosis |
404054005 | Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma |
703540008 | Majeed syndrome |
79935000 | Farber's lipogranulomatosis |
26179002 | Congenital atresia of esophagus |
189179009 | Craniopharyngioma |
771232003 | Infectious epithelial keratitis |
783248004 | Hyperimmunoglobulin M syndrome with susceptibility to opportunistic infection |
783740007 | Diazoxide-resistant focal hyperinsulinism due to SUR1 deficiency |
29248006 | Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Schmid type |
109475005 | Amelogenesis imperfecta, hypomaturation type |
360416003 | Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency |
715223009 | Fetal varicella syndrome |
773987000 | Neonatal iodine exposure |
155441006 | Polyarteritis nodosa |
725101002 | Congenital short costocoracoid ligament |
720864008 | Encephalopathy due to prosaposin deficiency |
1231737000 | Rolandic epilepsy, paroxysmal exercise-induced dystonia, writer's cramp syndrome |
238006008 | Disorder of purine and pyrimidine metabolism |
719834005 | Wilson Turner syndrome |
770670003 | Paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 6 |
18735004 | Congenital omphalocele |
1254652005 | Intellectual disability, macrocephaly, hypotonia, behavioural abnormalities syndrome |
717977003 | Lissencephaly syndrome Norman Roberts type |
237885008 | Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia |
1197494003 | Hyaline fibromatosis syndrome |
26029002 | Mild hereditary factor VIII deficiency disease |
253851000 | Diphallus |
110980006 | Generalized eruptive histiocytoma |
1162858007 | Gonadoblastoma |
773698001 | Late-onset focal dermal elastosis |
765744006 | Autosomal dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type A |
733518000 | 16p11.2p12.2 microduplication syndrome |
80880002 | Omphalomesenteric duct cyst |
238874008 | Neonatal pseudo-hydrocephalic progeroid syndrome |
774149004 | Severe intellectual disability, progressive postnatal microcephaly, midline stereotypic hand movements syndrome |
83799000 | Corrected transposition of great vessels |
190785000 | Hypoalphalipoproteinemia |
36233006 | Congenital stenosis of tricuspid valve |
444911000 | Acute myeloid leukemia with t(9:11)(p22;q23); MLLT3-MLL |
5315003 | Hemolytic anemia due to erythrocyte adenosine deaminase overproduction |
782824007 | Sodium channelopathy-related small fiber neuropathy |
763402002 | Spastic paraplegia, neuropathy, poikiloderma syndrome |
718759003 | Lissencephaly due to TUBA1A (tubulin alpha 1A) mutation |
1236805005 | MEPAN syndrome |
1268721009 | Primary malignant seminoma of testis |
402881008 | Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma |
109433009 | Steatocystoma multiplex |
716657000 | Familial papillary thyroid carcinoma with renal papillary neoplasia syndrome |
773557002 | Mandibulofacial dysostosis, macroblepharon, macrostomia syndrome |
399970005 | Xanthoma disseminatum |
8757006 | Hecht syndrome |
44176004 | Disorder of histidine metabolism |
724093004 | Nephropathy, deafness, hyperparathyroidism syndrome |
783064000 | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 3 |
715374003 | Autosomal dominant optic atrophy plus syndrome |
46683007 | Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency |
719825000 | X-linked intellectual disability, macrocephaly, macroorchidism syndrome |
722944006 | Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism |
1260191006 | Acute radiation syndrome |
312514006 | Netherton's syndrome |
47434006 | Waardenburg syndrome |
764730007 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 due to KIF5A mutation |
773984007 | Piebald trait with neurologic defects syndrome |
737581000 | Tibio-fibular synostosis |
110004001 | Acute promyelocytic leukemia, FAB M3 |
786039009 | Arthrogryposis and ectodermal dysplasia syndrome |
128107007 | Hereditary von Willebrand disease type 2 |
297254006 | Hepatic and muscle glycogen phosphorylase kinase deficiency |
721009008 | Heart defect and limb shortening syndrome |
392559009 | Tumor-induced osteomalacia |
717258005 | Discrete papular lichen myxedematosus |
449270002 | Hypoplasia of mitral valve annulus |
789660001 | Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome |
41572006 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III-A |
429233001 | Nonneurogenic neurogenic bladder dysfunction |
732926009 | Hydrocephalus, tall stature, joint laxity syndrome |
718232007 | Pyogenic bacterial infection due to deficiency of myeloid differentiation primary response 88 |
711412004 | 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 5 |
716590006 | Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma |
46659004 | Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome |
773304004 | Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia Golden type |
111571009 | Congenital atransferrinemia |
404081005 | Yolk sac tumor |
719973009 | Haim Munk syndrome |
69080001 | Propionic acidemia |
1268636004 | Primary squamous cell carcinoma of small intestine |
715342005 | Alpha thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome |
827174006 | Cervicofacial fibrochondroma |
773398005 | Congenital cataract, progressive muscular hypotonia, hearing loss, developmental delay syndrome |
124220008 | Deficiency of steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase |
715472000 | Reinhardt Pfeiffer mesomelic dysplasia |
764856008 | Acquired cystic disease associated renal cell carcinoma |
1228858000 | Complex lethal osteochondrodysplasia |
1217370006 | LAMA5-related multisystemic syndrome |
45639009 | Hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy, Icelandic type |
1268544009 | Primary carcinoma of gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract |
254290004 | Lymphoproliferative disorder following transplantation |
1255323007 | Spastic ataxia, dysarthria due to glutaminase deficiency |
95218005 | Pure gonadal dysgenesis 46,XY |
29590001 | Congenital total cataract |
721221000 | Hirschsprung disease with deafness and polydactyly syndrome |
302847003 | Rhabdomyosarcoma |
782786001 | X-linked calvarial hyperostosis |
763665007 | Craniodigital syndrome and intellectual disability syndrome |
719202006 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda Kohn type |
719252002 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 27 |
724383002 | Hemidystonia hemiatrophy syndrome |
720575002 | Braddock syndrome |
715865008 | Familial isolated arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia |
722212004 | Severe X-linked mitochondrial encephalomyopathy |
95210003 | Plasma cell leukemia |
45853006 | Roussy-Lévy syndrome |
766715000 | Metabolic myopathy due to lactate transporter defect |
763773007 | Macrocephaly and developmental delay syndrome |
717186009 | Intestinal malabsorption due to bile acid synthesis defect |
785307003 | Lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia type A |
82342003 | Yellow mutant oculocutaneous albinism |
66038001 | Miller syndrome |
763110007 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 13 |
1173035001 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 25 |
782882009 | Chondrodysplasia with joint dislocations gPAPP type |
719251009 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 19 |
69488000 | Beaded hair |
733086003 | Pseudoprogeria syndrome |
82725007 | Progressive myositis ossificans |
72893007 | Brachial neuritis |
723455009 | Phakomatosis pigmentokeratotica |
35154004 | Pemphigus foliaceus |
711480000 | Activated PI3K-delta syndrome |
1279837000 | Congenital cataract microcornea with corneal opacity |
397570008 | Herpes simplex stromal keratitis |
400945000 | Congenital sixth nerve palsy |
719165004 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia aggrecan type |
95330001 | Linear IgA dermatosis |
782723007 | Severe intellectual disability, progressive spastic diplegia syndrome |
782826009 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2P |
713516007 | Primary effusion lymphoma |
54209007 | Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia syndrome |
702361006 | Crouzon syndrome with acanthosis nigricans |
768926005 | Extraneural perineurioma |
14534009 | Splenic vein thrombosis |
764690001 | Tetrasomy 21 |
716859000 | Hereditary diffuse carcinoma of stomach |
1172637002 | Female infertility due to oocyte meiotic arrest |
716684004 | Limbic encephalitis with N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibodies |
763829004 | Oculopharyngodistal myopathy |
230264003 | Troyer syndrome |
26201005 | Aortic left ventricular tunnel |
1177165005 | PMP2-related Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 |
403760006 | XXYY syndrome |
722065002 | Okamoto syndrome |
770401007 | 10q22.3q23.3 microdeletion syndrome |
766765009 | Radio-renal syndrome |
719394002 | Microcephalus cleft palate syndrome |
703508009 | Ear, patella, short stature syndrome |
40158001 | Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome |
278051002 | Malignant lymphoma of thyroid gland |
277572006 | Precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
718216009 | Partial defect of atrioventricular canal |
715487005 | Autosomal recessive distal osteolysis syndrome |
763127004 | Benign paroxysmal tonic upgaze of childhood with ataxia |
85901000 | Megacalycosis |
702809001 | Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms |
359789008 | Takayasu's disease |
70794004 | Congenital pseudoarthrosis of clavicle |
763868006 | SHOX-related short stature |
719660008 | 4q21 microdeletion syndrome |
445227008 | Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia |
413603009 | Autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
1197754004 | Congenital brachyesophagus, intrathoracic stomach, vertebral anomalies syndrome |
238626006 | Keratosis pilaris decalvans |
234375006 | Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood |
1217225001 | Klippel-Feil anomaly, myopathy, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
697970009 | Giant cell tumor of bone |
75315001 | Sympathetic uveitis |
715704001 | Postaxial polydactyly type A |
764965000 | Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection |
716722005 | Acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy |
763317002 | Isolated congenital syngnathia |
254817005 | Oculocutaneous melanocytic nevus |
724072002 | Paroxysmal exertion-induced dyskinesia |
1268909004 | Primary carcinofibroma of corpus uteri |
773489008 | Hereditary cryohydrocytosis with normal stomatin |
702327009 | Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome |
724206005 | KRT14 related epidermolysis bullosa simplex |
782951006 | Thoracic dysplasia and hydrocephalus syndrome |
702323008 | Rapid onset dystonia parkinsonism |
64855000 | Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease |
716869006 | Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to complete IL12RB1 deficiency |
1167373005 | Childhood-onset motor and cognitive regression syndrome with extrapyramidal movement disorder |
72239002 | Long narrow head |
361203007 | Malonic aciduria |
715668008 | Pituitary deficiency due to empty sella turcica syndrome |
1003380001 | 6q16 microdeletion syndrome |
77377001 | Leptospirosis |
403395007 | Linear atrophoderma of Moulin |
238028008 | Sphingolipidosis |
81634008 | Perineural cyst |
1230062001 | Congenital atresia of inferior vena cava without azygos continuation |
1230314003 | Fecal incontinence following creation of ileo-anal pouch |
715899006 | Familial osteochondritis dissecans |
722210007 | Parastremmatic dwarfism |
725906006 | Intellectual disability Buenos Aires type |
237957007 | 3-Hydroxyisobutyric aciduria |
304737009 | Familial hyperkalemic periodic paralysis |
720634003 | Cerebellar ataxia, areflexia, pes cavus, optic atrophy, sensorineural hearing loss syndrome |
1208349005 | Pediatric hepatocellular carcinoma |
192781003 | Leukodystrophy |
771441005 | Hyperbiliverdinemia |
778003000 | Autosomal dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with neuropathic pain |
702398007 | Hyperferritinemia cataract syndrome |
234142008 | Cerebral arteriovenous malformation |
398680004 | Citrullinemia |
718712005 | Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome type 1m |
703226008 | Familial cerebral saccular aneurysm |
771444002 | Methylmalonic aciduria due to transcobalamin receptor defect |
783717008 | PGM1-related congenital disorder of glycosylation |
773422002 | East Texas bleeding disorder |
782884005 | Pontine tegmental cap dysplasia |
715799004 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4G |
702360007 | Congenital deafness with labyrinthine aplasia, microtia and microdontia |
773553003 | Hypohidrosis, enamel hypoplasia, palmoplantar keratoderma, intellectual disability syndrome |
413924001 | Cortical visual impairment |
11244009 | Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, type 1 |
718558008 | Mevalonic aciduria |
1172684002 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 due to DGAT2 mutation |
711265009 | Caveolin 3 related distal myopathy |
190687004 | Phenylketonuria |
1222672002 | 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 9 |
707530009 | Cystic hamartoma of lung and kidney |
1187215002 | Tubulinopathy-associated dysgyria |
124214007 | Deficiency of steroid 11-beta-monooxygenase |
773552008 | Intellectual disability, feeding difficulties, developmental delay, microcephaly syndrome |
764628000 | Mosaic trisomy 4 syndrome |
763310000 | Acute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood |
18166000 | Accessory breast |
703267003 | Cerebrofacial arteriovenous metameric syndrome type 1 |
238763007 | Generalized essential telangiectasia |
400965007 | Congenital iris ectropion |
609221008 | Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia |
205838004 | Congenital hemihypertrophy |
1228875006 | GCGR-related hyperglucagonemia |
1229876001 | Lethal brain and heart developmental defects syndrome |
725903003 | Autosomal dominant myoglobinuria |
738526005 | Juvenile polymyositis |
768846004 | NGLY1-congenital disorder of deglycosylation |
724137002 | MOMO syndrome |
721836009 | Hypertelorism with microtia and facial clefting syndrome |
764703002 | 7p22.1 microduplication syndrome |
897564008 | Distal deletion of long arm of chromosome 12 |
66987001 | Congenital lobar emphysema |
1197366007 | Autosomal recessive primary immunodeficiency with defective spontaneous natural killer cell cytotoxicity |
398447004 | Severe acute respiratory syndrome |
1187128001 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2T |
715406003 | Isolated lissencephaly type 1 without known genetic defect |
1187614006 | Severe autosomal recessive macrothrombocytopenia |
719166003 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia matrilin-3 type |
766766005 | 1p31p32 microdeletion syndrome |
763691008 | Familial isolated clinodactyly of finger |
42725006 | Achondrogenesis, type IA |
718754008 | Episodic ataxia type 4 |
5102002 | Agenesis of corpus callosum |
1255319004 | Autosomal dominant intellectual disability, craniofacial anomalies, cardiac defects syndrome |
237983002 | Fumarase deficiency |
716788007 | Epstein-Barr virus positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of elderly |
41841004 | Sideroblastic anemia |
783179009 | Cranio-cervical dystonia with laryngeal and upper limb involvement |
719580004 | 16q24.3 microdeletion syndrome |
721085000 | Deafness, enamel hypoplasia, nail defect syndrome |
719400000 | Lethal faciocardiomelic dysplasia |
715720006 | Brachydactyly type A1 |
2707005 | Necrotizing enterocolitis in fetus OR newborn |
766992008 | Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis syndrome |
1281844004 | Dystonia 28 |
1268459000 | Primary adrenal cortical carcinoma |
773418007 | XYLT1-CDG - xylosyltransferase 1 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
239918008 | Undifferentiated connective tissue disease |
403835002 | X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome |
763070001 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 42 |
238898001 | Semicircular lipoatrophy |
52138004 | Streptobacillary fever |
75614007 | Panuveitis |
723993005 | Sensorineural deafness with dilated cardiomyopathy syndrome |
233666007 | Young's syndrome |
128106003 | Hereditary von Willebrand disease type 1 |
1208727002 | Severe intellectual disability, agenesis of corpus callosum, facial dysmorphism, cerebellar ataxia syndrome |
715629001 | Generalized epilepsy and paroxysmal dyskinesia syndrome |
717975006 | Autosomal dominant optic atrophy and peripheral neuropathy syndrome |
718574003 | Abruzzo Erickson syndrome |
128116006 | Infectious disease of nervous system |
403782004 | Ichthyosis follicularis with alopecia and photophobia (IFAP) |
237764004 | Congenital adrenal hypoplasia, X-linked |
128108002 | Hereditary von Willebrand disease type 3 |
1234906009 | 46,XX ovotesticular disorder of sex development |
419074008 | Central cloudy dystrophy of Francois |
766816008 | 2q23.1 microduplication syndrome |
733604003 | Microcephalus, lymphedema, chorioretinopathy syndrome |
763821001 | Porencephaly, cerebellar hypoplasia, internal malformations syndrome |
190745006 | Galactosemia |
716456000 | 3q29 microdeletion syndrome |
1172701002 | Facial diplegia with paresthesia |
1237420004 | X-linked intellectual disability, global development delay, facial dysmorphism, sacral caudal remnant syndrome |
66576001 | African nutritional hemochromatosis |
773625007 | Short stature, onychodysplasia, facial dysmorphism, hypotrichosis syndrome |
722027009 | Kallman syndrome with heart disease |
716169009 | Morse Rawnsley Sargent syndrome |
128062001 | Congenital portal-systemic shunt |
726081005 | Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria |
771333006 | Immune dysregulation, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, recurrent infection syndrome |
765326001 | Familial glucocorticoid deficiency |
68618008 | Rett's disorder |
191177007 | Hemolytic anemia due to hexokinase deficiency |
765325002 | Peripheral demyelinating neuropathy, central dysmyelinating leukodystrophy, Waardenburg syndrome, Hirschsprung disease |
718107000 | T-cell negative B-cell positive severe combined immunodeficiency due to JAK3 deficiency |
405287008 | Intermediate maple syrup urine disease |
715624006 | CANOMAD syndrome |
783159001 | Holzgreve syndrome |
774068004 | AHDC1-related intellectual disability, obstructive sleep apnea, mild dysmorphism syndrome |
267619000 | Non-infectious anterior uveitis |
278453007 | Acute biphenotypic leukemia |
722284009 | Hypoplasia and coloboma of alar cartilage with telecanthus syndrome |
707443007 | Autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis |
63387002 | Larsen syndrome |
773397000 | Non-hypoproteinemic hypertrophic gastropathy |
126729006 | Thrombotic microangiopathy |
405822008 | Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx |
49817004 | Neonatal diabetes mellitus |
1187178004 | Isolated generalized anhidrosis with normal sweat glands |
233913007 | Familial sick sinus syndrome |
417395001 | Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy type 2 |
733085004 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1p |
721845005 | Hypomandibular faciocranial dysostosis |
703539006 | Manitoba oculotrichoanal syndrome |
74351001 | Reye's syndrome |
63402005 | Meigs' syndrome |
773642001 | Painful orbital and systemic neurofibroma, marfanoid habitus syndrome |
721014007 | Heart-hand syndrome Slovenian type |
62192003 | Diprosopus |
720521008 | Autosomal dominant macrothrombocytopenia |
768935003 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia Lowry type |
1268904009 | Primary epithelioid haemangioendothelioma |
770681000 | Robin sequence and oligodactyly syndrome |
725100001 | Craniolenticulosutural dysplasia |
1260197005 | Idiopathic non-lupus full-house nephropathy |
1230376005 | CNTNAP2-related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy |
55166000 | Familial osteoarthropathy of the fingers |
1263445009 | Familial gigantiform cementoma of jaw |
717286002 | Grayson Wilbrandt corneal dystrophy |
238821003 | Idiopathic mid-dermal elastolysis |
784350004 | Craniorhiny |
1260240000 | Resistance to thyroid hormone due to mutation in thyroid hormone receptor alpha |
726732002 | X-linked intellectual disability Nascimento type |
84598000 | Polysyndactyly |
254088006 | Brachyolmia |
782676009 | Distal trisomy 18q |
778004006 | Autoinflammation-PLCG2-associated antibody deficiency-immune dysregulation |
254144002 | Osteoglophonic dysplasia |
449821007 | Branchiooculofacial syndrome |
86907008 | Acquired generalized lipodystrophy |
6729006 | Cerebrofacial arteriovenous metameric syndrome type 2 |
773325004 | Distal 7q11.23 microduplication syndrome |
229703009 | Developmental verbal dyspraxia |
54682008 | Congenital hypoplasia of pulmonary artery |
1279844009 | Primary triglyceride deposit cardiomyovasculopathy |
719845008 | Van den Ende-Gupta syndrome |
59989004 | Infestation by Dermatobia hominis |
1260134001 | Spastic paraplegia, intellectual disability, nystagmus, obesity syndrome |
725048002 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B1 |
787408008 | Osteopathia striata, pigmentary dermopathy, white forelock syndrome |
733030003 | Congenital hypoplasia of ulna and split foot syndrome |
733084000 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1n |
718605009 | Congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 7 |
715830008 | Exercise-induced hyperinsulinism |
726721002 | Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma |
786037006 | Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism |
724069009 | Patterson Stevenson Fontaine syndrome |
1003399005 | Congenital anomaly of first branchial cleft |
35045004 | Microtia |
783199003 | Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia due to JAGN1 deficiency |
716996008 | L1 syndrome |
771443008 | Complement component 3 deficiency |
38215007 | Oculodentodigital syndrome |
73328005 | Infection by Dirofilaria |
1236845001 | DONSON-related microcephaly, short stature, limb abnormalities spectrum |
715339004 | Autosomal dominant keratitis |
447596005 | Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable |
771184001 | Leukoencephalopathy, palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome |
6124009 | Primary lymphangiectasis of intestine |
722385008 | CEDNIK syndrome |
399165002 | Burning mouth syndrome |
724172004 | McLeod neuroacanthocytosis syndrome |
94719007 | Myeloid sarcoma |
702575003 | Retinocochleocerebral vasculopathy |
715505002 | Rhizomelic dysplasia Patterson Lowry type |
718228001 | Fetal iodine syndrome |
24308003 | Cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency |
724091002 | Neuroectodermal melanolysosomal disease |
191169008 | Hereditary elliptocytosis |
721626003 | Primary malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of oesophagus |
766709000 | Isolated cerebellar vermis hypoplasia |
253405007 | Accessory tissue on mitral leaflet |
700242002 | Fowler syndrome |
294705005 | Weber-Cockayne syndrome |
715752006 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 |
773700005 | Leukonychia totalis, acanthosis-nigricans-like lesions, abnormal hair syndrome |
718215008 | Graham Little Piccardi Lassueur syndrome |
253658008 | Persisting fifth aortic arch |
723365002 | Hypotrichosis and intellectual disability syndrome Lopes type |
82966003 | Hereditary angioedema |
721100009 | COG5 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
766252004 | Juvenile overlap myositis |
237921002 | Disorder of catecholamine synthesis |
76520005 | Robinow syndrome |
1187113001 | Mucopolysaccharidosis-like plus disease |
86299006 | Tetralogy of Fallot |
239085000 | Symmetrical dyschromatosis of extremities |
31384009 | Polymyositis |
719842006 | Congenital hypoplasia of ulna and intellectual disability syndrome |
720523006 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2K |
708030004 | Pulmonary emphysema co-occurrent with fibrosis of lung |
782669004 | 10q22.3q23.3 microduplication syndrome |
720502000 | Arachnodactyly and intellectual disability with facial dysmorphism syndrome |
410056006 | Tyrosinemia type I |
389237009 | Blomstrand dysplasia |
722455002 | Intellectual disability, hypoplastic corpus callosum, preauricular tag syndrome |
721902002 | Schilbach Rott syndrome |
718213001 | Polyneuropathy associated with monoclonal immunoglobulin M antibodies to myelin-associated glycoprotein |
764993001 | Mycoplasma pneumoniae encephalitis |
764846009 | Adenocarcinoma of penis |
239066003 | Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma |
1222667006 | PIEZO1-related generalized lymphatic dysplasia with non-immune hydrops fetalis |
1252747005 | Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy |
717331000 | Familial thyroglossal duct cyst |
764861005 | Intellectual disability Birk-Barel type |
85223007 | Complication of hemodialysis |
29914000 | Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase deficiency |
699867001 | Duane-radial ray syndrome |
766049000 | Acute sensory ataxic neuropathy |
715868005 | Primary unilateral adrenal hyperplasia |
192759008 | Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis |
414015000 | Disease caused by Orthopoxvirus |
81166004 | Properdin deficiency disease |
764945007 | Congenital myopathy with internal nuclei and atypical cores |
715644000 | Glomuvenous malformation |
308121000 | Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
47523006 | Western equine encephalitis |
1228881003 | ALECT2 amyloidosis |
1197150002 | Recurrent hepatitis C virus induced liver disease following liver transplant |
7377003 | Sclerosing mediastinitis |
22933009 | G-6-PD class I variant anemia |
404069006 | Myxoid liposarcoma |
283645003 | Lev's syndrome |
239006001 | Ectodermal dysplasia with hair-tooth-nail-sweating defect |
773495009 | Episodic ataxia with slurred speech |
716709002 | FRAXE intellectual disability syndrome |
722005000 | Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia |
783201001 | Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia due to CSF3R deficiency |
7169009 | Congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis |
109988003 | Histiocytic sarcoma (clinical) |
254250002 | Fetal cocaine syndrome |
764736001 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 43 |
397568004 | Granular corneal dystrophy type II |
716007007 | Lowry Yong syndrome |
274945004 | AA amyloidosis |
1229895008 | 8q24.3 microdeletion syndrome |
95323007 | Scleredema |
719020006 | Pallister W syndrome |
253001006 | Merkel cell carcinoma |
771439009 | 14q22q23 microdeletion syndrome |
427972000 | Pudendal neuralgia |
35484002 | Aplasia cutis congenita |
764858009 | Isolated agammaglobulinemia |
448542008 | Autoimmune pancreatitis |
360369003 | Holocarboxylase synthase deficiency |
763273008 | Distal trisomy 4q |
1172605003 | Retinitis pigmentosa, hearing loss, premature aging, short stature, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
763718009 | Finnish upper limb onset distal myopathy |
723406000 | Mycophenolate mofetil embryopathy |
720463009 | Adducted thumbs and arthrogryposis syndrome Christian type |
404109006 | Follicular mucinosis type mycosis fungoides |
725136003 | Immunodeficiency by defective expression of human leukocyte antigen class 1 |
95198001 | Pure gonadal dysgenesis 46,XX |
723461007 | Pierre Robin sequence faciodigital anomaly syndrome |
52868006 | Oral-facial-digital syndrome |
698290008 | X-linked creatine deficiency |
715421009 | Craniofrontonasal dysplasia |
702354007 | Christianson syndrome |
724351008 | Hereditary hyperekplexia |
715429006 | Congenital muscular dystrophy with infantile cataract and hypogonadism syndrome |
773663004 | Rapid-onset childhood obesity, hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation, autonomic dysregulation syndrome |
763066009 | Atrioventricular septal defect, blepharophimosis, radial and anal defect syndrome |
449814007 | Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia |
719098007 | Brain lung thyroid syndrome |
237877004 | Wild type ATTR amyloidosis |
763863002 | Pectus excavatum, macrocephaly, dysplastic nails syndrome |
722477003 | Toriello Carey syndrome |
392662004 | West Nile encephalitis |
36517007 | Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone |
414488002 | Infantile botulism |
34566007 | Sialic acid storage disease, severe infantile type |
65764006 | Pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy |
716006003 | Gollop Wolfgang complex |
36739006 | Pemphigus erythematosus |
726724005 | Splenogonadal fusion, limb defect, micrognathia syndrome |
770790004 | Developmental delay with autism spectrum disorder and gait instability |
62311004 | Mannosidosis, type I |
717254007 | Familial pseudohyperkalemia |
230426003 | Myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers |
1186734006 | Autosomal recessive complex spastic paraplegia due to Kennedy pathway dysfunction |
721888002 | Scalp, ear, nipple syndrome |
62335009 | Congenital stenosis of inferior vena cava |
15552004 | Osteogenesis imperfecta, recessive perinatal lethal, with microcephaly AND cataracts |
719840003 | Ulbright Hodes syndrome |
33559001 | Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome |
128875000 | Primary cutaneous CD30+ large T-cell lymphoma |
409709004 | Chromosomal disorder |
766818009 | X-linked non progressive cerebellar ataxia |
717263009 | Transient pseudohypoaldosteronism |
719574007 | 14q12 microdeletion syndrome |
124122005 | Deficiency of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase |
1204415006 | Autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia, blindness, deafness syndrome |
721069005 | Short fifth metacarpal insulin resistance syndrome |
1208346003 | Congenital hydrocephalus, low insertion of umbilicus syndrome |
732955001 | Symphalangism with multiple anomalies of hands and feet syndrome |
423294001 | Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome |
720752007 | Coxopodopatellar syndrome |
239084001 | Naegeli-Franceschetti-Jadassohn syndrome |
773333003 | Autosomal systemic lupus erythematosus |
733419006 | Metaphyseal dysostosis, intellectual disability, conductive deafness syndrome |
1231281009 | 46,XY disorder of sex development due to isolated 17,20-lyase deficiency |
719685004 | Absent thumb with short stature and immunodeficiency syndrome |
771149000 | Hepatic fibrosis, renal cyst, intellectual disability syndrome |
67155006 | Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome |
783091003 | 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis, motor and sensory neuropathy syndrome |
302953002 | Agenesis of gallbladder |
50189006 | Hereditary factor XIII deficiency disease |
1279843003 | Short rib polydactyly syndrome type 5 |
714279000 | Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1-associated myelopathy |
68092007 | Anomalous origin of pulmonary artery |
702412005 | Partington syndrome |
58037000 | Cowden syndrome |
297225000 | Maternal phenylketonuria |
763839005 | Neonatal Marfan syndrome |
253170008 | Hemimegalencephaly |
19886006 | Sturge-Weber syndrome |
773990006 | Isolated asymptomatic elevation of creatine phosphokinase |
1231735008 | Isolated bone marrow mastocytosis |
129452008 | Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia |
59763006 | Hyperphosphatasemia tarda |
448920004 | Congenital abnormality of mitral subvalvular apparatus |
733454004 | Long thumb brachydactyly syndrome |
719686003 | Distal monosomy 10p |
719046005 | 12q14 microdeletion syndrome |
789008006 | Posterior uveitis due to infectious disease |
715674008 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia type 5 |
1264340007 | Familial gastric type 1 neuroendocrine neoplasm |
1208725005 | Multifocal lymphangioendotheliomatosis, thrombocytopenia syndrome |
397016004 | Systemic mast cell disease |
4887000 | Tyrosinemia type 2 |
717052002 | Maternally inherited Leigh syndrome |
764956007 | Larsen-like osseous dysplasia, short stature syndrome |
773738009 | Chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection syndrome |
1162856006 | Neuroendocrine neoplasm of colon |
734023003 | Sporadic adult-onset ataxia of unknown etiology |
1197153000 | Typical nemaline myopathy |
763792009 | Leukonychia totalis |
88776002 | Hereditary factor V deficiency disease |
49024004 | 4p partial trisomy syndrome |
1208726006 | Fever-associated acute infantile liver failure syndrome |
770433003 | Ectasia of right atrial appendage |
766927009 | Familial supernumerary nipple |
722108000 | Osteochondrodysplatic nanism, deafness, retinitis pigmentosa syndrome |
725026008 | Hepatic glycogen synthase deficiency |
1186723008 | Prepubertal anorexia nervosa |
717042001 | Pelizaeus Merzbacher like disease |
719201004 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia Shohat type |
1269225005 | Hemolytic uremic syndrome with DGKE deficiency |
1285323003 | Inverse Klippel Trénaunay syndrome |
724499007 | Idiopathic acute eosinophilic pneumonia |
30915001 | Holoprosencephaly sequence |
764711007 | Xq12-q13.3 duplication syndrome |
27025001 | Autosomal recessive hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia syndrome |
120639003 | Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome |
110005000 | Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, FAB M4 |
827172005 | X-linked progressive cerebellar ataxia |
444838008 | Deficiency of 2-methylbutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase |
703403003 | Ophthalmo-acromelic syndrome |
717044000 | Adult onset non-insulinoma persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia |
190959006 | Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis due to infection |
771073006 | Lymphoproliferative disorder caused by methotrexate |
1197757006 | Acute bilirubin encephalopathy |
1230239009 | Congenital laryngotracheoesophageal cleft |
128091003 | Primary ITP (immune thrombocytopenia) |
111864006 | Chikungunya fever |
86997002 | Ring chromosome 10 syndrome |
774207004 | Acute infantile liver failure with multisystemic involvement syndrome |
762543009 | Necrolytic acral erythema |
403805009 | Albinism-deafness syndrome of Tietz |
428850001 | Li-Fraumeni syndrome |
716280004 | Congenital tubular duplication of esophagus |
732246009 | X-linked intellectual disability, limb spasticity, retinal dystrophy, diabetes insipidus syndrome |
733472005 | Microcephalus, glomerulonephritis, marfanoid habitus syndrome |
719661007 | 5q14.3 microdeletion syndrome |
69015003 | Double urethra |
715201005 | Congenital short bowel syndrome |
725150008 | Autosomal dominant mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to partial interferon gamma receptor 1 deficiency |
51409009 | Asymmetric crying face association |
734018003 | Ectodermal dysplasia trichoodontoonychial type |
236461000 | Distal renal tubular acidosis |
254820002 | Follicular atrophoderma and basal cell epitheliomata |
778007004 | 12p12.1 microdeletion syndrome |
717256009 | Hereditary hypotrichosis simplex of scalp |
725394006 | Autosomal recessive ataxia due to ubiquinone deficiency |
765057007 | BAP1 tumor predisposition syndrome |
443487006 | Mantle cell lymphoma |
707250009 | Vulvovaginal gingival syndrome |
44600005 | Xeroderma pigmentosum |
253657003 | Cervical aortic arch |
236527004 | Nail patella-like renal disease |
718230004 | Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to complete interferon gamma receptor 1 deficiency |
1186712009 | Combined immunodeficiency due to CARMIL2 deficiency |
722380003 | Martsolf syndrome |
715793003 | Acetazolamide responsive myotonia |
89392001 | Prader-Willi syndrome |
95472001 | Multiple gastrointestinal atresias |
1187508009 | Immunoglobulin G4 related aortitis |
373421000 | Diarrhea-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome |
720518006 | Athabaskan brainstem dysgenesis syndrome |
783059004 | Atypical dentin dysplasia due to SMOC2 deficiency |
720861000 | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome progeroid type |
773346008 | 20p13 microdeletion syndrome |
770908007 | 49,XXXYY syndrome |
70041004 | Erythrokeratodermia variabilis |
21954000 | Herpes zoster auricularis |
733029008 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 29 |
240105009 | Viral myositis |
719157002 | X-linked intellectual disability and hypotonia with facial dysmorphism and aggressive behavior syndrome |
1268640008 | Primary lymphoepithelial carcinoma |
717887003 | Biemond syndrome type 2 |
784348007 | Familial congenital mirror movements |
177504007 | Acheiropodia |
771300001 | Hereditary progressive mucinous histiocytosis |
763865009 | Pilocytic astrocytoma |
1174000008 | Congenital generalized hypercontractile muscle stiffness syndrome |
302822000 | Insulinoma |
24269006 | Distal arthrogryposis syndrome |
717014003 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2J |
722458000 | Matthew Wood syndrome |
254960002 | Gonadotroph adenoma |
254223007 | Cutis laxa, recessive, type II |
722870008 | IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis |
699754008 | Oculodental syndrome |
718690009 | Congenital hypothyroidism due to absence of thyroid gland |
1260116000 | Primary malignant stromal sarcoma of endometrium |
78960005 | Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase deficiency |
719258003 | Pyknoachondrogenesis |
770665005 | Non-distal monosomy 10q |
59531002 | Tryptophan malabsorption syndrome |
703388005 | GRACILE syndrome |
239020008 | Fried's tooth and nail syndrome |
771335004 | Ectodermal dysplasia syndactyly syndrome |
312935003 | Capillary hemangioma of retina |
68237008 | Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection |
716166002 | Microcornea with glaucoma and absent frontal sinus syndrome |
716999001 | Joubert syndrome with renal defect |
205828009 | Biemond's syndrome |
205468002 | Hypochondroplasia |
723452007 | Polyneuropathy, hearing loss, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, cataract syndrome |
29227009 | Nocardiosis |
412787009 | Intellectual disability, congenital heart disease, blepharophimosis, blepharoptosis and hypoplastic teeth |
765487008 | Ring chromosome 5 syndrome |
42808000 | Longitudinal deficiency of tibia |
766935007 | Primary bone lymphoma |
763203009 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 15 |
765188009 | Severe combined immunodeficiency due to complete RAG1 and/or RAG2 deficiency |
1187303004 | Progressive spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, short stature, short fourth metatarsals, intellectual disability syndrome |
720602007 | Camptodactyly syndrome Guadalajara type 1 |
20852007 | Romano-Ward syndrome |
770686005 | Malignant germ cell neoplasm of vagina |
74107003 | Acromegaly |
735421004 | Leukoencephalopathy with brain stem and spinal cord involvement and high lactate syndrome |
715440003 | Mirror hands and feet co-occurrent with nasal defect |
780817000 | Undifferentiated myeloproliferative disease |
403984006 | Composite hemangioendothelioma |
1187623009 | Phosphoglucomutase 3-related congenital disorder of glycosylation |
1268545005 | Primary transitional cell carcinoma of corpus uteri |
1237342004 | Lethal fetal cerebrorenogenitourinary agenesis/hypoplasia syndrome |
771072001 | Monosomy 9p |
702357000 | Chromosome 2q37 deletion syndrome |
255032005 | Medullary thyroid carcinoma |
1269044006 | Primary desmoplastic small round cell tumor |
124309005 | Deficiency of sedoheptulokinase |
1179293006 | Erythrokeratodermia cardiomyopathy syndrome |
783701002 | Port-wine nevi, mega cisterna magna, hydrocephalus syndrome |
724384008 | Helicoid peripapillary chorioretinal degeneration |
715800000 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B2 |
715524004 | Delayed membranous cranial ossification |
771470001 | Jawad syndrome |
254005007 | Midline facial cleft - Tessier cleft 14 |
32393008 | Poisoning by fluorouracil |
1279836009 | Familial multinodular goiter syndrome |
254004006 | Midline facial cleft - Tessier cleft 0 |
61493004 | Mu heavy chain disease |
717049005 | Trisomy 17p |
719159004 | Syndactyly type 5 |
2040007 | Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome |
890123006 | 3p25.3 deletion syndrome |
608817003 | Pituicytoma |
86268005 | Achondroplasia |
277844007 | Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis |
109984001 | Gamma heavy chain disease (clinical) |
238030005 | Galactocerebroside beta-galactosidase deficiency - early onset |
1230323000 | Sepsis of premature infant |
240119009 | Focal nodular myositis |
702440000 | Arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency |
764959000 | Intellectual disability, myopathy, short stature, endocrine defect syndrome |
722376008 | Autosomal recessive popliteal pterygium syndrome |
1222661007 | Early-onset calcifying leukoencephalopathy, skeletal dysplasia |
277869007 | Non-tuberculous mycobacterial pneumonia |
723611008 | Split hand, split foot malformation with sensorineural hearing loss syndrome |
67049004 | Vitamin D-dependent rickets, type 1 |
766759009 | Vulvovaginal rhabdomyosarcoma |
770566002 | Monosomy 13q14 syndrome |
1208485009 | Multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome type 1 |
716092007 | Schmitt Gillenwater Kelly syndrome |
782742006 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 with giant axons |
737313007 | Primary malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of ileum |
5364006 | Uterus subseptus |
1186715006 | Combined immunodeficiency due to CD70 deficiency |
782720005 | Congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 10 |
387732009 | Becker muscular dystrophy |
397014001 | Diffuse erythrodermic mastocytosis |
764997000 | Non-distal trisomy 9q |
766249007 | Lowe Kohn Cohen syndrome |
783703004 | White matter hypoplasia, corpus callosum agenesis, intellectual disability syndrome |
1145155005 | Lead and/or lead compound poisoning |
818962009 | Seromucinous cystadenoma of ovary in childhood |
819949002 | Infestation by Cordylobia rodhaini |
1169362009 | Overgrowth syndrome with 2q37 translocation |
771516000 | Solute carrier family 35 member A2 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
201048007 | Localized scleroderma |
716277000 | Chronic diarrhea due to glucoamylase deficiency |
238025006 | GM1 gangliosidosis |
1268900000 | Primary linitis plastica of stomach |
716865000 | Congenital infection caused by enterovirus |
1010642001 | Sporadic infantile bilateral striatal necrosis |
717940006 | BNAR syndrome |
233788001 | Tracheobronchomalacia |
718714006 | Deafness and hypogonadism syndrome |
254061001 | Achondrogenesis, type II |
1260194003 | Idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome |
1260143005 | Megalencephaly, severe kyphoscoliosis, overgrowth syndrome |
297233004 | 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria type 4 |
719431007 | Autosomal dominant late-onset retinal degeneration |
733452000 | Leukoencephalopathy, dystonia, motor neuropathy syndrome |
715794009 | RAVINE syndrome |
721084001 | Deaf blind hypopigmentation syndrome Yemenite type |
720754008 | Craniofacial conodysplasia syndrome |
719948009 | Trigonocephaly with bifid nose and acral anomaly syndrome |
733601006 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1q |
764619001 | Mosaic trisomy 15 syndrome |
818963004 | Posterior hypospadias |
719044008 | Partial pancreatic agenesis |
716112005 | Kawashima Tsuji syndrome |
75610003 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-I |
91637004 | Myasthenia gravis |
763344007 | Cerebellar ataxia, intellectual disability, oculomotor apraxia, cerebellar cysts syndrome |
193497004 | Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease |
717043006 | Calciphylaxis cutis |
427086003 | Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis |
85904008 | Paratyphoid fever |
23097003 | Kyasanur Forest disease |
420788006 | Primary intraocular non-Hodgkin malignant lymphoma |
715318006 | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome classic type |
1237573001 | Punctate acrokeratoderma freckle-like pigmentation |
63702009 | Alstrom syndrome |
40278002 | Essential benign fructosuria |
1279841001 | Undifferentiated carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells of pancreas |
720957007 | Fountain syndrome |
721015008 | Hydrocephalus with endocardial fibroelastosis and cataract syndrome |
234405009 | Triose phosphate isomerase deficiency |
237963003 | Disorder of galactose metabolism |
718224004 | Progressive hemifacial atrophy |
472317002 | Histiocytoid mitochondrial cardiomyopathy |
722067005 | Severe combined immunodeficiency with hypereosinophilia |
42012007 | Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
716008002 | Gingival fibromatosis and hypertrichosis syndrome |
715646003 | Desmin related myopathy with Mallory body-like inclusions |
29570005 | Leigh's disease |
719156006 | X-linked intellectual disability with hypogammaglobulinemia and progressive neurological deterioration syndrome |
438504004 | Lenz microphthalmia syndrome |
703335004 | Arteriovenous malformation of maxilla |
307604008 | Mesoblastic nephroma |
1179301003 | DYRK1A-related intellectual disability syndrome |
783700001 | Syndactyly, polydactyly, ear lobe syndrome |
702384004 | Intrauterine growth restriction, metaphyseal dysplasia, adrenal hypoplasia congenita, and genital anomaly syndrome |
722206009 | Pancreatic hypoplasia, diabetes mellitus, congenital heart disease syndrome |
418839003 | Tubulointerstitial nephritis with uveitis syndrome |
1279845005 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 39 |
726079008 | Hereditary hypercarotenemia and vitamin A deficiency |
703522009 | Biotin-thiamine-responsive basal ganglia disease |
1231179003 | Idiopathic avascular necrosis of bone |
763884007 | Splenic diffuse red pulp small B-cell lymphoma |
738527001 | Myeloid and/or lymphoid neoplasm associated with platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha rearrangement |
718756005 | Episodic ataxia type 5 |
92503002 | Neurofibromatosis type 2 |
110002002 | Mast cell leukemia (clinical) |
771341006 | 14q11.2 microduplication syndrome |
43763009 | Glossopharyngeal neuralgia |
715776003 | Spastic paraplegia type 7 |
715980003 | Encephalopathy due to sulfite oxidase deficiency |
25362006 | HSMN IV |
66948001 | Cleft palate with cleft lip |
54160000 | Congenital aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva |
253159001 | Schizencephaly |
763314009 | Congenital muscular dystrophy with hyperlaxity |
1186709006 | FLNA-related X-linked myxomatous valvular dysplasia |
1285319006 | Isolated aplasia of optic nerve |
715216008 | Sheldon-Hall syndrome |
715491000 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 11 |
717814004 | Glossopalatine ankylosis |
725042001 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2J |
360994007 | Deficiency of prolidase |
233858000 | Familial mitral valve prolapse |
1197362009 | STAT3-related early-onset multisystem autoimmune disease |
277656005 | Primary pulmonary hypoplasia |
703526007 | Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 8 |
443095000 | Hemicrania continua |
78373000 | Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency |
78314001 | Osteogenesis imperfecta |
17342003 | Familial erythrocytosis |
783180007 | Combined hyperactive dysfunction syndrome of cranial nerves |
204739008 | Congenital aganglionic megacolon |
75053002 | Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome |
783705006 | Sporadic hyperekplexia |
6996004 | Congenital absence of pulmonary valve |
722058005 | Oculocutaneous albinism type 6 |
1162915007 | Congenital accessory tissue of tricuspid valve |
230672006 | Congenital myasthenic syndrome |
193687000 | Oguchi's disease |
1260130005 | Progressive essential tremor, speech impairment, facial dysmorphism, intellectual disability, abnormal behavior syndrome |
703524005 | Spinal muscular atrophy with progressive myoclonic epilepsy |
419197009 | Lattice corneal dystrophy Type I |
1264114007 | Congenital non-syndromic anorectal malformation |
715829003 | Familial advanced sleep phase syndrome |
1222657001 | PRUNE1-related neurological syndrome |
723308003 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy |
420120006 | Gastrointestinal stromal tumor |
240087000 | Myopathy with tubular aggregates |
1167375003 | Microcephaly, corpus callosum and cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, facial dysmorphism, intellectual disability syndrome |
715314008 | Digitotalar dysmorphism |
239013001 | Anonychia with bizarre flexural pigmentation |
718715007 | Acanthosis nigricans and insulin resistance with muscle cramp and acral enlargement syndrome |
716662004 | Autosomal dominant late onset Parkinson disease |
718551002 | Moyamoya disease with early onset achalasia |
699447001 | Zimmermann-Laband syndrome |
81780002 | Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome |
233878008 | Familial restrictive cardiomyopathy |
716685003 | Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome |
1220595008 | Cataract, growth hormone deficiency, sensory neuropathy, sensorineural hearing loss, skeletal dysplasia syndrome |
782673001 | Distal monosomy 4q |
312491004 | Serpiginous choroiditis |
784371009 | Huntington disease-like 1 |
700063005 | Megalencephaly capillary malformation |
378007 | Morquio syndrome |
1187507004 | Immunoglobulin G4 related kidney disease |
719520001 | Benign concentric annular macular dystrophy |
722382006 | Cataract and microcornea syndrome |
715923003 | Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency |
45116002 | Sepiapterin reductase deficiency |
15689008 | Pseudohypoaldosteronism, type 2 |
402468007 | Scleromyxedema |
237923004 | Dopamine beta-hydroxylase deficiency |
782945001 | Ophthalmoplegia, intellectual disability, lingua scrotalis syndrome |
47000000 | Acute transverse myelitis |
28770003 | Polycystic kidney disease, infantile type |
238719003 | Twenty nail dystrophy |
724576005 | Pyridoxal 5-phosphate dependent epilepsy |
819953000 | Glycogen storage disease due to muscle phosphorylase kinase deficiency |
719204007 | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Maroteaux type |
234437005 | Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis |
90505000 | Autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic vitamin D refractory rickets |
46775006 | Respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn |
771446000 | Follicular cholangitis and pancreatitis |
253138008 | Semi-lobar holoprosencephaly |
403834003 | Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D with periodic fever |
702949005 | Proopiomelanocortin deficiency syndrome |
443643007 | Ependymoma |
716712004 | Secondary pulmonary hemosiderosis |
722283003 | Agnathia, holoprosencephaly, situs inversus syndrome |
770666006 | Non-distal trisomy 10q |
719398004 | Malignant hyperthermia with arthrogryposis and torticollis syndrome |
715533002 | MMEP syndrome |
1187467000 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 9B |
31925001 | Hereditary factor I deficiency disease |
719453009 | Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type IV |
699298009 | Ohdo syndrome, Say-Barber-Biesecker-Young-Simpson variant |
76642003 | Factor X deficiency |
717221005 | Metaphyseal dysplasia Braun Tinschert type |
200938002 | Discoid lupus erythematosus |
1231178006 | Hereditary continuous muscle fiber activity |
110007008 | Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma |
770432008 | Ectasia of left atrial appendage |
717259002 | Papular mucinosis of infancy |
715575001 | Distal arthrogryposis type 4 |
773773006 | Acrodysplasia scoliosis |
733623005 | Autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, arthrogryposis syndrome |
54122009 | Eales' disease |
723675006 | Sialidosis type 1 |
20957000 | Disorder of carbohydrate metabolism |
5217008 | Stiff-person syndrome |
71904008 | SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency) due to absent class II HLA (human leukocyte antigens) |
237999008 | Mitochondrial trifunctional protein deficiency |
778026007 | Lethal polymalformative syndrome Boissel type |
1222668001 | CELSR1-related late-onset primary lymphedema |
723866006 | Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation not Brugada type |
721862000 | Joubert syndrome with oculorenal defect |
721207002 | Seizure, sensorineural deafness, ataxia, intellectual disability, electrolyte imbalance syndrome |
85505000 | Adult spinal muscular atrophy |
40855001 | Hereditary factor VII deficiency disease |
417183007 | Fleck corneal dystrophy |
771339005 | Hyperzincemia and hypercalprotectinemia |
726702005 | Epileptic encephalopathy with global cerebral demyelination |
702785000 | Large cell anaplastic lymphoma T cell and Null cell type |
708028001 | Congenital pulmonary alveolar capillary dysplasia |
724350009 | Hereditary hypotrichosis with recurrent skin vesicles syndrome |
725590001 | Butterfly-shaped pigmentary macular dystrophy |
74008005 | 5p partial trisomy |
439699000 | Hereditary antithrombin III deficiency |
724174003 | Moebius syndrome, axonal neuropathy, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism syndrome |
51022005 | Erythropoietic protoporphyria |
1231150005 | Isolated foveal hypoplasia |
389264005 | Genochondromatosis |
721306009 | Therapy related acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome |
722037004 | MEHMO syndrome |
253737007 | Congenital laryngomalacia |
25668000 | Murine typhus |
49120005 | Retroperitoneal fibrosis |
19138001 | Epidermodysplasia verruciformis |
722452004 | Guttmacher syndrome |
718750004 | COG1 congenital disorder of glycosylation |
609515005 | Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor |
717968005 | Melanoma and neural system tumor syndrome |
59068006 | Congenital dislocation of knee |
1172699002 | Hereditary thrombocytopenia with early-onset myelofibrosis |
40354009 | De Lange syndrome |
720817008 | Craniosynostosis Boston type |
203928008 | Iniencephaly - open |
763532008 | Familial nasal acilia |
722034006 | Median nodule of upper lip |
782680004 | Gangliocytoma of central nervous system |
128862000 | Cutaneous pseudolymphoma |
63175003 | Localized extracutaneous mastocytosis |
314270008 | Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous |
234363001 | Selective malabsorption of cyanocobalamin |
1197587003 | Lethal neonatal spasticity, epileptic encephalopathy syndrome |
818959006 | Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type 1 and 3 |
4834000 | Typhoid fever |
719205008 | Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with cone-rod dystrophy syndrome |
763353000 | Cerebrofacioarticular syndrome |
725291001 | Defect of purinergic receptor p2y G protein-coupled 12 |
1269223003 | Paraneoplastic uveitis |
721296004 | Fuhrmann syndrome |
237933007 | Transcobalamin I deficiency |
51500006 | Complete trisomy 18 syndrome |
778001003 | KCNQ2-related epileptic encephalopathy |
230552007 | X-linked hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy |
237824009 | Juvenile Graves' disease |
254959007 | Thyrotroph adenoma |
723579009 | Tangier disease |
766237006 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 2 |
717913006 | Blepharonasofacial malformation syndrome |
773300008 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, hypotrichosis syndrome |
41371000119100 | Shone complex |
725289009 | 5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide ribosiduria |
69478001 | Pancreatic colipase deficiency |
773692000 | Late-onset localized junctional epidermolysis bullosa, intellectual disability syndrome |
770407006 | Chuvash erythrocytosis |
14333004 | Alloimmune neonatal neutropenia |
716338001 | Hoffman syndrome |
427791009 | Congenital velopharyngeal incompetence |
72900001 | Familial multiple polyposis syndrome |
68979007 | Heavy chain disease |
238836000 | Kindler's syndrome |
771264005 | Absent radius, anogenital anomalies syndrome |
1268546006 | Primary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas |
90935002 | Hemophilia |
718576001 | Aase Smith type 1 syndrome |
62964007 | Antley-Bixler syndrome |
254222002 | Cutis laxa, recessive, type I |
782821004 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia Isidor type |
3978000 | Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
716196007 | Isolated polycystic liver disease |
764452004 | Retinal arterial macroaneurysm with supravalvular pulmonic stenosis |
717771007 | Cloverleaf skull with multiple congenital anomalies syndrome |
80281008 | Cleft lip |
733451007 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1s |
778062008 | Diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma with painful fissures |
52029003 | Primary familial dilated cardiomyopathy |
240820001 | Lymphatic filariasis |
1251499005 | B3GALT6-related spondylodysplastic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
764960005 | Inherited isolated adrenal insufficiency due to partial CYP11A1 deficiency |
773426004 | LMNA-related cardiocutaneous progeria syndrome |
724144006 | Methimazole embryofetopathy |
722203001 | Palmoplantar keratoderma with deafness syndrome |
699310000 | 22q13.3 deletion syndrome |
773299000 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 16 |
719266007 | Progressive bifocal chorioretinal atrophy |
775909002 | Congenital neutropenia, myelofibrosis, nephromegaly syndrome |
737312002 | Primary malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of jejunum |
715796006 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4A |
23817003 | Levy-Hollister syndrome |
783256001 | Familial thrombomodulin anomalies |
253172000 | Agenesis of cerebellum |
725058003 | Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing syndrome |
715654001 | Ischio-vertebral syndrome |
717041008 | Syndromic recessive X-linked ichthyosis |
403391003 | Secondary erythromelalgia |
203994003 | Myelocystocele |
724139004 | Microtia, eye coloboma, imperforation of nasolacrimal duct syndrome |
444944006 | Deficiency of 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase |
86073008 | Hypersomatotropic gigantism |
783243008 | Adenohypophysitis |
1187119002 | Hereditary pediatric Behçet-like disease |
719650004 | 20p12.3 microdeletion syndrome |
783198006 | Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy due to TECPR2 mutation |
23849003 | Sandhoff disease |
44509000 | Linear lichen planus |
717046003 | Autosomal dominant hyperinsulinism due to SUR1 deficiency |
771337007 | 1q21.1 microduplication syndrome |
763720007 | Hypermethioninemia due to deficiency of glycine N-methyltransferase |
717918002 | Neuroendocrine tumor of middle ear |
703219008 | Cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy |
718220008 | Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome |
68539005 | Congenital bronchopulmonary foregut malformation |
400948003 | Spasmus nutans |
715483009 | Olivopontocerebellar atrophy and deafness |
204950001 | Bilateral renal dysplasia |
81139004 | Myospherulosis |
717262004 | Isolated congenital alacrima |
716862002 | Proteus like syndrome |
732954002 | Osteopenia, intellectual disability, sparse hair syndrome |
237945003 | Complete deficiency of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase |
771336003 | Polymicrogyria with optic nerve hypoplasia |
763108005 | Submucous cleft palate |
16964007 | Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin thalassemia |
697897003 | Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension |
77480004 | Congenital biliary atresia |
764942005 | Colobomatous microphthalmia, rhizomelic dysplasia syndrome |
723443003 | Neutrophil immunodeficiency syndrome |
1179298002 | Familial patent arterial duct |
763776004 | KLHL9-related early-onset distal myopathy |
719980006 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type IF |
763893008 | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia with severe proximal femoral dysplasia |
203468000 | Aneurysmal bone cyst |
230253001 | Bulbospinal neuronopathy |
126945001 | Perinatal anoxic-ischemic brain injury |
782691006 | Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 21 |
723408004 | Multifocal pattern dystrophy of retinal pigment epithelium simulating fundus flavimaculatus |
723366001 | Macrostomia, preauricular tag, external ophthalmoplegia syndrome |
396338004 | Metachromatic leukodystrophy |
60826002 | Coccidioidomycosis |
26336006 | Tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous albinism |
721161005 | Esophageal duplication cyst |
271432005 | Congenital renal artery stenosis |
703295003 | Noninvoluting congenital hemangioma |
764855007 | Acute myeloid leukemia with CEBPA somatic mutations |
297232009 | 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria type 3 |
367524008 | Hypoplasia of thyroid |
1268639006 | Primary carcinosarcoma of cervix uteri |
773396009 | Distal arthrogryposis type 5D |
68926002 | Idiopathic arterial calcification of infancy |
1237179007 | FG syndrome type 1 |
723508002 | RAS-associated autoimmune leukoproliferative disease |
1393001 | Lenz-Majewski hyperostosis syndrome |
405288003 | Intermittent maple syrup urine disease |
69339004 | Bird-fanciers' lung |
405810005 | Cogan's syndrome |
763279007 | Facial dysmorphism, conductive hearing loss, heart defect syndrome |
766052008 | Distal trisomy 19q |
764523004 | Familial isolated trichomegaly |
254254006 | Fetal toluene syndrome |
240084007 | Congenital myopathy with fiber type disproportion |
36010004 | Congenital cerebral meningocele |
254961003 | Mixed-functioning pituitary adenoma |
58554001 | Empyema of pleura |
716170005 | Nathalie syndrome |
410058007 | Histidinemia |
371089000 | Serotonin syndrome |
719016007 | X-linked intellectual disability Cantagrel type |
763368004 | Familial progressive hyper and hypopigmentation |
784381008 | Autosomal recessive cutis laxa type 2A |
270516002 | Congenital macroglossia |
231944006 | Labrador keratopathy |
782670003 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 3 |
50967008 | Gangliosidosis |
7826003 | Mikulicz's disease |
773329005 | CK syndrome |
725286002 | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase deficiency |
763309005 | Acute myeloid leukemia with NPM1 somatic mutation |
1264007008 | Adenovirus infection in immunocompromised person |
719979008 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type ID |
724645006 | T-cell histiocyte rich large B-cell lymphoma |
773989002 | Late-onset isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency |
230255008 | Madras-type motor neurone disease |
88905005 | Sarcosporidiosis |
718106009 | Hyperinsulinism and hyperammonemia syndrome |
782949007 | Facial dysmorphism, anorexia, cachexia, eye and skin anomalies syndrome |
766752000 | Neurolymphomatosis |
1172698005 | Recurrent metabolic encephalomyopathic crises, rhabdomyolysis, cardiac arrhythmia, intellectual disability syndrome |
715395008 | Familial atrial fibrillation |
63122002 | Hajdu-Cheney syndrome |
774204006 | Growth retardation, mild developmental delay, chronic hepatitis syndrome |
95202004 | Coloboma of eyelid |
398958000 | Chondrodysplasia punctata, X-linked dominant type |
1197749008 | CIDEC-related familial partial lipodystrophy |
1187191003 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 74 |
95605009 | HELLP syndrome |
720640005 | Choanal atresia, hearing loss, cardiac defect, craniofacial dysmorphism syndrome |
770901001 | Autosomal recessive intellectual disability, motor dysfunction, multiple joint contracture syndrome |
1685005 | Rat bite fever |
89138009 | Cardiogenic shock |
446923008 | Lipoprotein glomerulopathy |
51780007 | Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome |
715983001 | Ring chromosome 8 syndrome |
368851000119102 | Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome |
460930004 | Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from right coronary aortic sinus |
715464002 | Seemanova Lesny syndrome |
75096007 | Rickettsialpox |
400211001 | Hereditary lymphedema and yellow nails |
238905009 | Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis |
716091000 | Holoprosencephaly and postaxial polydactyly syndrome |
1268704000 | Primary malignant mesothelioma of pleura |
724039002 | Psychomotor retardation due to S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase deficiency |
254124008 | Osteosclerosis - Stanescu type |
254179000 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex herpetiformis |
764521002 | Encircling double aortic arch |
47535005 | CHARGE syndrome |
253391007 | Parachute malformation of tricuspid valve |
719515001 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2N |
766931003 | Hypomyelination neuropathy arthrogryposis syndrome |
267607008 | Familial periodic paralysis |
721834007 | Hyperinsulinism due to uncoupling protein 2 deficiency |
400171002 | Malignant atrophic papulosis |
109620006 | Hereditary gingival fibromatosis |
44295002 | Congenital coloboma of optic disc |
773726000 | Hypercholesterolemia due to cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase deficiency |
58868000 | Argentinian hemorrhagic fever |
725098001 | Craniomicromelic syndrome |
765091006 | Spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy type 1 |
1169359006 | Tall stature, intellectual disability, renal anomalies syndrome |
770667002 | Occult macular dystrophy |
702383005 | Distal myopathy 2 |
721878003 | Microphthalmia with brain and digit anomaly |
718611007 | Congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 8 |
1197586007 | Short stature, advanced bone age, early-onset osteoarthritis syndrome |
707625001 | Neuroendocrine neoplasm of larynx |
371197005 | Congenital absence of foot |
763276000 | Distal trisomy 7p syndrome |
238799002 | Lymphangioma circumscriptum |
722107005 | Ossification anomaly with psychomotor developmental delay syndrome |
721764008 | Infection caused by Human poliovirus |
783621008 | Immunodeficiency with factor I anomaly |
700057001 | Emberger syndrome |
717963001 | Isolated anterior cervical hypertrichosis |
784342008 | Familial infantile myoclonic epilepsy |
71322004 | Familial articular hypermobility syndrome |
719951002 | Triphalangeal thumb with brachyectrodactyly syndrome |
719096006 | Brittle cornea syndrome |
766046007 | Acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome related to topoisomerase type 2 inhibitor |
732949006 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 6 |
774069007 | PRKAR1B-related neurodegenerative dementia with intermediate filaments |
404053004 | Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma |
720565000 | Bohring Opitz syndrome |
204508009 | Choanal atresia |
721220004 | Familial developmental dysphasia |
718192000 | Non-amyloid fibrillary glomerulonephritis |
702449004 | Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome |
1217383007 | RELA fusion-positive supratentorial ependymoma |
699251001 | Fibrous dysplasia of bone with intramuscular myxoma |
712922002 | MYH9 related disease |
287085006 | Genitourinary congenital anomalies |
723820001 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 4 |
715820004 | Lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia type C |
57835009 | Hepatic methionine adenosyltransferase deficiency |
783013001 | Parana hard skin syndrome |
45369008 | Neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus |
763795006 | Malan overgrowth syndrome |
783149002 | Mosaic genome-wide paternal uniparental disomy |
778061001 | Familial cervical artery dissection |
776087007 | Autosomal recessive cerebral atrophy |
719267003 | Progressive cavitating leukoencephalopathy |
770628008 | Diffuse leptomeningeal melanocytosis |
129623003 | Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome |
716023007 | MacDermot Winter syndrome |
8849004 | Galactose epimerase deficiency |
237950009 | 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria |
774205007 | Growth and developmental delay, hypotonia, vision impairment, lactic acidosis syndrome |
702397002 | Renal tubular dysgenesis |
1230023005 | Benign intraocular medulloepithelioma |
717011006 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2D |
95609003 | Neonatal lupus erythematosus |
1237349008 | Hydrops, lactic acidosis, sideroblastic anaemia, multisystemic failure syndrome |
716774008 | Hereditary keratoacanthoma |
860812002 | Hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy type IE |
722113001 | Osteoporosis and oculocutaneous hypopigmentation syndrome |
764943000 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 2 |
719043002 | VACTERL syndrome with hydrocephalus |
766937004 | Hypertension due to gain-of-function mutation in mineralocorticoid receptor |
778070003 | Autosomal dominant primary microcephaly |
765745007 | Autosomal dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type B |
10743271000119103 | Immunoglobulin G4 related disease |
277807007 | Curry-Hall syndrome |
1268538005 | Primary clear cell adenocarcinoma of ovary |
79385002 | Lowe syndrome |
10736081000119101 | Congenital atresia of vagina |
38323006 | Fetal warfarin syndrome |
770944002 | Oculootodental syndrome |
95643007 | Autoimmune encephalitis |
201000006 | Annular lichen planus |
233947005 | Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension |
1172691004 | CLCN4-related X-linked intellectual disability syndrome |
718579008 | X-linked endothelial corneal dystrophy |
232058008 | Usher syndrome type 2 |
1260142000 | Congenital vertebral, cardiac, renal anomalies syndrome |
237250000 | Partial hydatidiform mole |
763350002 | Intellectual disability, obesity, brain malformation, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
770643005 | Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis |
719255000 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 34 |
1187004001 | Chronic traumatic encephalopathy |
71961003 | Childhood disintegrative disorder |
1230343006 | Distal hereditary motor neuropathy type 2 |
770794008 | 11p15.4 microduplication syndrome |
45503006 | Common ventricle |
715861004 | Dysplasia of head of femur Meyer type |
718847005 | X-linked neurodegenerative syndrome Hamel type |
43248007 | Penta X syndrome |
763837007 | Oro-facial digital syndrome type 14 |
764519007 | Distal trisomy 3p |
426336007 | Solitary osseous myeloma |
723621000 | Spastic tetraplegia, retinitis pigmentosa, intellectual disability syndrome |
87827003 | Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency |
1229872004 | Xq25 microduplication syndrome |
238640007 | Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica of Bazex |
770431001 | Early-onset epileptic encephalopathy and intellectual disability due to GRIN2A mutation |
122711000119109 | Hypnic headache |
24326000 | Metachromatic leukodystrophy, adult type |
719826004 | X-linked intellectual disability with acromegaly and hyperactivity syndrome |
721228006 | Huntington disease-like 2 |
109476006 | Amelogenesis imperfecta, hypoplastic type |
715634002 | Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia |
734349003 | Alpha-thalassemia intellectual disability syndrome linked to chromosome 16 |
3928002 | Zika virus disease |
1254651003 | Microcephaly, intellectual disability, sensorineural hearing loss, epilepsy, abnormal muscle tone syndrome |
721165001 | Variably protease sensitive prionopathy |
29145002 | Schwartz-Jampel syndrome |
719576009 | 16p11.2p12.2 microdeletion syndrome |
733598001 | Acute myeloid leukemia with t(6;9)(p23;q34) translocation |
770624005 | Benign partial epilepsy of infancy with complex partial seizures |
726672000 | Short stature, unique facies, enamel hypoplasia, progressive joint stiffness, high-pitched voice syndrome |
725910009 | Congenital duplication of rectum |
49434001 | Jamaican vomiting sickness |
763815000 | Oculoauricular syndrome Schorderet type |
765197008 | Symptomatic form of muscular dystrophy of Duchenne and Becker in female carrier |
1284855000 | Serine biosynthesis pathway deficiency, infantile/juvenile form |
733418003 | Joubert syndrome with Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy |
764459008 | Distal trisomy 16q |
448794008 | Double outlet right ventricle with subpulmonary ventricular septal defect |
1279842008 | Autosomal recessive mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease due to partial JAK1 deficiency |
715769008 | Congenital abnormal retraction of eyelid |
783617001 | Severe combined immunodeficiency due to LCK deficiency |
720459002 | Hypercortisolism due to macronodular adrenal hyperplasia |
1179285006 | Combined immunodeficiency due to moesin deficiency |
717768004 | Alport syndrome X-linked |
1208341008 | Severe oculo-renal-cerebellar syndrome |
723410002 | N syndrome |
773276004 | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome spondylocheirodysplastic type |
715626008 | Tropical endomyocardial fibrosis |
28055006 | West syndrome |
778028008 | Immunodeficiency due to CD25 deficiency |
715984007 | Boucher Neuhäuser syndrome |
773581009 | Intellectual disability, craniofacial dysmorphism, cryptorchidism syndrome |
719013004 | X-linked intellectual disability Cilliers type |
71111008 | Glaucoma of childhood |
190859005 | Hypophosphatasia |
718716008 | Autoimmune hemolytic anemia mixed type |
723409007 | Multinodular goiter, cystic kidney, polydactyly syndrome |
699190008 | Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder |
83157008 | Fatal familial insomnia |
78586005 | Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase deficiency |
1172634009 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2W |
716191002 | Perniola Krajewska Carnevale syndrome |
718633009 | Acral self-healing collodion baby |
768934004 | Intraneural perineurioma |
314429009 | Intermediate uveitis |
721083007 | Lymphedema hypoparathyroidism syndrome |
232063007 | Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy |
734015000 | Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma |
721146009 | Intellectual disability, epilepsy, bulbous nose syndrome |
785824001 | Neuroendocrine neoplasm of gallbladder |
128203003 | Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with optic atrophy |
725420009 | Congenital muscular dystrophy Paradas type |
7731005 | Autosomal dominant hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia syndrome |
389169005 | Brachydactyly syndrome type C |
205548006 | Harlequin ichthyosis |
703542000 | Retinal detachment and occipital encephalocele |
717336005 | Autosomal dominant optic atrophy classic form |
1268532006 | Primary carcinoma of ampulla of Vater |
1229998009 | Combined hamartoma of retina and retinal pigment epithelium |
253936008 | Hypoplasia of thumb |
62268000 | HNSHA due to diphosphoglycerate mutase deficiency |
1260096003 | AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) wasting syndrome |
768929003 | Trisomy 8p syndrome |
247204001 | Morning glory disc |
124511000 | Deficiency of beta-ureidopropionase |
783139000 | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 8 |
724016008 | Ptosis, upper ocular movement limitation, absence of lacrimal punctum syndrome |
773673002 | Hypoplasia of pancreas, intestinal atresia, hypoplasia of gallbladder syndrome |
1230318000 | Serous carcinoma of body of uterus |
1264194006 | Congenital amyoplasia |
725587007 | Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome type 2d |
1217380005 | HELIX syndrome |
1208344000 | Fryns Smeets Thiry syndrome |
771445001 | Autosomal recessive infantile hypercalcemia |
1281842000 | GNAO1-related developmental delay, seizures, movement disorder spectrum |
699301008 | Multiple venous malformation of skin and mucous membrane |
717942003 | Brain dopamine-serotonin vesicular transport disease |
783255002 | Hereditary isolated aplastic anemia |
54898003 | Multiple sulfatase deficiency |
773326003 | 7q31 microdeletion syndrome |
232057003 | Usher syndrome type 1 |
238733003 | Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp |
782756008 | Familial episodic pain syndrome |
449730005 | Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 4 |
724648008 | Plasmablastic lymphoma |
725287006 | Retinoid embryopathy |
235956004 | Familial chronic pancreatitis |
707756004 | Gitelman syndrome |
703544004 | Inclusion body myopathy with early-onset Paget disease and frontotemporal dementia |
26460006 | Slipped upper femoral epiphysis |
191256002 | Idiopathic aplastic anemia |
230325003 | Meige syndrome |
403545005 | Port-wine stain with oculocutaneous melanosis |
111289009 | Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels |
1187462006 | Glycogen storage disease due to phosphoglycerate kinase 1 deficiency |
725079003 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1j |
783200000 | Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia due to CXCR2 deficiency |
763475004 | White fibrous papulosis of neck |
277654008 | Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma |
733093004 | Banki syndrome |
774203000 | Intellectual disability, severe speech delay, mild dysmorphism syndrome |
726727003 | X-linked intellectual disability Hedera type |
367489004 | Infantile malignant osteopetrosis |
459063003 | Congenital disorder of glycosylation type Ia |
1003374009 | Microlissencephaly |
765141005 | Progressive nodular histiocytosis |
771517009 | Severe combined immunodeficiency due to CARD11 deficiency |
725045004 | 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis |
734019006 | Chronic diarrhea with villous atrophy syndrome |
76744005 | Longitudinal deficiency of fibula |
393564001 | Glioma |
709281006 | Rippling muscle disease |
1217371005 | Infantile hypotonia, oculomotor anomalies, hyperkinetic movements, developmental delay syndrome |
10406007 | Lesch-Nyhan syndrome |
725295005 | Familial male-limited precocious puberty |
719578005 | 16p13.11 microduplication syndrome |
699420006 | Hemifacial myohyperplasia |
254016000 | Infraorbital facial cleft - Tessier cleft 4 |
726707004 | 7q11.23 microduplication syndrome |
1255271005 | Juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus, central and peripheral neurodegeneration syndrome |
720955004 | Fine Lubinsky syndrome |
414166008 | Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type |
722454003 | Intellectual disability, craniofacial dysmorphism, hypogonadism, diabetes mellitus syndrome |
253902002 | Atresia of urethra |
723827003 | Grant syndrome |
703294004 | Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma |
776204008 | Colobomatous microphthalmia, obesity, hypogenitalism, intellectual disability syndrome |
719155005 | X-linked intellectual disability and epilepsy with progressive joint contracture and facial dysmorphism syndrome |
231858009 | Gonococcal conjunctivitis |
700467001 | Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome |
771478008 | Mitochondrial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with lactic acidosis due to MTO1 deficiency |
1197753005 | COG2-related congenital disorder of glycosylation |
719045009 | Orbital leiomyoma |
782679002 | Familial congenital palsy of trochlear nerve |
1141661004 | Neurocutaneous melanosis |
1208998007 | TRAF7-associated heart defect, digital anomalies, facial dysmorphism, motor and speech delay syndrome |
763767006 | Erythema palmare hereditarium |
23096007 | Cranial neuralgia |
718606005 | Congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 6 |
1196860000 | Primary anaplastic large cell medulloblastoma of brain |
253212001 | Epiblepharon |
28835009 | Retinitis pigmentosa |
254116003 | Geroderma osteodysplastica |
278991002 | Sialic storage disease |
253166000 | Lateral meningocele |
1220589007 | Keppen Lubinsky syndrome |
784340000 | Combined immunodeficiency due to interleukin 21 receptor deficiency |
718608006 | Congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 4 |
64383006 | Werdnig-Hoffmann disease |
74911008 | Dyskeratosis congenita |
733066002 | Trigonocephaly, short stature, developmental delay syndrome |
87074006 | Salla disease |
1268563005 | Primary acinar cell carcinoma of pancreas |
720637005 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2H |
1217230002 | Cerebellar ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 4 |
722849002 | Cryptogenic multifocal ulcerous stenosing enteritis |
726083008 | Kousseff syndrome |
715866009 | Attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis |
770719004 | 3q27.3 microdeletion syndrome |
717048002 | Hyperinsulinism due to HNF4A deficiency |
400130008 | Temporal arteritis |
275598004 | Hyperlipoproteinemia, type I |
785305006 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 8 |
31996006 | Vasculitis |
715576000 | Ectodermal dysplasia with natal teeth Turnpenny type |
699869003 | Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 deficiency |
766251006 | Lethal infantile mitochondrial myopathy |
66783006 | Popliteal pterygium syndrome |
254067002 | Immuno-osseous dysplasia |
720576001 | Brain calcification Rajab type |
721088003 | DEND syndrome |
782780007 | Marfanoid habitus, inguinal hernia, advanced bone age syndrome |
724228005 | Infantile choroidocerebral calcification syndrome |
782909004 | Hemorrhagic disease due to alpha-1-antitrypsin Pittsburgh mutation |
626004 | Hypercortisolism due to nonpituitary tumor |
126965008 | Neoplasm of meninges |
239087008 | Cantu's syndrome |
10736002 | Isolated thyroliberin deficiency |
298285004 | Systemic sclerosis with limited cutaneous involvement |
417044008 | Hydatidiform mole, benign |
765136002 | Primary cutaneous CD8 positive aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma |
254180002 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation |
721835008 | Acrofrontofacionasal dysostosis type 2 |
237608006 | Lipodystrophy, partial, with Rieger anomaly, short stature, and insulinopenic diabetes mellitus |
14070001000004105 | Harlequin syndrome |
398530003 | Wound botulism |
773733000 | Humeroradioulnar synostosis |
62377009 | Postpartum cardiomyopathy |
763315005 | Congenital myopathy with myasthenic-like onset |
80138003 | Isaacs syndrome |
1208348002 | Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II |
1268391003 | Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of liver and intrahepatic biliary tract |
718769009 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 26 |
79468000 | Familial benign pemphigus |
37770007 | Melkersson's syndrome |
1222644009 | Autosomal dominant mitochondrial myopathy with exercise intolerance |
56852002 | Achromatopsia |
10170007 | Black locks, oculocutaneous albinism, AND deafness of the sensorineural type |
766761000 | X-linked cleft palate and ankyloglossia |
716111003 | Mullerian duct and limb anomalies syndrome |
771471002 | Optic nerve edema, splenomegaly syndrome |
254177003 | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with hypodontia |
1268519001 | Primary neuroblastoma |
1172844009 | Combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type 27 |
715825009 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 29 |
763686007 | Curly hair, acral keratoderma, caries syndrome |
722285005 | Albinism with deafness syndrome |
733425005 | Acrocephalopolysyndactyly type IV |
312929003 | Acute zonal occult outer retinopathy |
1169364005 | LRP5-related primary osteoporosis |
1237418002 | Spastic tetraplegia, thin corpus callosum, progressive postnatal microcephaly syndrome |
253402005 | Double orifice of mitral valve |
763748007 | Isolated congenital adermatoglyphia |
765206003 | Constriction ring syndrome |
717257000 | Nodular lichen myxedematosus |
716249009 | Tetraamelia with multiple malformation syndrome |
402355000 | Acute graft-versus-host disease |
1230026002 | Lethal acantholytic erosive disorder |
718681002 | Oro-facial digital syndrome type 11 |
232333009 | Hearing loss associated with syndrome |
15244003 | Neuroleptic malignant syndrome |
716704007 | Primary localized cutaneous nodular amyloidosis |
425756000 | Idiopathic transverse myelitis |
734030009 | 12q15q21.1 microdeletion syndrome |
55379003 | Congenital pseudoarthrosis of tibia |
1269412004 | Primary medulloepithelioma of central nervous system |
1187564009 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2Z |
1229988003 | Myeloid and/or lymphoid neoplasm with PCM1-JAK2 |
773729007 | X-linked myopathy with postural muscle atrophy |
234589002 | Glutathione synthetase deficiency |
719513008 | Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2L |
1255322002 | Congenital contracture of limbs and face, hypotonia, developmental delay syndrome |
718573009 | Achalasia microcephaly syndrome |
732956000 | Brachydactyly and distal symphalangism syndrome |
66729008 | Hemoglobin D disease |
733092009 | Microcephalus, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, short stature syndrome |
721075001 | Short tarsus with absence of lower eyelashes syndrome |
763348005 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia with late-onset spasticity |
1172624000 | RERE-related neurodevelopmental syndrome |
764621006 | Mosaic trisomy 16 syndrome |
715802008 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4H |
41142009 | Globoid cell leukodystrophy, late-onset |
7425008 | Hereditary coproporphyria |
23502006 | Lyme disease |
766716004 | Monosomy 13q34 syndrome |
1187466009 | Autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia type 9B |
773303005 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia Genevieve type |
254678009 | Proliferating pilar cyst |
191347008 | Cyclical neutropenia |
6452009 | Colorado tick fever |
204153003 | Irido-corneo-trabecular dysgenesis |
773648002 | Congenital cataract, hearing loss, severe developmental delay syndrome |
38837006 | Acquired porencephaly |
719300001 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 35 |
737579002 | Congenital coloboma of macula lutea |
2593002 | Dubowitz's syndrome |
1279840000 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 45 |
773279006 | Postaxial polydactyly, dental, vertebral anomalies syndrome |
444707001 | Glycogen storage disease type Ia |
764460003 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia anauxetic type |
353821005 | Idiopathic gastroparesis |
111499002 | Déjérine-Sottas disease |
724227000 | Infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia |
766756002 | Subaortic course of innominate vein |
83714006 | Congenital microgastria |
715341003 | Autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A |
724277002 | Congenital ichthyosis with hypotrichosis syndrome |
763802009 | Micturition induced epilepsy |
717945001 | BRESEK syndrome |
415112005 | Plasmacytoma |
784339002 | Deficiency of interleukin 36 receptor antagonist |
703541007 | Legius syndrome |
389161008 | Sponastrime dysplasia |
721976003 | Lung agenesis with heart defect and thumb anomaly syndrome |
111488004 | Kleine-Levin syndrome |
1229891004 | 20q11.2 microdeletion syndrome |
389199001 | Cole-Carpenter dysplasia |
764461004 | Mosaic trisomy 10 syndrome |
770594005 | Retinal macular dystrophy type 2 |
721010003 | Heart-hand syndrome type 2 |
205484001 | Short rib polydactyly syndrome |
74578003 | Pyoderma gangrenosum |
721232000 | Hydrolethalus syndrome |
724555000 | Puberty disorder due to estrogen resistance |
1268488004 | Primary carcinoma of stomach due to Epstein-Barr virus disease |
771239007 | Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia Christianson Fourie type |
237939006 | Non-ketotic hyperglycinemia |
715412008 | Familial prostate cancer |
771342004 | Microcornea, rod-cone dystrophy, cataract, posterior staphyloma syndrome |
609329007 | Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome |
720826006 | Czech dysplasia metatarsal type |
18620009 | Congenital sequestration of lung |
782721009 | Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy, intellectual disability syndrome due to RUBCN deficiency |
254774003 | Cobb's syndrome |
39905002 | Scimitar syndrome |
124466001 | Deficiency of alpha-mannosidase |
8549006 | Desquamative interstitial pneumonia |
724095006 | Myopathy due to calsequestrin and SERCA1 protein overload |
707594002 | Neuroendocrine neoplasm of lung |
715770009 | Acute motor axonal neuropathy |
763346009 | Lethal congenital contracture syndrome type 5 |
717859007 | Beemer Ertbruggen syndrome |
88877002 | Xeroderma pigmentosum, variant form |
230261006 | Complicated hereditary spastic paraplegia |
1197365006 | Familial cavitary optic disc anomaly |
226309007 | Familial renal glucosuria |
1187210007 | Intellectual disability, epilepsy, extrapyramidal syndrome |
1228876007 | Severe early-onset pulmonary alveolar proteinosis due to MARS deficiency |
42295001 | Familial amyloid polyneuropathy |
718226002 | Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome |
232049001 | Adult vitelliform macular dystrophy |
236478009 | Familial renal hypouricemia |
773548008 | Early-onset epileptic encephalopathy, cortical blindness, intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism syndrome |
408335007 | Autoimmune hepatitis |
69278003 | Congenital aniridia |
724361001 | Hepatic veno-occlusive disease with immunodeficiency syndrome |
721148005 | Hip dysplasia Beukes type |
771303004 | Severe neonatal onset encephalopathy with microcephaly |
232065000 | Goldmann-Favre syndrome |
733519008 | 17q12 microdeletion syndrome |
782759001 | X-linked dyserythropoietic anemia with abnormal platelets and neutropenia |
723556008 | Thoracolaryngopelvic dysplasia |
720952001 | Fibular aplasia and ectrodactyly syndrome |
233908008 | Incessant infant ventricular tachycardia |
716099003 | Absence deformity of leg and congenital cataract syndrome |
230288001 | Semantic dementia |
1230272009 | Congenital hypothyroidism due to thyroid stimulating hormone receptor mutation |
9634000 | Congenital dislocation of radial head |
763722004 | Hypotonia, speech impairment, severe cognitive delay syndrome |
715218009 | Neonatal severe primary hyperparathyroidism |
237619009 | Diabetes-deafness syndrome maternally transmitted |
783195009 | Benign epithelial tumor of salivary gland |
762690000 | Classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
723822009 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 46 |
254055004 | Atelosteogenesis type 2 |
1268561007 | Primary serous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas |
716105001 | Autosomal dominant diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma Norrbotten type |
770726004 | Female infertility due to zona pellucida defect |
724068001 | Pericardial and diaphragmatic defect syndrome |
778011005 | Severe intellectual disability and progressive spastic paraplegia |
111395007 | Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus |
1269236003 | Primary hypomagnesemia, refractory seizures, intellectual disability syndrome |
765195000 | Familial generalized lentiginosis |
726609005 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 64 |
763885008 | Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia Handigodu type |
13370002 | Plantar fascial fibromatosis |
765327005 | Congenital sideroblastic anemia, B-cell immunodeficiency, periodic fever, developmental delay syndrome |
717911008 | Blepharocheilodontic syndrome |
722760002 | Dense deposit disease |
89647000 | Pyknodysostosis |
722020006 | Juvenile temporal arteritis |
715952000 | Waardenburg Shah syndrome |
61071003 | Proline dehydrogenase deficiency |
235828008 | Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction |
27742002 | VATER association |
778029000 | FASTKD2-related infantile mitochondrial encephalomyopathy |
1926006 | Osteopetrosis |
717269008 | Obesity due to melanocortin 4 receptor deficiency |
9660004 | Congenital stenosis of trachea |
734434007 | Pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy |
703234002 | Familial hyperaldosteronism type 3 |
763861000 | Pachygyria, intellectual disability, epilepsy syndrome |
720567008 | Bosley Salih Alorainy syndrome |
717183001 | Keratoderma hereditarium mutilans with ichthyosis syndrome |
1162808000 | Familial calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease |
717792007 | Pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1C |
271425001 | Scrub typhus |
723442008 | Non-eruption of teeth, maxillary hypoplasia, genu valgum syndrome |
733046006 | Hemifacial hyperplasia strabismus syndrome |
715963002 | Atrichia with papular lesions |
10394003 | Friedreich ataxia |
715337002 | Congenital infection caused by Herpes virus |
715369006 | Autosomal recessive cerebelloparenchymal disorder type 3 |
764437006 | Liebenberg syndrome |
718632004 | Self-healing collodion baby |
55464009 | Systemic lupus erythematosus |
1237345002 | 46,XX ovarian dysgenesis, short stature syndrome |
1217381009 | Neurodevelopmental delay, seizures, ophthalmic anomalies, osteopenia, cerebellar atrophy syndrome |
55475008 | Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome |
41797007 | 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency |
717047007 | Bile acid CoA ligase deficiency and defective amidation |
699700006 | Median cleft lip and cleft of alveolar process of maxilla |
771266007 | Torticollis, keloids, cryptorchidism, renal dysplasia syndrome |
75968004 | Sotos' syndrome |
190786004 | Hypo-beta-lipoproteinemia |
1268959008 | Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor of cervix uteri |
429735007 | Citrin deficiency |
765212008 | Balint syndrome |
719800009 | DOORS syndrome |
719208005 | Spinocerebellar ataxia type 12 |
124680001 | Deficiency of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase |
1173997008 | Pontine autosomal dominant microangiopathy with leukoencephalopathy |
765045003 | Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 62 |
54569005 | Bernard Soulier syndrome |
773400009 | Severe feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, microcephaly due to ASXL3 deficiency syndrome |
88469006 | Zellweger syndrome |
400962005 | Congenital miosis |
1208477000 | Confetti-like atrophic macular lesions of skin |
16567006 | Mesocardia |
776416004 | Hyperuricemia, pulmonary hypertension, renal failure, alkalosis syndrome |
398937006 | Cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
763458005 | X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 3 |
1255116001 | Myopathic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
373093003 | Coronary artery fistula |
715559004 | Combined deficiency of factor V and factor VIII |
61777009 | Thalassemia-hemoglobin C disease |
783768006 | Autosomal recessive hyperinsulinism due to Kir6.2 deficiency |
400952003 | Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum |
716381003 | 8p23.1 microdeletion syndrome |
109472008 | Amelogenesis imperfecta, hypomaturation hypoplasia type with taurodontism |
723992000 | Kufor Rakeb syndrome |
719823007 | Ventricular extrasystoles with syncope, perodactyly and Robin sequence syndrome |
732247000 | Cleft lip retinopathy syndrome |
765047006 | SURF1-related Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4 |
717813005 | Global developmental delay, osteopenia, ectodermal defect syndrome |
774071007 | Pancytopenia with developmental delay syndrome |
720512007 | Arterial dissection and lentiginosis syndrome |
724356003 | Hereditary combined deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors |
718911005 | X-linked intellectual disability Stoll type |
111196000 | Dermatitis herpetiformis |
1259744002 | Primary glioblastoma multiforme of central nervous system |
717228004 | Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma Gamborg Nielsen type |
427167008 | Hereditary angioedema with normal C1 esterase inhibitor activity |
770939009 | Huntington disease-like 3 |
723405001 | Microlissencephaly micromelia syndrome |
1237365009 | Aprosencephaly/atelencephaly spectrum |
255039001 | Pancreatic polypeptidoma |
703336003 | Arteriovenous malformation of frontonasal process |
1268533001 | Primary Ewing sarcoma of bone |
360943000 | Deficiency of carnosinase |
415297005 | Retinopathy of prematurity |
236380004 | Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome |
1258972007 | Baraitser Winter cerebrofrontofacial syndrome |
773647007 | Nephrotic syndrome, deafness, pretibial epidermolysis bullosa syndrome |
1208932005 | Toxic maculopathy of bilateral eyes caused by antimalarial drug |
1186735007 | Mixed neuroendocrine-non neuroendocrine neoplasm of pancreas |
711286009 | Intermittent effusion of joint |
127295002 | Traumatic brain injury |
9527009 | Tetrasomy 12p syndrome |
782774004 | Atypical Meigs syndrome |
726629006 | Scalp defect postaxial polydactyly syndrome |
43941006 | Pseudohypoaldosteronism, type 1 |
230652001 | Benign fasciculation-cramp syndrome |
711163009 | Bradyopsia |
70737009 | Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-II |
707551007 | Pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis |
723362004 | Hereditary hypotrichosis simplex |
403779009 | Ichthyosis, cerebellar degeneration and hepatosplenomegaly |
6111009 | Bullous lichen planus |
718222000 | Autosomal dominant popliteal pterygium syndrome |
7689009 | Reading seizure |
238835001 | Hereditary acrokeratotic poikiloderma of Weary |
1259819000 | Primary anaplastic ganglioglioma of central nervous system |
419039007 | Granular corneal dystrophy type I |
726709001 | Intellectual disability, cataract, calcified pinna, myopathy syndrome |
1220573009 | Primary dystonia DYT27 type |
Expansions are not generated for retired value sets
Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:
Level | A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies |
System | The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere) |
Code | The code (used as the code in the resource instance) |
Display | The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application |
Definition | An explanation of the meaning of the concept |
Comments | Additional notes about how to use the code |